33 resultados para competitive ability and weed biology

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Melt-spun ribbon and bulk samples in cylindrical rod form with diameter ranging from 2 mm to 4 mm of Ti40Cu40Zr10Ni10 alloy were prepared by melt-spinning technique and copper mould casting method, respectively. The microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical properties of the bulk samples were investigated. A completely glassy single phase is formed in the 2 mm rod sample. Increasing the diameter of the rod samples resulted in the formation of CuTi crystalline phase in the 3 mm and 4 mm rod samples.


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某些克隆植物通过克隆整合能够很好的适应逆境或快速扩张。基于克隆整合,研究克隆植物的抗逆性、入侵性及其对群落结构的影响在很多方面值得深入。本文主要应用实验生态学的方法,分别在野外或温室以沙鞭、空心莲子草和羊柴为主要研究对象,研究克隆整合对处于逆境生长条件下克隆植物生长的影响;克隆整合对入侵植物竞争力和被入侵植物群落组成的影响;克隆整合对沙地群落结构和初级生产力的影响,探讨克隆植物对风蚀和水淹的适应机制、入侵克隆植物的入侵机制以及对群落组成和结构的影响机制。主要结论如下: 1. 沙鞭分株的叶片数目和生物量跟沙鞭根状茎的埋藏深度高度正相关,当根状茎被暴露在空气中时,上面所依附的分株要么死亡,要么长势很弱。每样方内沙鞭的分株数目、叶片数目和总生物量随风蚀强度的增加而降低。在对照和短期风蚀中,根状茎连接并不影响上述指标,但是在长期风蚀下,根状茎连接的作用会增强。根状茎连接能够减轻风蚀对沙鞭的负面影响,这很有可能是因为遭受风蚀胁迫的分株从那些没有遭受风蚀侵害的分株那里获得了水分和光合产物的资助。本研究首次证实了保持根状茎连接有助于提高干旱区植物抵御风蚀的能力。 2. 水淹会降低空心莲子草先端分株的生长;克隆整合显著增强了空心莲子草先端分株的生长和繁殖,但降低了基端分株的生长和繁殖。最终,克隆整合并不影响整体空心莲子草克隆片段的生长表现,这预示当空心莲子草从陆地生境向水生生境扩散时,克隆整合对其总体没有净收益。我们认为空心莲子草在由陆地扩张到水域时,可能拥有一种“双刃剑”机制:当处于水生生境中的先端分株得到处于陆生生境中的基端分株的资源支持时,先端分株能够增强自身生长;当因外界扰动导致二者间相连匍匐茎断裂后,陆生生境中的基端分株能够快速增强自身的匍匐茎和分株生长。这种机制可能使得空心莲子草很好的适应高度干扰或高度异质生境,从而增强了其入侵性。 3. 竞争显著降低了空心莲子草先端分株的光系统II中的最大量子产额(Fv/Fm)和生长(生物量、分株数目、叶片数目、总匍匐茎长度和总叶面积),但并不影响高羊茅的生物量。匍匐茎连接显著增强了空心莲子草先端分株的最大量子产额和生长。然而,这种连接效应在竞争时的作用要比非竞争时的作用小的多,而且匍匐茎连接并没有改变空心莲子草的相对邻体效应。与非竞争环境相反,在竞争条件下匍匐茎连接会降低空心莲子草对根系的生物量投资。克隆整合可能对提高空心莲子草的竞争力帮助不大,但是对其开拓空旷领地却非常重要。这些结果预示空心莲子草的入侵性可能和其克隆整合作用有密切关系。 4. 克隆整合显著增强了空心莲子草在群落中的扩张能力,但并没有提高其抑制整体群落物种的能力。相比低密度播种群落,生长在高密度播种群落中的空心莲子草长势明显要弱,高密度播种群落具有更强的抵御入侵的能力。在低密度播种群落中,相比切断群落内外空心莲子草相连匍匐茎,如果保持其连接,优势物种的地上生物量会降低而次优势物种的地上生物量会增加,进而群落的丰富度会得到提高。实验结果预示克隆整合能够增强入侵物种在建植群落中的扩张速度,并能够修饰其在群落结构上的影响,改变群落中单个物种的生长表现。 5. 克隆整合显著增强了羊柴在沙地植物群落中的分株数目,但并没有提高其地上生物量。羊柴分株数目的变化受不同处理因素的影响,在加氮的处理中分株数目为最大,切断处理中为最小。在群落主要组成物种中,克隆整合显著影响了烛台虫实的地上生物量,而其它主要物种的地上生物量则不受处理因素影响。克隆整合并没有影响沙地群落的物种多样性,但会显著影响沙地群落的初级生产力,尤其是添加氮肥以后。


