8 resultados para Vitis vinifera L.

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The inherent instability of metabolite production in plant cell culture-based bioprocessing is a major problem hindering its commercialization. To understand the extent and causes of this instability, this study was aimed at understanding the variability of anthocyanin accumulation during long-term subcultures, as well as within subculture batches, in Vitis vinifera cell cultures. Therefore, four cell line suspensions of Vitis vinitera L. var. Gamay Freaux, A, B, C and D, originated from the same callus by cell-aggregate cloning, were established with starting anthocyanin contents of 2.73 +/- 0.15, 1.45 +/- 0.04, 0.77 +/- 0.024 and 0.27 +/- 0.04 CV (Color Value)/g-FCW (fresh cell weight), respectively. During weekly subculturing of 33 batches over 8 months, the anthocyanin biosynthetic capacity was gradually lost at various rates, for all four cell lines, regardless of the significant difference in the starting anthocyanin content. Contrary to this general trend, a significant fluctuation in the anthocyanin content was observed, but with an irregular cyclic pattern. The variabilities in the anthocyanin content between the subcultures for the 33 batches, as represented by the variation coefficient (VC), were 58, 57, 54, and 84% for V vinifera cell lines A, B, C and D, respectively. Within one subculture, the VCs from 12 replicate flasks for each of 12 independent subcultures were averaged, and found to be 9.7%, ranging from 4 to 17%. High- and low-producing cell lines, VV05 and VV06, with 1.8-fold differences in their basal anthocyanin contents, exhibited different inducibilities to L-phenylalanine feeding, methyl jasmonate and light irradiation. The low-producing cell line, showed greater potential in enhanced the anthocyanin production.


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植物考古学(Archaeobotany)是植物学与考古学的交叉生长点,主要借助植物学的研究理念和方法来研究与先民相生相伴的植物遗存,探讨古代先民的生活方式,解释人类文明的发展过程。新疆的许多重要遗址处于环境干燥的荒漠戈壁地区。大量植物遗存在特殊的气候环境中保存完好,为我们考证当地先民对植物的认识和利用历程提供了宝贵的材料。 本研究对对吐鲁番洋海墓地以及和田山普拉墓地出土的部份植物遗存进行了细致深入的研究。研究内容主要如下: 1)对吐鲁番洋海墓地出土的2300年前的葡萄藤进行了解剖学验证,并证明了该葡萄藤应属于栽培葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)。研究结果改写了农学及史学界传统认为我国葡萄栽培始于张骞出使西域之后的说法,并将我国最早栽培葡萄的时间向前提了200年左右。 2)对吐鲁番洋海墓地出土的大量刺山柑(Capparis spinosa L.)种子进行了形态学及解剖学研究。刺山柑种子与大麻果实、小枝条及破碎的叶片贮存于陶罐中,二者均有药用价值。根据物以类聚的原则,我们认为2800年前的古洋海人已经认识并利用刺山柑的药用价值。这是在我国,也是中亚地区东部首次发现的刺山柑植物遗存。 3)新疆洛甫山普拉墓地有三串薏苡总苞制成的项链出土。我们对出土的薏苡遗存进行了形态学研究,发现其来自于薏苡的原变种(Coix lacryma-jobi var. lacryma-jobi L.)。上述现象说明,古代山普拉先民已经认识并使用薏苡的装饰价值。并且,当地的薏苡文化可能伴随佛教文化从印度传入中国。 我们对上述重要遗址中的植物遗存进行了精细研究,并从植物学的角度证明了新疆自古就是东西方文明的交汇点,为考古学及历史学研究提供了佐证;充分认识了古代先民对植物的认识和利用方式,发扬了我国源远流长的民族文化;积极发挥植物学研究的优势,充份利用了植物形态学,解剖学及分类学的理念和方法来研究植物遗存,推动了我国植物考古学的发展。


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水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)为多年生菊科植物,是我国珍稀药用资源。所含的主要生物活性成分是黄酮类物质,具有抗炎、镇痛、免疫抑制及抗氧化等功效。但由于水母雪莲生长环境特殊,生长缓慢,人工引种困难;加上长期掠夺性采挖,造成其野生药用资源短缺,已经不能满足市场的需求。近年来,世界上掀起了植物药开发的热潮,植物药以其天然低毒的特点倍受关注,而黄酮类化合物更是以其广谱的药理作用引人瞩目。 黄酮类化合物的合成代谢途径在植物界进化过程中很保守,黄酮类生物合成途径中的相关酶也已得到确证并进行了系统的研究。二氢黄酮醇-4-还原酶(Dihydroflavonol-4-reductase, DFR)是一个处于花色素或者原花色素合成途径中的关键酶,它与黄酮合成途径中的黄酮醇合成酶(flavonol synthase)竞争底物。本研究以水母雪莲为研究对象,根据近缘物种DFR基因的保守核苷酸序列设计兼并引物,通过PCR技术,从已经建立的水母雪莲红色愈伤组织cDNA文库中筛选到一个编码该酶的cDNA序列,该序列全长1166个碱基对。根据生物信息学分析,此cDNA编码342个氨基酸;Blastp分析结果显示,该氨基酸序列与同科植物翠菊(Callistephus chinensis)的相似性最高,达87%;SWISSMODEL件预测其蛋白的三级结构与葡萄(Vitis vinifera)的十分相似,活性中心的关键氨基酸残基也完全一致。据此可以断定,我们所得到的cDNA为编码二氢黄酮醇还原酶的基因,并命名为水母雪莲二氢黄酮醇还原酶基因(SmDFR)。为了得到SmDFR的DNA序列,我们又设计特异引物,从水母雪莲的基因组中扩增出了由1871个碱基对组成的DNA序列,该序列包含五个内含子和六个外显子。 为了提高水母雪莲和大苞雪莲中黄酮类物质的含量,我们构建了SmDFR的反义植物表达载体,利用根癌农杆菌介导进行基因转化。通过改变影响农杆菌转化的实验条件包括外植体来源、农杆菌菌株、细菌浓度、外植体预培养时间、侵染时间和乙酰丁香酮的浓度进行转基因试验,目前尚未得到转基因植株。另外,我们构建了SmDFR正义植物表达载体,通过对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana) DFR基因突变体和矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)进行基因转化,来验证SmDFR的功能;目前,此实验尚在进行之中。


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The adsorption Of DL-homocysteine (Hcy) and L-homocysteine thiolactone (HTL) on Au(1 1 1) electrode was investigated in 0.1 M HClO4 by cyclic voltammetry and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Hcy and HTL molecules formed highly ordered adlayers on Au(1 1 1) surface. High-resolution STM images revealed the orientation and packing arrangement in the ordered adlayers. Hcy molecules formed (2root3 x 3root3)R30degrees adlayer structure and H-bonds between carboxyl groups were assumed to be responsible for the origin of tail-to-tail or head-to-head molecular arrangement, while HTL molecules formed (4 x 6) adlayer structure, and two different orientations and appearances in the ordered adlayer were found. Structural models were proposed for the two adlayers.