31 resultados para VEGF RECEPTOR 2

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Bacterial lipoproteins (LP) are a family of cell wall components found in a wide variety of bacteria. In this study, we characterized the response of HUCL, a telomerase-immortalized human corneal epithelial cell (HCEC) line, to LP isolated from Staphylococcus (S) aureus. S. aureus LP (saLP) prepared by Triton X-114 extraction stimulated the activation of NF-kappa B, JNK, and P38 signaling pathways in HUCL cells. The extracts failed to stimulate NF-kappa B activation in HUCL cells after lipoprotein lipase treatment and in cell lines expressing TLR4 or TLR9, but not TLR2, indicating lipoprotein nature of the extracts. saLP induced the up-regulation of a variety of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IL-6, IL-8, ICAM-1). antimicrobial molecules (hBD-2, LL-37, and iNOS), and homeostasis genes (Mn-SOD) at both the mRNA level and protein level. Similar inflammatory response to saLP was also observed in primarily cultured HCECs using the production of IL-6 as readout. Moreover, TLR2 neutralizing antibody blocked the saLP-induced secretion of IL-6, IL-8 and hBD2 in HUCL cells. Our findings suggest that saLP activates TLR2 and triggers innate immune response in the cornea to S. aureus infection via production of proinflammatory cytokines and defense molecules. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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目的制备特异性结合血管内皮生长因子受体2(vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2,VEGFR-2)的融合蛋白,阻断新生肿瘤血管内皮细胞和某些VEGFR-2阳性肿瘤细胞内的蛋白合成,引起细胞死亡。方法运用基因定点突变技术,制成VEGF D63A、E64A、E67A突变体。利用这个可以和VEGFR-2特异性结合的VEGF突变体,代替白喉毒素上的受体结合区,制成了特异性结合VEGFR-2的融合蛋白。结果以去除了受体结合区的DT391作为对照,以VEGFR-2阳性肿瘤细胞做实验,验证了这个融合毒素对VEGFR-2阳性细胞的选择性杀伤作用。结论制备了特异性杀伤血管内皮生长因子受体2阳性细胞的融合毒素。


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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)是一种多功能的细胞因子,其主要作用是促进血管内皮细胞增殖和增加血管通透性,是肿瘤及正常组织血管生成的中心调控因素,以VEGF为靶点的肿瘤血管靶向性治疗成为近几年肿瘤治疗的新途径。RNAi是近年来新发展的一项反向遗传学技术,是一种研究基因功能的有力工具。斑马鱼作为一种重要的模式生物,被广泛用于胚胎的分子发育机制、疾病模型的构建以及药物筛选等研究中。然而在斑马鱼中运用RNAi技术进行基因功能研究是一个相对较新的领域,研究资料较少,并且目前进行的斑马鱼RNAi实验中,siRNA大都是通过化学方法或体外转录合成的。体外合成的siRNA在进入体内后会被降解而无法达到持久阻抑基因表达的目的。因此本研究旨在探讨VEGF特异性siRNA表达载体对斑马鱼VEGF基因的沉默作用,通过分析表型及相关细胞因子的变化,阐明VEGF对斑马鱼胚胎血管生成的影响及作用机制。 研究通过计算机辅助设计软件,针对斑马鱼VEGF mRNA不同位点设计合成了4段含siRNA特异序列的DNA单链,经退火,克隆入pSilencer 4.1-CMV neo载体CMV启动子下游,构建了重组质粒pS1-VEGF、pS2-VEGF、pS3-VEGF及pS4-VEGF。 通过显微注射的方法将载体导入1-2细胞期斑马鱼体内,于胚胎发育的48 h采用RT-PCR的方法检测VEGF基因的表达量,研究不同干扰序列对VEGF基因表达的干涉作用。结果显示,针对不同位点的表达载体对VEGF基因表达的抑制效率有显著差异。它们对VEGF mRNA的抑制率分别为80.5%,42.8%,12.5%,40.7%。通过筛选我们得到了一条具有高效抑制作用的载体pS1-VEGF,该载体的相应序列靶向斑马鱼两个主要异构体VEGF165和VEGF121的共有外显子序列。 形态学检测结果显示,注射了pS1-VEGF的胚胎出现了心包膜水肿、血流速度减慢、循环红细胞堆积等症状。定量碱性磷酸酶染色显示,注射pS1-VEGF能够抑制斑马鱼胚胎新生血管的形成,当注射剂量为0.4 ng时,血管生成的抑制率为31.8%。NBT/BCIP血管染色显示,注射该载体后72 h,50%的斑马鱼肠下静脉、节间血管以及其它血管的发育受到不同程度的抑制。随着注射剂量的加大,血管发育受抑制的情况也随之加重,当注射剂量为1 ng时,只有心脏、头部及卵黄有血液循环。对干扰效果的特异性进行了研究,结果表明pS1-VEGF对斑马鱼内源基因胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase, TS)基因的表达没有明显的抑制作用。针对TS基因的shRNA表达载体及与斑马鱼没有同源性的对照载体对VEGF基因表达也没有明显的抑制作用。浓度梯度实验表明在0-1.2 ng的范围内干扰效果具有剂量依赖性。 以胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测质粒对VEGF基因受体NRP1基因表达的影响,发现VEGF特异性shRNA表达载体能够引起NRP1基因表达的降低,说明斑马鱼中VEGF所介导的血管生成作用至少在部分上是依赖于NRP通路所调节的。 本研究工作为进一步研究斑马鱼基因功能、VEGF调控网络提供了一个快速、有效的手段,为阐明斑马鱼的血管生成机制提供了新的资料,为采用RNAi技术,以VEGF为靶点,以斑马鱼为模型对肿瘤进行基因治疗研究奠定了基础。


