21 resultados para full converter type 4 wind turbine generator

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With the background of offshore wind energy projects, this paper studies aerodynamic performance and geometric characteristics of large capacity wind turbine rotors ( 1 to 10 MW), and the main characteristic parameters such as the rated wind speed, blade tip speed, and rotor solidity. We show that the essential criterion of a high-performance wind turbine is a highest possible annual usable energy pattern factor and a smallest possible dimension, capturing the maximum wind energy and producing the maximum annual power. The influence of the above-mentioned three parameters on the pattern factor and rotor geometry of wind turbine operated in China's offshore meteorological environment is investigated. The variation patterns of aerodynamic and geometric parameters are obtained, analyzed, and compared with each other. The present method for aerodynamic analysis and its results can form a basis for evaluating aerodynamic performance of large-scale offshore wind turbine rotors.


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糯小麦在食品加工业、淀粉加工业及其它工业上有着重要用途,是近年来许多国家小麦研究的重要课题。国外糯小麦选育尚未突破高产与糯性相结合的难点,国内目前还没有培育出高蛋白强筋型的糯小麦品种,这在一定程度上与缺乏合适的育种方法和高效、实用的糯小麦分子标记辅助育种技术有关。国内外对Wx基因效应的研究主要利用缺体-四体系、重组自交系或近等基因系,还未见有利用遗传背景相同的BC5F2代回交改良群体的报道。 糯性位点近等基因系是小麦淀粉品质育种的重要材料,而我国目前还没有一套中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系。为了选育部分糯小麦、全糯小麦和中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系,我们利用Wx蛋白电泳和高效实用的分子标记技术体系来鉴定糯小麦杂交后代的基因型,结果证明该体系能有效地用于糯小麦的分子标记辅助育种。以中国春糯性位点全套近等基因系为研究材料,对小麦Wx基因的6个STS标记和1个CAPS标记进行了筛选,改良PCR扩增条件以及产物检测方式后,从这些标记中筛选出3个标记,包括鉴定Wx-A1、Wx-D1位点的2个共显性STS标记和Wx-B1位点的1个显性STS标记。利用上述3个分子标记从BC5F2 代回交改良群体中筛选出了8种Wx基因型,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3对基因的分离比例,其中基因型为aabbdd的植株有2株,直链淀粉含量分别为1.81%和0.82%,为全糯小麦;基因型为AAbbdd,aabbDD的部分糯性植株各有1株,直链淀粉含量分别为15.24%和17.57%。以上4株植株的农艺性状和品质性状接近回交亲本“川育12”,并明显优于全糯材料“98Y1441”,表明采用回交法与Wx基因分子标记辅助选择相结合,有助于培育高产、优质的全糯和部分糯小麦。同时,本研究中建立的分子标记技术体系,也为选育具有中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系奠定了基础。 在基因型鉴定的基础上,利用糯小麦杂交后代BC5F2代回交改良群体研究了各基因缺失降低直链淀粉含量的效果和各基因合成直链淀粉的能力,以及直链淀粉含量与农艺性状、品质性状、淀粉糊化特性等的相关性。缺失不同Wx基因的8种基因型,直链淀粉含量差异显著。研究单缺失基因型发现,减少效应最大的是Wx-B1b基因,Wx-B1b和Wx-D1b基因没有显著差异,减少效应最小的是Wx-A1b基因。研究双缺失基因型发现,Wx基因合成直链淀粉的能力,Wx-B1a基因最高,Wx-A1a基因最低,而Wx-B1a和Wx-D1a基因差异很小;直链淀粉含量与株高、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重等农艺性状相关不显著,表明淀粉品质育种可以与高产育种实现有机结合;直链淀粉含量与SDS-沉降值呈显著负相关(r=-0.726),说明直链淀粉含量降低在一定程度上有利于提高小麦营养与加工品质,这一结果至今未见有文献报道;全糯类型的淀粉糊化特性与其他类型显著不同,具有最高的峰值粘度和稀懈值,最低的低谷粘度、最终粘度、反弹值、峰值时间、糊化温度、起始糊化温度,表明糯小麦淀粉在食品和工业上具有特殊用途;稀懈值与直链淀粉含量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.969),其他粘度参数与直链淀粉含量呈显著正相关(最终粘度r=0.797,低谷粘度r=0.910、反弹值r=0.954、峰值时间r=0.970、糊化温度r=0.962、起始糊化温度r=0.932)。以上结论可为糯小麦品种选育和淀粉品质改良提供理论依据。 Waxy wheat is very important in food processing industry, starch processing industry and the other industries, so it is a focus of wheat research in many countries these years. Foreign wheat breeders have not conquered the difficulty of high yield combined with waxy character, and there is no waxy wheat variety with high protein and strong gluten in China at present,all of which were caused by lacking proper breeding methods and effective, applied molecular markers-assisted selection technique at a certain extent. Until now, research about the effect of waxy genes mainly depended on nullisomic-tetrasomic lines, recombinant lines or near-isogenic lines, and it is lacking the reports of using improved BC5F2 backcross progenies under the common genetic background. Near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci are important materials for wheat starch quality breeding. However, there are no such lines under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. To develop partial waxy wheats, waxy wheats and near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background, we