28 resultados para generalized additive model

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潜在植被的分布预测与制图对植被恢复规划具有重要的指导价值.利用广义相加模型(generalized additive model,GAM),结合GIS空间分析技术和环境梯度分层采样技术,为延河流域24个地带性物种建立了分布模型,并在考虑群落内部物种种间关系及其分布概率的基础上,对物种分布进行运算,模拟预测了延河流域37种植物群落的分布状况和延河流域的潜在植被分布.结果表明:研究区植被分布预测值与实际调查值间的差异不显著,预测的植被空间分布较好地反映了延河流域潜在的植被分布状况,表明该模型具有较好的预测能力,对于区域植被恢复的目标设定和恢复规划具有重要意义.


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We have recently developed a generalized JKR model for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic cylinder and a stretched substrate where both tangential and normal tractions are transmitted across the contact interface. Here we extend this model to a generalized Maugis-Dugdale model by adopting a Dugdale-type adhesive interaction law to eliminate the stress singularity near the edge of the contact zone. The non-slipping Maugis-Dugdale model is expected to have a broader range of validity in comparison with the non-slipping JKR model. The solution shares a number of common features with experimentally observed behaviors of cell reorientation on a cyclically stretched substrate.


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Adhesive contact model between an elastic cylinder and an elastic half space is studied in the present paper, in which an external pulling force is acted on the above cylinder with an arbitrary direction and the contact width is assumed to be asymmetric with respect to the structure. Solutions to the asymmetric model are obtained and the effect of the asymmetric contact width on the whole pulling process is mainly discussed. It is found that the smaller the absolute value of Dundurs' parameter beta or the larger the pulling angle theta, the more reasonable the symmetric model would be to approximate the asymmetric one.


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In this paper, a generalized JKR model is investigated, in which an elastic cylinder adhesively contacts with an elastic half space and the contact region is assumed to be perfect bonding. An external pulling force is acted on the cylinder in an arbitrary direction. The contact area changes during the pull-off process, which can be predicted using the dynamic Griffith energy balance criterion as the contact edge shifts. Full coupled solution with an oscillatory singularity is obtained and analyzed by numerical calculations. The effect of Dundurs' parameter on the pull-off process is analyzed, which shows that a nonoscillatory solution can approximate the general one under some conditions, i.e., larger pulling angle (pi/2 is the maximum value), smaller a/R or larger nondimensional parameter value of Delta gamma/E*R. Relations among the contact half width, the external pulling force and the pulling angle are used to determine the pull-off force and pull-off contact half width explicitly. All the results in the present paper as basic solutions are helpful and applicable for experimenters and engineers.


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A generalized plane strain JKR model is established for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic transversely isotropic cylinder and a dissimilar elastic transversely isotropic half plane, in which a pulling force acts on the cylinder with the pulling direction at an angle inclined to the contact interface. Full-coupled solutions are obtained through the Griffith energy balance between elastic and surface energies. The analysis shows that, for a special case, i.e., the direction of pulling normal to the contact interface, the full-coupled solution can be approximated by a non-oscillatory one, in which the critical pull-off force, pull-off contact half-width and adhesion strength can be expressed explicitly. For the other cases, i.e., the direction of pulling inclined to the contact interface, tangential tractions have significant effects on the pull-off process, it should be described by an exact full-coupled solution. The elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent pull-off force and adhesion strength. This study could not only supply an exact solution to the generalized JKR model of transversely isotropic materials, but also suggest a reversible adhesion sensor designed by transversely isotropic materials, such as PZT or fiber-reinforced materials with parallel fibers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The room temperature creep behaviors of Ce-based bulk metallic glasses were examined by the use of nanoindentation. The creep rate and creep rate sensitivity of Ce-based BMGs were derived from indentation creep curves. The low creep rate sensitivity of Ce-based BMGs indicates that the room temperature creep is dominated by localized shear flow. The experimental creep curves can be described by a generalized Kelvin model. Furthermore, the creep retardation spectrum is calculated for the Ce-based metallic glasses. The results showed that creep retardation spectrum consists of two relatively separated peaks with the well defined characteristic relaxation times.


