7 resultados para cultural-historical activity theory

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The stress release model, a stochastic version of the elastic-rebound theory, is applied to the historical earthquake data from three strong earthquake-prone regions of China, including North China, Southwest China, and the Taiwan seismic regions. The results show that the seismicity along a plate boundary (Taiwan) is more active than in intraplate regions (North and Southwest China). The degree of predictability or regularity of seismic events in these seismic regions, based on both the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and fitted sensitivity parameters, follows the order Taiwan, Southwest China, and North China, which is further identified by numerical simulations. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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土地利用是人类根据土地质量特性来开发利用土地,创造财富,满足人类生产和生活的需要,同时改善环境,满足人类生存需要的过程。土地利用总体规划是对未来各类用地在空间上、时间上作出总体的协调的预先安排,不仅受到一定历史背景的制约,同时也受影响于当前的社会经济发展情况。但是,国内传统的土地利用总体规划往往从狭窄的技术经济观点出发,对远期的生态环境问题、社会问题缺少考虑,将新的用地尽量安排在最便捷、最经济的地方。 由于土地利用总体规划对环境影响具有长期性、复杂性、综合性、有时还有不可逆转性等特点,迫切需要在编制土地利用总体规划时对规划区与土地利用有关的环境影响进行科学研究,把环境保护纳入土地利用活动的计划、决策和规划实施中,促进土地资源持续、协调的利用。为更好地进行土地利用总体规划环境影响评价必须首先建立相应的评价指标体系,而目前国内关于该项研究的理论和实践的相关报道都较少。 本论文在综述国内外土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的理论与实践的基础上,在国内第一批开展了相关领域的案例研究,采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的研究方法对土地利用总体规划环境影响评价方法和指标体系进行了研究,对邛崃市土地利用总体规划进行了环境影响评价,其研究的主要内容和论点如下: (1)第一次根据FAO 确定的五大原则,引入了生态用地的概念并按照价值模型构建了以土地资源可持续利用为目标的县级土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的指标体系。以生产性、稳定性、保护性、经济活力、社会可接受性五个方面作为指标层来度量土地利用总体规划的环境影响,并选取了土地利用率、土地整理率、水面指数、生态用地面积比例、耕地转化率、建设用地产值指数、公众满意度等21 个元指标作为具体的评价指标。该指标体系强调了规划方案的公众参与,便于充分吸收公众的意见和建议;并且评价指标获取容易,实用性较强。 (2)在土地利用总体规划环境影响评价方法上进行了有益的探索和尝试,由于土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的主要对象是几个拟定的规划方案,所以采用综合评分法(包括特尔斐法和层次分析法)和公众参与相结合的评价方法。应用上述指标体系和评价方法对邛崃市土地利用总体规划的三个方案进行了评价筛选,高方案最终得分为92.049;中方案最终得分为91.028;而低方案最终得分为95.541,为最优方案。 (3)开展了对土地利用总体规划替代方案和公众参与机制的研究,对公众参与的方式、程序及主要内容从理论和实践两方面进行了有益的尝试,收到了良好的效果。 (4)对邛崃市土地利用总体规划进行了环境影响评价,根据邛崃市的具体情况,对规划实施后可能造成的环境正、负面影响进行了分析和预测,提出了预防或者减轻不良环境影响的对策和措施。 Land use is a process, which is to develop land according to its mass property. Bycreating the wealth and improving the environment, it can meet the need of production,life and human survival. Land use planning, as a planning form to guide land use, issubject to the historical background, and influenced by development of economic andsociety. The land use planning in the past, from narrow economic technology view,lacking of concerning ecologic environmentand social problem, arranged new land in the most convenient and economic place. Because of complexity, comprehensive and sometimes irreversible characteristicsof environmental impact caused by land use planning which has been implemented, it isneed to carry on scientific research on environmental impact related to land use as theland use planning is forming, to bring environmental protection within the plan, policymaking and implementing of land use activity, promoting the sustainment, harmonious use of land resource. This paper, taking the readjustment of land use planning in Qionglai as an example,assessed its environmental impact of land use planning. The main contents and results arepresented as follows: (1) On the basis of the five criterions of AFO, for the first time propose county classoverall planning of land uses SEA index by inducting ecological land use andestablishing the Value factor system, according to Productivity criterion,Stabilitycriterion,Sheltered criterion,Economic livingness criterion,Social acceptabilitycriterion,the environmental impact of land use system was assessed by using Valuemodel. Through identifying the factors of environmental impact of land use planning, thepaper established the factor system of SEA of land use planning. From the land usefactors, 21 factors was chosen to assess the environmental impact degree of land useplanning, such as, index of land use degree, the rate of land collating, index of watersurface, the rate of ecological use land, cultivated land conversion ratio, forest landconversion ratio, public satisfaction degree and so on. These indexes make a point thatpublic participation of plan project fully absorb public idea and propose and the index easily get, better utility. (2) Attempt useful assessment method system of SEA of land use planning. In viewof there are no or almost no inevitable contact among the factors of SEA of land useplanning,we use AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) as the main assess method . Thereare three plans are compared in this paper apply the foregoing index and assessmentmethod. The high plan finally score is 92.049,while the middle plan is 91.028. The lowplan score is 95.541,is the best one,as the selected plan. (3) Carry on the research of the alternative scheme of overall planing of land useand public participation,to the fashion ,procedure and object matter carry out helpfulattempt from theory to practice,the results is good. (4)Took place SEA of Qionglai County overall planing of land use,according to thecircumstance of Qionglai,we analyze and forecast the positive and negative affect afterthe plan implement,and put forward the countermeasure and means to prevent or abatebad environmental impact.