use SDS-PAGE of waxy proteins and effective, applied molecular marker-assisted selection technical system to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. The results indicated that such a system is applicable in waxy wheat’s molecular marker-assisted selection effectively. A series of Chinese Spring Wx loci near-isogenic lines were used to identify the specific bands of six STS markers and one CAPS marker of Wx genes. After optimizing PCR amplification and separating of PCR products, three co-dominant and dominant STS-markers were identified at the Wx-A1, Wx-D1 and Wx-B1 loci, respectively, which were used to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. Eight Wx genotypes were developed from the improved BC5F2 backcross progenies, which follows Mendelian segregation. Among them, there were two aabbdd waxy plants whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 1.81% and 0.82%, respectively. In addition, there were partial waxy plants (AAbbdd and aabbDD) whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 15.24 % and 17.57%, respectively. Most agronomic and quality traits of these four plants resembled those of the recurrent parent “Chuanyu 12”, and superior to waxy wheat parent “98Y1441”. This shows that backcross approach in combination with molecular marker-assisted selection of waxy genes is helpful to develop partial and full waxy wheat with good traits in the waxy wheat breeding program. At the same time, molecular marker-assisted selection technical system in this paper, also establish the base for breeding the near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. According to the results of genotype identification, we use waxy wheat’s improved BC5F2 backcross progenies to verify the effects of null alleles on reducing amylose content and determine the amylose synthesis capacity of each Wx gene independently, and investigate the relativity among amylose content with agonomic traits, quality traits, starch pasting properties respectively. There was significant difference in amylose content of the eight genotypes carrying different null Wx alleles. The reducing effect of the single null alleles was the most significant in Wx-B1b, followed by Wx-D1b and Wx-A1b, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1b and Wx-D1b. The results of the double null lines further demonstrated that for the capacity of amylose synthesis, Wx-B1a was the highest, followed by Wx-D1a and Wx-A1a, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1a and Wx-D1a. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were not significantly correlated with plant height, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, 1000-grain weight, which showed that starch quality breeding could integrate with high yield breeding. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were negatively significantly correlated with SDS-sedimentation value(r=-0.726), which suggested that reduction in amylose content is propitious to improve quality at a certain extent. Starch pasting properties of the full waxy type was significantly different from the other seven types, with the highest peak viscosity and breakdown, and lowest valley viscosity, final viscosity, setback, peak time, pasting temperature and starting pasting temperature. It indicated that waxy wheat starch has special use in food and industry. Breakdown was negatively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=-0.969), and the other parameters were positively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=0.797 for final viscosity, r=0.910 for trough viscosity, r =0.954 for setback, r =0.970 for peak time, r=0.962 for pasting temperature and r=0.932 for starting pasting temperature ). The results of the study are very useful for waxy wheat variety breeding and starch quality improvement.


