20 resultados para lacZ

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Using a Biolistic PDS 1000/He system, healthy thalli of Gracilaria changii were bombarded with gold particles coated with plasmid DNA containing the lacZ reporter gene. Transient expression of lacZ was observed in bombarded thalli under the rupture-disc pressures of 4482, 6206, 7584 and 8963 KPa, two days after bombardment. Although G. changii exhibits a slight blue background, positive expression and the background colour can be clearly differentiated. The results indicate that lacZ could be a useful reporter gene and that SV40 promoter could be an effective promoter for Gracilaria transformation.


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The seaweed Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae) has a two-generation life cycle consisting of haploid gametophytes and diploid sporophytes. Female and/or male gametophytes were transformed using particle bombardment and the histological LacZ assay was performed on sporophytes generated by either parthenogenesis or inbreeding. Female gametophyte-targeted transformation resulted in similar lower efficiencies in both parthenogenetic and zygotic sporophytes, and only a chimeric expression pattern was observed. Male gametophyte-targeted transformation led to a higher efficiency, with 3.5% of the zygotic sporophytes stained completely blue (all-blue), implying the integration of lacZ at the one-cell stage. Polymerase chain reaction analysis using primers specific for a lacZ-vector juncture fragment and subsequent blotting indicated the presence of the introduced gene in the sporophytes. The method reported here has a potential for seaweed transformation using spore-based bombardment followed by the developmental process.


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This paper reports for the first time the transient expression of a reporter gene, LacZ, in the unicellular green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. By employing the micro-particle bombardment method, motile cells in the exponential phase showed transient expression of lacZ. This was detected in bombarded motile cells under the rupture-disc pressures of 3103 KPa and 4137 KPa. Transient expression of LacZ gene could not be observed in non-motile cells of this alga under the same transformation condition. No LacZ background was found in either the motile cells or the non-motile cells. The study suggests a promising potential of the SV40 promoter and the lacZ reporter gene in genetic engineering of unicellular green algae.


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植生克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella planticola 19-1)是从新疆鄯善地区玉米根际分离得到的一株联合固氮菌。在40℃高温下有较强的乙炔还原活性。 本工作利用Southern Blot分子杂交技术, 以Klebsiella pneumoniae的nifA为探针,证明了在K.planticola 19-1中存在nifA-like基因,由nifH-lacZ实验推论其nifA-like基因产物对高温相对稳定。经过大质粒电泳和Southern Blot分子杂交,发现nifA-like基因定位于染色体外的大质粒上。本工作进一步克隆了含有K.plonticola 19-1的nifA-like基因的DNA片段,做了它的限制性酶切图谱,并将nifA-like基因初步定位。


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该文用根据瘤菌合成血红素基因hemA,根瘤菌固氨氮酶调节基因nifA,固氮酶结构基因nifKDH,nifH的启动子与lacZ基因融合的质粒,通过三亲交配法将其思入豌豆根据瘤菌.接种烟草发根、烟草植株和水稻。结果表明β-半乳糖苷酶有不同强度的组织化学染色反应,hemA染色最强,其它次之。显微镜观察表明在烟草发根据的维管束中柱鞘细胞、水稻根皮层细胞内和细胞间隙有根瘤菌存在.从根中分离纯化细菌,LacZ染色,再回接豌豆结瘤和根瘤的LacZ染色,证明是LacZ标记基因的豌豆根据瘤菌。由此说明根瘤菌可以侵染非豆科植物烟草和水稻。除了对烟草、水稻根进行LacZ染色外,还对其茎、叶进行了染色,结果也有正反应现象,说明根瘤菌有可能由根向上部分移动。另一方面,说明根瘤蓖的nifA、nifKDH、 nifH的启动子在植物组织也可能起起动作用表达lacZ基因。用上述不同启动子-LacZ标记的豌豆根瘤菌接种烟草,有促进生长发育和提前开花的现象。 对豌豆凝集素基因转烟草的发根,用蛋白免疫原位杂交检测,表明该基因 的转译产物定位在根毛顶端。对发根接种豌豆根瘤菌、菜豆根瘤菌,结果只有 接种豌豆根瘤菌的发根出现瘤状物的结构。对其切片显微镜观察,可见细胞内 和细胞间隙有细菌颗粒存在。由于豌豆凝集素被认为是豌豆植物对其相应的豌 豆根瘤菌的识别因子,本结果初步表明有可能是转基因发根产生的豌豆凝集素 因子识别豌豆根瘤菌的结果。如果进一步得到证明,这一结果才具有重要的科 学意义,表明今后用基因工程的方法有可能扩大根瘤菌的宿主范围,使非豆科 植物有结瘤和固氮的可能性。


