113 resultados para interference competition

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Fig trees are pollinated by fig wasps, which also oviposit in female flowers. The wasp larvae gall and eat developing seeds. Although fig trees benefit from allowing wasps to oviposit, because the wasp offspring disperse pollen, figs must prevent wasps fr


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Explaining "Tragedy of the Commons" of evolution of cooperation remains one of the greatest problems for both biology and social science. Asymmetrical interaction, which is one of the most important characteristics of cooperative system, has not been sufficiently considered in the existing models of the evolution of cooperation. Considering the inequality in the number and payoff between the cooperative actors and recipients in cooperation systems, discriminative density-dependent interference competition will occur in limited dispersal systems. Our model and simulation show that the local but not the global stability of a cooperative interaction can be maintained if the utilization of common resource remains unsaturated, which can be achieved by density-dependent restraint or competition among the cooperative actors. More intense density dependent interference competition among the cooperative actors and the ready availability of the common resource, with a higher intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, will increase the probability of cooperation. The cooperation between the recipient and the cooperative actors can be transformed into conflict and, it oscillates chaotically with variations of the affecting factors under different environmental or ecological conditions. The higher initial relatedness (i.e. similar to kin or reciprocity relatedness), which is equivalent to intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, can be selected for by penalizing less cooperative or cheating actors but rewarding cooperative individuals in asymmetric systems. The initial relatedness is a pivot but not the aim of evolution of cooperation. This explains well the direct conflict observed in almost all cooperative systems.


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Enclosure experiments with three treatments (sediment addition, sediment + nitrogen enrichment, sediment + phosphorus enrichment) and unfertilized controls were performed in shallow hypereutrophic Lake Donghu during the summer of 2000. Dense Microcystis aeruginosa blooms occurred in all the enclosures during the experimental period but not in the surrounding lake water. Generally, the dominant rotifers were Polyarthra vulgalis, Filinia longiseta, Proales sp. and Asplanchna sp. at the beginning of the experiment, followed by a shift to Brachionus calyciflorus, Trichocerca similis, Cephalodella catellina and Anuraeopsis fissa, and finally to F. longiseta, Proales sp. and Keratella cochleris. M. aeruginosa blooms strongly suppressed the larger Diaphanosoma brachyurum but enhanced the development of the smaller cladocerans and rotifers that probably efficiently utilized organic matter from M. aeruginosa through the detritus food chain. The smaller cladoceran and rotifers coexisted successfully throughout the experimental period.


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In the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau four indigenous perennial grass species Bromus inermis (BI), Elymus sibiricus (ES), Elymus nutans (EN) and Agropyron cristatum (AC) were cultivated as three mixtures with different compositions and seeding rates, BI + EN, BI + ES + AC and BI + ES + EN + AC. From 1998 to 2001 there were three different weeding treatments: never weeded (CK); weeded on three occasions in the first year (1-y) and weeded on three occasions in both the first and second year (2-y) and their effect of grass combination and interactions on sward productivity and persistence was measured. Intense competitive interference by weedy annuals reduced dry matter (DM) yield of the swards. Grass combination significantly affected sward DM yields, leaf area index (LAI) and foliar canopy cover and also species composition DM and LAI, and species plant cover. Interaction between weeding treatments and grass combination was significant for sward DM yield, LAI and canopy cover, but not on species composition for DM, LAI or species plant cover. Grass mixture BI + ES + EN + AC gave the highest sward DM yield and LAI for both weeding and non-weeding treatments. Species ES and EN were competitively superior to the others. Annual weedy forbs must be controlled to obtain productive and stable mixtures of perennial grasses, and germination/emergence is the most important time for removal. Weeding three times (late May, late June and mid-July) in the establishment year is enough to maintain the production and persistence of perennial grass mixtures in the following growing seasons. Extra weeding three times in the second growing year makes only a slight improvement in productivity.