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Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHTNARE) has collected 4480 meteorite specimens in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica, from 1998 to 2003. According to the location characteristics and the diversity of the classification, the paper concludes that the Grove Mountains is another important meteorite concentration area in the Antarctica. The Concentration mechanisms at the site could be related to the last glacier activity and katabatic wind. An empirical model was proposed: 1) Probably during the Last Glacial Maximum, ice flow overrided the Gale Escarpment range in the area. Formerly concentrated meteorites were carried by the new glacier and stayed in the terminal moraine when the glacier retreated. 2) Blown by strong katabatic wind, Newly exposed meteorites on the ablation zone were scattered on the blue ice at the lee side of the Gale escarpment. Some of them would be buried when they were moved further onto the firn snow zone. Many floating meteorites stopped and mustered at the fringe of the moraine. The chemical-petrographic of 31 meteorites were assigned based on electron probe microanalyses, petrography and mineralogy, including 1 martian lherzolitic shergottite, 1 eucrite, 1 extreme fine grain octahedron iron meteorite, and 28 ordinary chondrites (the chemical groups: 7 H-group, 13 L-group, 6 LL-group, 2 L/LL group; the petrographic types: 6 unequilibrated type 3 and 22 equilibrated type 4-6). GRV99028 meteorite has the komatiite-like spinifex texture consisting of acicular olivine crystals and some hornblende-family minerals in the interstitial region. Possibly it has crystallized from a supercooled, impact-generated, ultramafic melt of the host chondrite, then experienced the retrogressive metamorphism. Four typical chondrule textures were studied: porphyritic texture, radiative texture, barred texture and glass texture. The minerals are characteristically enriched in MgO content.


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通过野外采集和观察,标本鉴定和实验研究,从植物形态学,叶柄和根状茎的解剖,叶表皮的显微观察,和孢子形态的扫描电镜观察等方面进行研究与分析,对中国瓦韦属(除薄叶组)进行了分类学修订研究。 1. 形态性状分析 研究了国内外重要标本馆的大量瓦韦属植物标本,通过对一些重要的形态性状的观察和分析,判定其变异规律及分类学意义。根状茎上的鳞片和孢子囊上的隔丝的形状和网眼结构是瓦韦属属下分类和种的划分的最主要的形态学性状。其它特征如孢子囊群着生的位置、中脉的颜色、根状茎直立或横走等在种内也具有一定的稳定性,可以帮助种的划分和鉴定。因此,在对瓦韦属植物进行分类时要结合几个相关性状而不是单一的性状进行分类。 2. 叶柄和根状茎的解剖 对瓦韦属(除薄叶组)49 个种的叶柄和根状茎进行解剖观察,发现叶柄中维管束的条数一般为1--7 条不等,排成一字形、三角形或半圆形。两根粗的维管束排列在腹面,较细的维管束排列在背面。叶柄中没有厚壁组织,但是在叶柄和根状茎的连接部位叶足处有厚壁组织的存在。根状茎横切面观察显示除了维管束外还有厚壁组织的存在,在常绿种内厚壁组织较多,落叶类型中厚壁组织较少。 3. 叶表皮形态 观察了瓦韦属51 个种的叶表皮形态和结构,发现该性状对于属下划分具有一定的系统学意义,也有助于疑难物种的鉴别。瓦韦属植物的叶表皮细胞形状通常为多边形、不规则;垂周壁式样为波状和浅波状;气孔器类型比较复杂,在所观察的类群中,气孔器都分布在下表皮上,极细胞型Polocytic type,共环极细胞型Copolocytic type ,腋下细胞型Axillocytic type ,聚腋下细胞型Coaxillocytic 是最常见的类型,不规则型Anomocytic type ,不规则四细胞型Anomotetracytic type,不等细胞型Anisocytic type,辐射状细胞型Actinocytic type 和双环不等四细胞型Amphicycloanisocytic type 也存在于瓦韦属的叶表皮中。属下同一个组的叶表皮特征近似,不同的组具有一定的差别。 4. 孢子形态 在扫描电镜下对瓦韦属50 个种的孢子形态进行了观察。瓦韦属的孢子两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为肾形、豆形或半圆形。孢子的表面纹饰可以分为6 类,分别是光滑、颗粒状、瘤状、皱状、波状以及疣状的纹饰。瓦韦属的孢子周壁较薄,纹饰由外壁组成。孢子形态具有重要的系统学意义,可以为属下分类提供可靠的证据,对形态近似的物种的划分也有重要参考价值。 通过对大量标本的研究,以及模式标本的考证,结合野外居群观察,综合分析有关分类学资料,主要依据比较稳定的微观性状,对瓦韦属植物进行了新的分类学修订。结果承认中国瓦韦属(除薄叶组)有37 种,可以分为5 个组,有3 个名称被首次处理为异名,另有2 个种暂时存疑。