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要: We have recently proposed a generalized JKR model for non-slipping adhesive contact between two elastic spheres subjected to a pair of pulling forces and a mismatch strain (Chen, S., Gao, H., 2006c. Non-slipping adhesive contact between mismatched elastic spheres: a model of adhesion mediated deformation sensor. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54, 1548-1567). Here we extend this model to adhesion between two mismatched elastic cylinders. The attention is focused on how the mismatch strain affects the contact area and the pull-off force. It is found that there exists a critical mismatch strain at which the contact spontaneously dissociates. The analysis suggests possible mechanisms by which mechanical deformation can affect binding between cells and molecules in biology.


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Viscoelastic deformation and creep behavior of La- and Ce-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with low glass transition temperature are investigated through nanoindentation at room temperature. Creep compliance and retardation spectra are derived to study the creep mechanism. The time-dependent displacement can be well described by a generalized Kelvin model. A modification is proposed to determine the elastic modulus from the generalized Kelvin model. The results are in excellent agreement with the elastic modulus determined by uniaxial compression tests. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The viscoelastic deformation of Ce-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with low glass transition temperature is investigated at room temperature. Contact stiffness and elastic modulus of Ce-based BMGs cannot be derived using the conventional Oliver-Pharr method [W. C. Oliver and G. M. Pharr, J. Mater. Res. 7, 1564 (1992)]. The present work shows that the time dependent displacement of unloading segments can be described well by a generalized Kelvin model. Thus, a modified Oliver-Pharr method is proposed to evaluate the contact stiffness and elastic modulus, which does, in fact, reproduce the values obtained via uniaxial compression tests. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Czochralski (Cz) technique, which is used for growing single crystals, has dominated the production of single crystals for electronic applications. The Cz growth process involves multiple phases, moving interface and three-dimensional behavior. Much has been done to study these phenomena by means of numerical methods as well as experimental observations. A three-dimensional curvilinear finite volume based algorithm has been developed to model the Cz process. A body-fitted transformation based approach is adopted in conjunction with a multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) technique to accurately handle the three-dimensional problems of phase-change in irregular geometries with free and moving surfaces. The multizone adaptive model is used to perform a three-dimensional simulation of the Cz growth of silicon single crystals.Since the phase change interface are irregular in shape and they move in response to the solution, accurate treatment of these interfaces is important from numerical accuracy point of view. The multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) is the appropriate scheme for this purpose. Another challenge encountered is the moving and periodic boundary conditions, which is essential to the numerical solution of the governing equations. Special treatments are implemented to impose the periodic boundary condition in a particular direction and to determine the internal boundary position and shape varying with the combination of ambient physicochemical transport process and interfacial dynamics. As indicated above that the applications and processes characterized by multi-phase, moving interfaces and irregular shape render the associated physical phenomena three-dimensional and unsteady. Therefore a generalized 3D model rather than a 2D simulation, in which the governing equations are solved in a general non-orthogonal coordinate system, is constructed to describe and capture the features of the growth process. All this has been implemented and validated by using it to model the low pressure Cz growth of silicon. Accuracy of this scheme is demonstrated by agreement of simulation data with available experimental data. Using the quasi-steady state approximation, it is shown that the flow and temperature fields in the melt under certain operating conditions become asymmetric and unsteady even in the absence of extrinsic sources of asymmetry. Asymmetry in the flow and temperature fields, caused by high shear initiated phenomena, affects the interface shape in the azimuthal direction thus results in the thermal stress distribution in the vicinity, which has serious implications from crystal quality point of view.