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Compression, tension and high-velocity plate impact experiments were performed on a typical tough Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu10Ni12.5Be22.5 (Vit 1) bulk metallic glass (BMG) over a wide range of strain rates from similar to 10(-4) to 10(6) s(-1). Surprisingly, fine dimples and periodic corrugations on a nanoscale were also observed on dynamic mode I fracture surfaces of this tough Vit 1. Taking a broad overview of the fracture patterning of specimens, we proposed a criterion to assess whether the fracture of BMGs is essentially brittle or plastic. If the curvature radius of the crack tip is greater than the critical wavelength of meniscus instability [F. Spaepen, Acta Metall. 23 615 (1975); A.S. Argon and M. Salama, Mater. Sci. Eng. 23 219 (1976)], microscale vein patterns and nanoscale dimples appear on crack surfaces. However, in the opposite case, the local quasi-cleavage/separation through local atomic clusters with local softening in the background ahead of the crack tip dominates, producing nanoscale periodic corrugations. At the atomic cluster level, energy dissipation in fracture of BMGs is, therefore, determined by two competing elementary processes, viz. conventional shear transformation zones (STZs) and envisioned tension transformation zones (TTZs) ahead of the crack tip. Finally, the mechanism for the formation of nanoscale periodic corrugation is quantitatively discussed by applying the present energy dissipation mechanism.


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We investigate the enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity in an asymmetric GaAs double quantum well via Fano interference, which is caused by tunneling from the excited subband to the continuum. In our structure, owing to Fano interference, the Kerr nonlinearity can be enhanced by appropriately choosing the values of the detunings and the intensity of the pump field, while cancel the linear and nonlinear absorptions.


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A repeat-until-success (RUS) measurement-based scheme for the implementation of the distributed quantum computation by using single-photon interference at a 50:50 beam splitter is proposed. It is shown that the 50:50 beam splitter can naturally project a suitably encoded matter-photon state to either a desired entangling gate-operated state of the matter qubits or to their initial state when the photon is detected. The recurrence of the initial state permits us to implement the desired entangling gate in a RUS way. To implement a distributed quantum computation we suggest an encoding method by means of the effect of dipole-induced transparency proposed recently [E. Waks and J. Vuckovic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 153601 (2006)]. The effects of the unfavorable factors on our scheme are also discussed.


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Two-dimensional periodic nanostructures on ZnO crystal surface were fabricated by two-beam interference of 790 nm femtosecond laser. The long period is, as usually reported, determined by the interference pattern of two laser beams. Surprisingly, there is another short periodic nanostructures with periods of 220-270 nm embedding in the long periodic structures. We studied the periods, orientation, and the evolution of the short periodic nanostructures, and found them analogous to the self-organized nanostructures induced by single fs laser beam. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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We experimentally investigate the high-order harmonic generation in argon gas using a driving laser pulse at a center wavelength of 1240 nm. High-contrast fine interference fringes could be observed in the harmonic spectra near the propagation axis, which is attributed to the interference between long and short quantum paths. We also systematically examine the variation of the interference fringe pattern with increasing energy of the driving pulse and with different phase-matching conditions.


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We investigate the emission spectra of the semiconductor quantum well for few-cycle and sub-cycle pulse exciting. We find that Fano interference may induce third harmonic enhancement. Third harmonic enhancement varies with the magnitude and duration of the incident pulse, and may be enhanced by approximately one order of magnitude for the low intensity region of the sub-cycle incident pulse exciting.


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We address the influence of the orbital symmetry and the molecular alignment with respect to the laser-field polarization on laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules, in the length and velocity gauges. We work within the strong-field approximation and assume that the second electron is dislodged by electron-impact ionization, and also consider the classical limit of this model. We show that the electron-momentum distributions exhibit interference maxima and minima due to electron emission at spatially separated centers. The interference patterns survive integration over the transverse momenta for a small range of alignment angles, and are sharpest for parallel-aligned molecules. Due to the contributions of the transverse-momentum components, these patterns become less defined as the alignment angle increases, until they disappear for perpendicular alignment. This behavior influences the shapes and the peaks of the electron-momentum distributions.


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A scheme of atom localization based on the interference of resonance of double-dark states is proposed, in which the atom interacts with a classical standing-wave field. It is found that the localization property is significantly improved due to the interaction of double-dark resonances. It is realized that the atom is localized just at the nodes of the standing-wave field with higher precision. Moreover, an improvement by a factor of 2 in the detecting probability of a single atom within the subwavelength domain can be achieved by adjusting the probe-field detuning. This scheme shows more advantages than other schemes of atom localization.