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土圞儿属(含8种)和旋花豆属(含2种)隶属于豆科、菜豆族、刺桐亚族。土圞儿属呈东亚-北美间断分布,旋花豆属分布于喜玛拉雅地区。传统上,这两个属被认为系统关系非常近。目前对于土圞儿属中种的划分和分类问题缺乏世界范围内的深入研究,因此该属应予以修订。另外,土圞儿属内种间和土圞儿属与旋花豆属间的系统关系也需要进一步研究。本文对这两个属进行了世界范围内的分类学修订。同时,基于形态学、解剖学、孢粉学特征和分子系统学方面的研究,对土圞儿属内部和这两个属之间的系统发育关系进行了探讨。结果如下: 1. 形态学 在标本室研究和野外考查的基础上,对土圞儿属和旋花豆属植物形态性状的变异式样及其分类学意义进行了分析,发现块茎的形态、小叶的大小和形态、花序的类型和花冠的形态等特征在种内稳定,是比较可靠的分类学性状。通过对花序的研究,认为花序的类型可能反映了土圞儿属内各种之间的演化关系,推测肉色土圞儿可能是土圞儿属中较为进化的种类,而云南土圞儿和纤细土圞儿则可能较为原始。 2. 叶表皮特征 首次在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,对土圞儿属和旋花豆属全部8种植物的叶表皮进行了观察。发现这两个属叶表皮的性状,特别是表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的式样和蜡质纹饰的特征,对于理解土圞儿属内和这两个属之间的系统关系有重要意义。叶表皮的特征支持以下结论:纤细土圞儿是一个独立的种,而不是云南土圞儿之下的一个变种;对于土圞儿属进行亚属的划分是不合理的。 3. 孢粉学 在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,对7种土圞儿属和旋花豆属植物的花粉进行了观察。这两个属的花粉均为三孔沟,三角球形或球形。土圞儿属的花粉可划分为两种类型:肉色土圞儿的花粉外壁为典型的网状纹饰;其他的种花粉外壁较光滑,具颗粒状或短条纹状纹饰。肉色土圞儿花粉外壁纹饰的类型可能反映了其在Apios属中较进化的位置。旋花豆属的花粉特征和肉色土圞儿相似,这也许说明了两者之间的亲缘关系较近。 4. 分子系统学 通过对土圞儿属和旋花豆属6种植物的两个DNA片段ITS和H3D进行简约性分析,构建了这两个属之间的系统关系树。结果如下:土圞儿属和旋花豆属是亲缘关系较近的姐妹群;土圞儿属自身组成一个单系群,是一个自然的类群;北美的土圞儿聚成一支,隐藏在东亚的种里。分子证据和花序类型、花粉形态等重要的形态学证据相吻合。基于上述证据,我们对土圞儿属东亚-北美间断分布的格局及其可能的成因进行了初步探讨。 5. 分类修订 对土圞儿属和旋花豆属进行了分类修订,考证了关于这两个属曾发表过的所有的名称。确认了土圞儿属应包含6种,旋花豆属有2种。排除了5个不包括在土圞儿属内的种名。此外,本文还给出了这两个属各个种的地理分布图、分种检索表、形态描述和插图。
本论文对葛属(Pueraria DC.)进行了形态学、解剖学及植物地理学研究,重点分析了小叶、托叶、花序及花的形态变异规律。首次发现葛属生长习性和种皮纹饰特征在组的划分上具有重要的分类学意义,支持前人运用托叶着生方式、花序类型及每节簇生花的数目等特征划分组的观点。首次在光学显微镜下对葛属植物14种1变种叶表皮性状做了较为全面、深入的观察,发现葛属叶表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的式样以及气孔大小有一定分类学意义,为葛属的分类修订提供了新资料。首次应用电子扫描显微镜观察了葛属10种1变种和2个外类群广西土黄芪Nogra guangxiensis C. F. Wei和琼豆Teyleria koordersii (Backer ex Koord.-Schum.) Backer的种皮纹饰特征,发现葛属的种皮纹饰有网纹型、断棱型、复网纹型和锐棱型等4种类型,他们与托叶的着生方式具有一定的关联性。托叶背着的类群为网纹型,其中采自中国和越南不同居群的山野葛Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr.种皮次级纹饰有差别,这显示山野葛分化比较活跃。托叶基着的三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.、大花三裂叶野葛P. phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. var. javanica (Benth.) Baker、苦葛P. peduncularis (Graham ex Benth.) Benth.以及云南野葛P. yunnanensis Franch.的种皮纹饰为断棱形,小花野葛P. stricta Kurz种皮纹饰为复网纹型,喜玛拉雅葛藤P. wallichii DC.种皮纹饰为锐棱型。依据种皮纹饰推断,喜玛拉雅葛藤最原始,黄毛葛藤P. calycina Franch.最进化,与形态学特征演化方向相吻合。广西土黄芪种皮纹饰为网纹型,琼豆种皮纹饰为复网纹型,表明它们与葛属亲缘关系较近。这与形态学和分子证据相吻合。本文首次运用广义线形模型(GLM)结合地理信息系统(GIS)对葛属现有地理分布、潜在分布及50年后潜在分布进行了分析。所预测的潜在分布范围与观察到的地理分布范围一致,说明对特化的气候忍耐性是限制葛属物种地理分布的主要因素。温度、降水和海拔高度对葛属地理分布限制作用比较大。未来潜在分布预测显示葛属有向南、北扩散的趋势。 作者在研究了四千余份腊叶标本及野外形态考察的基础上,结合叶表皮及种皮纹饰资料,确认葛属分为3组,共19种3变种。其中,对Sect. Breviramulae Maesen ex Z. F. Le & X. Y. Zhu进行了合格发表,运用形态学、解剖学及种皮纹饰资料恢复了云南野葛种的地位,并为其指定了后选模式,P. pulcherrima (Koord.-Schum.) Merr. ex Koord.-Schum.正确的学名为P. sericans Schum.,对4个名称进行了归并。本文还给出了组和种的检索表、葛属各个种的形态描述、地理分布图及模式标本照片。