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Active site structure for NO decomposition carried out on perovskite-like oxides were discussed based on the N-2 yield measured from LaSrNi1-x,AlxO4 with different B-site cations and from La2-ySryCuO4 with different crystal phases. Results show that the active site contains two oxygen vacancies, two transition metals, and one lattice-oxygen, with the oxygen vacancy locating on the apex of MO6 octahedron, and the lattice oxygen locating between the two transition metals (i.e., M-O-M plane). Density functional theory (DFT) analysis to the structure shows that this new active site is the most active structure for NO adsorbing, and hence, for NO decomposition. The similar trend of the relative energies that are required for the formation of oxygen vacancies with f form (calculated from DFT), the amount of oxygen vacancies, and the activities (N-2 yield) certifies this result further.


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TiO2 nanoparticle film catalysts with different thicknesses were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition(PECVD) method and the surfaces were subsequently treated by TiCl4 or O-2 plasma. Two kinds of TiO2 films with different surface properties were obtained. Their surface microstructures and energy levels of surface states were tested by AFM, XRD, SPS, The photocatalytic activities of the catalysts were determined via photodegradation experiments of phenol. The results demonstrated that photocatalytic activities of samples whose surface was treated by O-2 plasma were greater than those treated by TiCl4 plasma. Moreover, photodegradation ratio of phenol during the first hour catalyzed by 0. 17 mu m thickness TiO2 nanoparticle film was greater than other samples. Especially, the difference of photocatalytic activities of TiO2 nanoparticle films treated by TiCl4 or O-2 plasma was respectively explained by energy band theory.


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A rapid rotation-scan method was used for the electrocatalytic oxidation of H2O2 at a cobalt protoporphyrin modified pyrolytic graphite electrode (CoPP/PG). The rate constant of H2O2 oxidation at the CoPP/PG electrode at different potentials and in different pH solutions was measured. The variation of catalytic activity with reaction charges (Q) passed through the electrode was analyzed. This provided a convenient electrochemical method to study the passivation and poisoning of catalytic sites with time.


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Cladosporium sp. isolate N5 was isolated as a dominant fungus from the healthy conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis. In the re-infection test, it did not cause any pathogenic symptoms in the alga. Twenty-one cultural conditions were chosen to test its antimicrobial activity in order to obtain the best condition for large-scale fermentation. Phenylacetic acid, p-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol, and L-beta-phenyllactic acid were isolated from the crude extract as strong antimicrobial compounds and they are the first reported secondary metabolites for the genus Cladosporium. In addition, the Cladosporium sp. produced the reported Porphyra yezoensis growth regulators phenylacetic acid and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. No cytotoxicity was found in the brine shrimp lethality test, which indicated that the environmental-friendly Cladosporium sp. could be used as a potential biocontrol agent to protect the alga from pathogens.


