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Ecological studies on macrozoobenthos were conducted in two small plateau lakes in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China: Xingyun Lake (XL), a eutrophic lake whose main source of primary production was phytoplankton (Chl a=99.76 +/- 24.01 mu g/L), and Yangzong Lake (YL), a mesotrophic lake. Sampling was carried out from October 2002 to May 2004. Altogether 23 benthic taxa were identified in XL and 21 taxa in YL. The density of benthos in XL was much lower than that in YL, but the biomass was about equal in the two lakes, being 1 423 ind/m(2) and 8.71 g/m(2) in XL and 4 249 ind/m(2) and 8.60 g/m(2) in YL. The dominant species were Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi, Aulodrilus pluriseta and Chironomus sp. in XL and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Aulodrilus pluriseta and Bellamya sp. in YL. Seasonal fluctuation occurred, showing richer species in summer and winter, but the density and biomass varied in different ways in the two lakes. Analyses on functional feeding groups indicate that collector-gatherers were predominant, but the relative abundances of other groups were different. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the water depth, conductivity and chlorophyll a were the key factors affecting macrozoobenthic abundance in the lakes.


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Environmental mechanism of change in cyanobacterial species composition in the northeastern part of Lake Dianchi (also called Macun Bay and Haidong Bay) was studied using canonical correlation analysis (CCA), but also bottom-up control and top-down control were fully discussed. Results from CCA suggest: (1) the abundance and dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa in Macun Bay and Haidong Bay are influenced by total phosphorus (TP), nitrate (NO3--N), nitrite (NO2--N), dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature (WT); (2) water temperature has a positive correlation with the abundance of M. aeruginosa and it also has negative correlations with the abundances of Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenonon flos-aquae; and (3) abundances of both Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have positive correlations with ammonia-N (NH4+-N). Furthermore, cyanobacterial species composition has no significant correlations with light and size-fractioned iron in this study. Grazers, cyanophages and viruses were able to control cyanobacterial blooms and change the composition of cyanobacterial species. Though we studied physical and chemical factors intensely enough, we still are not able to predict the change in the composition of cyanobacterial blooms, because of plankton system in a chaotic behavior.


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Lake Donghu is a typical eutrophic freshwater lake in which high abundance of planktonic viruses was recently revealed. In this study, seasonal variation of planktonic viruses were observed at three different trophic sites, hypertrophic, eutrophic, and mesotrophic regions, and the correlation between their abundances and other aquatic environmental components, such as bacterioplankton, chlorophyll a, burst size, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, was analyzed for the period of an year. Virioplankton abundance detected by transmission electron microscope (TEM) ranged from 5.48 x 10(8) to 2.04 x 10(9) ml(-1) in all the sites throughout the study, and the high abundances and seasonal variations of planktonic viruses were related to the trophic status at the sampled sites in Lake Donghu. Their annual mean abundances were, the highest at the hypertrophic site (1.23x10(9) ml(-1)), medium at the eutrophic site (1.19x10(9) ml(-1)), and the lowest at the mesotrophic site (1.02x10(9) ml(-1)). The VBR (virus-to-bacteria ratio) values were high, ranging from 49 to 56 on average at the three sampled sites. The data suggested that the high viral abundance and high VBR values might be associated with high density of phytoplankton including algae and cyanobacteria in this eutrophic shallow lake, and that planktonic viruses are important members of freshwater ecosystems.