钻地风属(Schizophragma Siebold & Zucc.)和冠盖藤属(Pileostegia Hook. f. & Thomson)隶属于虎耳草科绣球花亚科绣球花族植物,分布于东亚。本论文对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了全面的分类学研究:重点分析了钻地风属和冠盖藤属各形态性状的变异式样,确定了二属的性状变异范围;在光学显微镜下,对钻地风属中6种5变种和冠盖藤属中2种共130份材料的叶表皮特征进行了深入、全面的观察和研究;并对二属的叶脉序特征进行了研究。结果显示,苞片存在与否、不育花存在与否、花瓣顶端是否联合、蒴果和种子的形状、叶片质地、生长习性、表皮细胞垂周壁加厚与否、气孔器分布、类型、气孔大小、保卫细胞轮廓、外拱盖是否双层、二级脉、三级脉、高级脉及网眼等特征在属的水平上具有重要的分类学意义,这些性状特征支持将钻地风属和冠盖藤属作为两个独立的属处理。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,冠盖藤属较原始,钻地风属较进化。在钻地风属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状和叶缘的形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;叶表皮特征在种及种下等级具有重要的分类学意义;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉具分枝,在种间存在细微差别。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,厚叶钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz.和白背钻地风S. hypoglaucum Rehder可能为钻地风属中较原始的类群,秦榛钻地风S. corylifolium Chun和绣球钻地风S. hydrangeoides Siebold & Zucc.可能较进化。在冠盖藤属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;该属中叶表皮特征相似,2个种间叶表皮特征无差异;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉无分枝,在种间差异极小。 作者在研究了近2000份腊叶标本的基础上,结合叶表皮特征和叶脉序特征,认为钻地风属和冠盖藤属为两个独立的属。首次对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了世界性的分类学修订,确认钻地风属含7个种、5个变种,冠盖藤属含2个种。对钻地风属中的5个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称进行了归并;为钻地风属中的1个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称指定了后选模式;发现被命名为维西钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. hsitaoianum (Chun) C. F. Wei的类群其正确名称为S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. ellipticum J. Anthony;恢复了变种小粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. minus Rehder;重新界定了白背钻地风和小粉绿钻地风的变异范围,澄清了中国文献中记载的粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. glaucescens Rehder长期存在的名实混乱问题。本论文对各个分类群进行了详细的形态描述,给出了分种检索表,并附分布资料及地理分布图。
通过野外观察,发现羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata Maxim.在形态上相似于短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata DC.及大叶铁线莲C. heracleifolia DC.,推测羽叶铁线莲为后二者杂交产生。本文从形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、分子生物学等方面寻找证据,为这一推测寻找证据: 1. 形态学 通过野外观察结合标本馆工作,对这三个种的外部形态性状及其变异进行全面的分析,以探讨羽叶铁线莲C. pinnata在形态上与二假定亲本的异同及其产生原因。发现花、叶、习性等性状,在二假定亲本种种内稳定,但种间差异很大,在羽叶铁线莲中,性状变异的幅度正是处于二假定亲本差异之间。 2.解剖学 在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,观察了这三种铁线莲的叶表皮特征,结果表明:叶片上表皮均不具有气孔器,下表皮气孔器类型均为无规则型;表皮细胞多为不规则形,仅在短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的上表皮中为近多边形;上表皮角质膜均具细条纹,下表皮角质膜均具环状或放射状波状嵴。 在扫描电镜下对瘦果形态及宿存花柱进行观察,结果表明:瘦果均密被长柔毛,并有蜡质颗粒状附属物。 在三个种植物之间叶表皮和瘦果的特征均无明显差别,对解释所讨论的问题意义不大。 3.孢粉学 在扫描电镜下对这三种铁线莲的花粉粒进行观察,结果表明:短尾铁线莲的花粉粒具三沟;大叶铁线莲的杂性株中花粉高度败育,说明其杂性株其实即为雌株;羽叶铁线莲的花粉也高度败育,但本种均为两性株,支持本种为杂交种的推测。 4.等位酶研究 利用莽草酸脱氢酶SKD和苹果酸脱氢酶MDH对采自3个居群的羽叶铁线莲大叶铁线莲和短尾铁线莲进行等位酶试验,结果显示在短尾铁线莲与大叶铁线莲中分别出现种内一致的谱带,而羽叶铁线莲则显示出二者杂合的带型。这一结果有力的支持了羽叶铁线莲是由短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲杂交产生的推测。 5.居群遗传结构分析 利用随机扩增多态性DNA标记(RAPD)分别检测三个种的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构。15个随机引物对这三个种共160个个体 (短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata 五个居群73个个体;大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia五个居群75个个体;羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata三个居群12个个体。)进行分析,总共得到123个用于分析的条带。