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本文结合我国燃料乙醇发展的方针政策,以酿酒酵母和运动发酵单胞菌为菌种研究其在非粮能源作物木薯中乙醇发酵的情况,为木薯原料更好地应用于生产中提供了理论依据。 酿酒酵母木薯高浓度乙醇发酵的研究。实验采用的木薯干淀粉含量约70-75%。以酿酒酵母为菌种进行高浓度乙醇发酵的工艺条件研究,最佳条件为:木薯干粉碎细度为35目,料水比1:2,α-淀粉酶用量0.09 KNU/g淀粉,蒸煮温度85 ℃,蒸煮时间15 min。采用30 ℃同步糖化发酵工艺,糖化酶用量为3.4 AGU/g淀粉,发酵时间30 h。在10 L发酵罐中,乙醇质量比达127.88 g/kg,发酵效率为88.28%,发酵强度4.263 g/kg/h,100 L中试研究中乙醇浓度为127.75 g/kg,发酵强度4.258 g/kg/h。利用高效液相色谱对发酵液中残糖进行了分析,证明葡萄糖、果糖等单糖已完全被菌体利用,剩余糖为二糖,三糖等不可发酵的低聚糖。 运动发酵单胞菌快速乙醇发酵的研究。对实验室保藏的8株运动发酵单胞菌进行比较,选择发酵速度最快的Zymomonas mobilis232B进行研究。该菌在纯葡萄糖中的最佳发酵条件为:葡萄糖浓度18%,起始pH 6-7,发酵温度30 ℃,发酵时间18 h,乙醇浓度88 g/kg。在以木薯为底物同步糖化快速乙醇发酵中,采用Full Factorial设计和最速上升实验确定了培养基成分中的2个显著性因子及其最适浓度:酵母粉4 g/kg,硫酸铵0.8 g/kg。在最适培养基条件下,对木薯料水比和糖化酶用量进行了优化,得到Z.mobilis232B木薯乙醇发酵最佳料水比1:3,糖化酶浓度4 AGU/g淀粉,乙醇发酵4.915 g/kg/h。利用高效液相色谱对发酵液中残糖进行了分析,剩余糖为二糖,三糖等,但成分较酵母发酵后复杂。 According to the fuel ethanol development plans and policies in our country, the ethanol production from cassava by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis was studied. It provided theoretical basis for ethanol fermentation by cassava in industry. Part 1 is the study of VHG (very high gravity) ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The content of starch in cassava was 70-75%. Compared with the performances under different experimental conditions, the following optimal conditions for VHG fermentation were obtained: Granule size of dry cassava 35 mashes, hydromodulus of cassava to water at 1:2, α-amylase enzyme dosage 0.09 KNU/g starch, cooking temperature 85 ℃ for 15 min, using the SSF process (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation) and the amount of glucoamylase 3.4 AGU/g starch. Accordingly, the final ethanol concentration was up to 127.88 g/kg; the ethanol yield reached 88.28%, and ethanol productivity was 4.263 g/kg/h after 30 h. When the fermentation scale expanded to 100 L, the final ethanol concentration was 127.75 g/kg, and the ethanol productivity was 4.258 g/kg/h in 30 h. The residual sugar was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, and proved that there was no glucose and fructose. The residual reducing sugar was some unfermentable oligosaccharide Part 2 is the study of the rapid ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis. Compare with other seven stains, Zymomonas mobilis 232B was selected for research. The optimum condition in glucose medium was as follow: glucose concentration 18%, initial pH 6-7, and fermentation temperature 30 ℃. The ethanol concentration was 88g/kg in 18 h. After that, rapid ethanol production from cassava in SSF by Zymomonas mobilis 232B was studied. Through a series of experiments aided by Full Factorial Design and steepest ascent search, the optimal concentration yeast extract and ammonium sulfate were determined: 4 g/kg and 0.8 g/kg, each. Under optimum medium conditions, the optimal hydromodulus of cassava to water and glucoamylase dosages were obtained: hydromodulus of cassava to water at 1:3 and glucoamylase dosages 4 AGU/g starch. The ethanol production reached 4.915 g/kg/h. The residual sugar was analyzed by HPLC, and proved that the residual reducing sugar was some unfermentable oligosaccharide,but the components were more complex than that fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