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二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/氧化酶(简称Rubisco, EC,是绿色植物光合作用中参与固定CO2的关键酶。在高等植物,该酶是由8个分子量为55KD的大亚基(LSU)和8个分子量为14KD的小亚基(SSU)构成的16聚体。每个大亚基有四个活性中心,具有双向催化功能,其编码基因位于叶绿体基因组大单拷贝区;小亚基功能还不清楚,它由核基因组编码且有几个拷贝;未成熟小亚基N端有一段transit peptide,靠它的定向跨越叶绿体膜。迄今为止,取自几种植物材料的这二种亚基的氨基酸顺序和编码基因的核苷酸顺序分析业已完成。为该酶的遗传操作奠定了必要的基础。 由于Rubisco与人类利用太阳能和提高作物产量直接相关,所以成为通过生物技术进行改造的重大项目。 巢状假囊细菌(Anacyslis nidulans) R2是一种不含限制性内切酶的单细胞原核生物,能营光合作用,其Rubisco大亚基的氨基酸顺序与玉米的LSU同源性高达80%,但是第四个活性部位(Leu 456位)与玉米不同(Sys, 459位),由此导致其对CO2的亲合力降低。另一方面,其rbcL与rbcS仅相隔93个bp,且同属一个操纵子。这意味着有可能用同源DNA片段等位交换的办法来改造其rbcL基因。 根据现有的资料,设计出玉米rbcL与兰藻rbcS定向重组于pUC119的兰图:先从pANP1155中切出0.7kb含蓝藻rbcS的PstI-HindIII片段,克隆进pUC119的lacZ启动子下游得pTAS28,采用Reverse primer作引物进行核苷酸顺序分析,确认蓝藻rbcS基因座落在pTAS28正链上。随后从pZmc460中切出包含玉米rbcL基因1.7kb的BglII-HincII片段,将它插入pTAS28的HincⅡ-BamHⅠ双酶切位点,得到pTMN3;为了比较,在另一个质粒pTMN7于1.7kb片段之前加进0.1kb的PstI-HaeIII蓝藻DNA。根据玉米rbcL基因核苷酸顺序(1218-1251)合成一个Oligonucleotide probe,对这三个质粒的总RNA抽提物进行Northern Blot,得到明显的杂交斑点;接着用菌体总蛋白冻干品进行了Western分析,并以新鲜的玉米和烟草叶片为对照,得到阳性结果。显然这二种基因重组之后仍能在宿主E. coli中正常表达。 真正的挑战应是下一步用上述二种质粒转化兰藻A. nidulans R2,考查其能否整合进基因组并表现出较低的氧化酶活性。


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将来源于嗜盐古菌染色体DNA的启动子片段RM07或RM13插入到启动子探针载体pYLZ_2的报告基因lacZ之前,通过β_半乳糖苷酶酶活性的检测,进一步确证RM07和RM13片段在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中的启动功能。同时用微量热技术检测了大肠杆菌DH5α及其重组菌株在LB培养基中37℃生长过程的热输出功率。T2(pYLZ_2)、TE07(pYL726)、TE07_2(pYL702)、TE131(pYL131)和TE132(pYL132)菌株的生长速率分别比大肠杆菌DH5α降低了6.5


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We have previously reported the development of a novel genotoxic testing system based on the transcriptional response of the yeast RNR3-lacZ reporter gene to DNA damage. This system appears to be more sensitive than other similar tests in microorganisms, and is comparable with the Ames test. In an effort to further enhance detection sensitivity, we examined the effects of altering major cell wall components on cell permeability and subsequent RNR3-lacZ sensitivity to genotoxic agents. Although inactivation of single CWP genes encoding cell wall mannoproteins had little effect, the simultaneous inactivation of both CWP1 and CWP2 had profound effects on the cell wall structure and permeability. Consequently, the RNR3-lacZ detection sensitivity is markedly enhanced, especially to high molecular weight compounds such as 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide (> sevenfold) and phleomycin (> 13-fold). In contrast, deletion of genes encoding representative membrane components or membrane transporters had minor effects on cell permeability. We conclude that the yeast cell wall mannoproteins constitute the major barrier to environmental genotoxic agents and that their removal will significantly enhance the sensitivity of RNR-lacZ as well as other yeast-based genotoxic tests.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important Gram-negative enteric pathogen affecting both animals and humans. It possesses a type III secretion system (T3SS) essential for pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD have been shown to form a translocon complex after secretion, while EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for EseB and EseD. In this paper we identify EscA, a protein required for accumulation and proper secretion of another translocon component, EseC. The escA gene is located upstream of eseC and the EscA protein has the characteristics of T3SS chaperones. Cell fractionation experiments indicated that EscA is located in the cytoplasm and on the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutation with in-frame deletion of escA greatly decreased the secretion of EseC, while complementation of escA restored the wild-type secretion phenotype. The stabilization and accumulation of EseC in the cytoplasm were also affected in the absence of EscA. Mutation of escA did not affect the transcription of eseC but reduced the accumulation level of EseC as measured by using an EseC-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification and co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated a specific interaction between EscA and EseC. Further analysis showed that residues 31-137 of EseC are required for EseC-EscA interaction, Mutation of EseC residues 31-137 reduced the secretion and accumulation of EseC in Ed. tarda. Finally, infection experiments showed that mutations of EscA and residues 31-137 of EseC increased the LD50 by approximately 10-fold in blue gourami fish. These results indicated that EscA functions as a specific chaperone for EseC and contributes to the virulence of Ed. tarda.