我们对这三个种扩增出的条带按照居群进行了聚类分析,结果表明这三个种在聚类树上能够很好的区分开,但是种内居群间没有表现出地理分布式样方面的信息;个体水平上聚类结果表明,百花山采到的7株无法确定的铁线莲幼苗有6株是短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata另外一株是羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata,这说明在幼苗形态上二者差别不大;我们对这三个种分别进行了居群遗传结构的分析,结果表明:短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的多态条带比率为90.65%,遗传变异主要分布在居群内,居群间分化较小,而大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia的多态条带比率为90.76%,居群间遗传变异占30.52%,居群间有明显分化。羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata的遗传多样性很低,有可能是由于营养繁殖造成的。 6.DNA序列分析 选取叶绿体基因组的trn L-F序列和核基因组的ITS序列进行了测序分析。发现从三个种十个个体得到的trn L-F序列之间几乎没有差异,在640 bp中只得到了3个信息位点。对ITS测序过程中发现短尾铁线莲可直接用PCR产物测序,而对大叶铁线莲和羽叶铁线莲必须进行克隆测序,由于时间关系,我们得到的序列不足以进行进一步分析。 基于以上研究结果,我们初步认为羽叶铁线莲是通过短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲的杂交而起源,并根据我们观察到的变异式样对羽叶铁线莲系的一些种类进行了分类学处理。
青藏高原东缘的亚高山针叶林是长江上游重要的生态屏障,经过近六十年的采伐后,取而代之的是大量人工种植的云杉纯林。目前,这些人工林已经表现出树种单一,结构层次简单等生态问题,其物种多样性及生态效益与同地带天然林相比差距较明显。如何丰富该地区物种多样性,完善人工林生态系统的生态功能是一个十分重要的课题。林下植物是人工林群落的重要组成部分,对维持群落的生物多样性及完善生态系统功能具有明显的作用。因此,研究该地区人工针叶林的林下植被对不同生境的适应性对于理解人工林生态系统物种多样性的形成和维持机制都具有重要的意义。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型----云杉人工林为研究对象,选择林下11种具有不同喜光特性的常见植物,分别设置人工林林冠下及成熟林窗为研究样地,通过对各种植物叶片形态与物质分配特征、叶片解剖学特征、叶片光合生理特性、植物自然分布特征等方面的比较分析,研究林下植物对不同光生境的适应策略及其适应能力,揭示不同物种对人工林生境的适应共性,为西南亚高山地区植被恢复及人工林的经营管理提供科学依据。具体研究结果如下: 在叶片形态和物质分配特征方面:在林窗光生境中,11种林下植物叶片比叶重(LMA)显著高于林下光生境的同种植物。同时,林窗下生长的植物叶片叶片厚度及栅栏细胞长度显著增加,这是影响叶片比叶重变化的直接原因。而多数植物叶重比在两种生境中无明显变化。说明在长期适应自然生境之后,植物可能更多地采取调节叶片组织细胞水平(即叶片功能细胞形态)及叶片器官水平(即单个叶片形态)特征的策略来适应各类生境,而非整株水平上的叶片总比重的增减。 在叶片解剖结构特征方面:多数阔叶物种栅栏组织厚度(PT)、栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度(PT/ST)、栅栏细胞层数及近半数种的气孔密度(SD)在林窗生境中更大或更多,而叶片表皮细胞厚度(UET、LET)气孔长径(SL)及海绵组织厚度(ST)受两种生境影响不大。喜光特性相似的物种在生境适应策略上具有一定的趋同性。 在光合生理特征方面:在林窗生境中多数种植物的最大光合速率(Amax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)及喜光植物光补偿点(LCP)显著或极显著高于林内生境同种植物。且在同一生境条件下,多数深度耐荫植物比喜光及轻度喜光植物有稍低的Rd和LCP。各植物在林内低光生境中具有更大的内禀光能转化效率,并在中午12:00~14:00之间光强最大的时刻发生了的最深程度的光抑制。多数种能通过调节自身某种光合素含量或色素之间的比例来适应不同的光生境,即通过增加叶绿素含量或降低Chla/b值来适应林内弱光生境,通过提高类胡萝卜素含量或单位叶绿素的类胡萝卜素含量降低强光带来的伤害。绝大多数物种并不采取调节叶片C、N含量的策略来适应不同的光生境。总之,植物部分光合参数(Amax、Rd、LCP)受生境的影响与其自身喜光特性有关,但另一些参数(Fv/Fm日变化、色素含量及比例、叶氮相对含量)受生境影响与其自身喜光特性无明显关联。 在表型可塑性方面:在叶片各表型参数中,器官水平及细胞水平的形态特征参数平均可塑性大于整株水平形态和物质分配特征参数可塑性;叶片光合组织的可塑性大于非光合组织可塑性;反映植物光合能力的参数可塑性大于叶片色素含量参数可塑性。植物叶片形态和物质分配、解剖学特征参数平均可塑性大小与其自身喜光特性基本吻合,即喜光种及轻度耐荫种各参数可塑性最高,深度耐荫种可塑性最小,而这种规律并未在光合生理参数的可塑性大小上体现出来。但是叶片形态和物质分配参数、光合生理参数的平均可塑性水平却大于叶片解剖学参数。 在植物自然分布特征方面:喜光物种云杉幼苗及歪头菜在林内生境中分布密度明显降低,深度耐荫种疏花槭却恰恰相反,更多数物种(7种植物)在两种生境中密度变化趋势不明显。从分布格局来看,7种植物在两种生境中均为聚集分布,但聚集强度为林窗>林内;少数物种桦叶荚迷、直穗小檗、冰川茶藨、黄背勾儿茶在林窗中为聚集型,在林内生境中的分布型发生改变而成为随机型,说明光生境的差异能影响到植物种群的分布特征。但这种影响程度与植物自身的喜光特性无关,同时与各物种叶片表型平均可塑性的大小也无明显关联。 