101 resultados para evolved transforms

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The concept of an extended fractional Fourier transform (FRT) is suggested. Previous PBT's and complex FRT's are only its subclasses. Then, through this concept and its method, we explain the physical meaning of any optical Fresnel diffraction through a lens: It is just an extended FRT; a lens-cascaded system can equivalently be simplified to a simple analyzer of the FRT; the two-independent-parameter FRT of an object illuminated with a plane wave can be readily implemented by a lens of arbitrary focal length; when cascading, the Function of each lens unit and the relationship between the adjacent ones are clear and simple; and more parameters and fewer restrictions on cascading make the optical design easy. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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The sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of cyprinid subfamily Leuciscinae are analyzed. Phylogenetic trees generated with methods of neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony with Phenacogrammus as an outgroup indicate that Leuciscinae is not a monophyletic group but includes two discrete subgroups. The East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae, including the genera Ctenopharyngodon, Elopichthys, Luciobrama, Mylopharyngodon, Ochetobius, and Squaliobarbus, is close to Aristichthys and Hypophthalmichthys, and they form a monophyletic group which is distant from the leuciscine genera in Europe, Siberia and North America, such as Phoxinus, Leuciscus, Abramis, Rutilus, Chondrostoma, Alburnus, Opsopoedus, Lythrurus, and Pimephales. Our study suggests that the diversified East Asian group of the subfamily Leuciscinae should have an independent origination.


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Sponges (phylum Porifera) had been considered as an enigmatic phylum, prior to the analysis of their genetic repertoire/tool kit. Already with the isolation of the first adhesion molecule, galectin, it became clear that the sequences of sponge cell surface receptors and of molecules forming the intracellular signal transduction pathways triggered by them, share high similarity with those identified in other metazoan phyla. These studies demonstrated that all metazoan phyla, including Porifera, originate from one common ancestor, the Urmetazoa. The sponges evolved prior to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary (542 million years ago [myr]) during two major "snowball earth events", the Sturtian glaciation (710 to 680 myr) and the Varanger-Marinoan ice ages (605 to 585 myr). During this period the ocean was richer in silica due to the silicate weathering. The oldest sponge fossils (Hexactinellida) have been described from Australia, China and Mongolia and are thought to have existed coeval with the diverse Ediacara fauna. Only little younger are the fossils discovered in the Sansha section in Hunan (Early Cambrian; China). It has been proposed that only the sponges possessed the genetic repertoire to cope with the adverse conditions, e.g. temperature-protection molecules or proteins protecting them against ultraviolet radiation. The skeletal elements of the Hexactinellida (model organisms Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia or Hyalonema sieboldi) and Demospongiae (models Suberites domuncula and Geodia cydonium), the spicules, are formed enzymatically by the anabolic enzyme silicatein and the catabolic enzyme silicase. Both, the spicules of Hexactinellida and of Demospongiae, comprise a central axial canal and an axial filament which harbors the silicatein. After intracellular formation of the first lamella around the channel and the subsequent extracellular apposition of further lamellae the spicules are completed in a net formed of collagen fibers. The data summarized here substantiate that with the finding of silicatein a new aera in the field of bio/inorganic chemistry started. For the first time strategies could be formulated and experimentally proven that allow the formation/synthesis of inorganic structures by organic molecules. These findings are not only of importance for the further understanding of basic pathways in the body plan formation of sponges but also of eminent importance for applied/commercial processes in a sustainable use of biomolecules for novel bio/inorganic materials.


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In this paper the problem of a cylindrical crack located in a functionally graded material (FGM) interlayer between two coaxial elastic dissimilar homogeneous cylinders and subjected to a torsional impact loading is considered. The shear modulus and the mass density of the FGM interlayer are assumed to vary continuously between those of the two coaxial cylinders. This mixed boundary value problem is first reduced to a singular integral equation with a Cauchy type kernel in the Laplace domain by applying Laplace and Fourier integral transforms. The singular integral equation is then solved numerically and the dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF) is also obtained by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The DSIF is found to rise rapidly to a peak and then reduce and tend to the static value almost without oscillation. The influences of the crack location, the FGM interlayer thickness and the relative magnitudes of the adjoining material properties are examined. It is found among others that, by increasing the FGM gradient, the DSIF can be greatly reduced.


