10 resultados para Translation Analysis Research

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The research is to design a differential pumping system not only to achieve the pressure transition with a large throughput, but also to achieve a clean system without back-oil. In the paper, the pressure in differential stages is calculated; the differential pumping system design and equipment choice are introduced; the tests of Molecular/Booster Pump (MBP), a new kind of molecular-drag pump with large throughout and clean vacuum are described and the system experimental result and analysis are presented.


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观察点设置问题是地形可视性分析中的一类重要问题,对该问题的研究可以在空间信息辅助决策、通信、旅游、野生动物保护等领域发挥重大作用。本文在对地形可视性分析中观察点设置问题现有研究成果总结和分析基础上对该问题展开深入研究。 首先,针对现有解决方法只从智能算法或地形数据表示方法单一角度进行分析和研究的局限性,提出了一种问题相关的智能算法和数据表示方法相结合的解决问题新框架。该框架考虑了解决观察点设置问题时智能算法的优点和数据表示方式的特点相互配合问题,目的是充分发挥二者各自的优势以提高观察点设置问题解决的准确度与效率。 其次,在深入分析观察点设置问题本身特点的基础上,结合隶属云理论的基本理论和方法,对经典模拟退火算法从退温函数设计、温度产生过程、状态生成过程三方面进行了问题相关的改进,提出了一种适于观察点设置问题的改进模拟退火算法(Improved Simulated Annealing algorithm, ISA)。该算法一方面保持了经典模拟退火算法的稳定倾向特性,保证了算法满足伴随退火温度的不断下降,对恶化的新状态越来越难于接受这一模拟退火算法的最基本特征;另一方面其退火温度的连续性随机变化特性和隐含的“回火升温”过程,则有利于算法有效拒绝恶化解,加速算法收敛,能够更好地满足观察点设置问题对于算法收敛速度的要求。 再次,在分析地形数据的精度、误差等因素对观察点设置问题的解决准确性和解决效率影响程度的基础上,提出了一种基于离散余弦变换的地形数据内插方法(Discrete Cosine Transformation Interpolation method, DCTI)。新方法将传统空域上的地形内插转换到变换域上进行,同时充分利用了离散余弦变换的熵保持特性和能量压缩特性,简化了变换域上的内插过程,提高了地形数据内插的效率和精度。DCTI方法与其他现有典型地形数据内插方法相比,对地形可视性信息获取的准确性和效率影响最小,为平衡观察点设置问题解决过程中时间效率和准确度之间的关系,最终有效地解决观察点设置问题提供了数据基础。 最后,从智能算法和地形数据相结合的角度出发,提出了一种基于ISA和DCTI相结合的观察点设置问题多分辨率处理方法(Multi-Resolution Processing method, MRP)。新方法将模拟退火算法的逐次退火特点和地形数据的多分辨率表示充分结合,达到了发挥算法数据相结合的综合优势的目的。与现有单纯基于模拟退火算法的解决方法相比,在问题解决准确度保持不变的前提下,基于MRP方法的观察点设置问题解决的平均耗时减少85%~95%,为实际工程应用问题的解决提供了一条重要途径。