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信息素是由一个个体分泌并被同种另一个体感受并识别的化学物质,随之从生理和行为水平上引发与居群和生殖相关的变化。在陆生脊椎动物中,大部分信息素是通过犁鼻器(VNO)来感知的,也有一部分被主要嗅觉系统所感知。在犁鼻器感觉神经元中,已经有两个G蛋白偶联受体超家族V1R和V2R被鉴定为信息素受体。V1R的编码区没有内含子,因而相对容易把它们从基因组序列中鉴别出来。相反地,V2R有一个很长而且高度变化的膜外氨基端,并具有由多个外显子编码的复杂基因结构。到目前为止,关于信息素受体的大部分研究都集中于V1R中。 通过多种生物信息学手段的综合应用,我们从大小鼠基因组序列中鉴别出了V2R基因并首次描述了大小鼠中V2R基因超家族的全貌。大小鼠V2R基因超家族由大约200个功能基因和假基因构成,经历了快速的基因生/灭和氨基酸替换过程,反映了其对环境中物种特异的信息素的适应。我们发现氨基端区域的平均dN/dS比非氨基端区域的比值高出2~3倍,提示可能有相对较弱的纯化选择和/或正选择作用于这个区域。用似然法检测到27个经历了正选择的位点,这些位点都分布在可能是信息素结合区域的氨基端,表明正选择压力可能使V2R基因保持了识别环境中多样的信息素信号的能力。基因组和系统发育分析显示啮齿动物的V2R基因由于近期的串联重复和/或基因丢失事件而形成许多物种特异的簇,并可以划分为四个家族。此外,我们在氨基端和非氨基端区域都鉴别出一些高度保守的位点,这些位点可能在保持功能域的结构和稳定性方面具有重要作用。我们的工作为将来进行V2R基因的功能研究提供了有价值的线索。 此外,我们还对包括胎盘哺乳类、有袋类、两栖类和硬骨鱼类在内的整个脊椎动物的V2R基因超家族概貌进行了研究。结果表明脊椎动物V2R基因的形成可能早于犁鼻器(VNO)在古代四足动物中的出现。我们所研究的这些物种中的V2R基因数目存在巨大变化,表明其在脊椎动物进化历史中发生了多次基因重复和基因丢失事件。在灵长类动物、食肉动物和有蹄动物中没有发现完整的V2R基因,假基因的数量也很少,而在啮齿动物和负鼠中却鉴别出了~200个V2R基因。这些结果与形态解剖学上表达Gα0亚基的犁鼻器感觉神经元是否存在是一致的。出乎我们意料的是,爪蟾中V2R基因超家族成员的数量巨大。近期的研究提示V2R可能和犁鼻器受体细胞的发育有关,因此,爪蟾中庞大的V2R基因数目可能与犁鼻器在两栖动物中的形成相关,V2R在这个器官形成的过程中可能发挥着重要作用。