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Combined with the national standard biomonitoring method (polyurethane foam units method), calorimetry was applied to study the metabolic activities of PFU microbial communities in fresh water to determine the effects of anthropotgenic stresses on the activity of the microbial community. Comparisons were made at four sampling stations with different eutrophic status in Lake Donghu. Water quality variables, species number of protozoa, abundances of microorganisms, biomass, heterotrophy indexes and diversity indexes are reported. The heat rate-time curves of the native and concentrated PFU microbial communities were determined at 28 degrees C. Growth rate, measured maximum power output and total heat were calculated from the heat rate-time curves. The values of metabolic variables are higher at the more eutrophic stations, which suggests that organic pollution increases the activity of PFU microbial communities. The metabolic variables are in good agreement with chemical and biotic variables. And calorimetry will be useful for biomonitoring of the PFU microbial community. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From June 2000 to June 2002, four sites on the mainstem of the Xiangxi River and one site on each of its major tributaries were sampled 16 times each for benthic algae. All total, 223 taxa (most to species and variety levels) were found (193 Bacillariophyta, 20 Chlorophyta, nine Cyanophyta and one Xanthophyta). The diatoms Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthes linearis, and Diatoma vulgare dominated the system, with relative abundance of 33.3%, 18.8%, and 6.4%, respectively. The abundances of all the other taxa were under 5%, and 210 taxa collectively contributed less than 1% of the total abundance. Taxa diversity peaked in winter and reached a minimum in summer. Species richness varied considerably but was not significantly different over time. Maximum algal density occurred in later winter/spring (1.4 x 10(9) ind./m(2)) but was not significantly different from the minimum density, which occurred in August. Chlorophyll a showed similar seasonal fluctuation but also was not significantly different over time. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that water hardness, depth, conductivity, and alkalinity had important influences on variation of epilithic algae in the Xiangxi River system.


