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本文用光学显微镜结合荧光技术对青扦花粉的发育过程进行了观察;用共聚焦显微镜观察了白扦生长花粉管细胞内的游离Ca2+分布;利用原子力显微镜对雪松和水杉花粉外壁的亚结构进行了研究:用透射电镜、扫描电镜及解剖镜等技术研究了侧柏、北美香柏、红豆杉、粗榧和白皮松的传粉机制,结果如下。 青扦花粉的发育过程与松科其它一些植物花粉的发育模式相似。从小孢子母细胞到成熟花粉约二十天左右。小孢子母细胞进入减数分裂前彼此分开,但在某些部位仍有连接。细胞质内有大量淀粉粒,在减数分裂过程中减少或消失,没有观察到明显的淀粉粒带。减数分裂中的胞质分裂为同时型,四分体为四面体型。小孢子刚从四分体释放出来时,气囊已开始形成,细胞中含大量淀粉粒。随着小孢子的发育,其体积增大,并出现液泡,细胞核移向一侧。小孢子第一次不对称分裂产生一个大的中央细胞和一个小的原叶细胞。中央细胞不久就进行第二次分裂产生精子器原始细胞和第二原叶细胞。原叶细胞形成后,其与中央细胞或精子器原始细胞之间的壁逐渐沉积胼胝质,以后随着原叶细胞的退化,胼胝质壁消失。精子器原始细胞分裂形成管细胞和生殖细胞,生殖细胞在散粉前分裂形成体细胞(精原细胞)和柄细胞(不育细胞)。成熟花粉为5细胞,但两个原叶细胞已退化消失。 白扦花粉在10%蔗糖+0.01%硼酸的液体培养基内培养12小时后开始萌发。在正常生长的花粉管中,其顶端有一个透明区,而透明区后则含有大量的贮藏物质颗粒。在停止生长的花粉管中透明区消失,而整个花粉管顶端也被储藏物质颗粒充满。正常生长的花粉管顶端有一个较高的Ca2+浓度。在停止生长的花粉管内不具有这样一个Ca2+梯度。 雪松和水杉二种花粉外壁中由孢粉素构成的亚结构单位形态相似,均呈颗粒状,但大小略有不同。雪松的长56-99 nm,宽42-74;水杉的长81-118 nm,宽43-98 nm。在雪松中这些亚单位紧密排列组成短棒状或球状的花粉外壁结构单位,再由几个到十几个这样的结构单位组成较大的岛屿状结构。在这些岛屿状结构之间有大小不一的空隙存在,整个花粉外壁由这样一些岛屿状结构交互连接形成。水杉花粉外壁的亚单位排列也较紧密,且有3-10个成群分布的趋势,但各群之间界限不明显。此外,雪松和水杉的花粉外壁亚单位均无螺旋状排列趋势,这一结果倾向于支持Southworth关于花粉外壁亚单位颗粒状并呈网状排列的观点。 白皮松胚珠倒生,其发育过程与松属的其它种相似,成熟胚珠珠孔端具两手臂状结构,有利于接收花粉。花粉具气囊。传粉期间,没有观察到传粉滴产生,但珠心顶端细胞解体形成花粉室。花粉室内可接受一至几个花粉,花粉在花粉室内的位置无明方向性。传粉时,胚珠处于大孢子线细胞时期。花粉在花粉室内萌发形成花粉管进入珠心组织,花粉管在珠心内生长一段时间后停止生长,并于次年春天重新启动生长。离体生长的花粉管顶端常有胼胝质产生,但顶端区域后的花粉管壁上却无胼胝质沉积。 侧柏、北美香柏、红豆杉和粗榧均为直生胚珠。传粉时胚珠产生传粉滴。在红豆杉胚珠发育早期,珠心表面细胞轮廓清晰;而在后期,其珠心表面则形成了一层膜状结构。这层膜状结构在传粉前随珠心细胞的解体而破裂,珠心细胞的降解产物参与了传粉滴形成。在传粉前和传粉期,珠心细胞内含大量的线粒体、内质网、高尔基体和小泡。传粉滴主要由珠心细胞分泌形成。这四种植物的花粉均无气囊,属可湿性花粉。红豆杉和粗榧的花粉水合时,内壁膨胀,外壁开裂。通常情况下,红豆杉花粉的外壁保留在传粉滴的表面,而花粉的其它部分沉入传粉滴内。侧柏和北美香柏的传粉滴授粉后,花粉进入传粉滴导致传粉滴的明显收缩。在侧柏中传粉滴授粉后100分钟内就完全收缩进入珠孔。传粉滴收缩的速率与所授花粉数量和花粉的种类有关。与侧柏亲缘关系较近植物花粉引起传粉滴的收缩速率和侧柏自身花粉引起的传粉滴收缩速率相似;反之,收缩速率变慢。侧柏传粉滴的收缩可能主要是由于花粉减弱胚珠分泌的结果。但授粉不引起红豆杉和粗榧传粉滴的明显收缩。在红豆杉和粗榧中,从授粉到传粉完全收缩需要20-24小时。这两种植物传粉滴的收缩可能主要是蒸发引起的非代谢性过程,与侧柏和美香柏属于不同的传粉滴收缩机制。
G蛋白参与了哺乳动物内多种细胞信号途径,但其在植物花粉萌发和花粉管发育过程中的细胞学定位、生化特性及功能研究比较滞后,有关这方面的研究报道较少。在显花植物授粉受精过程中,具顶端极性生长特性的花粉管是雄性生殖单位的载体,也是研究细胞生长分子调控机理的理想体系。与被子植物相比,裸子植物具有生长周期长,花粉管生长缓慢、易分叉等特点,具有不同于被子植物花粉发育的独特发育模式。对于裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控机理,目前尚不十分清楚。本文以松类植物中比较有代表性的裸子植物青杆(Piceawillsonii)和白皮松(Pinus bungeana)花粉为试材,应用免疫分析和间接免疫荧光显微镜技术,结合药理学实验和FTIR手段,研究了异三聚体G蛋白和小G蛋白在花粉管细胞中的定位、生化特性及其在花粉管发育中的调控作用。结果如下: 应用Western Blotting技术和来自于抗哺乳动物中不同序列G蛋白O【亚基抗体,我们在白皮松花粉管中检测到一条分子量为40 kDa左右的蛋白。去污剂处理显示,该蛋白与质膜偶联。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验发现,在花粉管发育的整个时期,代表Ga蛋白的荧光均一的分布在整个质膜区域,尤其在尖端皮层区域荧光最亮,显示此处该蛋白浓度最高。无论是在正常发育的花粉管抑或是发生弯曲或扭曲生长的花粉管,均呈现同样的分布模式。随着花粉管发育,Ga蛋白表达量发生变化。在花粉管发育中期,Ga蛋白表达量比较高;随着花粉管离体培养时间的延长,Ga蛋白表达量下降。另外,在花粉刚刚萌发时,Ga蛋白表达量也比较低。 对白皮松花粉萌发进行的药理学实验显示,G蛋白调节剂 CTX和PTX对白皮松花粉管的影响呈现双阶段效应。当添加的药剂浓度小于400 ng mL-I时,无论CTX还是PTX均抑制了花粉萌发和花粉管生长,且花粉管容易破裂;而当二者浓度分别升至500 ng mL-I时,同对照相比,花粉管生长明显受到促进。这一结果不支持Ma等人在百合花粉中的研究结果。进一步应用FTIR技术分析发现,当用浓度为400 ng mL-I CTX或PTX处理花粉管时,花粉管细胞壁酚类物质增加,而纤维素、半纤维素、木聚糖等物质下降,这可能是导致此浓度处理下花粉管易破裂的原因。这些结果显示了G蛋白a亚基参与了白皮松花粉管生长,CTX和PTX可能通过下游对其敏感的功能蛋白而非Ga本身,影响着花粉管生长并调控着花粉管壁的建成。 利用来源于烟草的抗NtRacl抗体和拟南芥的抗ROPs抗体,应用WeternBlotting技术,我们在青杆花粉管中检测到分子量为23kDa的多肽。间接免疫荧光显微镜实验显示,在花粉萌发18和24小时后,Rac蛋白主要定位于花粉管尖端质膜区域,时而会延伸到顶端两侧区域,但从尖端到基部存在浓度梯度,这种分布模式多在花粉管发育的后期观察到。Rac蛋白在青杆花粉管不同发育时期的分布模式变化可能和花粉管的生长状态有关,在花粉管发育早期和中期,正是花粉管旺盛生长期,Rac蛋白的尖端定位保证了花粉管的极性生长。对Rac蛋白在花粉管的分布进行的连续切片扫描发现,Rac蛋白不但分布在质膜上,并与质膜偶联,而且在胞质中亦有分布。通过对一系列正常发育(即极性生长的花粉管)和畸形发育的花粉管进行观察发现,Rac蛋白主要分布在旺盛生长的花粉管尖端质膜或离顶端20 Vm处,在分叉的生长缓慢的分枝端分布较少。而在那些发生分叉生长的花粉管中,处于次要位置的基本停止生长的分枝端几乎没有Rac蛋白存在。在顶端发生膨大的花粉管中,Rac蛋白均匀分布在花粉管整个质膜上,丧失浓度梯度,失去极性生长。这些结果显示了Rac蛋白参与了青杆花粉管生长。 应用抗NtRacl抗体进行的间接免疫荧光显微镜定位实验,我们在正在生长的花粉管的管核中观察到明亮的荧光,显示了有Rac蛋白的存在。当精细胞在花粉粒中未移动到花粉管中时,几乎没有观察到荧光信号。随着花粉管发育,两个精细胞的位置发生变化,当其中一个较大的精细胞移动到花粉管中时,观察到明亮的荧光信号,这些结果显示了Rac蛋白可能参与了管核或精细胞在花粉管内的移动。
