95 resultados para genome duplication

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Mitochondria are essential for cellular energy production in most eukaryotic organisms. However, when glucose is abundant, yeast species that underwent whole-genome duplication (WGD) mostly conduct fermentation even under aerobic conditions, and most can


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The Sox gene family is found in a broad range of animal taxa and encodes important gene regulatory proteins involved in a variety of developmental processes. We have obtained clones representing the HMG boxes of twelve Sox genes from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), one of the four major domestic carps in China. The cloned Sox genes belong to group B1, B2 and C. Our analyses show that whereas the human genome contains a single copy of Sox4, Sox11 and Sox14, each of these genes has two co-orthologs in grass carp, and the duplication of Sox4 and Sox11 occurred before the divergence of grass carp and zebrafish, which support the "fish-specific whole-genome duplication" theory. An estimation for the origin of grass carp based on the molecular clock using Sox1, Sox3 and Sox11 genes as markers indicates that grass carp (subfamily Leuciscinae) and zebrafish (subfamily Danioninae) diverged approximately 60 million years ago. The potential uses of Sox genes as markers in revealing the evolutionary history of grass carp are discussed.


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Background: Various evolutionary models have been proposed to interpret the fate of paralogous duplicates, which provides substrates on which evolution selection could act. In particular, domestication, as a special selection, has played important role in crop cultivation with divergence of many genes controlling important agronomic traits. Recent studies have indicated that a pair of duplicate genes was often sub-functionalized from their ancestral functions held by the parental genes. We previously demonstrated that the rice cell-wall invertase (CWI) gene GIF1 that plays an important role in the grain-filling process was most likely subjected to domestication selection in the promoter region. Here, we report that GIF1 and another CWI gene OsCIN1 constitute a pair of duplicate genes with differentiated expression and function through independent selection. Results: Through synteny analysis, we show that GIF1 and another cell-wall invertase gene OsCIN1 were paralogues derived from a segmental duplication originated during genome duplication of grasses. Results based on analyses of population genetics and gene phylogenetic tree of 25 cultivars and 25 wild rice sequences demonstrated that OsCIN1 was also artificially selected during rice domestication with a fixed mutation in the coding region, in contrast to GIF1 that was selected in the promoter region. GIF1 and OsCIN1 have evolved into different expression patterns and probable different kinetics parameters of enzymatic activity with the latter displaying less enzymatic activity. Overexpression of GIF1 and OsCIN1 also resulted in different phenotypes, suggesting that OsCIN1 might regulate other unrecognized biological process. Conclusion: How gene duplication and divergence contribute to genetic novelty and morphological adaptation has been an interesting issue to geneticists and biologists. Our discovery that the duplicated pair of GIF1 and OsCIN1 has experiencedsub-functionalization implies that selection could act independently on each duplicate towards different functional specificity, which provides a vivid example for evolution of genetic novelties in a model crop. Our results also further support the established hypothesis that gene duplication with sub-functionalization could be one solution for genetic adaptive conflict.


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Multiple type I interferons (IFNs) have recently been identified in salmonids, containing two or four conserved cysteines. In this work, a novel two-cysteine containing (2C) IFN gene was identified in rainbow trout. This novel trout IFN gene (termed IFN5) formed a phylogenetic group that is distinct from the other three salmonid IFN groups sequenced to date and had a close evolutionary relationship with IFNs from advanced fish species. Our data demonstrate that two subgroups are apparent within each of the 2C and 4C type I IFNs, an evolutionary outcome possibly due to two rounds of genome duplication events that have occurred within teleosts. We have examined gene expression of the trout 2C type I IFN in cultured cells following stimulation with lipopolysaccharide, phytohaemagglutinin, polyI:C or recombinant IFN, or after transfection with polyI:C. The kinetics of gene expression was also studied after viral infection. Analysis of the regulatory elements in the IFN promoter region predicted several binding sites for key transcription factors that potentially play an important role in mediating IFN5 gene expression.