The subalpine coniferous forest area in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is important ecology-barrier of upriver Yangtze. In past sixty years, those forests had been cut down and replaced with a lot of spruce plantations. At now, there are many ecology problems presenting to us such as singleness species, simple configuration, lower species diversity and ecological benefit than natural forests at the same belt. How to restore the species diversity and enhance the eco-function of the plantations is a very important issue. The understory plants are important part of plantation community, which improved the bio-diversity and eco-function distinctly of forests. So, it is very significance to study the adaptation of understory plants to different environment in plantation, and this study would helping us to understand how plantations to develop and remain their biodiversity. This study was conducted in a 60a spruce plantation in Miyaluo located in western Sichuan, China, and spruce plantation is major types of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics, the anatomical characteristics, the photosynthetic characteristics and the distribution patterns characteristics of eleven different light-requirement understory species grown in two different environments (forest gaps and underneath close canopy) were studied and compared. The purpose of this study was to analyze the adaptation of this forest understory plants, to show up the commonness of these different light-requirement understory species in light acclimation, and to provide some scientific reference to manage and restore the vegetation of subalpine plantation of southwest China. The results were as follows: The leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics: These eleven species in forest gaps had significantly higher dry weight per leaf area (LMA) than those under close canopy. The palisade parenchyma cells of the broad-leaved species in gaps were significantly longer than those grown under the canopy, which been a directed factor for the change of leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in different environment. But the leaf weight ratio (LWR) of most plants species were not evidently changed by the contrasted environments in our study. It was shown the morphological characteristics changing been adopted as a strategy of light acclimation for plants wasn’t on whole plant level (leaf weight ratio) but cellular level (the function cells morphological characteristics) and organic level (the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics) mostly. The leaf anatomical characteristics: Most broad-leaved plants in gaps increased palisade parenchyma thickness (PT), the palisade parenchyma cell layers and the ratio of palisade to spongy parenchyma (PT/ST). So did as almost about half species in this study in stomatal density (SD). No significant differences in thickness of leaf epidermal cells (UET, LET), stomatal length (SL) and spongy parenchyma (ST) between two environments of most species were observed. The results suggested that species with light-requirement approximately had convergent evolution on adaptation to light condition. The leaf photosynthetic characteristics: The dark respiration rate (Rd) of most plants species, the light compensation point (LCP) of