61 resultados para Turbulence-closure

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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The application of large-eddy simulation (LES) to turbulent transport processes requires accurate prediction of the Lagrangian statistics of flow fields. However, in most existing SGS models, no explicit consideration is given to Lagrangian statistics. In this paper, we focus on the effects of SGS modeling on Lagrangian statistics in LES ranging from statistics determining single-particle dispersion to those of pair dispersion and multiparticle dispersion. Lagrangian statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are extracted from direct numerical simulation (DNS) and the LES with a spectral eddy-viscosity model. For the case of longtime single-particle dispersion, it is shown that, compared to DNS, LES overpredicts the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation but underpredicts the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation. These two effects tend to cancel one another leading to an accurate prediction of the longtime turbulent dispersion coefficient. Unlike the single-particle dispersion, LES tends to underestimate significantly the rate of relative dispersion of particle pairs and multiple-particles, when initial separation distances are less than the minimum resolved scale due to the lack of subgrid fluctuations. The overprediction of LES on the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation is further confirmed by a theoretical analysis using a turbulence closure theory.


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A one-dimensional mixed-layer model, including a Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme, was implemented to investigate the dynamical and thermal structures of the ocean surface mixed layer in the northern South China Sea. The turbulent kinetic energy released through wave breaking was incorporated into the model as a source of energy at the ocean surface, and the influence of the breaking waves on the mixed layer was studied. The numerical simulations show that the simulated SST is overestimated in summer without the breaking waves. However, the cooler SST is simulated when the effect of the breaking waves is considered, the corresponding discrepancy with the observed data decreases up to 20% and the MLD calculated averagely deepens 3.8 m. Owing to the wave-enhanced turbulence mixing in the summertime, the stratification at the bottom of the mixed layer was modified and the temperature gradient spread throughout the whole thermocline compared with the concentrated distribution without wave breaking.


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Stokes drift is the main source of vertical vorticity in the ocean mixed layer. In the ways of Coriolis - Stokes forcing and Langmuir circulations, Stokes drift can substantially affect the whole mixed layer. A modified Mellor-Yamada 2.5 level turbulence closure model is used to parameterize its effect on upper ocean mixing conventionally. Results show that comparing surface heating with wave breaking, Stokes drift plays the most important role in the entire ocean mixed layer, especially in the subsurface layer. As expected, Stokes drift elevates both the dissipation rate and the turbulence energy in the upper ocean mixing. Also, influence of the surface heating, wave breaking and wind speed on Stokes drift is investigated respectively. Research shows that it is significant and important to assessing the Stokes drift into ocean mixed layer studying. The laboratory observations are supporting numerical experiments quantitatively.


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As an important physical process at the air-sea interface, wave movement and breaking have a significant effect on the ocean surface mixed layer (OSML). When breaking waves occur at the ocean surface, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is input downwards, and a sublayer is formed near the surface and turbulence vertical mixing is intensively enhanced. A one-dimensional ocean model including the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure equations was employed in our research on variations in turbulent energy budget within OSML. The influence of wave breaking could be introduced into the model by modifying an existing surface boundary condition of the TKE equation and specifying its input. The vertical diffusion and dissipation of TKE were effectively enhanced in the sublayer when wave breaking was considered. Turbulent energy dissipated in the sublayer was about 92.0% of the total depth-integrated dissipated TKE, which is twice higher than that of non-wave breaking. The shear production of TKE decreased by 3.5% because the mean flow fields tended to be uniform due to wave-enhanced turbulent mixing. As a result, a new local equilibrium between diffusion and dissipation of TKE was reached in the wave-enhanced layer. Below the sublayer, the local equilibrium between shear production and dissipation of TKE agreed with the conclusion drawn from the classical law-of-the-wall (Craig and Banner, 1994).


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The variational approach to the closure problem of turbulence theory, proposed in an earlier article [Phys. Fluids 26, 2098 (1983); 27, 2229 (1984)], is extended to evaluate the flatness factor, which indicates the degree of intermittency of turbulence. Since the flatness factor is related to the fourth moment of a turbulent velocity field, the corresponding higher-order terms in the perturbation solution of the Liouville equation have to be considered. Most closure methods discard these higher-order terms and fail to explain the intermittency phenomenon. The computed flatness factor of the idealized model of infinite isotropic turbulence ranges from 9 to 15 and has the same order of magnitude as the experimental data of real turbulent flows. The intermittency phenomenon does not necessarily negate the Kolmogorov k−5/3 inertial range spectrum. The Kolmogorov k−5/3 law and the high degree of intermittency can coexist as two consistent consequences of the closure theory of turbulence. The Kolmogorov 1941 theory [J. Fluid Mech. 62, 305 (1974)] cannot be disqualified merely because the energy dissipation rate fluctuates.