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A faccile and efficient one-pot synthesis of highly substituted thiophenes has been developed and employed for the preparation of a small focused library. Treatment of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds 1 with CS2 in the presence of K2CO3 in DMF at room temperature, followed by stepwise addition of alkyl bromides 2 and methylene active bromides 3, provided via intramolecular cyclization 2,3,4,5-tetrasubstituted thiophenes 4 in yields of 77-94%. This protocol, combining construction and modification of the thiophene ring, increases the structural diversity of final products from readily available materials. A mechanism for the one-pot synthesis of thiophenes of type 4 has been proposed. A small focused library of thiophenes is prepared using the sequential addition of reagents to achieve unique substitution in the 2 and 5 position of the thiophene ring


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Luo Ning ( Mineralogy, Petrology, Deposit Mineralogy) Directed by Fu Liyun With the increase of the level of exploration and development, North China field, as one of the maturing fields in the east, has gradually turned their prospecting targets to frontiers such as deep zones, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs, low permeable layers, special lithostromes, etc, which propose new challenges to mating technique of exploration engineering. In it, the special lithostrome of clay carbonate in Shu-Lu cave in Middle Flank exploration area locates in Es_3 generating rock. The area distribution is large, formation thickness is over 100 meters, the oil accumulation condition is excellent, prognostic reserves is over 80,000,000 tons, but how to effectively stimulate the special low permeable and fractured reservoir has become the bottle neck problem of stimulation and stable yields. In this thesis, through comprehensive evaluation and analysis of lithology, lithomechanics, hydrocarbon reservoir characteristics, the characteristics of fluid flow through porous medium and the stimulation measures in the past, we acquire new cognition of clay carbonate reservoirs, in addition, the research and application of first hydraulic fracturing has gained positive effect and formed commensurable comprehensive reservoir evaluation technique and mating engineering technique of hydraulic fracturing. The main cognitions and achievements are as follows: 1.Study of geological information such as lithololy analysis and nuclear magnetic logging, etc, indicates that clay carbonate formation of Shu-Lu cave is anisotropic, low permeable with high shale content, whose accumulation space gives priority to microcracks. 2.The analysis of lithomechanics of clay carbonate indicates that the hardness is moderate, Young’s modulus is between that of sandstone and limestone, clay carbonate presents plastic property and its breakdown pressure is high because of the deep buried depth. 3.The analysis of the drillstem test curves indicates that the flow and build-up pressure curve of clay carbonate of Shu-Lu cave mainly has three types: formation contamination block-up type, low permeable type, formation energy accumulation slowness type; the reservoir characteristics presents double porosity media, radial compounding, uniform flow vertical fracture, isotropy, moniliform reservoir type. The target well Jingu 3 belongs to moniliform reservoir type. 4.Through recognition and re-evaluation of the treatment effect and technologic limitations of acidizing, acid fracturing and gelled acidizing in the past, based on the sufficient survey and study of hydraulic fracturing home and abroad, combined with comprehensive formation study of target well, we launched the study of the optimization of hydraulic fracturing technique, forming the principal clue and commensurable mating technology aimed at clay carbonate formation, whose targets are preventing leak off, preventing sand bridge, preventing embedment, controlling fracture height, forming long fracture. 5. Recognition of stimulation effect evaluation.