米亚罗地区是四川西部较为典型的亚高山针叶林区域之一。为建立该地区主要针叶树种岷江冷杉、云杉、紫果云杉和红杉的年轮宽度年表资料,了解不同海拔高度岷江冷杉原始林和不同恢复过程的人工针叶林及次生混交林树木径向生长规律,结合样地调查,用生长锥钻取了树木芯样做年轮生态学分析。芯样经过标准化程序固定和打磨抛光后,用WinDENDRO图像分析系统测量年轮宽度序列,用COFECHA程序交叉定年和控制测量数据质量,用ARSTAN程序建立了4个主要针叶树种的地区年表和不同海拔高度岷江冷杉林及人工针叶林和次生混交林针叶树的样地年表。 4个主要针叶树种年轮宽度年表的平均敏感度低于0.2,而其晚材宽度年表都具相对较高的平均敏感度。早材宽度与年轮总宽度标准化年表间的相关系数均在0.9以上;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度标准化年表间的相关系数则种间差异较大,红杉的最高,岷江冷杉的最低。岷江冷杉晚材宽度与年轮总宽度的相关性从1970年以后明显下降,而其他种的相关系数则随时间变化较小。树种之间标准化年表显著正相关,而云杉与紫果云杉和红杉与岷江冷杉之间相关系数明显较高。年表序列的第1主分量表达了4个树种树木共同径向生长变化格局;第2至第4主分量分别表达了云杉属和冷杉属、常绿针叶树种和落叶针叶树种以及云杉和紫果云杉树木径向生长变化差异。 不同海拔高度的8个岷江冷杉样地年轮宽度年表序列敏感度大体上随海拔高度升高而降低。各样地早材宽度与年轮总宽度年表之间的相关系数均在0.9以上,且随海拔高度变化不大;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度之间的相关系数随海拔高度的变化较大,并有随海拔升高而降低的趋势。样地年表序列之间相关系数差异很大,高海拔样地年表间多为显著正相关;低海拔样地年表间的相关系数变化不一;高海拔和低海拔样地年表之间相关性较差,且多不显著。样地年表的第1主分量能解释年表序列总方差的37.5%,反映了不同海拔高度岷江冷杉林木共同的径向生长变化格局;第2和第3主分量分别解释总方差的24.5%和18.2%,表现出明显的高海拔和低海拔样地树木间不同的径向生长变化,除一些样地例外,它们一般与低海拔样地年表有正相关,与高海拔样地年表有负相关。在那些另外的样地,海拔以外的其他因素可能也影响了树木径向生长变化。不同海拔高度样地林木的生长抑制和生长释放频率在不同时期表现出较大的差异,表明了不同的干扰历史和林木补充时间。 人工针叶林和次生混交林各样地林木早材宽度与其年轮总宽度年表之间相关系数均高达0.9以上;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度年表之间也都显著正相关,但人工针叶林样地的明显较高。样地年表序列之间的相关关系表现为,林分起源和经营管理相似的样地年表之间的相关系数明显较高,如人工针叶林与人工针叶林尽管树种不同,但样地年表之间显著正相关,而与次生混交林样地年表间关系不显著;反之亦然。综合比较各项生长参数及不同时期的树木径向生长速率,人工针叶林树木的胸径增长至少在40年以内是优于次生混交林的同种(或不同种)针叶树的。不同样地林木生长释放和生长抑制及人工针叶林树木胸高断面积增长分析表明,除严重的人为干扰外,林分郁闭后林木密度过大是造成高频率生长抑制的主要原因,在林分发育的适当时期通过抚育间伐等措施调控林分密度,是保证林木胸高断面积在一定时期内保持较高的连年增长的关键。日本落叶松作为引进的树种,在海拔3100 m左右种植表现良好,近30年来各项生长指标均高于林龄相近的云杉人工林,因此,适当用其作为川西亚高山针叶林采伐迹地快速恢复是合理的。 Miyaluo area is one of the typical regions covered by subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan province of southwestern China. To develop the regional tree-ring width chronology series for the dominant conifers such as Abies faxoniana, Picea asperata, P. purpurea and Larix potaninii, and to understand the radial growth patterns of conifers in Abies faxoniana natural forest stands at different altitudes, and in coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands in their different restoring processes as well, increment cores were sampled in the field together with conventional plots investigations for dendroecological analyses. After the increment cores being prepared according to standard procedures, the ring widths (total-ring and intra-ring widths) were measured with a WinDENDRO image-analysis system, and the measured tree-ring sequences were crossdated and quality-controlled with the software COFECHA. Using the software ARSTAN, we developed tree-ring width based chronology series of the four dominant conifers, eight site-specific Abies faxoniana chronologies, and seven site-specific chronologies of conifers in coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands. Mean sensitivities for total ring width chronologies of the four sampled dominant conifers were all below 0.2, while those for the