light-demanding plants species in gaps were significantly increased than under close canopy in this study. In a same habitat, most deep-shade-tolerant plants had lower Rd and LCP than those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants. Each species has bigger inherent electron transport rate under close canopy than in gaps, and the greatest photoinhibition happened during 12 to 14 in the daytime. Most species could adapt different light environment by the way of changing their photosynthetic pigments content or the ratio of pigments content. For example, some plants under close canopy increased chlorophyll (Chl) or reduced the values of the ratio Chla/b to adapted the low light condition, some plants in gaps increased carotenoid (Car) or reduced the weight ratio CarChl to avoid been hurt in high light. For most plants, changing the content of C and N in leaf wasn’t a strategy of light acclimation. In conclusion, the variation of some leaf photosynthetic parameters in different light environment such as Fv/Fm, pigments, C and N in leaf related with the light-requirmnet of species, but the others such as Amax, Rd, LCP did not. The leaf plasticity indexes: Among those leaf plasticity indexes, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed parameters on cellular and organic level were greater than on whole plant level for same species, and the photosynthetic parenchyma parameters were greater than non-photosynthetic parenchyma parameters in same leaf, and photosynthetic capability parameters were greater than photosynthetic pigments content parameters for same species. The average plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed and anatomical parameters were accordant with plants’ light-requirement approximately: those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants had bigger plasticity indexes than deep-shade-tolerant plants. But this regular wasn’t observed in physiological plasticity indexes for most plants, though the average leaf plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed, photosynthetic characteristics parameters was greater than the anatomical characteristics parameters. The distribution patterns characteristics: Oppositely to the deep-shade-tolerant specie Acer laxiflorum Pax., the density of light-demanding species Picea asperata Mast. and Vicia unijuga A. Br. in gaps was bigger than under close canopy. Each of the other species has the approximately density in two different environment. The spatial patterns of seven species were aggregated distribution in two environments, but the trend of aggregation of population under close canopy was decrease from in gaps. A few species such as Viburnum betulifoium Batal., Berberis dasystachya Maxim., Ribes glaciale Wall. and Berchemia flavescens Brongn. were aggregated distribution in gaps while random distribution under close canopy. It was shown that the difference between two light environments could affect the distribution pattern of plant population, and the effect didn’t relate with the light-requirement or plasticity indexes of species.