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随着经济建设的快速发展和电气化程度的不断提高,电机已被广泛应用于工业、农业、国防及人们日常生活的各个领域。从全球范围看,电机的用电量平均占世界用电总量的50%以上、占工业用电量的70%左右,然而在电机消耗的电能中有相当一部分被浪费掉了,其中电机带故障运行是造成电机运行效率偏低,能源浪费严重的主要原因之一。 电机在线监测及故障诊断系统对于减少由于电机故障引发的人员、财产的损失,减少由于故障引发的异常状态而导致的能源浪费有着重要的现实意义。在电机故障危害产生前发现故障并进行维护是电机故障诊断的核心思想,在保证电机故障诊断系统准确性的同时,系统的快速性与鲁棒性显得尤为重要。基于此,本论文从寻求系统的快速、稳定的性能入手,提出了基于符号时间序列分析的感应电机故障诊断框架,重点研究了计算代价小、噪声干扰不敏感的诊断方法,以期提高感应电机故障诊断系统的快速性与鲁棒性。论文的主要工作有: 1. 论文首先构建了一个基于符号时间序列分析的电机故障诊断框架,将电 机故障诊断分解为信号预处理、符号区间划分、符号统计分析三部分,有机地融合了统计分析、信号处理、信息论、模式识别等理论和方法,利用符号时间序列分析技术在强噪声中准确识别系统状态模式的良好性能,可以有效地解决电机故障诊断问题,并实现电机故障诊断量化分析,是对探索电机在线监测与诊断新方法的一次有益的尝试。 2.引入提升小波对信号进行前期处理,并针对常规提升小波固定预测滤波器的局限性,提出了基于梯度信息的自适应提升小波预测方法。该方法中预测滤波器并不是固定的,而是利用梯度的信息来确定预测算子。根据信号的陡峭程度选择预测算子可以更准确地预测信号,从而使原始信号中的平滑特征和陡峭特征可以在小波变换中完好地保留下来。仿真实验及实验室实验结果表明该方法可以有效地保留信号中蕴含的重要的特征信息,对于以提取、识别信号中特征信息为主的故障诊断技术来说具有非常重要的意义。 3.针对所采集现场信号的非均匀分布特点,论文提出了一种自适应符号化划分方法,既可以确保符号在数据密集区间和数据稀疏区间的合理分配,提高符号的利用率,又可以灵活地适应信号的特征,增强诊断系统对微弱故障信号的敏感度。故障诊断实验表明该方法简单有效,实现了故障初期的快速诊断,并且较平均区间划分方法有着更高的计算效率、更明显的诊断效果。 4.将相对熵的概念引入基于符号时间序列分析的电机故障诊断框架中,针对电机故障严重程度量化分析问题,提出了基于模糊相对熵及加权模糊相对熵的符号统计分析方法,并将该方法应用于感应电机的故障诊断与识别,建立了电机故障诊断模型。该方法可以更合理、充分地利用信息丰富的符号区间所蕴含的故障信息,实现了电机故障诊断与故障严重程度的识别。实验结果验证了该方法的合理性、有效性和可靠性。 5.将隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)引入到基于符号时间序列分析的电机故障诊断框架中,构造了基于HMM的电机故障诊断模型,并对HMM阶数选取问题给出了一个基于符号出现不确定信息熵的HMM阶数选取原则,使得模型在满足精度要求的同时,又尽可能地减少模型的计算代价,有效地提高了故障诊断的效率及可靠性。实验结果表明基于HMM的电机故障诊断方法有效地实现了电机转子断条故障、匝间短路故障的诊断与量化分析。


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In the intermediary and later stage of oil field development, remaining oil disperses fiercely, the contradiction in the layer has become the main problem and the distribution of remaining oil is transforming to the difference of single sand-body. So, the fine description research of reservoir is becoming a tendency and the methods of remaining oil research need new developments. In the research of “The Single-sand-body Architectural Element and Potentiality Analysis Research of Meandering River, GuDao Oil Field”, the research principle is analytical hierarchy process and schema prescription what are reservoir fine description methods under the condition of dense well pattern. The knowledge of regional sedimentary system and sedimentary facies is the foundation of this research. According to the 3D distribution model of the microfacies sand-body of fluvial facies, stratigraphic unit classification & coenocorrelation of 154 wells are completed in the research of meandering river sand-body in Ng3-4. In this research, the 3D distribution of microfacies sand-body in the main layers are settled. The architectural element model of Ng4 point bar is analysed using the drill core and FMI data. According to the overgrow model of point bar, the surfaces of lateral accretion is traced and the architectural element model of point bar is settled. In the research, the control of micro-facies sand-body of meandering river to the distribution of remaining oil is analysed and the potential area is proposed. All these will play an important role in the development of GuDao oil field. In this research, abundant of logging data, drill core data and production performance data are used to analyse the contributing factor of single sand-body in the Ng3-4 meandering river. Using the technology of geological modeling, all that are researched including the 3D distribution scales of meandering river point bar, the control affection of inner lateral accretion layer to the distribution of oil & gas and remaining. Then, the way of remaining oil development in the sand-body of meandering river is improved. The innovation of the research technology includes (1) the presentation of the conception and research methods of micro-facies sand-body (2) enriching the content of reservoir architectural element research and (3) to renew the research method of remaining oil analysis. The research has practiced with obvious effect.(1)It is deepened into understand the river facies reservoir construction of Gudao oil field, By Building the reservoir construction and studying the effect of diffent deposit or geological interface to fluid partition and to the distribution of the remaining oil, we improved the understanding to the distribution of the remaining oil;(2)By building the distribution mod of the remaining oil in the reservoir construction and making the remaining oil description detailed,the development direction of old oil field is more clear;(3)Expanded the application scales of the horizontal well and enhanced the application effects of the horizontal well technique , we designed and drilled 23 ports horizontal wells in all , the cumulative hydrocarbon production is 10.6*104 t;(4) According to the findings of the internal building structure in reservoir of the fluvial facies in the region of interest, and uniting the injection/production corresponding states、the producing history and the dynamic monitoring documents of the oil/water wells in the flooding units , we researched the residual oil distribution in the point bar , and found the distribution regular patterns of the remaining oil, and comprehended the distribution of the remaining oil . In base of that , we proceeded the optimizing designs of the oil well potentialities , and advanced the effect of the treatment potentials . It is proved that , it was very important that internal building structure research of the single sand body of reservoir for guiding the high efficiency potentialities of the remaining oil in the high water cut stage .