latewood width chronologies of the same species were relatively much higher. Correlation coefficients between standard earlywood and total ring width chronologies of the four conifers were all above 0.9, but those between standard latewood and total ring width chronologies exhibited differences among species, with the coefficient of Larix potaninii the highest and that of Abies faxoniana the lowest. Correlation coefficients between latewood and total ring width of A. faxoniana obviously decreased from 1920-1970 for successive 50-year segments with 10-years lag analyses, though the same for the other three species changed unnoticeably with time. Tree-ring standard chronologies among species showed significant positive correlations, with the correlation coefficients between chronologies of Picea asperata and P. purpurea, and of Larix potaninii and Abies faxoniana relatively much higher. The first principal component of tree-ring chronologies represented the common radial growth patterns of the four conifers in Miyaluo area. The second, third and fourth PCs expressed the differences in radial growth responses for the genus Picea and Abies, for the evergreen and deciduous confers, and for the two species of the genus Picea, respectively. In general, mean sensitivities of the eight Abies faxoniana site-specific tree-ring width chronologies decreased with increasing altitude. The correlation coefficients between earlywood and total ring width chronologies for all sites reached 0.9, which did not change much with altitude; but those between latewood and total ring width chronologies diversified, with a decreasing tendency from lower altitudinal sites to higher altitudinal sites. Correlation coefficients among site chronologies varied considerably, with significant positive correlations among higher site chronologies, mixed results among lower site chronologies, and poor and insignificant correlations between chronologies of higher site and lower site. The first PC, which represents 37.5% of the total variance, reflected a common radial growth response at sites of different altitudes, and it showed a tendency of explaining more variance with increasing altitude. The second and the third PCs contributed to 24.5% and 18.2% of the total variance, respectively, exhibiting distinctive differences in radial growth responses between low- and high-altitudinal sites. With some exceptions, the radial growth represented by the second and third PCs had a positive correlation with that at the low-altitudinal sites and a negative correlation with that at the high-altitudinal sites. For those exceptional sites, factors other than altitude might also play a role in affecting tree-ring growth variations. Trees in stands of different altitudes showed great differences in frequencies of growth suppressions and releases through times, suggesting different disturbance histories and periods when trees recruiting to the canopy. Correlation coefficients between earlywood and total ring width chronologies for all sites of coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands were also above 0.9; and the same between latewood width and total ring width chronologies all positively correlated, too, with the