8 resultados para fertilizing
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为探讨在宁南山区不同施肥处理下马铃薯生长发育和产量最佳施肥方式,采取随机区组设计进行田间试验,开展对马铃薯产量和品质影响的研究。结果表明,在当地条件下,处理10收获期干物质积累总量平均比对照增加30.97%,各施肥处理收获期的干物质累积量比对照增加7.35%~73.31%。马铃薯生长发育最佳施肥方式是N 300 kg/hm2、P2O5200 kg/hm2、K2O 200 kg/hm2、M 17.5 t/hm2,(氮肥基施和追肥各一半,磷肥和钾肥以及有机肥全部基施),能增加马铃薯产量并能增加淀粉含量,从而提高马铃薯产品品质。在宁南山区马铃薯生产中可以推广应用这种肥料组配方案。
试验研究了不同施肥处理对小麦产量及肥料、水分利用率的影响。结果表明:氮磷配施对产量的贡献率最高,产量达5 099.8 kg/hm2,增产率达21.5%,较氮、磷肥单施产量分别增产14.0%和18.4%,具有正交互效应;单施有机肥较NM、PM、NPM增产率分别达到6.63%、4.12%、11.3%。化肥配施可显著提高旱地小麦的肥料利用率和水分利用效率,氮磷有机肥配施肥料氮、磷肥的利用率分别较氮、磷肥单施提高1.71和12.55个百分点;氮磷配施可同时提高氮肥、磷肥肥效,此时氮贡献率为15.53%,磷贡献率达12.26%,且水分利用率提高了24.1%,耗水系数降低了17.57%。
本文旨在研究氮肥缺失对旱地土壤细菌群落多样性的影响。采用直接提取土壤微生物总DNA的方法,对不施肥(CK)、适量施肥(F1)、和缺氮施肥(F2)3种不同施肥水平土样DNA进行提取,扩增细菌16S rDNA基因片段,建立克隆文库。用限制性内切酶HhaI和RsaI进行PCR-RFLP分析,分别得到146、187、11个酶切类型。采用α多样性的测度对试验结果进行分析统计结果表明,不同处理间土壤细菌的多样性(H′、Ds和Dg)和物种丰富度(dMa、R2和E)均为F1>CK>F2;λ、dMa、E和H′指数在不同施肥处理间的变异系数达到56.96%~163.1%,尤其Simpson指数λ是非常敏感的指标,处理间的差异最大,表明氮肥缺失严重影响土壤细菌群落多样性,合理施肥有利于土壤细菌的多样性。
概述了国内外林地施肥的现状 ,简要论述了氮肥利用效率和水分利用效率在农林业生产中的意义。同时 ,阐述了水肥耦合的研究状况 ,并说明了水肥耦合理论应用于林业生产中以改善黄土高原因水肥不协调而形成大面积低效林的重要意义
研究结果表明不同坡度谷子地 ,高 N处理小区径流中铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮浓度平均为 1.0 6、0 .76和1.82 mg/kg,低 N分别为 0 .6 4、1.2 9和 1.93mg/kg;高氮处理土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮平均流失量分别达到17.90、12 .93和 30 .84kg/(km2 · a) ,低 N流失量为 11.90、2 3.86和 35 .77kg/(km2 · a)。高氮处理小区泥沙中有机质和全氮浓度平均为 5 .2 1和 0 .5 36 g/kg,而低氮处理分别为 4.94和 0 .481g/kg;高氮和低氮处理土壤有机质流失量分别为 5 70 2和 5 743kg/(km2 · a) ,土壤全氮流失量为 498和 5 5 9kg/(km2 · a)
根据黄土高原因水肥不协调而形成大面积低效林的问题 ,以水肥耦合为中心 ,以 1龄杨树幼苗为研究对象 ,采用三因子五水平正交旋转组合回归设计方法 ,利用盆栽试验和定量分析的手段 ,研究探讨了不同水肥条件下 ,水、N、P三因子对杨树生物量的影响 ,结果表明三因素对杨树生物量存在着耦合交互效应 ,不同的水、N、P配合有不同的生物量积累 .因此 ,合理施肥、量水配肥是改善黄土高原因水肥不协调而形成大面积低效林的有效途径
The objectives were to assess motility, fertilizing capacity, structural integrity, and mitochondrial function in fresh versus frozen-thawed (15% DMSO was used as a cryoprotectant) sperm from red seabrearn (Pagrus major). Mean (+/- S.D.) rates of motility, fertilization and hatching of frozen-thawed sperm were 81.0 +/- 5.4, 92.8 +/- 1.9, and 91.8 +/- 5.2%, respectively; for fresh sperm, they were 87.5 +/- 7.7, 95.8 +/- 2.4, and 93.8 +/- 4.2%. Although motility was lower in frozen-thawed versus fresh sperm (P < 0.05), there was no effect (P > 0.05) of cryopreservation on fertilization or hatching. Based on scanning and transmission electron microscopy, 77.8 +/- 5.6% of fresh sperm had normal morphology, whereas for frozen-thawed sperm, 63.0 +/- 7.2% had normal morphology, 20.6 +/- 3.1% were slightly damaged (e.g. swelling or rupture of head, mid-piece and tail region as well as mitochondria), and 16.4 +/- 4.2% were severely damaged. Sperm were stained with propidium iodide and Rhodamine 123 to assess plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial function, respectively, and examined with flow cytometry. For fresh sperm, 83.9% had an intact membrane and functional mitochondria, whereas for frozen-thawed sperm, 74.8% had an intact membrane and functional mitochondria, 12.7% had a damaged membrane, 9.9% had nonfunctional mitochondria, and 2.6% had both a damaged membrane and nonfunctional mitochondria. In conclusion, ultrastructure and flow cytometry were valuable for assessment of frozen-thawed sperm quality; cryopreservation damaged the sperm but fertilizing ability was not significantly decreased. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In the present study, the quality of post-thaw sperm of red seabream Pagrus major frozen with 6-24% DMSO was investigated. The motility, average path velocity and fertilizing capacity of fresh and their corresponding post-thaw sperm were examined for evaluation of the post-thaw sperm motion characteristics and its association with fertilizing capacity. An analysis of sperm motility before and after cryopreservation has been performed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). For post-thaw sperm frozen with 12-21% DMSO, the percentages of motile sperm were not significantly (P > 0.05) changed 10 s after activation. Moreover, the main motility pattern and swimming velocity of the motile post-thaw sperm were not significantly (P > 0.05) changed and the progressive linear motion was still the dominant pattern. However, the total motility of post-thaw sperm (72.3 +/- 6.3%) 30 s after activation was (P < 0.05) lower than the corresponding fresh sperm (82.7 +/- 7.2%). Additionally, the fertilizing capacity of post-thaw sperm was investigated with a standardized sperm to egg ratio 500:1. There is a linear regression relationship between the percentage of motile post-thaw sperm and fertilizing capability. These data demonstrate that 12-21% DMSO can provide good protection to the sperm during the freezing-thawing process. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.