201 resultados para ecological vegetation classes

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作为复杂的生态过程之一,土壤侵蚀常常被空间景观异质性影响。深入地研究土壤侵蚀与植被景观的相关性对以减少水土流失为目的的河流中上游生态恢复工作来说十分重要。本文利用遥感和GIS 技术,对岷江源头区的植被景观和土壤侵蚀动态(1974年~2002 年)进行分析,并从景观生态学的角度,系统地研究了整体植被景观和不同的植被景观类型的景观特征与土壤侵蚀量、侵蚀模数以及土壤侵蚀强度的相关性,得出的结论主要有以下几个方面:1. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的相关性的角度出发,森林能最大限度地控制土壤侵蚀,草地对土壤侵蚀的控制能力不及森林,而且能在一定程度上增加土壤侵蚀。灌丛与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的关系则比较复杂,还需要进一步地研究。农用地与森林、灌丛、草地等植被类型不同,它的增加将会明显地增加产沙量。随着各景观类型(灌丛除外)分布的镶嵌性的增强,土壤侵蚀量和侵蚀模数会减少。2. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀强度的相关性的角度出发,在景观水平上,植被景观的景观多样性指数、景观破碎度指数、景观形状指数和景观聚集度指数均与土壤侵蚀强度有明显的相关性。在较轻侵蚀强度的区域中的植被景观具有更丰富的多样性和更低的破碎程度,景观的组分和结构都更加复杂,景观斑块的形状也比较复杂。同时,植被景观的空间异质性也较强。3. 从不同景观类型对土壤侵蚀强度的控制能力大小看:针叶林> 落叶阔叶林>针阔混交林> 灌丛> 草地> 农用地。同时,对于除农用地以外的其他植被景观类型来说,增加其平均斑块面积和形状的复杂性会在一定程度上减少土壤侵蚀强度。而对于农用地来说,斑块形状的简单化以及分布形式的均匀镶嵌化则是减少土壤侵蚀强度的有效手段。 As a complex ecological process, soil erosion is affected by the spatial landscape heterogeneity.The relation between soil erosion and landscape characteristic weights a lot in ecosystemrestoration that aim to control the soil erosion in watershed. By means of RS and GIStechniques, this study analyzed dynamic variations in landscape characteristic and soil erosionin the Minjiang headwater region over a period of 28 years to elucidate the interrelationshipsbetween landscape characteristics and soil erosion. The results are as follows:1. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion module, forest canmitigate the soil erosion much better than grass. The relation between shrub and soil erosionmodule is rather complicated that requests further more study to confirm how those two factorscorrelated with each other. Cultivated land differs from other landscape classes in creatingconditions most favorable for soil erosion. Moreover, the dispersion of all landscape classes,except for shrub, correlates with soil module negatively.II2. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion strength, the diversityindex, fragment index, shape index and contagion index of the vegetation in Minjiangheadwater region at landscape-level correlated with soil erosion clearly. Vegetation landscapein No and Slight erosion region is more diverse, fragmental and constructed in more complexway. The shape of those vegetation patches is also more complicated. The spatial heterogeneityof the vegetation landscape is much more evident than that located in moderate and strong erosion region too.3. At class-level, different landscape classes affected soil erosion strength in different ways.Taking the mitigating effect on erosion strength into consideration, landscape classes can bearranged in this turn: coniferous forest > Deciduous forest > Mixed forest > Shrub > Grassland > Cultivated land. At the same time, for most landscape classes, except for cultivated land,increase the mean patch size and complicate the shape of patch will help to relieve the erosionstrength. However, for cultivated land, simplifying the shape of patch and scattering thepatches have the same effect.


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Geo-ecological transect studies in the pastures of the upper catchment of the HuangHe (99 degrees 30'-100 degrees 00'E/35 degrees 30'-35 degrees 40'N'; 3,000-4,000 in a.s.l., Qinghai province, China) revealed evidence that pastures replace forests. Plot-based vegetation records and fenced grazing exclosure experiments enabled the identification of grazing indicator plants for the first time. The mapping of vegetation patterns of pastures with isolated juniper and Spruce forests raise questions as to the origin of the grasslands, which arc widely classified as "natural" at present. Soil investigations and charcoal fragments of Juniperus (8,153 +/- 63 uncal BP) and Picea (6,665 +/- 59 uncal BP) provide evidence of the wider presence of forests. As temperatures and rainfall records undoubtedly represent a forest climate, it is assumed that the present pastures have replaced forests. Circumstantial evidence arising from investigations into the environmental history of the Holocene effectively substantiates this theory.


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By recalling mankind's path during past 50 years in the present article, we mainly highlight the significance of environmental issues today. In particular, two major factors leading to environment deterioration in China such as water resources and coal burning are stressed on. Present-day environmental issues are obviously interdisciplinary, of multiple scales and multi-composition in nature. Therefore, a process-based approach for environment research is absolutely necessarily. A series of sub-processes, either physical, chemical or biological, are subsequently analyzed in order to established reasonable parameterization scheme and credible comprehensive model. And we are now in a position to answer questions still open to us, improve existing somewhat empirical engineering approaches and enhance quantitative accuracy in prediction. To illustrate this process-based research approach, three typical examples associated with the Yangtze River Estuary, Loess Plateau and Tenggeli Desert environments have been dealt with respectively. A theoretical model of vertical flow field accounting for runoff and tide interaction has been established to delineate salinity and sediment motion which are responsible for the formation of mouth bar at the outlet and the ecological evolution there. A kinematic wave theory combined with the revised Green-Ampt infiltration formula is applied to the prediction of runoff generation and erosion in three types of erosion region on the Loess Plateau. Three approaches describing water motion in SPAC system in arid areas at different levels have been improved by introducing vegetation sub-models. However, we have found that the formation of a dry sandy layer and biological crust skin are additional primary causes leading to deterioration of water supply and succession of ecological system.


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In this paper, a ground hydrologic model(GHM) is presented in which the vapor, heat and momentum exchanges between ground surface covers (including vegetation canopy) and atmosphere is described more realistically. The model is used to simulate three sets of field data and results from the numerical simulation agree with the field data well. GHM has been tested using input data generated by general circulation model (GCM) runs for both the North American regions and the Chinese regions, The results from GHM are quite different from those of GHMs in GCMs. It shows that a more active concerted effort on the land surface process study to provide a physically realistic GHM for predicting the exchange between land and atmosphere is important and necessary.