coefficients of the coniferous plantations obviously much higher. Correlations among site chronologies showed that the coefficients among sites with similar stand origin and management regimes were much higher than those among sites with different stand origin and management regimes. For example, significant positive correlations were found for chronologies among different coniferous plantations, irrespective of species differences; while insignificant correlations between chronologies of the same conifer from a coniferous plantation and a natural regenerated mixed stand, and vise versa. Integrative comparisons of different tree growth parameters and radial growth rates at different stages indicated that the diameter at breast height (DBH) increments for trees in coniferous plantations were faster than those for trees of the same (or different) species in the natural regenerated mixed stands, at least within their first 40 years of stand development. Analyses of growth releases and suppressions, and basal area increments of trees in different stands demonstrated that over-dense individuals after canopy closure was the main factor resulting in high frequencies of radial growth suppressions, with some exceptions of severe man-made disturbances. Therefore, to ensure a continuous basal area current annual increment in certain periods, tree density controlling through thinning in due time during the stand development process are necessary. It should be mentioned that, as an introduced conifer to Miyaluo area, Larix kaempferi grew quite well at altitude of ca. 3100 m after planting in 1970s. In their near 30 years of stand development, Larix kaempferi trees exhibited faster growth in various parameters than Picea asperata trees of the similar stand age did. Thus we think it reasonable to use Larix kaempferi as a fast restoring species at appropriate sites of cutting blanks of subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan.
由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20 世纪升高了0.6 ¡æ,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ¡æ。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。位于青藏高原东部的川西亚高山针叶林是研究气候变暖对陆地生态系统影响的重要森林类型。森林采伐迹地和人工云杉林下作为目前该区人工造林和森林更新的两种重要生境,二者截然不同的光环境对亚高山针叶林不同物种更新及森林动态有非常重要的影响。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林几种主要森林树种为研究对象,采用开顶式增温法(OTCs)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对生长在两种不同光环境下(全光条件和林下低光环境)的几种幼苗早期生长和生理的影响,旨在从更新角度探讨亚高山针叶林生态系统不同树种对气候变暖在形态或生理上的响应差异,其研究结果可在一定程度上为预测气候变暖对亚高山针叶林物种组成和演替动态提供科学依据,同时也可为未来林业生产管理者提供科学指导。 1、与框外对照相比,OTCs 框内微环境发生了一些变化。OTCs 框内与框外对照气温年平均值分别为5.72 ¡æ和5.21 ¡æ,而地表温度年平均值分别为5.34 ¡æ和5.04 ¡æ,OTCs 使气温和地表年平均温度分别提高了0.51 ¡æ和0.34 ¡æ;OTCs框内空气湿度年平均值约高于框外对照,二者分别为90.4 %和85.3 %。 2、增温促进了三种幼苗生长和生物量的积累,但增温效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光条件下,增温条件下云杉幼苗株高、地径、分支数、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)都显著地增加;增温仅在全光条件下使红桦幼苗株高、地径、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)等参数显著地增加,而在林下低光条件下增温对幼苗生长和生物量积累的影响效果不明显;冷杉幼苗生长对增温的响应则与红桦幼苗相反,增温仅在林下低光条件下对冷杉幼苗生长和形态的影响才有明显的促进作用。 增温对三种幼苗的生物量分配模式产生了不同的影响,并且这种影响也与幼苗所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温都促使云杉幼苗将更多的生物量分配到植物地下部分,从而导致幼苗在增温条件下有更高的R/S 比;增温仅在林下低光条件下促使冷杉幼苗将更多的生物量投入到植物叶部,从而使幼苗R/S 比显著地降低;增温在全光条件下对红桦幼苗生物量分配的影响趋势与冷杉幼苗在低光条件下相似,即增温在全光条件下促使红桦幼苗分配更多的生物量到植物同化部分—叶部。 