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本论文由四部分组成。第一部分报道了佛手参提取物的化学成分研究,建立了活性成分含量测定的高效液相测定和指纹图谱研究,采用液质联用技术鉴定了主要色谱峰;第二部分报道了丹参及其复方制剂的特征图谱研究;第三部分探讨了两面针生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,并采用液质联用技术分离鉴定了提取物中的多种生物碱。第四部分概述了液质联用在药物代谢研究中的运用。 第一部分包括第一、第二和第三章。第一章针对佛手参(Gymnadeniaconopsea)块茎的甲醇提取物,采用大孔树脂和反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,共分离鉴定出4 个化合物,通过波谱分析将它们的结构确定为dactylorhin B (1)、loroglossin (2)、dactylorhin A (3)和militarine (4)。这4 个化合物均是首次从佛手参中分离得到的琥珀酸葡萄糖苷类成分。第二章采用高效液相色谱法对西藏、四川、河北、青海和尼泊尔等不同地区产的十个佛手参样品进行腺嘌呤核苷和对羟基苯甲醇的定量分析,结果表明这2 个成份可视为佛手参的特征成分,但也注意到产地不同该2 个特征成分的含量也有所不同。第三章采用标准中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,以10 个佛手参样品HPLC 图谱的平均值为相似性评价对照模板,对10 个样品进行了相似度评价,并经液质联用分析指认了7 个共有峰,分别为腺嘌呤核苷(1)、对羟基苯甲醇(2)、对羟基苯甲醛(3) 、dactylorhin B(4) 、loroglossin(5)、dactylorhin A(6)和militarine(7)。 第二部分包括第四、第五、第六和第七章。第四章运用电喷雾质谱检测了对照药材和五个不同产地的丹参药材中脂溶性和水溶性成分,系统地探讨了多种成分的电喷雾质谱规律,并以对照药材为标准建立了特征指纹图谱。五个产地的药II材通过与对照药材相对比,采用聚类分析的方法,得到了定性的鉴别与判断。并采用液质联用技术对丹参药材提取液中的化学成份进行分析,推测了九个特征峰,并对六样品的液相色谱图进行了聚类分析。第五章探讨了三七皂苷的电喷雾质谱电离和裂解规律,并采用电喷雾质谱法对三七标准药材,血通片中的皂苷成分进行了分析。第六章运用电喷雾质谱研究复方丹参片提取液的特征图谱,并和单味药材丹参和三七的特征图谱进行了对比研究。并运用HPLC-ESI MSn 分析鉴定了复方丹参片提取液中的化学成分,推测了12 个色谱峰。第七章总结了电喷雾质谱和液质联用技术在丹参药材,三七药材及复方丹参制剂中的运用的优势和局限性。 第三部分(第八章)研究了两面针生物碱中二氢白屈菜红碱(1)、二氢两面针碱(2)、8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱(3)、8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱(4)、两面针碱(5)、和1,3-二(8-二氢两面针碱)丙酮(6)等六个苯并菲啶型生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,其中二氢两面针碱和二氢白屈菜红碱,8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱和8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱是两对二个甲氧基分别在C-9 和C-10,C-10 和C-11 的同分异构体。实验结果表明,在相同的碰撞能下,这类位置异构体的ESI MS2 质谱二级碎片离子的相对峰度存在很大差异,这可以用于区分该类同分异构体,采用液-质联用可以对两面针的总生物碱提取物中的这些同分异构体加于区分。同时在本实验采用的液相色谱条件下,多种生物碱得到较好的分离,通过和对照品的保留时间,紫外吸收光谱及电喷雾质谱图对照,鉴定了11 个主要色谱峰。 第四部分(第九章)对液质联用技术在药物代谢中的运用进行了综述。 This dissertation consisted of four sections. The first two sections elaborated thephytochemical investigation of the rhizomes Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br., methoddevelopment for rapid identifying and qutifying the chemical condtituent of thistibetant medicine, and the chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea,Salviae miltiorrhiza and P. notoginseng. The third section studied the fragmentationmechanism of six alkaloids from Zanthoxylum nitidium and method development forrapid identifying varieties of alkaloids from the extract of this herbal medicine. Thefourth section reviewed HPLC- MS method in drug metabolism studies. The first section consisted of chapters 1, 2, 3. Chapter 1 elaborated the phytochemicalinvestigation of Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. Four succinate derivative esters wereisolated from the methanol extract of the rhizomes of G. conopsea through repeatedcolumn chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel, their structures weredetermined by ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR evidence. They were firstly discoveredfrom this species. In chapter 2, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection (HPLC-DAD) method has been firstly developed for quantitation oftwo characteristic constituents, adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, from theextract of rhizomes of G. conopsea. All 10 samples of G. conopsea contained differentamount of adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Adenosine and the4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol can be applied in identification and quality control for theroots of G. conopsea. In chapter 3, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection.tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MSn) method has been firstly developed for chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea andrapid identification of major compounds in the fingerprints. Comparing the UV andMS spectra with those of authentic compounds, seven main peaks in the fingerprintswere identified as adenosine, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl aldehyde,dactylorhin B, loroglossin, dactylorhin A and militarine. The Computer AidedSimilarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of TraditionalChinese Medicine (CASES) was employed to evaluate the similarities of 10 samplesof the rhizomes of G. conopsea collected from Sichuan, Qinghai and Hebei provincesand Tibet autonomous region of China, and Nepal. These samples from differentsources had similar chemical fingerprints to each other. The second section consisted of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. In chapter 4,both thecharacteristic spectra of liposoluble tanshinones and aqueous-soluble salvianolic acidswere established by the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)technique and the differences between standard and crude rhizomes of Salviaemiltiorrhiza Bge. from 5 sources were analyzed. The law of electrospray ion trap mass(ESI ITMS) of typical tanshinones and salvianolic acids is studied.The analysis of the chemical constituent of rhizomes of Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge. byliquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrum (LC/MS) technique wasestablished,and the distances among standard herb and crude herb from 5 sourceswere calculated by clustering analysis. According the DAD spectra and MS2 data,9tanshinones could be speculated. In chapter 5, the character spectra of total saponinsin P. notoginseng extracts were established by ESI ITMS and selective ion monitoring(SIM) technology. The law of notoginsenosides by ESI MS2 was studied. In chapter 6,the characteristic spectra of Compound Danshen Tablet established and compared byESI-MS and HPLC/DAD/MS, 6 known tanshinones and 3 saponins were speculated.In chapter 7, the advantage and disadvantage of the strategy, using the ESI ITMS andLC/MS techniques for study of characteristic spetra of danshen and Compound Danshen Tablet, were summerized. The third section (chapter 8) studied the fragmentation mechanism of six alkaloids,dihydronitidine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydronitidine,8-acetonyldrochelerythrine, nitidine and 1,3-bis (8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone, by ESIMSn. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments indicated that different substitutionsites of the methoxyl groups at C-9 and C-10 or at C-10 and C-11 determined thedifferent abundances of the MS2 fragmentation ions using the same collision energy.According to the different abundances of MS2 product ions, positional isomericbenzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloids can be differentiated. Moreover, ten constituents inthe crude alkaloids extract from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidium were rapidlyidentified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (HPLC-MSn), through comparing the retention times and ESI MSn spectra with the authentic standards. The fourth section (chapter 9) is a review on HPLC-MS method development in drug metabolism studies.