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We report improved whole-genome shotgun sequences for the genomes of indica and japonica rice, both with multimegabase contiguity, or almost 1,000-fold improvement over the drafts of 2002. Tested against a nonredundant collection of 19,079 full-length cDNAs, 97.7% of the genes are aligned, without fragmentation, to the mapped superscaffolds of one or the other genome. We introduce a gene identification procedure for plants that does not rely on similarity to known genes to remove erroneous predictions resulting from transposable elements. Using the available EST data to adjust for residual errors in the predictions, the estimated gene count is at least 38,000 - 40,000. Only 2% - 3% of the genes are unique to any one subspecies, comparable to the amount of sequence that might still be missing. Despite this lack of variation in gene content, there is enormous variation in the intergenic regions. At least a quarter of the two sequences could not be aligned, and where they could be aligned, single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) rates varied from as little as 3.0 SNP/kb in the coding regions to 27.6 SNP/kb in the transposable elements. A more inclusive new approach for analyzing duplication history is introduced here. It reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication, a recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12, and massive ongoing individual gene duplications. We find 18 distinct pairs of duplicated segments that cover 65.7% of the genome; 17 of these pairs date back to a common time before the divergence of the grasses. More important, ongoing individual gene duplications provide a never-ending source of raw material for gene genesis and are major contributors to the differences between members of the grass family.


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We investigated the molecular evolution of duplicated color vision genes (LWS-1 and SWS2) within cyprinid fish, focusing on the most cavefish-rich genus-Sinocyclocheilus. Maximum likelihood-based codon substitution approaches were used to analyze the evolution of vision genes. We found that the duplicated color vision genes had unequal evolutionary rates, which may lead to a related function divergence. Divergence of LWS-1 was strongly influenced by positive selection causing an accelerated rate of substitution in the proportion of pocket-forming residues. The SWS2 pigment experienced divergent selection between lineages, and no positively selected site was found. A duplicate copy of LWS-1 of some cyprinine species had become a pseudogene, but all SWS2 sequences remained intact in the regions examined in the cyprinid fishes examined in this study. The pseudogenization events did not occur randomly in the two copies of LWS-1 within Sinocyclocheilus species. Some cave species of Sinocyclocheilus with numerous morphological specializations that seem to be highly adapted for caves, retain both intact copies of color vision genes in their genome. We found some novel amino acid substitutions at key sites, which might represent interesting target sites for future mutagenesis experiments. Our data add to the increasing evidence that duplicate genes experience lower selective constraints and in some cases positive selection following gene duplication. Some of these observations are unexpected and may provide insights into the effect of caves on the evolution of color vision genes in fishes.


