94 resultados para halo—phreatophytic meadow

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盐生草甸是新疆平原草地生物生产力最高的植被类型。而豆科植物疏叶骆驼刺则是盐毕草甸植被的常见种类。此项工作对疏叶骆驼刺天然分布的范围及其生态环境条件,特别是土壤水盐状况和与该植物相联系的植物群落类型进行了调查分析。本文通过对K、Na、Ca、Mg4种金属盐性元素在土壤—疏叶骆驼刺系统中的迁移进行分析,探讨该种植物在盐化土壤环境中的生长状况与主要盐性金属元素的相互关系;通过对包括土壤植物体内元素含量、土壤水盐状况、植株生长状况等指标的综合分析,研究其生态适应关系和种群与土壤水盐状况的关系;通过对植物器官形态解剖学的研究,探讨该种植物与盐生土壤环境生态适应的生物结构基础和耐盐的生理途径;通过对土壤盐化过程影响因素和土壤盐化趋势的分析,结合疏叶骆驼刺的生态学特性,探讨该种植物在新疆盐化土壤的可能利用价值。结果如下: 1、疏叶骆驼刺为中生适弱盐化的潜水草甸植物。在有潜水发育的地带,其生存适应土壤盐化环境的范围较广。 2、在天然条件下,疏叶骆驼刺以根萌生新芽繁殖方式为主。在弱盐化和土壤水分较充足的地带,可以种子繁殖再生新株。 3、作为盐生草甸植被与荒漠植被间过渡类型中常出现的种类,疏叶骆驼刺的种群消长代表了一定的土壤盐化的演替阶段。 4、该种植物的器官组织显微结构显示出其与盐化土壤环境关系上特殊的适应机制。 5、在植物的生长发育过程中,金属盐性元素的迁移积累变化的性质表明,在一定条件下,该种植物对土壤盐性具有改善作用。 6、面对新疆盐化土地使用状况和土壤盐化退化的趋势,疏叶骆驼刺的生态利用潜势很大。


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The water-heat transfer process between land and atmosphere in Haibei alpine meadow area has been systematically observed. A multi-layer coupling model for land-atmosphere interaction was presented with special attention paid to the moisture transfer in leaf stomata under unsaturated condition. A profound investigation on the physical process of turbulent transfer inside the vegetation has been performed with a revised formula of water absorption for root system. The present model facilitates the study of vertically distributed physical variables in detail. Numerical simulation was conducted according to the transfer process of Kinesia humility meadow in the area of Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Station, CAS. The calculated results agree well with observation.


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National Key Research and Development Program [2010CB833500]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2-YW-432]


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National Key Research and Development Program [2010CB833500]; Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2-YW-432]


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Plant traits and individual plant biomass allocation of 57 perennial herbaceous species, belonging to three common functional groups (forbs, grasses and sedges) at subalpine (3700 m ASL), alpine (4300 m ASL) and subnival (>= 5000 m ASL) sites were examined to test the hypothesis that at high altitudes, plants reduce the proportion of aboveground parts and allocate more biomass to belowground parts, especially storage organs, as altitude increases, so as to geminate and resist environmental stress. However, results indicate that some divergence in biomass allocation exists among organs. With increasing altitude, the mean fractions of total biomass allocated to aboveground parts decreased. The mean fractions of total biomass allocation to storage organs at the subalpine site (7%+/- 2% S.E.) were distinct from those at the alpine (23%+/- 6%) and subnival (21%+/- 6%) sites, while the proportions of green leaves at all altitudes remained almost constant. At 4300 m and 5000 m, the mean fractions of flower stems decreased by 45% and 41%, respectively, while fine roots increased by 86% and 102%, respectively. Specific leaf areas and leaf areas of forbs and grasses deceased with rising elevation, while sedges showed opposite trends. For all three functional groups, leaf area ratio and leaf area root mass ratio decreased, while fine root biomass increased at higher altitudes. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine plants were characterized by a reduction in aboveground reproductive organs and enlargement of fine roots, while the proportion of leaves remained stable. It was beneficial for high altitude plants to compensate carbon gain and nutrient uptake under low temperature and limited nutrients by stabilizing biomass investment to photosynthetic structures and increasing the absorption surface area of fine roots. In contrast to forbs and grasses that had high mycorrhizal infection, sedges had higher single leaf area and more root fraction, especially fine roots.


