6 resultados para acetazolamide

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The characteristics of inorganic carbon assimilation by photosynthesis were investigated in male and female gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida. Gametophytes and sporophytes have detectable extracellular and intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, and the CA inhibitor, acetazolamide (AZ), significantly inhibited their photosynthesis O-2 evolution. In pH-drift experiments, it was found that gametophytes did not raise the final pH of seawater above 9.00 (CO2 concentrations of about 2.2 mu M), indicating a low ability to utilize inorganic carbon. In contrast, sporophytes rapidly raised pH to over 9.53 and depleted the free CO2 Concentration to less than 0.16 mu M. The apparent photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was almost the same for gametophytes and sporophytes, whereas gametophytes had a much lower affinity for HCO3- than sporophytes. Two inhibitors of band 3 anion exchange protein (DIDS and SITS) inhibited the photosynthesis of gametophytes but not that of sporophytes. It was indicated that both gametophytes and sporophytes were capable of using HCO3-, which involved the external CA activity, and a direct HCO3- use also occurred in the former, but the latter showed a greater capacity of HCO3- use than the former. In addition, male and female gametophytes did not show great differences in the inorganic carbon uptake mechanism underlying photosynthesis.


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The photosynthetic performances of Porphyra haitanensis thalli were investigated in order to understand its mechanisms for exogenous carbon acquisition during emersion at low tide. The emersed photosynthesis was studied by altering the pH value in the water film on the thalli surface, treating them with carbonic anhydarase inhibitors (acetazolamide and 6-ethoxyzolamide), adjusting the CO2 concentrations in the air, and comparing the theoretical maximum CO2 supply rates within the adherent water film with the observed photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates. It was found that the principal exogenous inorganic carbon source for the photosynthesis of P. haitanensis during emersion was atmospheric CO2. The driving force of CO2 flux across the water film was the CO2 concentration gradient within it. Carbonic anhydrase accelerated both extracellular and intracellular CO2 transport. The emersed photosynthesis of P. haitanensis was limited by the present atmospheric CO2 level, and would be enhanced by atmospheric CO2 rise that would trigger global warming.


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The growth and activity of photosynthetic CO2 uptake and extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA(ext)) of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum were investigated while cultured at different levels of CO2 in order to see its physiological response to different CO2 concentrations under either a low (30 mumol . m(-2) . s(-1)) or high (210 mumol . m(-2) . s(-1)) irradiance. The changes in CO2 concentrations (4-31 mumol/L) affected the growth and net photosynthesis to a greater extent under the low than under the high light regime. CAext was detected in the cells grown at 4 mumol/L CO2 but not at 31 and 12 mumol/L CO2, with its activity being about 2.5-fold higher at the high than at the low irradiance. Photosynthetic CO2 affinity (1/K-1/2(CO2)) of the cells decreased with increased CO2 concentrations in culture. The cells cultured under the high-light show significantly higher photosynthetic CO2 affinity than those grown at the low-light level. It is concluded that the regulations of CA(ext) activity and photosynthetic CO2 affinity are dependent not only on CO2 concentration but also on light availability, and that the development of higher CA(ext) activity and CO2 affinity under higher light level could sufficiently support the photosynthetic demand for CO2 even at low level of CO2.


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The mechanism of inorganic carbon (C-i) acquisition by the economic brown macroalga, Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (Sargassaceae), was investigated to characterize its photosynthetic physiology. Both intracellular and extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) were detected, with the external CA activity accounting for about 5% of the total. Hizikia fusiforme showed higher rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution at alkaline pH than those theoretically derived from the rates of uncatalyzed CO2 production from bicarbonate and exhibited a high pH compensation point (pH 9.66). The external CA inhibitor, acetazolamide, significantly depressed the photosynthetic oxygen evolution, whereas the anion-exchanger inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonate had no inhibitory effect on it, implying the alga was capable of using HCO3- as a source of C-i for its photosynthesis via the mediation of the external CA. CO2 concentrations in the culture media affected its photosynthetic properties. A high level of CO2 (10,000 ppmv) resulted in a decrease in the external CA activity; however, a low CO2 level (20 ppmv) led to no changes in the external CA activity but raised the intracellular CA activity. Parallel to the reduction in the external CA activity at the high CO2 was a reduction in the photosynthetic CO2 affinity. Decreased activity of the external CA in the high CO2 grown samples led to reduced sensitiveness of photosynthesis to the addition of acetazolamide at alkaline pH. It was clearly indicated that H. fusiforme, which showed CO2-limited photosynthesis with the half-saturating concentration of C-i exceeding that of seawater, did not operate active HCO3- uptake but used it via the extracellular CA for its photosynthetic carbon fixation.


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The activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA) and photosynthesis of Porphyra haitanensis were investigated in order to see its photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon source. Both intra- and extra-cellular CA activities existed in the thallus. CA inhibitors, acetazolamide (AZ) and ethoxyzolamide (EZ), remarkably depressed the photosynthetic oxygen evolution in seawater of pH 8.2 and 10.0, and EZ showed stronger inhibition than AZ. The observed net photosynthetic rate In seawater of pH 8.2 was much higher than that of CO2 supply theoretically derived from spontaneous dehydration of HCO3-. P. haitanensis also showed a rather high pH compensation point (9.9). The results demonstrated that P. haitanensis could utilize bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source for photosynthesis. The bicarbonate utilization was closely associated with HCO3- dehydration catalyzed by extracellular CA activity. The inorganic carbon composition in seawater could well saturate the photosynthesis of P. haitanensis. The low K-m value and compensation points for inorganic carbon reflected the existence of CO2-concentrating mechanism in this alga.