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Large tumor suppressor (Lats) is a Ser/Thr kinase, and it presents an important function in tumor suppression. lats was originally identified in Drosophila and recently in mammals. In mammals, it contains two homologues, lats1 and lats2. In the present study, lats1 and lats2 were characterized from zebrafish (Danio rerio), which is the first report of lats in a nonmammalian vertebrate. The primary structure, genomic organization, and phylogenesis of lats from different species were studied, and the results suggest that lats1 is the direct descendant of invertebrate lats, whereas lats2 is formed by genome duplication. In zebrafish, both lats genes are maternally expressed, while they show distinctly different expression profiles during gastrulation. lats1 is almost ubiquitously expressed through development, and lats2 is more prominently expressed in the non-neural ectoderm region of zebrafish gastrula. Most intriguingly, as revealed by cell tracing and gene expression analysis, morpholino-mediated knockdown of either lats1 or lats2 led to obvious defects of cell migration in gastrulation, indicating the functional significance of lats in gastrulation movements. Developmental Dynamics 238:28502859, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Previous study and analysis of cytochrome b suggested that polyploidization event in the genus Tor occurred about 10 Mya ago. In order to understand evolutionary fates of Sox gene in the early stage of genome duplication at the nucleotide level, PCR surveys for Sox genes in three closely related cyprinid fishes T douronensis (2n = 100), T qiaojiensis (2n = ?), T sinensis (2n = 100) and their relative T brevifilis (2n = 50) were performed. Totally, 52 distinct Sox genes were obtained in these four species, representing SoxB, SoxC, and SoxE group. As expected, isoforms of some Sox genes correspond with the ploidy of species, such as two copies of Sox9a exist in tetraploid species. Analysis indicated that duplicated Sox gene pairs caused by polyploidization evolved independently of each other within polyploid species. Results of substitution rate showed nearly equal rate of nonsynonymous substitution of duplicated Sox orthologs among different polyploid species and their diploid relative orthologs, suggesting at the early stage of genome duplicated Sox orthologs are under similar selective constraints in different polyploidy species and their diploid relative at the amino acid level. All PCR fragments of Sox genes obtained in this study are not accompanied by obvious increase in mutations and pseudogene formation which means that they are under strong purifying selection, suggesting that they are functional at the DNA level. Cenealogical analysis revealed that T qiaojiensis was tetraploid, and T douronensis, T qiaojiensis as well as T sinensis had an allotetraploid ancestor. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A PCR survey for Sox genes in a young tetraploid fish Tor douronensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) was performed to access the evolutionary fates of important functional genes after genome duplication caused by polyploidization event. Totally 13 Sox genes were obtained in Tor douronensis, which represent SoxB, SoxC and SoxE groups. Phylogenetic analysis of Sox genes in Tor douronensis provided evidence for fish-specific genome duplication, and suggested that Sox19 might be a teleost specific Sox gene member. Sequence analysis revealed most of the nucleotide substitutions between duplicated copies of Sox genes caused by tetraploidization event or their orthologues in other species are silent substitutions. It would appear that the sequences are under purifying selective pressure, strongly suggesting that they represent functional genes and supporting selection against all null allele at either of two duplicated loci of Sox4a, Sox9a and Sox9b. Surprising variations of the intron length and similarities of two duplicated copies of Sox9a and Sox9b, suggest that Tor douronensis might be an allotetraploidy.


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A tetraploidization event took place in the cyprinid lineage leading to goldfishes about 15 million years ago. A PCR survey for Hox genes in the goldfish Carassius auratus auratus (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) was performed to assess the consequences of this genome duplication. Not surprisingly, the genomic organization of the Hox gene clusters of goldfish is similar to that of the closely related zebrafish (Danio rerio). However, the goldfish exhibits a much larger number of recent pseudogenes, which are characterized by indels. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that dosage effects cause selection pressure to rapidly silence crucial developmental regulators after a tetraploidization event.


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本论文用生物信息学的方法对酵母基因组进化中产生的新性状进行了系统 深入的研究。首先,在大多数的真核生物中,线粒体是生物能量生成所必需的细 胞器。但当葡萄糖的含量丰富的时候,即使是在有氧条件下,经过基因组重复 (WGD,whole genome duplication)后的大多酵母也都可以不需要线粒体而执行 发酵过程,而且甚至在线粒体基因组缺陷的情况下仍可以生存。在本次研究中, 我们揭示核编码的线粒体相关基因的进化速率在基因组重复后的物种中比其在 基因组重复前的物种中显著加快。而且这些基因的密码子使用偏好也在基因组重 复后的物种中减弱。密码子使用偏好的模式和一个特殊转录调控因子的分布显示 在基因组重复后的进化支系中,有效的有氧发酵过程的起源时间大致是在 Kluyveromyces polysporus 和 Saccharomyces castellii 从它们的共同祖先分化之 后。根据上述结果我们得出结论,可能正是这种新的能量策略的产生导致了线粒 体相关基因的功能在基因组重复后的物种中选择性放松。 其次,我们系统地研究了一个多细胞真菌Ashbya gossypii 和九个单细胞酵母 之间密码子使用偏好性的差异。细胞周期调控基因一直被认为是它们形态差异的 关键基因。由于A. gossypii 和典型的单细胞酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae 有几乎 完全一样的细胞周期调控基因,因此形态上的差异可能是由于直系同源基因的表 达调控差异造成的。我们发现在A. gossypii 中细胞周期基因的翻译效率比在其他 单细胞酵母中显著增高,同时也发现单细胞酵母中的新陈代谢基因比其在A. gossypii 中有显著增高的翻译效率。因为基因的翻译效率和该基因在物种中的重 要性密切相关,所以我们观察到的这些基因翻译效率的显著差异可能可以阐明 A. gossypii 和单细胞酵母的形态差异的原因。同时我们的结果对理解真核生物多 细胞的起源过程也有提示意义。