3、增温对亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗气体交换和生理表现的影响总体表现为正效应(Positive),即增温促进了几种幼苗的生理活动及其表现:(i)无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温使三种幼苗的光合色素含量都有所增加;(ii)增温在一定程度上提高了三种使幼苗的PSII 光系统效率(Fv/Fm),从而使幼苗具有更强的光合电子传递活性;增温在一定程度使三种幼苗潜在的热耗散能力(NPQ)都有所增强,从而提高幼苗防御光氧化的能力;(iii)从研究结果来看,增温通过增加光合色素含量和表观量子效率等参数而促进幼苗的光合作用过程。总体来说增温对幼苗生理过程的影响效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关,增温仅在全光条件下对红桦幼苗光合过程的影响才有明显的效果,而冷杉幼苗则相反,增温仅在低光条件下才对幼苗的生理过程有显著的影响。 4、增温对三种幼苗的抗氧化酶系统产生了一定的影响。从总体来说,增温使几种幼苗活性氧含量及膜脂过氧化作用降低,从而在一定程度上减轻了该区低温对植物生长的消极影响;增温倾向表明使三种幼苗体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,从而有利于维持活性氧代谢平衡。但增温影响效果与幼苗种类所处的光环境及抗氧化酶种类有关,增温对冷杉幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在林下低光环境下效果明显,而对红桦幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在全光条件下才有明显的效果。 总之,增温促进了亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗的生长和生理表现,但幼苗生长和生理对增温的响应随植物种类及所处的光环境不同而变化,这种响应差可能异赋予了不同植物种类在未来气候变暖背景下面对不同环境条件时具有不同的适应力和竞争优势,从而对亚高山针叶林生态系统物种组成和森林动态产生潜在的影响。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities suchas fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6¡æ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase it by 1.4-5.8 ¡æ. The globalwarming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems.The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become thevery important issuses of global change research. The subalpine coniferous forests inthe eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau provide a natural laboratory for the studying theeffects of climate warming on terrestrial ecosystems. The light environment differssignificantly between clear-outs and spruce plantations, which is particularlyimportant for plant regeneration and forest dynamics in the subalpine coniferous forests. In this paper, the short-term effects of two levels of air temperature (ambient andwarmed) and light (full light and ca. 10% of full light regimes) on the early growthand physiology of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana and Betula albo-sinensis seedlingswas determined using open-top chambers (OTCs). The aim of the present study wasto understand the differences between tree species in their responses to experimentalwarming from the perspective of regeneration. Our results could provide insights intothe effects of climate warming on community composition and regeneration behavior for the subalpine coniferous forest ecosystem processes, and provide scientificdirection for the production and management under future climate change. 1. The OTCs manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions during the growingseason compared with the outside chambers. The annual mean air temperature andsoil surface temperature was 5.72 and 5.34 ¡æ (within the chambers), and 5.21 and5.04 ¡æ (outside the chambers), respectively. The OTCs manipulation increased airtemperature and soil surface temperature by 0.51 and 0.34 ¡æ on average, respectively.Air relative humidity was slightly higher inside the OTCs compared with the controlplots, with 90.4 and 85.3 %, respectively. 