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Competitive strategy for resources between Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng which is a dominant species of grasslands degraded by moderate-heavy grazing, and Stipa grandis P. Smirnov, which is a dominant species of ungrazed communities, was studied using a replacement series method in a greenhouse. The knowledge would be helpful in managing grasslands and restoring the degraded C. squarrosa grassland. Although there was neither inter- nor intra-specific competition between the two species when no nutrients were added, intra-specific competition of C. squarrosa was observed and increased with increased nutrient availability and more sulfur (S) was allocated to the aboveground partition of the plant. Relative competitive ability of C. squarrosa was greater than that of S. grandis when nutrients were supplied regardless of S. There was no significant difference between shoot and root competition based on dry matter yields. However, root competition was significantly greater than that of shoot based on S uptake under all treatments. A significant interaction was not observed between shoot and root competition. Therefore, nutrients addition benefits the restoration of degraded grassland of C. squarrosa, which may not exclude S. grandis. Also productivity and forage quality of the community will be increased. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two species, Artemisia frigida Willd. (C-3, semishrub, and dominant on overgrazed sites) and Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng (C-4, perennial bunchgrass, and dominant or codominant on moderately grazed sites) were studied to determine the effects of defoliation, nitrogen (N) availability, competition, and their interactions on growth, biomass, and N allocation in a greenhouse experiment. The main treatments were: two nitrogen levels (NO = 0 mg N pot(-1), N1 = 60 mg N pot(-1)), two defoliation intensities (removing 60% of total aboveground biomass and no defoliation), and three competitive replacement series (monocultures of each species and mixtures at 0.5:0.5). Our results were inconsistent with our hypothesis on the adaptive mechanisms of A. frigida regarding the interactive effects of herbivory, N, and competition in determining its dominant position on overgrazed sites. Cleistogenes squarrosa will be replaced by A. frigida on over-grazed sites, although C. squarrosa had higher tolerance to defoliation than did A. frigida. Total biomass and N yield and N-15 recovery of C. squarrosa in mixed culture were consistently lower than in monocultures, whereas those of A. frigida grown in mixtures were consistently higher than in monocultures, suggesting higher competitive ability of A. frigida. Our results suggest that interspecific competitive ability may be of equal or greater importance than herbivory tolerance in determining herbivore-induced species replacement in semi-arid Inner Mongolian steppe. In addition, the dominance of A. frigida on overgrazed sites has been attributed to its ability to shift plant-plant interactions through (lap colonization, root niche differentiation, and higher resistance to water stress.


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Novel GeS2-Ga2S3-AgCl chalcohalide glasses had been prepared by melt-quenching technique, and the glass-forming region was determined by XRD, which indicated that the maximum of dissolvable AgCl was up to 65 mol%. Thermal and optical properties of the glasses were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Visible-IR transmission, which showed that most of GeS2-Ga2S3-AgCl glasses had strong glass-forming ability and broad region of transmission (about 0.45-12.5 mu m). With the addition of AgCl, the glass transition temperature, Tg decreases distinctly, and the short-wavelength cut-off edge (lambda(vis)) of the glasses also shifts to the long wavelength gradually. However, the glass-forming ability of the glass has a complicated evolutional trend depended on the compositional change. In addition, the values of the Vickers microhardness, H (v) , which decrease with the addition of AgCl, are high enough for the practical applications. These excellent properties of GeS2-Ga2S3-AgCl glasses make them potentially applied in the optoelectronic field, such as all-optical switch, etc.


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Kallikrein 8 (KLK8) is a serine protease functioning in the central nervous system, and essential in many aspects of neuronal activities. Sequence comparison and gene expression analysis among diverse primate species identified a human-specific splice for


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Background: Due to the advances of high throughput technology and data-collection approaches, we are now in an unprecedented position to understand the evolution of organisms. Great efforts have characterized many individual genes responsible for the interspecies divergence, yet little is known about the genome-wide divergence at a higher level. Modules, serving as the building blocks and operational units of biological systems, provide more information than individual genes. Hence, the comparative analysis between species at the module level would shed more light on the mechanisms underlying the evolution of organisms than the traditional comparative genomics approaches. Results: We systematically identified the tissue-related modules using the iterative signature algorithm (ISA), and we detected 52 and 65 modules in the human and mouse genomes, respectively. The gene expression patterns indicate that all of these predicted modules have a high possibility of serving as real biological modules. In addition, we defined a novel quantity, "total constraint intensity,'' a proxy of multiple constraints (of co-regulated genes and tissues where the co-regulation occurs) on the evolution of genes in module context. We demonstrate that the evolutionary rate of a gene is negatively correlated with its total constraint intensity. Furthermore, there are modules coding the same essential biological processes, while their gene contents have diverged extensively between human and mouse. Conclusions: Our results suggest that unlike the composition of module, which exhibits a great difference between human and mouse, the functional organization of the corresponding modules may evolve in a more conservative manner. Most importantly, our findings imply that similar biological processes can be carried out by different sets of genes from human and mouse, therefore, the functional data of individual genes from mouse may not apply to human in certain occasions.