土壤是人类赖以生存的自然环境和农业生产的重要资源,世界面临的粮食、资源和环境问题与土壤密切相关,目前危害土壤的主要因素是干旱和重金属污染。杨树具有适应性强、生长快和丰产等特性,本论文以青杨组杨树为模式植物,采用植物生态、生理及生物化学等方法,研究杨树对土壤干旱和锰胁迫的生态生理反应以及种群间差异,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区营造人工林、防止沙漠化提供理论依据,也为恢复与重建重金属污染地区退化生态系统提供科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青海杨不同种群对干旱胁迫的响应差异 干旱胁迫显著降低了两个青海杨种群(干旱种群和湿润种群)生物量积累,包括株高、基径、干物质积累等,通过植物结构的调整,有更多的生物量向根部分配。干旱胁迫还显著降低了叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量,增加了游离脯氨酸和总氨基酸含量。另一方面,干旱胁迫诱导了活性氧的积累,作为第二信使,激活了抗氧化系统,包括抗坏血酸(ASA)含量和酶系统如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),愈创木酚过氧化物酶(GPX),抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)。这样,杨树既有避旱机制又有耐旱机制,使其在干旱胁迫下有相当程度的可塑性。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群杨树有更多的生物量分配到根部,积累了更多的游离脯氨酸和总氨基酸来进行渗透调节,并且有更有效的抗氧化系统,包括更高含量的ASA 和更高活性的APX 和GR,这些使得干旱种群杨树比湿润种群杨树对干旱有更好的耐性。 2. 喷施硝普钠(SNP)对青海杨阿坝种群干旱胁迫耐性的影响 干旱胁迫显著的降低了青海杨阿坝种群的生长和生物量积累以及叶片相对含水量,还诱导了脯氨酸的合成以进行渗透调节。干旱胁迫下过氧化氢(H2O2)显著累积从而造成对膜脂和蛋白的伤害,使得丙二醛和蛋白羰基含量升高。干旱胁迫下喷施SNP可以减轻干旱胁迫造成的伤害,包括增加叶片的相对含水量,增加脯氨酸和总氨基酸的积累,并激活抗氧化酶系统如SOD,GPX和APX,从而减少丙二醛(MDA)和蛋白羰基(C=O)的积累,但是在水分良好情况下SNP的效果不显著。 3. 青杨不同种群对锰胁迫的生长与形态响应差异 在同一锰浓度下,干旱种群的耐性指数都要高于湿润种群,这表明青杨对干旱和高锰胁迫具有交叉耐性。两个种群的株高,生物量和叶绿素含量都随锰浓度的升高而逐渐下降。就累积浓度而言,0 和0.1 mM 锰胁迫下,干旱种群积累的锰浓度要高于湿润种群,而在高浓度锰胁迫下(0.5 和1 mM),湿润种群要高于干旱种群。在0,0.1 和0.5 mM下,锰大多积累在根中,叶片次之,茎中最少。而在1 mM,锰更多的积累在叶片中。就累积总量而言,在各个锰浓度胁迫下,根,茎和叶相比,两个种群青杨都是叶片累积的锰总量要高于根和茎。两个种群间比较,对照中没有显著区别,0.1 mM 锰胁迫下,湿润种群根中累积的锰要高于干旱种群,而在地上部中,干旱种群要高于湿润种群。而0.5 和1 mM 锰胁迫下,根、叶、茎+叶、根+茎+叶中,锰累积总量都是湿润种群高于干旱种群。锰胁迫下,青杨叶片数和叶面积包括总叶面积和平均叶面积都显著降低。叶片横切面的光学显微观察结果表明未经锰胁迫的栅栏组织的细胞饱满,海绵组织发达、清晰;胁迫后杨树叶片栅栏组织细胞出现不同程度的皱缩,海绵组织几乎不可见,此外还发现输导组织在胁迫下密度变小和分生组织严重割裂等现象。 4. 青杨不同种群对锰胁迫的生理与生化响应差异 青杨两个种群脱落酸(ABA)含量在锰胁迫下都显著增加,干旱种群的增幅更大。三种多胺含量在锰胁迫下显示了不同的响应趋势:腐胺在两个种群的各个锰处理下都增加,亚精胺只在干旱种群中显著增加,而精胺除了干旱种群在1 mM 下有所增加外,在锰胁迫下变化很小。谷胱甘肽含量随锰浓度升高而增加,在0.5 mM 锰时达到最高值,1mM 时有所下降。植物络合素(PCs)含量与非蛋白巯基(NP-SH)趋势相似,随锰浓度的升高而增加,且干旱种群中含量要高于湿润种群。锰处理还引起氧化胁迫,表现为过氧化氢和丙二醛含量增加。SOD 活性在湿润种群中,在0 到0.5 mM 锰胁迫下活性升高,但在1 mM 锰胁迫时,其活性有所下降。而在干旱种群中,SOD 活性变化较小,并始终维持在一个较高的水平。APX 活性在两个种群中都随锰浓度的升高而增加,干旱种群活性要高于湿润种群。锰胁迫还显著增加了酚类物质的含量,同时GPX 和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性也随锰浓度的升高而增加。干旱种群的酚类含量和GPX 与PPO 活性都要高于湿润种群。锰胁迫还改变了氨基酸的含量和构成,根据锰胁迫下浓度变化的不同,可以将游离氨基酸分为三组:第一组包括,谷氨酸,丙氨酸和天门冬氨酸,这一组氨基酸含量在锰胁迫下有所下降。第二组包括缬氨酸,亮氨酸和苏氨酸含量在锰胁迫下基本不变化或变化很小。剩下的氨基酸为第三组,这组氨基酸含量在锰胁迫下显著增加,而根据增加的幅度又可以将它们分为两个亚组,丝氨酸,酪氨酸,苯丙氨酸,组氨酸和脯氨酸,在1 mM 下的含量是对照的4 倍以上。异亮氨酸,赖氨酸,精氨酸和甘氨酸含量在1 mM 下是对照含量的2 倍以下。同时,同一锰浓度下,干旱种群比湿润种群积累的氨基酸含量要高。 