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研究植被、物种分布与环境的关系一直是生态学中的重点。长期以来,在全球变化与陆地生态系统的研究中,主要研究重点是对大尺度植被分布的模拟和预测,并建立了大量的气候-植被分布关系模型。而对于物种潜在分布的模拟和预测,国内外相关的研究较少。近年来,随着统计技术和地理信息系统的发展,用于预测物种分布的统计模型技术得到了迅速的发展。统计模型技术已被广泛应用于生物地理分布、植物群落、生物多样性、气候变化影响评估等方面。 本论文基于当前在物种分布研究中应用广泛的广义线性模型、广义加法模型及分类回归树3种统计模型技术,对我国常见树种的地理分布进行模拟分析,并比较不同模型模拟精度的优劣,将模拟精度较高的模型应用于预测未来气候情景下我国几种主要树种的未来潜在地理分布。 基于建立的广义线性模型(GLM)、二次项逐步回归广义线性模型(SGLM)、广义加法模型(GAM)和分类回归树(CART)4个模型对我国20种常见树种地理分布进行模拟,结果表明,4个模型均有较高的模拟精度。GAM的模拟精度最高;添加二次项并进行逐步回归有效的提高了GLM的模拟精度;CART是一种基于规则的模型技术,模拟结果比GLM稍好,比GAM略差。 对不同树种的模拟分析表明,4个模型对于主要分布在暖温带落叶阔叶林区域的油松、辽东栎分布的模拟结果较差;GLM对分布在温带针阔混交林中红松、蒙古栎、胡桃楸和糠椴的模拟结果不太理想;4个模型对分布在中国亚热带常绿阔叶林区域的树种均表现出较高的模拟精度;对广布种也表现出很高的模拟精度。 结合地理信息系统,以地图形式将青冈、油松的模拟结果表示出来。结果表明:地理信息系统直观的反映出了模型模拟结果差异。4个模型均能很好模拟青冈的分布,且模拟结果接近;而对油松分布模拟结果4个模型均不甚理想,以GLM最差。这些结果与模型模拟评估结果相吻合。 在未来气候变化情景下,基于4个模型模拟结果优劣,以我国三种主要造林树种马尾松、油松、红松和两种常见树种青冈、蒙古栎为研究对象,分析其未来变化趋势。结果表明,未来气候变化情景下,对于马尾松而言,4个模型均预测马尾松在基本保持原有分布的基础上,其未来潜在分布区域均有所扩大,且有向西和向北扩展的趋势;对于油松而言,基于GLM、SGLM和GAM3个模型,油松的未来潜在分布除有北移的趋势外,其分布区还将向东北和西南两个方向扩展;对于红松而言,基于SGLM、GAM和CART3个模型的预测结果较为接近,即红松的未来潜在分布区域将有所减少;对蒙古栎而言,4个模型预测蒙古栎未来分布均将向西扩展;对青冈而言,4个模型预测青冈能基本保持其原有分布区,并向西和向北扩展,其中CART预测结果还表明,青冈在广东南部及广西南部的分布区域将消失。


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Lattice-type model can simulate in a straightforward manner heterogeneous brittle media. Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion has recently been involved into the generalized beam (GB) lattice model, and as a result, numerical experiments on concrete under various loading conditions can be conducted. The GB lattice model is further used to investigate the reinforced fiber/particle composites instead of only particle composites as the model did before. Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the modeling procedure, and influences of inclusions (particle, fiber and rebar) on the fracture processes are also discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A generalized model for the effective thermal conductivity of porous media is derived based on the fact that statistical self-similarity exists in porous media. The proposed model assumes that porous media consist of two portions: randomly distributed non-touching particles and self-similarly distributed particles contacting each other with resistance. The latter are simulated by Sierpinski carpets with side length L = 13 and cutout size C = 3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively, depending upon the porosity concerned. Recursive formulae are presented and expressed as a function of porosity, ratio of areas, ratio of component thermal conductivities and contact resistance, and there is no empirical constant and every parameter has a clear physical meaning. The model predictions are compared with the existing experimental data, and good agreement is found in a wide range of porosity of 0.14-0.80, and this verifies the validity of the proposed model.


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The microstructural heterogeneity and stress fluctuation play important roles in the failure process of brittle materials. In this paper, a generalized driven nonlinear threshold model with stress fluctuation is presented to study the effects of microstructural heterogeneity on continuum damage evolution. As an illustration, the failure process of cement material under explosive loading is analyzed using the model. The result agrees well with the experimental one, which proves the efficiency of the model.