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The transition process of the thermocapillary convection from a steady and axisymmetric mode to the oscillatory mode in a liquid bridge with a fixed aspect ratio and varied volume ratio was studied experimentally. To ensure the surface tension to play an important role in the ground-based experiment, the geometrical configuration of the liquid bridge was so designed that the associated dynamic Bond number Bd ≈ 1. The velocity fields were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to effectively distinguish the different flow modes during the transition period in the experiments. Our experiments showed that as the temperature difference increased the slender and fat bridges presented quite different features on the evolution in their flow feature: for the former the thermocapillary convection transformed from a steady and axisymmetric pattern directly into an oscillatory one; but for the latter a transition flow status, characterized by an axial asymmetric steady convection, appeared before reaching the oscillatory mode. Experimental observations agree with the results of numerical simulations and it is obvious that the volume of liquid bridge is a sensitive geometric parameter. In addition, at the initial stage of the oscillation, for the former a rotating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 1 was observed while for the latter a pulsating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2 emerged, and then with further increase of the temperature difference, the pulsating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 2 evolved into a rotating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2.


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We present the analysis of uniaxial deformation of nickel nanowires using molecular dynamics simulations, and address the strain rate effects on mechanical responses and deformation behavior. The applied strain rate is ranging from 1 x 10(8) s(-1) to 1.4 x 10(11) s(-1). The results show that two critical strain rates, i.e., 5 x 10(9) s(-1) and 8 x 10(10) s(-1), are observed to play a pivotal role in switching between plastic deformation modes. At strain rate below 5 x 10(9) s(-1), Ni nanowire maintains its crystalline structure with neck occurring at the end of loading, and the plastic deformation is characterized by {111} slippages associated with Shockley partial dislocations and rearrangements of atoms close to necking region. At strain rate above 8x10(10) s(-1), Ni nanowire transforms from a fcc crystal into a completely amorphous state once beyond the yield point, and hereafter it deforms uniformly without obvious necking until the end of simulation. For strain rate between 5 x 10(9) s(-1) and 8 x 10(10) s(-1), only part of the nanowire exhibits amorphous state after yielding while the other part remains crystalline state. Both the {111} slippages in ordered region and homogenous deformation in amorphous region contribute to the plastic deformation. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this article, optimization of shear adhesion strength between an elastic cylindrical fiber and a rigid substrate under torque is studied. We find that when the radius of the fiber is less than a critical value, the bonding-breaking along the contact interface occurs uniformly, rather than by mode III crack propagation. Comparison between adhesion models under torque and tension shows that nanometer scale of fibers may have evolved to achieve optimization of not only the normal adhesive strength but also the shear adhesive strength in tolerance of possible contact flaws.


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a penny-shaped interface crack in bonded dissimilar homogeneous half-spaces is studied. It is assumed that the two materials are bonded together with such a inhomogeneous interlayer that makes the elastic modulus in the direction perpendicular to the crack surface is continuous throughout the space. The crack surfaces art assumed to be subjected to torsional impact loading. Laplace and Hankel integral transforms are applied combining with a dislocation density,function to reduce the mixed boundary value problem into a singular integral equation with a generalized Cauchy kernel in Laplace domain. By solving the singular integral equation numerically, and using a numerical Laplace inversion technique, the dynamic stress intensity factors art obtained. The influences of material properties and interlayer thickness on the dynamic stress intensity factor are investigated.