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A novel trypsin inhibitor termed BATI was purified to homogeneity from the skin extracts of toad Bufo andrewsi by successive ion-exchange, gel-filtration and reverse-phase chromatography. BATI is basic single chain glycoprotein, with apparent molecular weight of 22 kDa in SDS-PAGE. BATI is a thermal stable competitive inhibitor and effectively inhibits trypsin's catalytic activity on peptide substrate with the inhibitor constant (K-i) value of 14 nM and shows no inhibitory effect on chymotrypsin, thrombin and elastase. The N-terminal sequence of BATI is EKDSITD, which shows no similarity with other known trypsin inhibitors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three new dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, schilancifolignans A-C (1-3), together with thirteen known ones, were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandru lancifolia. The structures of 1-3 were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, including extensive 1D- and 2D-NMR techniques. Compounds 1-3 were tested for their anti-human immunodeficiency virus-1 activities and showed weak bioactivities.


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The population genetic structure of fish parasitic nematode, Camallanus cotti, collected from the Yangtze River, Pearl River and Minjiang River in China was investigated. From these parasites, the similar to 730 bp of the first internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS1 rDNA) and the 428 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene were sequenced. For the ITS1 rDNA data set, highly significant Fst values and low rates of migration were detected between the Pearl River group and both the Yangtze River (Fst = 0.70, P < 0.00001; Nm = 0.21) and Minjiang River (Fst = 0.73, P < 0.00001; Nm = 0.18) groups, while low Fst value (Fst = 0.018, P > 0.05) and high rate of migration (Nm = 28.42) were found between the Minjiang and the Yangtze rivers. When different host/locality populations (subpopulations) within each river were considered, subpopulations between the Yangtze River and Minjiang River had low Fst values (<= 0.12) and high Nm values (>3.72), while Pearl River subpopulations were significantly different from the Yangtze River and Minjiang River subpopulations (Fst >= 0.59; Nm < 1). The COI gene data set revealed a similar genetic structure. Both phylogenetic analyses and a statistical parsimony network grouped the Pearl River haplotypes into one phylogroup, while the Yangtze River and Minjiang River haplotypes formed a second group. These results suggested that the Yangtze River and Minjiang River subpopulations constituted a single reproductive pool that was distinct from the Pearl River subpopulations. In addition, the present study did not find host-related genetic differentiation occurring in the same drainage. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Background: Short and long interspersed elements (SINEs and LINEs, respectively), two types of retroposons, are active in shaping the architecture of genomes and powerful tools for studies of phylogeny and population biology. Here we developed special protocol to apply biotin-streptavidin bead system into isolation of interspersed repeated sequences rapidly and efficiently, in which SINEs and LINEs were captured directly from digested genomic DNA by hybridization to bead-probe complex in solution instead of traditional strategy including genomic library construction and screening. Results: A new couple of SINEs and LINEs that shared an almost identical 3'tail was isolated and characterized in silver carp and bighead carp of two closely related species. These SINEs (34 members), designated HAmo SINE family, were little divergent in sequence and flanked by obvious TSD indicated that HAmo SINE was very young family. The copy numbers of this family was estimated to 2 x 10(5) and 1.7 x 10(5) per haploid genome by Real-Time qPCR, respectively. The LINEs, identified as the homologs of LINE2 in other fishes, had a conserved primary sequence and secondary structures of the 3'tail region that was almost identical to that of HAmo SINE. These evidences suggest that HAmo SINEs are active and amplified recently utilizing the enzymatic machinery for retroposition of HAmoL2 through the recognition of higher-order structures of the conserved 42-tail region. We analyzed the possible structures of HAmo SINE that lead to successful amplification in genome and then deduced that HAmo SINE, SmaI SINE and FokI SINE that were similar in sequence each other, were probably generated independently and created by LINE family within the same lineage of a LINE phylogeny in the genomes of different hosts. Conclusion: The presented results show the advantage of the novel method for retroposons isolation and a pair of young SINE family and its partner LINE family in two carp fishes, which strengthened the hypotheses containing the slippage model for initiation of reverse transcription, retropositional parasitism of SINEs on LINEs, the formation of the stem loop structure in 3'tail region of some SINEs and LINEs and the mechanism of template switching in generating new SINE family.