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The usage of RNA interference for gene knockdown in zebrafish through expression of the small interfering RNA mediators from DNA vectors has created a lot of excitement in the research community. In this work, the ability of human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter (CMV promoter)-driven short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression vector to induce shRNA against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene in zebrafish was tested, and its effects on VEGF-mediated vasculogenesis and angiogenesis were evaluated. Altogether four vectors targeting various locations of VEGF gene were constructed, and pSI-V4 was proven to be the most effective one. Microinjection of pSI-V4 into the zebrafish embryos resulted in defective vascular formation and down regulation of VEGF expression. In situ hybridization analysis indicated that silencing VEGF gene expression by pSI-V4 resulted in down regulation of neuropilin-1 (NRP1), a potent VEGF receptor. Knockdown of VEGF expression by morpholino gave the same result. This provided evidence that the VEGF-mediated angiogenesis in zebrafish was in part dependent on NRP1 expression. The results contributed to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular development and provided a potential promoter for making inducible knockdown in zebrafish.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor VEGFR-2 play important roles in mitogenesis and chemotaxis of endothelial cells. In normal human skin, VEGF is expressed and secreted by epidermal keratinocytes. Emerging data suggest that keratin


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The Tie-2 receptor has been shown to play a role in angiogenesis in atherosclerosis. The conventional method assaying the level of soluble Tie-2 (sTie-2) was ELISA. However, this method has some disadvantages. The aims of this research are to establish a more simple detection method, the optical protein-chip based on imaging ellipsomtry (OPC-IE) applying to Tie-2 assay. The sTie-2 biosensor surface on silicon wafer was prepared first, and then serum levels of sTie-2 in 38 patients with AMI were measured on admission (day 1), day 2, day 3 and day 7 after onset of chest pain and 41 healthy controls by ELISA and OPC-IE in parallel. Median level of sTie-2 increased significantly in the AMI patients when compared with the controls. Statistics showed there was a significant correlation in sTie-2 results between the two methods (r=0.923, P0.01). The result of this study showed that the level of sTie-2 increased in AMI, and OPC-IE assay was a fast, reliable, and convenient technique to measure sTie-2 in serum.


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Very low doses (0.00001 mg/kg) of the alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, improved working memory performance in a subset of aged monkeys. Improvement appeared to result from increased norepinephrine (NE) release onto postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors, as the response was blocked by the ''postsynaptic'' alpha-2 antagonist, SKF104078. Cognitive-enhancing effects of low dose yohimbine treatment may depend on aged animals retaining an intact, endogenous NE system. In contrast to yohimbine, the alpha-2 agonist, clonidine, has improved working memory in air aged animals examined. In the present study, clonidine's beneficial effects were also blocked by the postsynaptic antagonists SKF104078 and SKF104856, suggesting that clonidine acts by directly stimulating postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Beneficial doses of clonidine (0.01 mg/kg) and yohimbine (0.00001 mg/kg) were combined to see if they would produce additive effects on memory enhancement. This strategy was successful in young monkeys with intact NE systems but was not effective in the aged monkeys. These findings demonstrate that drugs that indirectly stimulate postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors by increasing NE release are not as reliable in aged monkeys as directly acting agonists that can replace NE at postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors.


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Five models for human interleukin-7 (HIL-7), HIL-9, HIL-13, HIL-15 and HIL-17 have been generated by SYBYL software package. The primary models were optimized using molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics methods. The final models were optimized using a steepest descent algorithm and a subsequent conjugate gradient method. The complexes with these interleukins and the common gamma chain of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) were constructed and subjected to energy minimization. We found residues, such as Gln127 and Tyr103, of the common gamma chain of IL-2R are very important. Other residues, e.g. Lys70, Asn128 and Glu162, are also significant. Four hydrophobic grooves and two hydrophilic sites converge at the active site triad of the gamma chain. The binding sites of these interleukins interaction with the common gamma chain exist in the first helical and/or the fourth helical domains. Therefore, we conclude that these interleukins binds to the common gamma chain of IL-2R by the first and the fourth helix domain. Especially at the binding sites of some residues (lysine, arginine, asparagine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid), with a discontinuous region of the common gamma chain of IL-2R, termed the interleukins binding sites (103-210). The study of these sites can be important for the development of new drugs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) is a crucial component of almost the entire tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily signaling pathway. In the present study, a TRAF2 gene has been cloned from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The full-length cDNA is 3162 bp, including a 60 bp 5' untranslated region (UTR), a 1611 bp open reading frame, and a 1491 bp 3' UTR. The polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) and the mRNA instability motifs (ATTTTA, ATTTA) were followed by a poly(A) tail in the 3' UTR. No signal peptide or transmembrane region has been found in the putative amino acids of grass carp TRAF2 (gcTRAF2). Phylogenetic tree analysis clearly showed that gcTRAF2 is nearest to the TRAF2 gene of goldfish. The identity of gcTRAF2 with its homologs in other vertebrates ranges from 56% to 97%. It is characterized by one RING-type signature at the N-terminus, one zinc finger in the middle part, and one conserved TRAF domain consisting of a C-proximal (TRAF-C) subdomain and a N-proximal (TRAF-N) subdomain. The identity of TRAF-C among all TRAF2 homologs in vertebrates varies from 78% to 97%, whereas the identity of TRAF-N ranges from 56% to 100%. The recombinant gcTRAF2 has been expressed in Escherichia coli using pET-32a expression vector. The rabbit anti-gcTRAF2 polyclonal antibody was obtained. The expression of gcTRAF2 in different organs was examined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. It was widely distributed in heart, head kidney, thymus, brain, gill, liver, spleen, and trunk kidney. This is the first report of a TRAF2 homolog molecule in fish.