Soil is the indispensable environment for human survival and important resource foragriculture development. Food and environmental problems facing the world are all closelyrelated to soil and nowadays it is threatened by many factors, among which drought stress andheavy metal pollution are the most serious ones. Poplars (Populus spp.) are importantcomponents of ecosystem and suitable as a source of fuel, fiber and lumber due to their fastgrowth. In this study, different populations of Section Tacamahaca spach were used as modelplants to investigate the adaptability to drought stress and manganese toxicity and differencesbetween populations from dry and wet climate regions. Our results can provide theoreticalevidence for the afforestation and prevention of desertification in the arid and semi-arid areas,and also can supply scientific direction for the reconstruction and rehalibitation of ecosystemscontaminated by heavy metals. The results are as follows: 1. Differences in ecophysiological responses to drought stress in two contrastingpopulations of Populus przewalskii Drought stress not only significantly affected dry mass accumulation and allocation, butalso significantly decreased chlorophyll pigment contents and accumulated free proline andtotal amino acids. On the other hand, drought also significantly increased the levels ofabscisic acid and reactive oxygen species, as secondary messengers, to induce the entire set ofantioxidative systems including the increase of reduced ascorbic acid content and the activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathioneredutase. Thus the combination of drought avoidance and tolerance mechanisms conferredpoplar a high degree of plasticity in response to drought stress. Compared with the wetclimate population, the dry climate population showed lower dry matter accumulation andallocated more biomass to root systems, and accumulated more free proline and total aminoacids for osmotic adjustment. The dry climate population also showed more efficientantioxidant systems with higher content of ascorbic acid and higher activities of ascorbateperoxidase and glutathione redutase than the wet climate population. All these made the dryclimate population superior in adaptation to drought stress than the wet climate population. 2. Effect of exogenous applied SNP on drought tolerance in Populus przewalskii Drought stress significantly increased hydrogen peroxide content and caused oxidativestress to lipids and proteins assessed by the increase in malondialdehyde and total carbonylcontents, respectively. The cuttings of P. przewalskii accumulated proline and other aminoacids for osmotic adjustment to lower water potential, and activated the antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase to maintain thebalance of generation and quenching of reactive oxygen species. Moreover, exogenous SNPapplication significantly heightened the growth performance of P. przewalskii cuttings underdrought treatment by promotion of proline accumulation and activation of antioxidant enzymeactivities, while under well-watered treatment the effect of SNP application was very little. 