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High levels of available nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) have the potential to increase soil N and C mineralization We hypothesized that with an external labile C or N supply alpine meadow soil will have a significantly higher C mineralization potential and that temperature sensitivity of C mineralization will increase To test the hypotheses an incubation experiment was conducted with two doses of N or C supply at temperature of 5 15 and 25 C Results showed external N supply had no significant effect on CO2 emission However external C supply increased CO2 emission Temperature coefficient (Q(10)) ranged from 113 to 1 29 Significantly higher values were measured with C than with N addition and control treatment Temperature dependence of C mineralization was well-represented by exponential functions Under the control CO2 efflux rate was 425 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) comparable to the in situ measurement of 422 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) We demonstrated if N is disregarded microbial decomposition is primarily limited by lack of labile C It is predicted that labile C supply would further increase CO2 efflux from the alpine meadow soil (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved


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Based on surface energy flux data measured by eddy covariance methods from China Flux in alpine swamp meadow of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau in 2005, the daily and seasonal dynamic of surface energy fluxes and their partitioning, as well as abiotic factors effects were analyzed. The results suggested that LE (Latent heat flux) was the largest consumer of the incoming energy. Rn (Net radiation flux) and LE showed clear seasonal variations in sharp hump and up to their maximums in August and July, respectively. H (Sensible heat flux) increased to its peak in August whereafter declined slowly. Precipitation could reduce the components of surface energy. As to Rn and LE, their correlations with abiotic factors were evident while it was not significant in H. Average EBR (Energy balance ratio) was 50.7 %, which was much larger in growing season than non-growing season.


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In the present study, we used the eddy covariance method to measure CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem (37°36'N, 101°18'E; 3 250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season in 2003, from 20 April to 30 September. This meadow is dominated by formations of Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. During the study period, the meadow was not grazed. The maximum rates of CO2 uptake and release derived from the diurnal course of CO2 flux were -9.38 and 5.02 μmol•m-2•s-1, respectively. The largest daily CO2 uptake was 1.7 g C•m-2•d-1 on 14 July, which is less than half that of an alpine Kobresia meadow ecosystem at similar latitudes. Daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem may behave as a sink of atmospheric CO2 during the growing season. The daytime CO2 uptake was correlated exponentially or linearly with the daily photo synthetic photon flux density each month. The daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem was 6.47 mg CO2/g H2O. The efficiency of the ecosystem increased with a decrease in vapor pressure deficit.


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Stable carbon isotopes of organic matter originated from different soil layers (0~5 cm, 5~15 cm, 15~25 cm, 25~35 cm, 35~50 cm, 50~65 cm) were investigated in the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The preliminary results indicated that δ13C values of soil organic matter increased with increased soil depth. δ13C of soil organic carbon in 0~5 cm layer showed the lowest value, -25.09‰; while 50~65 cm soil layer possessed the lowerδ13C value, -13.87‰. Based on mass balance model of stable isotopes, it was proposed that the percentage of C4 carbon source tend to increase with increased soil depth. The preliminary study indicated that alpine meadow might have undergone a successive process from C4-dominated community to C3-dominated one. However, changing δ13C values in atmospheric CO2 overtime and different processes of soil organic carbon formation (or eluviation) might somewhat contribute to increasing δ13C values. In this case, mass balance model would underestimate C3 community and overestimate C4 community.


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Using the measurement of stable carbon isotopes in leaves as a tool to investigate photosyn-thetic pathway of 102 plant species grown at an alpine meadow ecosystem, at the foot of the Qilian Mountain, Qinghai, China. The results indicate that the δ~(3)C values of plants have a narrow range from -28.24‰ to -24.84‰, which means that none of the species examined belongs to C_4 and crassulaceous acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthetic pathway and all of these species perform photosynthesis through the C_3 pathway. This is likely due to a long-term adaptation to environments at the alpine meadow ecosystem.