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Cell adhesion, mediated by specific receptor-ligand interactions, plays an important role in biological processes such as tumor metastasis and inflammatory cascade. For example, interactions between beta(2)-integrin ( lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 and/or Mac-1) on polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and ICAM-1 on melanoma cells initiate the bindings of melanoma cells to PMNs within the tumor microenvironment in blood flow, which in turn activate PMN-melanoma cell aggregation in a near-wall region of the vascular endothelium, therefore enhancing subsequent extravasation of melanoma cells in the microcirculations. Kinetics of integrin-ligand bindings in a shear flow is the determinant of such a process, which has not been well understood. In the present study, interactions of PMNs with WM9 melanoma cells were investigated to quantify the kinetics of beta(2)-integrin and ICAM-1 bindings using a cone-plate viscometer that generates a linear shear flow combined with a two-color flow cytometry technique. Aggregation fractions exhibited a transition phase where it first increased before 60 s and then decreased with shear durations. Melanoma-PMN aggregation was also found to be inversely correlated with the shear rate. A previously developed probabilistic model was modified to predict the time dependence of aggregation fractions at different shear rates and medium viscosities. Kinetic parameters of beta(2)-integrin and ICAM-1 bindings were obtained by individual or global fittings, which were comparable to respectively published values. These findings provide new quantitative understanding of the biophysical basis of leukocyte-tumor cell interactions mediated by specific receptor-ligand interactions under shear flow conditions.


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Thermal fluctuation approach is widely used to monitor association kinetics of surface-bound receptor-ligand interactions. Various protocols such as sliding standard deviation (SD) analysis (SSA) and Page's test analysis (PTA) have been used to estimate two-dimensional (2D) kinetic rates from the time course of displacement of molecular carrier. In the current work, we compared the estimations from both SSA and modified PTA using measured data from an optical trap assay and simulated data from a random number generator. Our results indicated that both SSA and PTA were reliable in estimating 2D kinetic rates. Parametric analysis also demonstrated that such the estimations were sensitive to parameters such as sampling rate, sliding window size, and threshold. These results furthered the understandings in quantifying the biophysics of receptor-ligand interactions.


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The chemokine receptor CCR5 can serve as a coreceptor for M-tropic HIV-1 infection and both M-tropic and T-tropic SIV infection. We sequenced the entire CCR5 gene from 10 nonhuman primates: Pongo pygmaeus, Hylobates leucogenys, Trachypithecus francoisi, Trachypithecus phayrei, Pygathrix nemaeus, Rhinopithecus roxellanae, Rhinopithecus bieti, Rhinopithecus avunculus, Macaca assamensis, and Macaca arctoides. When compared with CCR5 sequences from humans and other primates, our results demonstrate that:(1) nucleotide and amino acid sequences of CCR5 among primates are highly homologous, with variations slightly concentrated on the amino and carboxyl termini; and (2) site Asp13, which is critical for CD4-independent binding of SIV gp120 to Macaca mulatta CCR5, was also present in all other nonhuman primates tested here, suggesting that those nonhuman primate CCR5s might also bind SIV gp120 without the presence of CD4. The topologies of CCR5 gene trees constructed here conflict with the putative opinion that the snub-nosed langurs compose a monophyletic group, suggesting that the CCR5 gene may not be a good genetic marker for low-level phylogenetic analysis. The evolutionary rate of CCR5 was calculated, and our results suggest a slowdown in primates after they diverged from rodents. The synonymous mutation rate of CCR5 in primates is constant, about 1.1 x 10(-9) synonymous mutations per site per year. Comparisons of K-a and K-s suggest that the CCR5 genes have undergone negative or purifying selection. K-a/K-s ratios from cercopithecines and colobines are significantly different, implying that selective pressures have played different roles in the two lineages.