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Jiyang & Changwei depressions are two neighboring depressions in Bahai Bay Basin, the famous oil rich basin in East China. The exploration activities in the past 40 years has proved that, within the basins, there exists not only plentiful sandstone hydrocarbon reservoirs (conventional), but also abundant special reservoirs as igneous rock, mudstone and conglomerate ones which have been knowing as the unconventional in the past, and with the prospecting activity is getting more and more detailed, the unconventional reservoirs are also getting more and more important for further resources, among which, the igneous lithological reservoir be of significance as a new research and exploration area. The purpose of this paper is, with the historical researches and data as base, the System Theory, Practice Theory and Modern Comprehensive Petroleum Geology Theory as guide, the theoretical and practice break through as the goal, and the existing problems in the past as the break through direction, to explore and establish a valid reservoir formation and distribution models for igneous strata in the profile of the eastern faulted basins. After investigating the distribution of the igneous rocks and review the history of the igneous rocks reservoirs in basins, the author focused on the following issues and correspondingly the following progresses have been made: 1.Come to a new basin evolution and structure model named "Combined-Basin-bodies Model" for Jiyang even Eastern faulted basins based on the study on the origin and evolution of Jiyang & Changwei basins, depending on this model, every faulted basin in the Bo-hai Bay Basin is consisted of three Basin-Bodies including the Lower (Mesozoic), Middle (Early Tertiary) and the Upper (Late Tertiary) Bodies, each evolved in different geo-stress setting and with different basin trend, shape and igneous-sedimentary buildings system, and from this one to next one, the basin experienced a kind of process named "shape changing" and "Style changing". 2. Supposed a serious of new realizations as follows (1) There were "multi-level magma sources" including Upper mantel and the Lower, Middle and even the Upper Shell magma Chambers in the historical Magma Processes in the basins; (2) There were "multi-magma accessing or pass" from the first level (Mantel faults) to the second, third and fourth levels (that is the different levels of fault in the basin sediment strata) worked in the geo-historical and magma processes; (3) Three tectonic magma cycles and more periods have been recognized those are matched with the "Basin -body-Model" and (4)The geo-historical magma processes were non-homogeneous in time and space scale and so the magma rocks distributed in "zones" or "belts". 3. The study of magma process's effect on basin petroleum conditions have been made and the following new conclusions were reached: (1) the eruptive rocks were tend to be matched with the "caped source rock", and the magma process were favorable to the maturing of the source rocks. (2) The magma process were fruitful to the accumulation of the non-hydrocarbon reservoirs however a over magma process may damage the grade of resource rock; (3) Eruptive activity provided a fruitful environment for the formation of such new reservoir rocks as "co-eruptive turbidity sandstones" and "thermal water carbonate rocks" and the intrusive process can lead to the origin of "metamorphism rock reservoir"; (4) even if the intrusive process may cause the cap rock broken, the late Tertiary intrusive rocks may indeed provide the lateral seal and act as the cap rock locally even regionally. All above progresses are valuable for reconstructing the magma-sedimentary process history and enriching the theory system of modem petroleum geology. 4. A systematic classification system has been provided and the dominating factors for the origin and distribution of igneous rock reservoirs have been worked out based on the systematic case studies, which are as follows: (1) The classification is given based on multi-factors as the origin type, litho-phase, type of reservoir pore, reservoir ability etc., (2) Each type of reservoir was characterized in a detailed way; (3) There are 7 factors dominated the intrusive reservoir's characteristics including depth of intrusion, litho-facies of surrounding rocks, thickness of intrusive rock, intrusive facies, frequency and size of the working faults, shape and tectonic deformation of rock, erosion strength of the rock and the time of the intrusion ect., in the contrast, 4 factors are for eruptive rocks as volcanic facies, frequency and size of the working faults, strength of erosion and the thermal water processing. 5. Several new concept including "reservoir litho-facies", "composite-volcanic facies" and "reservoir system" ect. Were suggested, based on which the following models were established: (1) A seven reservoir belts model for a intrusive unit profile and further more, (2) a three layers cubic model consisted of three layer as "metamorphic roe layer", "marginal layer" and "the core"; (3) A five zones vertical reservoir sequence model consisted of five litho-facies named A, B, C, D and E for a original lava unit and furthermore three models respectively for a erosion, subsidence and faulted lava unit; (4) A composite volcanic face model for a lava cone or a composite cone that is consisted of three facies as "crater and nearby face", "middle slope" and "far slope", among which, the middle slope face is the most potential reservoir area and producible for oil & gas. 6. The concept of "igneous reservoir" was redefined as the igneous, and then a new concept of "igneous reservoir system" was supposed which means the reservoir system consisted of igneous and associated non-igneous reservoirs, with non-hydrocarbon reservoir included. 7. The origin and distribution of igneous reservoir system were probed and generalized for the exploration applications, and origin models of the main reservoir sub-systems have been established including those of igneous, related non-igneous and non-hydrocarbon. For intrusive rocks, two reservoir formation models have been suggested, one is called "Original or Primary Model", and the another one is "Secondary Model"; Similarly, the eruptive rock reservoirs were divided in three types including "Highly Produced", "Moderately Produced" and "Lowly Produced" and accordingly their formation models were given off; the related non-igneous reservoir system was considered combination of eight reservoirs, among which some ones like the Above Anticline Trap are highly produced; Also, the non-hydrocarbon. Trap system including five kinds of traps was discussed. 8. The concept models for four reservoir systems were suggested, which include the intrusive system consisted of 7 kinds of traps, the land eruptive system with 6 traps, the under water eruptive system including 6 kinds of traps and the non-hydrocarbon system combined by 5 kinds of traps. In this part, the techniques for exploration of igneous reservoir system were also generalized and probed, and based on which and the geological progresses of this paper, the potential resources and distributions of every reservoir system was evaluated and about 186 millions of reserves and eight most potential non-hydrocarbon areas were predicted and outlined. The author believe that the igneous reservoir system is a very important exploration area and its study is only in its early stage, the framework of this paper should be filled with more detailed studies, and only along way, the exploration of igneous reservoir system can go into it's really effective stage.