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C-type lectins are a superfamily of carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles in the innate immunity. In this study, a novel multidomain C-type lectin gene from scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as Cflec-4) was cloned by RACE approach based on EST analysis. The full-length cDNA of Cflec-4 was of 2086 bp. The open reading frame was of 1830 bp and encoded a polypeptide of 609 amino acids, including a signal sequence and four dissimilar carbohydrate-recognition domains (CRDs). The deduced amino acid sequence of CflecA shared high similarities to other C-type lectin family members. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the divergence between the three N-terminal CRDs and the C-terminal one, suggesting that the four CRDs in Cflec-4 originated by repeated duplication of different primordial CRD. The potential tertiary structure of each CRD in Cflec-4 was typical double-loop structure with Ca2+-binding site 2 in the long loop region and two conserved disulfide bridges at the bases of the loops. The tissue distribution of Cflec-4 mRNA was examined by fluorescent quantitative real-time PCR. In the healthy scallops, the Cflec-4 transcripts could be only detected in gonad and hepatopancreas, whereas in the Listonella anguillarum challenged scallops, it could be also detected in hemocytes. These results collectively suggested that CflecA was involved in the immune defense of scallop against pathogen infection and provided new insight into the evolution of C-type lectin superfamily. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Propagation of a few-cycle laser pulse in a V-type three-level system (fine structure levels of rubidium) is investigated numerically. The full three-level Maxwell-Bloch equations without the rotating wave approximation and the standing slowly varying envelope approximation are solved by using a finite-difference time-domain method. It is shown that, when the usual unequal oscillator strengths are considered, self-induced transparency cannot be recovered and higher spectral components can be produced even for small-area pulses. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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To search for compounds with superior anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity, ten 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfonates (4a-j) were synthesized and preliminarily evaluated as HIV-1 inhibitors in vitro for the first time. Some compounds demonstrated anti-HIV-1 activity, especially 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-ethylbenzenesulfonate (4g) and 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-chlorobenzenesulfonate (41) showed the more potent anti-HIV-1 activity with 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of 2.59 and 4.01 mu g/ml, and therapeutic index (TI) values of 31.77 and 24.51, respectively.


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A close relationship is found between the blue and yellow luminescence bands in n-type GaN films, which are grown without intentional acceptor doping. The intensity ratio of blue luminescence to yellow luminescence (I-BL/I-YL) decreases with the increase in edge dislocation densities as demonstrated by the (102) full width at half maximum of x-ray diffraction. In addition, the I-BL/I-YL ratio decreases with the increase in Si doping. It is suggested that the edge dislocation and Si impurity play important roles in linking the blue and yellow luminescence.


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New observations on the luminescence Of In2S3 and europium-doped In2S3 nanoparticles show a green (5 10 nm) emission from In2S3 and In1.8Eu0.2S3 nanoparticles while a blue (425 nm) emission is observed from ln(1.6)Eu(0.4)S(3) nanoparticles. Both the blue and green emissions have large Stokes shifts of 62 and 110 nm, respectively. Excitation with longer-wavelength photons causes the blue emission to shift to a longer wavelength while the green emission wavelength remains unchanged. The lifetimes of both the green and blue emissions are similar to reported values for excitonic recombination. When doped with Eu3+, in addition to the broad blue and green emissions, a red emission near 615 nm attributed to Eu3+ is observed. Temperature dependences on nanoparticle thin films indicate that with increasing temperature, the green emission wavelength remains constant, however, the blue emission shifts toward longer wavelengths. Based on these observations, the blue emission is attributed to exciton recombination and the green emission to Indium interstitial defects. These nanoparticles show full-color emission with high efficiency, fast lifetime decays, and good stability; they are also relatively simple to prepare, thus making them a new type of phosphor with potential applications in lighting, flat-panel displays, and communications.


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A new type of self-aligned spotsize converter (SSC) integrated 1.55 mum DFB lasers had been proposed in this article. The upper optical confinement layer and the butt-coupled tapered thickness waveguide were regrown simultaneously, which not only offered the separate optimization of the active region and the integrated SSC, but also reduced the difficulty of the butt-joint selective regrowth. The vertical and horizontal far field angles were 9degrees and 12degrees respectively, the 1- dB misalignment tolerance were both 3.6 and 3.4 mum. The directed coupling efficiency to tapered single mode fiber was 48%.