2. Warming generally stimulated the growth and biomass accumulation of thethree tree species, but the effects of warming on growth and development variedbetween light conditions and species. Irrespective of light regimes, warmingsignificantly increased plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, componentbiomass (stem, foliar and root biomass) and the number of branches in P. asperataseedlings; For A. faxoniana seedlings, significant effects of warming on all the tested parameters (plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, and component biomass) were found only under low light conditions; In contrast, the growth responses of B.albo-sinensis seedlings to warming were found only under full light conditions. Warming had pronounced effects on the pattern of carbon allocation. Irrespectiveof light regimes, the P. asperata seedlings allocated relatively more biomass to rootsin responses to warming, which led to a higher R/S. Significant effects of warming onbiomass allocation were only found for the A. faxoniana seedlings grown under lowlight conditions, with significantly increased in leaf mass ratio (LMR) and decreasedin R/S in responses to warming manipulation. The carbon allocation responses of B.albo-sinensis seedling to warming under full light conditions were similar with theresponse of A. faxoniana seedlings grown under low light conditions. Warmingsignificantly decreased root mass ratio (RMR), and increased leaf mass ratio (LMR)and shoot/root biomass ratio (S/R) for the B. albo-sinensis seedlings grown under full light conditions. 3. Warming generally had a beneficial effect on physiological processes of dominant tree species in subalpine coniferous forest ecosystems: (i) Warming markedincreased the concentrations of photosynthetic pigments in both tree species, but theeffects of warming on photosynthetic pigments were greater under low lightconditions than under full light conditions for the two conifers; (ii) Warming tended toenhance the efficiency of PSII in terms of increase in Fv/Fm, which was related tohigher chloroplast electron transport activity; and enhance non-radiative energydissipation in terms of in increase in NPQ, which may reflect an increased capacity inpreventing photooxidation; (iii) Warming may enhance photosynthesis and advancephysiological activity in plants by increasing photosynthetic pigment concentration,the efficiency of PSII and apparent quantum yield (Φ) etc. From the results, theeffects of warming on seedlings’ physiological performance varied between lightenvironment and species. The effects of warming on photosynthesis performance of B.albo-sinesis seedlings were pronounced only under full light conditions, while thephysiological responses of A. faxoniana seedlings to warming were found only underthe 60-year plantation. These results provided further support for the observationsabove on growth responses of seedlings to warming. 