3. Morphological responses to manganese toxicity in the two contrasting populations ofPopulus cathayana High concentration of manganese caused significant decrease in shoot height andbiomass accumulation. The tolerance index of the dry climate population was significantlyhigher than that of the wet climate population, suggesting the superior Mn tolerance in theformer and the existence of cross-tolerance of drought stress and high Mn toxicity. Injuries tothe leaf anatomical features were also found as the reduced thickness in palisade and spongyparenchyma, the decreased density in the conducting tissue and the collapse and split in themeristematic tissue in the central vein. As for the Mn concentrations in the plant tissues, under0, 0.1 and 0.5 mM, most of the Mn accumulated in the roots, then leaves, and stem the least, while under 1 mM, most of the Mn accumulated in the leaves. As far as the total amounts ofMn extraction are concerned, the leaf extracted more Mn than the root and stem in the twopopulations under various Mn concentrations. There is no difference between the twopopulations under control. Under 0.1 mM, the wet climate population extracted higher Mn inthe root than the dry climate population, while in the shoot, the dry climate populationextracted much more Mn. Under 0.5 and 1 mM, the wet climate population translocated moreMn both in the root and the shoot than the dry climate population. 4. Physiological and biochemical responses to manganese toxicity in the two contrastingpopulations of Populus cathayana Mn treatment resulted in oxidative stress indicated by the oxidation to lipids, proteinsand DNA. A regulated network of defence strategies was employed for the chelation,detoxification and tolerance of Mn including the enhanced synthesis of ABA and polyamines,the accumulation of free amino acids, especially His and Pro, and the activation of theenzymes superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase. Contents of non-protein thiol,reduced glutathione, phytochelatins and phenolics compounds and activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase also increased significantly forantioxidant or chelation functions. The wet climate population not only accumulated lessabscisic acid, free amino acids, phytochelatins and phenolics compounds, but also exhibitedlower activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase thusresulting in more serious oxidative damage and more curtained growth.
A high toughness wear resistant coating is produced by laser clad Fe-Cr-W-Ni-C alloys. The microstructural and compositional features of the laser-solidified microstructures and phase evolutions occurring during high temperature tempering at 963 K were investigated by using analytical electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The clad coating possesses the hypereutectic microstructure consisted of M7C3 + (Y + M7C3) Du ring high temperature aging, the precipitation of M23C6 and M2C in austenite and in situ transformation of dendritic M7C3 to M23C6 and eutectic M7C3 to M6C occurred. The laser clad coating reveals an evident secondary hardening and superior impact wear resistance.