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A new method is proposed to solve the closure problem of turbulence theory and to drive the Kolmogorov law in an Eulerian framework. Instead of using complex Fourier components of velocity field as modal parameters, a complete set of independent real parameters and dynamic equations are worked out to describe the dynamic states of a turbulence. Classical statistical mechanics is used to study the statistical behavior of the turbulence. An approximate stationary solution of the Liouville equation is obtained by a perturbation method based on a Langevin-Fokker-Planck (LFP) model. The dynamic damping coefficient eta of the LFP model is treated as an optimum control parameter to minimize the error of the perturbation solution; this leads to a convergent integral equation for eta to replace the divergent response equation of Kraichnan's direct-interaction (DI) approximation, thereby solving the closure problem without appealing to a Lagrangian formulation. The Kolmogorov constant Ko is evaluated numerically, obtaining Ko = 1.2, which is compatible with the experimental data given by Gibson and Schwartz, (1963).


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Classical statistical mechanics is applied to the study of a passive scalar field convected by isotropic turbulence. A complete set of independent real parameters and dynamic equations are worked out to describe the dynamic state of the passive scalar field. The corresponding Liouville equation is solved by a perturbation method based upon a Langevin–Fokker–Planck model. The closure problem is treated by a variational approach reported in earlier papers. Two integral equations are obtained for two unknown functions: the scalar variance spectrum F(k) and the effective damping coefficient (k). The appearance of the energy spectrum of the velocity field in the two integral equations represents the coupling of the scalar field with the velocity field. As an application of the theory, the two integral equations are solved to derive the inertial-convective-range spectrum, obtaining F(k)=0.61 −1/3 k−5/3. Here is the dissipation rate of the scalar variance and is the dissipation rate of the energy of the velocity field. This theoretical value of the scalar Kolmogorov constant, 0.61, is in good agreement with experiments.


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The method of statistical mechanics is applied to the study of the one-dimensional model of turbulence proposed in an earlier paper. The closure problem is solved by the variational approach which has been developed for the three-dimensional case, yielding two integral equations for two unknown functions. By solving the two integral equations, the Kolmogorov k−5/3 law is derived and the (one-dimensional) Kolmogorov constant Ko is evaluated, obtaining Ko=0.55, which is in good agreement with the result of numerical experiments on one-dimensional turbulence.


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An attempt is made to determine the form of F(x), the dimensionless function of universal nature which occurs in the energy spectrum for the universal equilibrium range of fully developed turbulence, by the method of statistical mechanics without introducing any parameter of semiempirical nature. Then, the validity of the variational approach to the closure problem of turbulence theory is tested by applying it to the study of the universal equilbrium range of turbulence.