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Karyotype and chromosomal localization of major (18-5.8-28S) and minor (5S) ribosomal RNA genes were studied in two species of Pectinidae, zhikong (Chlamys farreri) and bay (Argopecten irradians irradians) scallops. using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). C. farreri had a haploid number of 19 with a karyotype of 3m + 4sm + 7sm-st + 4st + 1st-t, and A. i. irradians had a haploid number of 16 with a karyotype of 5st + 11t. In C. farreri, the major and minor rRNA genes had one locus each and were mapped to the same chromosome-Chromosome 5. In A. i. irradians, the major rRNA genes had two loci, located on Chromosomes 4 and 8, and the 5S rRNA gene was found at a third chromosome-Chromosome 10. Results of this and other studies indicate that karyotype of A. i. irradians (n = 16, 21 arms) is secondary and derived from an ancestral karyotype similar to that of C. farreri (n = 19, 38 arms) through considerable chromosomal loss and rearrangements. The ability to tolerate significant chromosomal loss suggests that the modal karyotype of Pectinidae and possibly other bivalves with a haploid number of 19 is likely tetraploid; i.e., at least one genome duplication has occurred during the evolution of Bivalvia.


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Chromosomal location of the major ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA) were studied in the dwarf surfclam (Mulinia lateralis, Say) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). FISH probes for the rRNA genes were made by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP and detected with fluorescein-labeled antidigoxigenin antibodies. Mulinia lateralis had a diploid number of 38 chromosomes and all chromosomes were telocentric. FISH with the rRNA probe produced positive and consistent signals on two pairs of chromosomes: Chromosome 15 with a relative length of 4.6% and Chromosome 19, the shortest chromosome. Both loci were telomeric. The rRNA location provides the first physical landmark of the M. lateralis genome.


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Background: Giardia are a group of widespread intestinal protozoan parasites in a number of vertebrates. Much evidence from G. lamblia indicated they might be the most primitive extant eukaryotes. When and how such a group of the earliest branching unicellular eukaryotes developed the ability to successfully parasitize the latest branching higher eukaryotes (vertebrates) is an intriguing question. Gene duplication has long been thought to be the most common mechanism in the production of primary resources for the origin of evolutionary novelties. In order to parse the evolutionary trajectory of Giardia parasitic lifestyle, here we carried out a genome-wide analysis about gene duplication patterns in G. lamblia. Results: Although genomic comparison showed that in G. lamblia the contents of many fundamental biologic pathways are simplified and the whole genome is very compact, in our study 40% of its genes were identified as duplicated genes. Evolutionary distance analyses of these duplicated genes indicated two rounds of large scale duplication events had occurred in G. lamblia genome. Functional annotation of them further showed that the majority of recent duplicated genes are VSPs (Variant-specific Surface Proteins), which are essential for the successful parasitic life of Giardia in hosts. Based on evolutionary comparison with their hosts, it was found that the rapid expansion of VSPs in G. lamblia is consistent with the evolutionary radiation of placental mammals. Conclusions: Based on the genome-wide analysis of duplicated genes in G. lamblia, we found that gene duplication was essential for the origin and evolution of Giardia parasitic lifestyle. The recent expansion of VSPs uniquely occurring in G. lamblia is consistent with the increment of its hosts. Therefore we proposed a hypothesis that the increment of Giradia hosts might be the driving force for the rapid expansion of VSPs.