3 resultados para Zanclus cornutus

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本文首先在查看了两千余号标本及整理已有文献的基础上,对中国菊头蝠属 (Rhinolophus)各种及亚种的分类进行了系统评述,并对各分类单位的形态特征进行了详尽描述。在中国分布的菊头蝠有8 个种组,19 个种,28 个亚种;重点讨论了角菊头蝠(R. cornutus)、浅褐菊头蝠(R. subbadius)和三叶菊头蝠(R. trifoliatus) 等物种的分类问题。其次,通过测量17 个种47 个菊头蝠标本的翼部(12 个指标) 和头骨(9 个指标)形态学指标及测定22 个种26 个菊头蝠组织样品的cyt-b 全序列,从形态学和分子系统学角度分析、探讨了中国菊头蝠系统发育关系。结果表明:中国菊头蝠包括了Aquias、非洲-古北和亚洲三大支系的物种,除了Aquias 支系的R. luctus 和R. formosae 以及非洲-古北支系的R. xinanzhongguoensis 和R. ferrumequinum,其余15 个种均属于亚洲支系。第三,在分类与系统发育关系研究的基础上,对分布于我国的19 种菊头蝠进行生物地理分析。在分布上,这些菊头蝠分属地中海-古北型和东洋型,后者又包括中国南方广布亚型、中国西南亚型和台湾特有分布亚型。中国菊头蝠的物种多样性呈现出由北向西南显著增加的趋势,云南、贵州和广西一带是中国菊头蝠最为集中分布的区域。R. ferrumequinum 等6 种菊头蝠在中国东部与西南的种群间存在种下分化,R. luctus 等4 种则因岛屿效应在海南和东部种群间形成种下分化。已有的研究成果表明翼手类的翼部形态反映了相应的飞行性能和生境利用特点。本文测量了6 种蹄蝠65 个标本和13 种菊头蝠229 个标本翼部骨骼的12 个长度变量以及后足长度,并摘抄原始标签上的体重数据,然后结合已发表的相关数据,对19 种蹄蝠和30 种菊头蝠的形态数据进行异速生长分析,以探讨菊头蝠和蹄蝠翼的特点及其适应性。结果表明,两者在翼部骨骼(前臂、第三指掌骨和第二指节以及第四、五指指节)存在显著性差异。其中部分骨骼长度的差异决定了它们在翼特征参数上的显著性差异:蹄蝠的前臂和第三指掌骨更长,使得翼展和展旋比要大于菊头蝠;而菊头蝠的第三指第二指节更长,使得翼尖长度和翼尖长度比值要大于蹄蝠。这些特点说明菊头蝠较蹄蝠更适应于在茂密生境中捕食。


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Stomach contents were examined of 4527 adult individuals of 12 flatfish species collected during the 1982 - 1983 Bohai Sea Fisheries Resources Investigation. Their food habits, diet diversity, similarity of prey taxa, trophic niche breadth and diet overlap were systematically analysed. Ninety-seven prey species belonging to the Coelenterata, Nemertinea, Polychaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata, Hemichordata and fish were found and five of them were considered to be principal prey for flatfishes: Alpheus japonicus, Oratosquilla oratoria, Alpheus distinguendus, Loligo japonicus and Crangon affinis. Among the flatfishes, Paralichthys olivaceus was piscivorous, whereas Pseodopleuronectes yokohamae and Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini both had polychaetes and molluscs as their main prey groups. Pleuronichthys cornutus was classified as a polychaete-mollusc eater, with a strong preference for crustaceans. Verasper variegatus, Cynoglossus semilaevis, Eopsetta grigorjewi and Cleisthenes herzensteini ate crustaceans. Kareius bicoloratus was classified as a mollusc-crustacean eater: Cynoglossus abbreviatus, Cynoglossus joyneri and Zebrias zebra were grouped as crustacean-fish eaters. However, Z. zebra also took polychaetes and C. abbreviatus and C. joyneri preyed on some molluscs. Trophic relationships among the flatfishes were complicated, but they occupied distinctive microhabitats in different seasons and selected their specific prey items, which was favourable to the stability of the flatfish community in the Bohai Sea.


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This paper provides basic information on the general ecology and life history cycles of various flatfish species in the Bohai Sea, China. The species studied are Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel), Cleisthenes herzensteini (Schmidt), Eopsetta grigorjewi (Herzenstein), Verasper variegatus (Temminck & Schlegel), Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck & Schlegel), Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae (Gunther), Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini (Jordan & Snyder), Kareius bicoloratus (Basilewsky), Zebrias zebra (Bloch), Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther, Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Gray) and Cynoglossus joyneri Gunther. Information on reproduction, eggs and larval distribution, growth and adult abundance is presented. Based on the biology and ecology of these flatfish, artificial enhancement of the commercial species in the Bohai Sea is discussed.