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The theoretical model construction of mRNA hairpin structure and single-stranded structure as well as the simulation studies on RNA structure determined by the X-ray crystal diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance revealed that in translation, after mRNA being unfolded into single-stranded structure, its topological configuration was closely correlative with the original hairpin structure. The conformational features of single-stranded mRNA appeared as helical regions alternating with curly regions to different extents, which might exert the influence on the folding of nascent polypeptide by various regulating effects including different translational rates.


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The objective of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of all biological invasions-related publications in the Science Citation Index (SCI) from 1991 to 2007. The indicator citation per publication (CPP) was used to evaluate the impact of articles, journals, and institutions. In the 3323 articles published in 521 journals, 7261 authors from 1905 institutions of 100 countries participated. As the most productive country of biological invasions research, the US will benefit from more collaboration between institutions, countries, and continents. In addition, analysis of keywords was applied to reveal research trends.


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With the widespread exposure of people to nicotine through recreational use of tobacco products, research into nicotine has attracted increasing attention. Tobacco smoking is by far the most important cause of lung cancer. As the world's largest producer and consumer of tobacco products, China bears a large proportion of the global burden of smoking-related disease; therefore, information on nicotine publications should be collected to formulate future research policy. In the present study, we investigated nicotine-related research articles published by Chinese authors that were indexed in the Science Citation Index (SCI) from 1991 to 2007. An indicator "citations per publication" (CPP) was used in the study to evaluate the impact of journals, articles, and institutes. The quantity of publications has increased at a quicker pace than the worldwide trend. Article visibility, measured as the frequency of being cited, also increased during the period. However, the overall quality of articles, based on the impact factor of journals publishing those articles, dropped behind the worldwide average level. There has been an increase in international collaboration, mainly with researchers in the USA. The average CPP of international co-authorship articles was higher than that of single country publications. Besides the USA, nicotine research in China will benefit from more collaboration with Taiwan, England, and Germany. Some 110 of 264 articles were published by a single institute, and the top six institutes were compared from various angles. Seventy-two subject categories were covered, and trends (in terms of both quantity and quality) of nicotine research in China were compared with worldwide trends. In addition, analysis of keywords in both nicotine and lung cancer research fields was applied to indicate research interests. Mutual cooperation among multiple disciplines needs further strengthening.


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The natural reproduction of grass carp, black carp, silver carp, and bighead will be affected adversely by the Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River. One of the methods to save the fish is to regulate the water levels, keeping them suited for the species to spawn. Nine factors associated with the scale of larvae-flood of the four species are classified into five levels, and the ranges of these factors producing larvae-floods are given by using the "factor-criteria system reconstruction analysis" method. Moderate beginning water levels and flow, with high daily increases in the rate of water level and flow, and a long duration of water level rising are important for the production of a large larvae-flood.


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The A(m) index and molecular connectivity index were used for studying the photoionization sensitivity of some organic compounds in gas chromatography. The analysis of structure-property relationship between the photoionization sensitivity of the compounds and the A(m) indices or molecular connectivity indices has been carried out. The genetic algorighm was used to build the correlation model in this field. The results demonstrate that the property of compounds can be described by both A(m) indices and molecular connectivity indices, and the mathematical model obtained by the genetic algorithm was better than that by multivariate regression analysis.