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Large-eddy simulation (LES) has emerged as a promising tool for simulating turbulent flows in general and, in recent years,has also been applied to the particle-laden turbulence with some success (Kassinos et al., 2007). The motion of inertial particles is much more complicated than fluid elements, and therefore, LES of turbulent flow laden with inertial particles encounters new challenges. In the conventional LES, only large-scale eddies are explicitly resolved and the effects of unresolved, small or subgrid scale (SGS) eddies on the large-scale eddies are modeled. The SGS turbulent flow field is not available. The effects of SGS turbulent velocity field on particle motion have been studied by Wang and Squires (1996), Armenio et al. (1999), Yamamoto et al. (2001), Shotorban and Mashayek (2006a,b), Fede and Simonin (2006), Berrouk et al. (2007), Bini and Jones (2008), and Pozorski and Apte (2009), amongst others. One contemporary method to include the effects of SGS eddies on inertial particle motions is to introduce a stochastic differential equation (SDE), that is, a Langevin stochastic equation to model the SGS fluid velocity seen by inertial particles (Fede et al., 2006; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006a; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006b; Berrouk et al., 2007; Bini and Jones, 2008; Pozorski and Apte, 2009).However, the accuracy of such a Langevin equation model depends primarily on the prescription of the SGS fluid velocity autocorrelation time seen by an inertial particle or the inertial particle–SGS eddy interaction timescale (denoted by $\delt T_{Lp}$ and a second model constant in the diffusion term which controls the intensity of the random force received by an inertial particle (denoted by C_0, see Eq. (7)). From the theoretical point of view, dTLp differs significantly from the Lagrangian fluid velocity correlation time (Reeks, 1977; Wang and Stock, 1993), and this carries the essential nonlinearity in the statistical modeling of particle motion. dTLp and C0 may depend on the filter width and particle Stokes number even for a given turbulent flow. In previous studies, dTLp is modeled either by the fluid SGS Lagrangian timescale (Fede et al., 2006; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006b; Pozorski and Apte, 2009; Bini and Jones, 2008) or by a simple extension of the timescale obtained from the full flow field (Berrouk et al., 2007). In this work, we shall study the subtle and on-monotonic dependence of $\delt T_{Lp}$ on the filter width and particle Stokes number using a flow field obtained from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). We then propose an empirical closure model for $\delta T_{Lp}$. Finally, the model is validated against LES of particle-laden turbulence in predicting single-particle statistics such as particle kinetic energy. As a first step, we consider the particle motion under the one-way coupling assumption in isotropic turbulent flow and neglect the gravitational settling effect. The one-way coupling assumption is only valid for low particle mass loading.


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A two-point closure strategy in mapping closure approximation (MCA) approach is developed for the evolution of the probability density function (PDF) of a scalar advected by stochastic velocity fields. The MCA approach is based on multipoint statistics. We formulate a MCA modeled system using the one-point PDFs and two-point correlations. The MCA models can describe both the evolution of the PDF shape and the rate at which the PDF evolves.


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The three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations are approximated by a fifth order upwind compact and a sixth order symmetrical compact difference relations combined with three-stage Ronge-Kutta method. The computed results are presented for convective Mach number Mc = 0.8 and Re = 200 with initial data which have equal and opposite oblique waves. From the computed results we can see the variation of coherent structures with time integration and full process of instability, formation of Lambda-vortices, double horseshoe vortices and mushroom structures. The large structures break into small and smaller vortex structures. Finally, the movement of small structure becomes dominant, and flow field turns into turbulence. It is noted that production of small vortex structures is combined with turning of symmetrical structures to unsymmetrical ones. It is shown in the present computation that the flow field turns into turbulence directly from initial instability and there is not vortex pairing in process of transition. It means that for large convective Mach number the transition mechanism for compressible mixing layer differs from that in incompressible mixing layer.


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The passive scalars in the decaying compressible turbulence with the initial Reynolds number (defined by Taylor scale and RMS velocity) Re=72, the initial turbulent Mach numbers (defined by RMS velocity and mean sound speed) Mt=0.2-0.9, and the Schmidt numbers of passive scalar Sc=2-10 are numerically simulated by using a 7th order upwind difference scheme and 8th order group velocity control scheme. The computed results are validated with different numerical methods and different mesh sizes. The Batchelor scaling with k(-1) range is found in scalar spectra. The passive scalar spectra decay faster with the increasing turbulent Mach number. The extended self-similarity (ESS) is found in the passive scalar of compressible turbulence.


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Wavelet Variable Interval Time Average (WVITA) is introduced as a method incorporating burst event detection in wall turbulence. Wavelet transform is performed to unfold the longitudinal fluctuating velocity time series measured in the near wall region of a turbulent boundary layer using hot-film anemometer. This unfolding is both in time and in space simultaneously. The splitted kinetic of the longitudinal fluctuating velocity time series among different scales is obtained by integrating the square of wavelet coefficient modulus over temporal space. The time scale that related to burst events in wall turbulence passing through the fixed probe is ascertained by maximum criterion of the kinetic energy evolution across scales. Wavelet transformed localized variance of the fluctuating velocity time series at the maximum kinetic scale is put forward instead of localized short time average variance in Variable Interval Time Average (VITA) scheme. The burst event detection result shows that WVITA scheme can avoid erroneous judgement and solve the grouping problem more effectively which is caused by VITA scheme itself and can not be avoided by adjusting the threshold level or changing the short time average interval.