57 resultados para limits of visual detection

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The color change induced by triple hydrogen-bonding recognition between melamine and a cyanuric acid derivative grafted on the surface of gold nanoparticles can be used for reliable detection of melamine. Since such a color change can be readily seen by the naked eye, the method enables on-site and real-time detection of melamine in raw milk and infant formula even at a concentration as low as 2.5 ppb without the aid of any advanced instruments.


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Yangtze finless porpoises were surveyed by using simultaneous visual and acoustical methods from 6 November to 13 December 2006. Two research vessels towed stereo acoustic data loggers, which were used to store the intensity and sound source direction of the high frequency sonar signals produced by finless porpoises at detection ranges up to 300 m on each side of the vessel. Simple stereo beam forming allowed the separation of distinct biosonar sound source, which enabled us to count the number of vocalizing porpoises. Acoustically, 204 porpoises were detected from one vessel and 199 from the other vessel in the same section of the Yangtze River. Visually, 163 and 162 porpoises were detected from two vessels within 300 m of the vessel track. The calculated detection probability using acoustic method was approximately twice that for visual detection for each vessel. The difference in detection probabilities between the two methods was caused by the large number of single individuals that were missed by visual observers. However, the sizes of large groups were underestimated by using the acoustic methods. Acoustic and visual observations complemented each other in the accurate detection of porpoises. The use of simple, relatively inexpensive acoustic monitoring systems should enhance population surveys of free-ranging, echolocating odontocetes. (C) 2008 Acoustical Society of America.


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It is shown that metric representation of DNA sequences is one-to-one. By using the metric representation method, suppression of nucleotide strings in the DNA sequences is determined. For a DNA sequence, an optimal string length to display genomic signature in chaos game representation is obtained by eliminating effects of the finite sequence. The optimal string length is further shown as a self-similarity limit in computing information dimension. By using the method, self-similarity limits of bacteria complete genomic signatures are further determined.


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Validated by comparison with DNS, numerical database of turbulent channel flows is yielded by Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Three conventional techniques: uv quadrant 2, VITA and mu-level techniques for detecting turbulent bursts are applied to the identification of turbulent bursts. With a grouping parameter introduced by Bogard & Tiedemann (1986) or Luchik & Tiederman (1987), multiple ejections detected by these techniques which originate from a single burst can be grouped into a single-burst event. The results are compared with experimental results, showing that all techniques yield reasonable average burst period. However, uv quadrant 2 and mu-level are found to be superior to VITA in having large threshold-independent range.


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Whether mice perceive the depth of space dependent on the visual size of object targets was explored when visual cues such as perspective and partial occlusion in space were excluded. A mouse was placed on a platform the height of which is adjustable. The platform located inside a box in which all other walls were dark exception its bottom through that light was projected as a sole visual cue. The visual object cue was composed of 4x4 grids to allow a mouse estimating the distance of the platform relative to the grids. Three sizes of grids reduced in a proportion of 2/3 and seven distances with an equal interval between the platform and the grids at the bottom were applied in the experiments. The duration of a mouse staying on the platform at each height was recorded when the different sizes of the grids were presented randomly to test whether the Judgment of the mouse for the depth of the platform from the bottom was affected by the size information of the visual target. The results from all conditions of three object sizes show that time of mice staying on the platform became longer with the increase in height. In distance of 20 similar to 30 cm, the mice did not use the size information of a target to judge the depth, while mainly used the information of binocular disparity. In distance less than 20 cm or more than 30 cm, however, especially in much higher distance 50 cm, 60 cm and 70 cm, the mice were able to use the size information to do so in order to compensate the lack of binocular disparity information from both eyes. Because the mice have only 1/3 of the visual field that is binocular. This behavioral paradigm established in the current study is a useful model and can be applied to the experiments using transgenic mouse as an animal model to investigate the relationships between behaviors and gene functions.


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An effective face detection system used for detecting multi pose frontal face in gray images is presented. Image preprocessing approaches are applied to reduce the influence of the complex illumination. Eye-analog pairing and improved multiple related template matching are used to glancing and accurate face detecting, respectively. To shorten the time cost of detecting process, we employ prejudge rules in checking candidate image segments before template matching. Test by our own face database with complicated illumination and background, the system has high calculation speed and illumination independency, and obtains good experimental results.


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The detection performance regarding stationary acoustic monitoring of Yangtze finless porpoises Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis was compared to visual observations. Three stereo acoustic data loggers (A-tag) were placed at different locations near the confluence of Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River, China. The presence and number of porpoises were determined acoustically and visually during each 1-min time bin. On average, porpoises were acoustically detected 81.7 +/- 9.7% of the entire effective observation time, while the presence of animals was confirmed visually 12.7 +/- 11.0% of the entire time. Acoustic monitoring indicated areas of high and low porpoise densities that were consistent with visual observations. The direction of porpoise movement was monitored using stereo beams, which agreed with visual observations at all monitoring locations. Acoustic and visual methods could determine group sizes up to five and ten individuals, respectively. While the acoustic monitoring method had the advantage of high detection probability, it tended to underestimate group size due to the limited resolution of sound source bearing angles. The stationary acoustic monitoring method proved to be a practical and useful alternative to visual observations, especially in areas of low porpoise density for long-term monitoring.


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The development of a method for determining arsenic species by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with indirect laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is described in this paper. The buffer pH, the concentration of fluorescein, the nature and the concentration of the background electrolytes (BGEs) were defined. When 2.0 mM NaHCO3 (pH 9.28) with 10(-7) M fluorescein was used as the buffer, arsenite (As(lll), dimethylarsonic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and arsenate (As(V)) were all separated from one another. The limits of detection for the four arsenic species were p p in the range of 0.12-0.54 mg/L. This method was used in the analysis of spiked arsenic species in tap and mineral water to demonstrate its usefulness. The results showed that both the recovery and the reproducibility of the developed method were acceptable.


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A simple, rapid and ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of protein using aptamer-Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) conjugates based on a dot-blot array has been developed, which was combined with the unique optical properties of AuNPs, enabling the visual detection of protein within minutes without any instrument.