4. Warming had marked effects on antioxidative systems of the three seedlings.Warming generally decreased H2O2 accumulation and the rate of O2- production, andalleviated degree of lipid peroxidation in terms of decreased MDA content, whichalleviated to some extent the negative effects of low temperature on the plant growthand development in this region; Warming tended to increase the activities ofantioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymatic AOS scavenging,which helped to create an balance in maintaining AOS metabolites for the threeseedlings. Nevertheless, the effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems werepronounced only under the 60-year plantation for the A. faxoniana seedlings. Incontrast, the marked effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems for the B.albo-sinesis seedlings were found only under the full light conditions. In sum, warming is considered to be generally positive in terms of growth andphysiological process. However, the responses of growth and physiology performanceto warming manipulation varied between species and light regimes. Competitive and adaptive relationships between tree species may be altered as a result of responsedifferences to warming manipulation, which is one mechanism by which globalwarming will alter species composition and forest dynamics of subalpine coniferousforest ecosystems under future climate change.
Under the direction of Sustainable Development, some key issues of forestry in Western Liaoning Province were analyzed in this paper. "Planting Broad-leaved Trees and Accelerating Conifers" (PBTAC) was put forward as the effective approach to sustainable management on the Pure Plantation of Pinus tabulaeformis and the unique path of forestry sustainable development in Western Liaoning Province. The concept, aim, and notices of "PBTAC" were also analyzed and discussed.
Repeated cycles of retreat and recolonization during the Quaternary ice ages are thought to have greatly influenced current species distributions and their genetic diversity. It remains unclear how this climatic oscillation has affected the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of wind-pollinated conifers in the Qinghai-Tibetan region. In this study, we investigated the within-species genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Picea likiangensis, a dominant forest species in this region using polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Our results suggest that this species has high overall genetic diversity, with 85.42% of loci being polymorphic and an average expected heterozygosity (H (E)) of 0.239. However, there were relatively low levels of polymorphism at population levels and the differences between populations were not significant, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 46.88 to 69.76%, Nei's gene diversity (H (E)) from 0.179 to 0.289 and Shannon's indices (Hpop) from 0.267 to 0.421. In accordance with our proposed hypothesis, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity (G (ST) = 0.256) and AMOVA analysis (Phi (st) = 0.236). Gene flow between populations was found to be limited (Nm = 1.4532) and far lower than reported for other conifer species with wide distribution ranges from other regions. No clusters corresponding to three morphological varieties found in the south, north and west, respectively, were detected in either UPGMA or PCO analyses. Our results suggest that this species may have had different refugia during the glacial stages in the southern region and that the northern variety may have multiple origins from these different refugia.