10 resultados para germinação e vigor

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巴山冷杉主要分布于秦巴山地,是湖北神农架地区暗针叶林的建群种,构成了当地的优势群落,对神农架地区的植被景观具有决定意义。研究巴山冷杉的结实特性,种子雨时空格局,种子萌发能力和活力劣变过程,有利于进一步认识和分析这一物种的生活史特征,群落组成结构和更新动态。对这一重要物种的合理保护和有效利用具有促进作用。 在湖北神农架自然保护区选择巴山冷杉-箭竹、巴山冷杉-茵芋和巴山冷杉-陕甘花楸群落设置样地,通过布设种子收集器结合室内实验分析,对巴山冷杉种子雨的时空格局进行研究。待巴山冷杉球果成熟时,人工采集球果和种子,测量和比较巴山冷杉的结实特征,利用发芽实验研究巴山冷杉的萌发特性,并通过人工加速老化实验探讨巴山冷杉种子的劣变过程。 巴山冷杉种子雨始于10月初,持续超过2个月,不同类型的巴山冷杉种群表现出不同的种子雨时空格局。巴山冷杉-箭竹群落中巴山冷杉种子雨平均强度167.93±111.14粒/m2,有活力种子比例占22.31%,落种高峰期集中于10月27日到11月2日间,种子雨在种群中呈现聚集分布。巴山冷杉-茵芋群落种子雨强度在三个样地中最小,只有16.41±14.41粒/m2,有活力种子仅占3.05%。巴山冷杉-陕甘花楸群落,种子雨落种高峰为10月15日至10月21日,林冠内种子雨数量占到了收集总数的87.95%。扩散的种子数量与离开中心母树的距离间的关系近似正态分布。 对巴山冷杉的结实特性的分析结果表明,巴山冷杉球果近圆柱形,球果平均长5.37±0.75cm;平均宽3.01±0.32cm;重量介于5.9g~41.3g。巴山冷杉种子长1.08~8.68mm,种子宽1.16~6.42mm,种子厚0.66~3.48mm,种子千粒重7.30g。球果单果出种量在不同种群的频数分布格局不同,巴山冷杉球果和种子的各项指标在种群间和种群内存在显著差异。球果大小、出种量及单粒种子的质量间存在着极显著的正相关关系。此外,种子生活力水平在母树间差异较大,不同母树的种子发芽率和发芽势不等且随时间的萌发进程也不相同,相同种源的巴山冷杉种子在不同的培养条件下萌发能力不同,室温条件下具有最高的发芽率但在25℃,8h光照,恒温培养时的萌发最为整齐。 高温高湿条件能够加速巴山冷杉种子的老化进程,使巴山冷杉种子的含水量发生变化,种子的活力水平随着老化时间的延长而降低,40℃,100% 相对湿度处理6天后种子基本丧失活力。


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薇甘菊主要入侵我国华南的广东、海南和云南三省,给当地造成了严重的危害,其强烈的化感作用被认为是其成功入侵的原因之一。而目前对薇甘菊化感作用的研究还较少,因而对薇甘菊化感作用的认识还有待深入的研究。另外,在对入侵植物入侵群落进行恢复时,由于入侵植物的凋落物以及生长过的土壤都还含有化感物质,常常导致恢复难以继续。因而选择抗化感能力强的物种来恢复薇甘菊的入侵地也成为该研究的一个主题。本文以薇甘菊为实验材料来研究薇甘菊化感作用对植物种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,同时筛选化感抗性强的物种以进行薇甘菊入侵地的恢复工作。其主要结论如下: 1、薇甘菊根和叶的提取液对植物种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长都有很大的抑制作用,并且这种抑制作用随着提取液浓度的升高以及处理时间的延长而加强,这证明了薇甘菊具有很强的化感作用。 2、一些植物种子萌发和幼苗生长在低、中浓度提取液以及高浓度提取液的短时间的处理下能被促进,不过在高浓度的提取液以及长时间的处理下都被抑制,这说明化感作用是抑制还是促进作用在很大程度上受到提取液浓度和处理时间的影响。 3、薇甘菊提取液(50 g L-1)对紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo)种子处理50-100 h就能极大的影响到其后的种子萌发和幼苗生长,这说明薇甘菊在短时间(50-100 h)就能给植物产生极强的化感作用,也进一步证实薇甘菊很强的化感作用。 4、由于各物种进化历史的不同,而且各物种在对薇甘菊的化感抗性上也存在着差异,所以各物种对薇甘菊提取液的化感反应也各不相同。 5、薇甘菊根提取液对刺槐和紫薇幼苗根的生长的影响要大于叶提取液对刺槐和紫薇幼苗根的生长的影响,而对刺槐和紫薇种子萌发率、初始萌发时间、萌发速率以及幼苗株高的影响却是叶提取液的化感作用强。这支持了一个新的假设:由于物种间代谢的多样性,至少在根和叶对受试植物根的化感影响方面,对于一些物种来说根的化感作用可能强于叶的化感作用,对于另一些物种来说叶的化感作用可能强于根的化感作用。 6、薇甘菊叶提取液对西葫芦种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感影响大,而对其后开花时间以及开花的数目没有明显的影响,这说明薇甘菊对西葫芦生活史前期的化感影响要大于对西葫芦生活史后期的化感影响。 7、薇甘菊叶的水提取液对种子萌发的抑制作用要大于对幼苗生长的抑制作用;对非豆科植物种子萌发的影响要大于对豆科植物种子萌发的影响,而对非豆科植物幼苗生长的影响要小于对豆科植物幼苗生长的影响;对本地种的抑制作用要大于对外来归化种的抑制作用。 本研究证实了薇甘菊强烈的化感作用,根提取液对受体植物幼根生长的影响大于叶提取液对受体植物幼根生长的影响,这种化感作用可能极大的促进了薇甘菊的入侵。另外,在恢复薇甘菊入侵群落时,考虑到薇甘菊的化感作用,理应选择外来的已经归化了的非豆科植物的幼苗。