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This research was conducted on alpine meadow site at Menyuan county, Qinghai Province, People's Republic of China to determine the effects of native, subterranean rodent of Qinghai-Tibet grasslands, the plateau zokors (Myospalax baileyi), on seasonal above-and below-ground plant biomass, plant species diversity and productivity. Both total peaks of above-and below-ground biomass were the greatest (413.600 g/m~2 and 2297.502 g/m~2) in the patch no any plateau zokors colonized by plateau zokors over 10 years in August and October, respectively. Both above-and below-ground biomass were significantly increased in the patches where plateau zokors were removed or the burrow systems were abandoned for five years compared to the patches plateau zokors colonized over 10 years. However, both above-and below-ground biomass in abandoned patches were significantly lower than that in uncolonized patches. Monocotyledonous biomass was reduced greatly, but the non-palatable dicots were significantly increased in colonized patches. The palatable biomass of monocots and dicots were increased in abandoned patches. Total plant species diversity was the greatest in uncolonized patchesand least in abandoned patch. The total net primary production in colonized patches was reduced by 68.98% compared with uncolonized patches. Although the patches were without any plateau zokors disturbance for fives years, the total net primary production just reached 58.69% of the uncolonized patches. The above-ground net primary production in abandoned patches increased 28.74% and the below-ground increased 54.91% compared with the colonized patches. We suggest that plateau zokor-induced changes in plant above- and below-ground biomass and species diversity may lead to further alterations of nutrient cycling and trophic dynamics in this alpine meadow ecosystem.


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We investigated how the high small-scale species richness of an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, is maintained. This area is characterized by strong wind and severe cold during long winters. In winter, most livestock is grazed on dead leaves in small pastures near farmers' residences, whereas in the short summer, livestock is grazed in mountainous areas far from farmers' residences. The number of plant species and the aboveground biomass were surveyed for three adjacent pastures differing in grazing management: a late-winter grazing pasture grazed moderately from 1 February to 30 April, an early-winter grazing pasture grazed lightly from 20 September to late October, and a whole-year grazing pasture grazed intensively throughout the entire year. In each pasture, we harvested the aboveground biomass from 80 or 100 quadrats of 0.01 m(2) along a transect and classified the contents by species. We observed 15.5-19.7 species per 0.01 m(2), which is high richness per 0.01 m(2) on a worldwide scale. The species richness in the two winter grazing pastures was higher than that in the whole-year grazing pasture. The spatial variation in species richness and species composition in the two winter grazing pastures in which species richness was high was greater than that in the whole-year grazing pasture in which species richness was lower. Most of the leaves that are preserved on the winter grazing pastures during summer are blown away by strong winds during winter, and the remaining leaves are completely exhausted in winter by livestock grazing. A pasture with a high richess is accompanied by a high spatial variation in species richness and species composition. There is a high possibility that the characteristic of spatial variation is also caused by traditional grazing practices in this area.


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Grazing by domestic herbivores is generally recognized as a major ecological factor and an important evolutionary force in grasslands. Grazing has both extensive and profound effects on individual plants and communities. We investigated the response patterns of Polygonum viviparum species and the species diversity of an alpine shrub meadow in response to long-term livestock grazing by a field manipulative experiment controlling livestock numbers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Here, we hypothesize that within a range of grazing pressure, grazing can alter relative allocation to different plant parts without changing total biomass for some plant species if there is life history trade-offs between plant traits. The same type of communities exposed to different grazing pressures may only alter relative species' abundances or species composition and not vary species diversity because plant species differ in resistant capability to herbivory. The results show that plant height and biomass of different organs differed among grazing treatments but total biomass remained constant. Biomass allocation and absolute investments to both reproduction and growth decreased and to belowground storage increased with increased grazing pressure, indicating the increasing in storage function was attained at a cost of reducing reproduction of bulbils and represented an optimal allocation and an adaptive response of the species to long-term aboveground damage. Moreover, our results showed multiform response types for either species groups or single species along the gradient of grazing intensity. Heavy grazing caused a 13.2% increase in species richness. There was difference in species composition of about 18%-20% among grazing treatment. Shannon-Wiener (H') diversity index and species evenness (E) index did not differ among grazing treatments. These results support our hypothesis.