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The present paper contains a detailed study of shock wave reflection from a wedge placed in various suspensions. In past works, the incident shock propagated initially in pure gas and the suspension started only at the leading edge of the deflecting wedge. However, in the present case the entire flow field is filled with a gas-dust suspension and the initial shock wave has steady-state structure relative to the shock front. In former studies the transmitted shock wave starts its propagation into the suspension and is reflected from the wedge at the same time. It is therefore obvious that the two unrelated processes of (2D) reflection and (1D) "transitional" relaxation occur simultaneously. In the present case the suspension behind the incident shock wave has reached steady state (i.e., it is a traveling wave) before the shock reaches the wedge leading edge. The reflection process from the deflecting wedge is studied for different dust mass loadings and different dust-particle diameter. It is shown that when the dust loading is low and the dust particle diameter is small the wave reflection pattern is similar to that observed in a similar pure gas case. In addition, an equilibrium state is reached, behind the evolved waves, very quickly. On the other hand, when the dust loading is relatively high and/or the dust particle diameter is relatively large, the observed reflection wave pattern is very different from that seen in a similar pure gas case. In such cases it takes much longer time to reach an equilibrium state behind the reflecting waves. It is also shown that the dust presence significantly affects the (gas) pressure on the wedge surface. The higher the dust loading is, the higher the pressure on the wedge surface. Suspensions composed of solid particle of different size, but having the same dust mass loading, will approach the same equilibrium pressure. However, it will take longer time to reach an equilibrium state for suspensions having large diameter particles. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Geckos and many insects have evolved elastically anisotropic adhesive tissues with hierarchical structures that allow these animals not only to adhere robustly to rough surfaces but also to detach easily upon movement. In order to improve Our understanding of the role of elastic anisotropy in reversible adhesion, here we extend the classical JKR model of adhesive contact mechanics to anisotropic materials. In particular, we consider the plane strain problem of a rigid cylinder in non-slipping adhesive contact with a transversely isotropic elastic half space with the axis of symmetry oriented at an angle inclined to the surface. The cylinder is then subjected to an arbitrarily oriented pulling force. The critical force and contact width at pull-off are calculated as a function of the pulling angle. The analysis shows that elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent adhesion strength which can vary strongly with the direction of pulling. This study may suggest possible mechanisms by which reversible adhesion devices can be designed for engineering applications. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dynamic stress intensity factor histories for a half plane crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body are analyzed. The crack is subjected to a traction distribution consisting of two pairs of suddenly-applied shear point loads, at a distance L away from the crack tip. The exact expression for the combined mode stress intensity factors as the function of time and position along the crack edge is obtained. The method of solution is based on the direct application of integral transforms together with the Wiener-Hopf technique and the Cagniard-de Hoop method, which were previously believed to be inappropriate. Some features of solutions are discussed and the results are displayed in several figures.


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The dynamic stress intensity factor history for a semi-infinite crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body is analyzed. The crack is subjected to a pair of suddenly-applied point loadings on its faces at a distance L away from the crack tip. The exact expression for the mode I stress intensity factor as a function of time is obtained. The method of solution is based on the direct application of integral transforms, the Wiener-Hopf technique and the Cagniard-de Hoop method. Due to the existence of the characteristic length in loading this problem was long believed a knotty problem. Some features of the solutions are discussed and graphical result for numerical computation is presented.


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The three-dimensional transient wave response problem is presented for an infinite elastic medium weakened by a plane crack of infinite length and finite width. Tractions are applied suddenly to the crack, which simulates the case of impact loading. The integral transforms are utilized to reduce the problem to a standard Fredholm integral equation in the Laplace transform variable and sequentially invert the Laplace transforms of the stress components by numerical inversion method. The dynamic mode I stress intensity factors at the crack tip are obtained and some numerical results are presented in graphical form.


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Fatigue tests were performed using a purpose designed triangular shaped specimen to investigate the initiation and propagation of short fatigue cracks in a weld metal. It was observed that short fatigue cracks evolved from slip bands and were predominantly within ferrite grains. As the test progressed, the short crack density increased with minor changes in crack length. The growth of short cracks, in the early stage resulted mainly from coalescence with other existing cracks. The mechanism of short crack behaviour is discussed.