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We investigate the effect of the calar-isovector delta-meson field on the equation of state (EOS) and composition of hyperonic neutron star matter, and the properties of hyperonic neutron stars within the frame work of the relativistic mean field theory. The influence of the delta-field turns out to be quite different and generally weaker for hyperonic neutron star matter as compared to that for npe mu neutron star matter. We find that inclusion of the delta-field enhances the strangeness content slightly and consequently moderately softens the EOS of neutron star matter in its hyperonic phase. As for the composition of hyperonic star matter, the effect of the delta-field is shown to shift the onset of the negatively-charged (positively-charged) hyperons to slightly lower (higher) densities and to enhance (reduce) their abundances. The influence of the delta-field on the maximum mass of hyperonic neutron stars is found to be fairly weak, where as inclusion of the delta-field turns out to enhance sizably both the radii and the moments of inertia of neutron stars with given masses. It is also shown that the effects of the delta-field on the properties of hyperonic neutron stars remain similar in the case of switching off the Sigma hyperons.


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A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.


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In this report, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was used to study the binding interactions between calmodulin and two target peptides (melittin and substance P). Various matrix conditions were tested and the less acidic matrix DHAP and THAP were found to favor the survival of the intact calcium-calmodulin as well as the calmodulin-peptide complexes. However, the application of direct MALDI-MS to detect the intact complexes turned out to be very difficult due to the dissociation of the complexes and the formation of nonspecific aggregates. In contrast, the specific binding of the target peptides to calmodulin could be easily deduced using intensity-fading (IF) MALDI-MS. Compared with the nonbinding control, clear reduction in the ion abundances of the target peptides was observed with the addition of calmodulin.


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The ion-molecule reactions of disubstituted benzenes under chemical ionization conditions with acetyl chloride as reagent gas were examined, and the fragmentation reactions of the adduct ions (mostly proton and acetyl ion adducts) were studied by collision-induced dissociation. Electron-releasing substituents favored the adduct reactions, and electron-withdrawing groups did not. The position and properties of substituting groups had an effect on the relative abundances of the adduct ions. Several examples of the ortho effect were observed. The fragmentation reaction of the adduct ions formed by ortho-benzenediamine with the acetyl ion was similar to the reductive alkylation reaction of amines in the condensed phase. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Three compounds of metalloporphyrins were studied using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The bonding power between substitutional phenyl and porphyrin cycle and the coordinate conditions of metalloporphyrins with imidazole were discussed. The experimental result indicated that the bonding power between substitutional phenyl and porphyrin cycle in metalloporphyrins became weak from Mn, Fe to Co. The complexes abundances formed by metallophorphyrin with imidazole were stronger with the increase of the ligand concentration. At the same ligand concentration, the abundance of the complexes was intensified gradually and the stability of the ligands was become stronger from Mn, Fe to Co.


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The effect of metal (Li+, Na+, K+, Ag+) cationization on collision-induced dissociation of ginsenosides was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry combined with multi-stage mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). The fragments of sodiated and lithiated molecules give valuable structural information regarding the nature of the aglycone and the sequence and linkage information of sugar moieties. However, the number and relative abundances of fragment ions from lithiated ginsenosides are significantly greater than for the sodiated species, The K+ adducts undergo glycosidic cleavages and very limited cross-ring reactions. The silver ion adducts fragment mainly through glycosidic cleavages. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.