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Genetic transformation by electroporation of protoplasts is a standard procedure for many plants. However, for the genus Porphyra, the method is not effective because of low viability of protoplasts and is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. Based on the life history of Porphyra, a spore-targeted strategy of genetic transformation was developed, that is, using fresh conchospores of Porphyra haitanensis Chang & Zheng transformed by agitation with glass beads. A SV40 promoter-driven lacZ reporter gene was expressed in conchospores 48 h after the agitation. More transformants were obtained by increasing the agitation time from 10 to 25 s. The maximum number of transformants was more than six out of 1 million agitated conchospores. Transfer of a SV40 promoter-driven egfp gene into conchospores resulted in significant green GFP fluorescence. The expression of lacZ and egfp revealed that this strategy of spore-targeted transformation using glass bead agitation is feasible in P. haitanensis and that the SV40 promoter is effective for monitoring expression of foreign genes in this red algal species.


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The unicellular green alga Haematococcus pluvialis accumulates a highly valuable ketocarotenoid, astaxanthin, under various environmental stresses. beta-carotene ketolase (BKT) plays a key role in astaxanthin biosynthesis in H. pluvialis. In this paper, an approximate 700 bp 5'-flanking region of the bkt gene containing a putative promoter was cloned through walking upstream. The results of the sequence analysis showed that this bkt 5'-flanking region might have cis-acting elements such as sterol regulatory element (SRE-1)-like motifs, the C-repeat/dehydration responsive element (DRE) and al-3 proximal element (APE)-like motifs, except for typical TATA and CCAAT boxes. The results of the P-galactosidase assay and the transient expression of lacZ driven by a series of sequential deletions revealed that a minimal promoter-like region might exist from -630 to -408 bp, and the highest promoter activity was observed to span the positions from -630 to -308 bp. The results of the site-directed mutagenesis of a C-repeat/DRE and two APE-like motifs in a promoter-like region (-630 to -308 bp) suggested that two APE-like motifs might be essential for transcriptional control of the bkt gene.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a Gram-negative enteric pathogen that causes disease in both humans and animals. Recently, a type III secretion system (T3SS) has been found to contribute to Ed. tarda pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD were shown to be secreted by the T3SS and to be the major components of the extracellular proteins (ECPs). Based on sequence similarity, they have been proposed to function as the 'translocon' of the T3SS needle structure. In this study, it was shown that EseB, EseC and EseD formed a protein complex after secretion, which is consistent with their possible roles as translocon components. The secretion of EseB and EseD was dependent on EscC (previously named Orf2). EscC has the characteristics of a chaperone; it is a small protein (13 kDa), located next to the translocators in the T3SS gene cluster, and has a coiled-coil structure at the N-terminal region as predicted by COILS. An in-frame deletion of escC abolished the secretion of EseB and EseD, and complementation of Delta escC restored the export of EseB and EseD into the culture supernatant. Further studies showed that EscC is not a secreted protein and is located on the membrane and in the cytoplasm. Mutation of escC did not affect the transcription of eseB but reduced the amount of EseB as measured by using an EseB-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification studies demonstrated that EscC formed complexes with EseB and EseD. The results suggest that EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for the putative translocon components EseB and EseD in Ed. tarda.


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This study investigated the delivery of a SV40 promoter driving lacZ gene into cells of Kappaphycus alvarezii using particle bombardment. Thallus pieces 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter and 1 cm in length were prepared as gene recipients. Bombardment parameters of 450 psi (rupture pressures) x 6 cm (particle travel distances), 650 psi x 6 cm, 1,100 psi x 6 cm and 1,100 psi x 9 cm were used. A significant increase in transformation efficiency from about 33% under the rupture pressure of 450 psi to 87% at 650 psi was observed in transformed thalli. Most of the positive cells appeared in epidermal cells bombarded at 450 psi, whereas positive signals were seen in both epidermal and medullary cells at 650 psi. No positive transient expression was detected at a bombardment of 1,100 psi, or in negative or blank controls. For the conditions tested, the best parameter was obtained at 650 psi at a distance of 6 cm. Thus, the strategy of taking vegetative thalli as recipients, using particle bombardment, and combining this with micro-propagation, together with developing an in vivo selectable marker, is a viable way to produce stable transformants, to eliminate chimeric expression, and to achieve transgenic breeding in K. alvarezii.


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