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A polyploid hybrid fish with natural gynogenesis can prevent segregation and maintain their hybrid vigor in their progenies. Supposing the reproduction mode of induced polyploid fish being natural gynogenesis, allopolyploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp into allopolyploid was performed. The purpose of this paper is to describe a lineage from sexual diploid carp transforming into allotriploid and allotetraploid unisexual clones by genome addition. The diploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp reproduces an unreduced nucleus consisting of two parental genomes. This unreduced female pronucleus will fuse with male pronucleus and form allotriploid zygote after penetration of related species sperms. Allotriploid embryos grow normally, and part of female allotriploid can produce unreduced mature ova with three genomes. Mature ova of most allotriploid females are provided with natural gynogenetic trait and their nuclei do not fuse with any entrance sperm. All female offspring are produced by gynogenesis of allotriploid egg under activation of penetrating sperms. These offspring maintain morphological traits of their allotriploid maternal and form an allotetraploid unisexual clone by gynogenetic reproduction mode. However, female nuclei of rare allotriploid female can fuse with penetrating male pronuclei and result in the appearance of allotetraploid individuals by means of genome addition. All allotetraploid females can reproduce unreduced mature eggs containing four genomes. Therefore, mature eggs of allotetraploid maintain gynogenetic trait and allotetraploid unisexual clone is produced under activation of related species sperms.


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     Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.


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根据近年有关文献资料 ,从叶水势、渗透调节、光合作用、干旱诱导蛋白、激素调节、膜抗氧化酶等方面 ,对小麦抗旱性研究在生理生化方面所取得的进展作一综述。目前认为 ,作物抗旱性研究的前沿是从分子水平阐明作物由干旱胁迫引起生理生化变化的本质原因 ,并通过基因工程的手段进行抗旱基因的重组 ,从而创造新的抗旱品种 ,将是一个前景诱人的目标。


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The photosynthetic performances of regenerated protoplasts of Bryopsis hypnoides, which were incubated in seawater for 1, 6, 12, and 24 h, were studied using chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and oxygen measurements. Results showed that for the regenerated protoplasts, the pigment content, the ratios of photosynthetic rate to respiration rate, the maximal photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (F-v/F-m), and the effective PSII quantum yield (I broken vertical bar(PSII)) decreased gradually along with the regeneration progress, indicated that during 24 h of regeneration there was a remarkable reduction in PSII activity of those newly formed protoplasts. We assumed that during the cultivation progress the regenerated protoplasts had different photosynthetic vigor, with only some of them able to germinate and develop into mature thalli. The above results only reflected the photosynthetic features of the regenerated protoplasts at each time point as a whole, rather than the actual photosynthetic activity of individual aggregations. Further investigation suggested a relationship between the size of regenerated protoplasts and their viability. The results showed that the middle-sized group (diameter 20-60 mu m) retained the largest number of protoplasts for 24 h of growth. The changes in F-v/F-m and I broken vertical bar(PSII) of the four groups of differently sized protoplasts (i.e. < 20, 20-60, 60-100, and > 100 mu m) revealed that the protoplasts 20-60 mu m in diameter had the highest potential activity of the photosynthetic light energy absorption and conversion for several hours.


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A2 x 2 factorial cross between two populations of Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino, collected separately from Dalian (D) in China and Miyagi (M) in Japan, was conducted to compare performances in fertilization rate, hatching rate, metamorphosis rate and growth at days 20, 43, 160 and 330 between purebreds (DD and MM) and crossbreds (DM and MD) and investigate the magnitude of heterobeltiosis (better parent) and heterosis (mid-parent). Heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits analyzed were evidently different between crossbreds DM and MD. Heterobeltiosis in the crossbred DM varied among traits, with values of 2.5% for the fertilization rate, 2.2% for the hatching rate, -1.9% for the metamorphosis rate and 7.4% for the growth at the (lay 330. The crossbred DM displayed positive heterotic values for fertilization rate (5.4%), hatching rate (7.4%), metamorphosis rate (7.6%) and growth (12.0%) at the day 330. However, both heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits in the crossbred MD were negative except those for the growth at days 20 and 43. The results indicate the importance of selecting superior hybrid varieties if the exploitation of hybrid vigor is considered in the Pacific abalone breeding program.