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Ab levels in the genital tract may be important in fertility and in preventing sexually transmitted diseases, In this study, I-125-labeled polymer or monomer mAb IgA (C4pIgA or C4mIgA) and IgC2b (C4IgC) to murine lactate dehydrogenase C4 and a polymer mAb IgA (npIgA) not cross-reacting with mouse sperm were intravenously injected into BALB/c mice, and the relative distribution of these Abs was determined. Polymer IgA was transported much more efficiently into the genital tract, trachea, and duodenum of both sexes than C4IgG and C4 mIgA (p < 0.01), The transport of polymer IgA (C4pIgA and npIgA) into the male genital tract greatly increased following orchiectomy (p < 0.01); this change was not affected by testosterone, suggesting that the unknown regulatory factor(s) from the testis may suppress polymer IgA transport, However, the transport of polymer IgA into female genital tissues was significantly decreased by ovariectomy (p < 0.01); this decline can be rectified by P-estradiol but not progesterone treatment, suggesting that estradiol may stimulate polymer IgA transport, Furthermore, the transport of C4IgG into tissues of the Fallopian tubes and the uterus was significantly decreased by treatment with progesterone (p < 0.01). Together, these findings indicate that serum polymer IgA can be transported selectively into the genital tracts of both sexes, that this transport is strongly under the control of gonads, and that transport of Ige into the Fallopian tubes and uterus is downregulated by progesterone.


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Antigen-specific circulating immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) migrate to various secondary and tertiary lymphoid tissues. To understand the migration of the cells into the genital tract and its regulation by sex hormones, spleen-derived SG2 hybridoma cells secreting immunoglobulin G2b (IgG2b) and Peyer's patch-derived PA4 hybridoma cells secreting polymer IgA were labelled with (3) H-TdR, and intravenously injected into syngeneic mice of both sexes. Using flow cytometry, surface molecular markers of plasma cells, CD38 and CD138, and adhesion molecules, CD49d, CD162, and CD11a were found to be positive in SG2 and PA4 cells, but CD62L, alpha4beta7 and CD44 were not expressed on these cells. The relative distribution indexes (RDIs) of the cells in genital tract and other tissues were measured. The means of RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in female genital tissues were 6.5 and 4.5 times as many as the means in male genital tissues, respectively. The treatment of ovariectomized mice with beta-oestradiol significantly increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in cervix and vagina, but decreased the RDIs of SG2 cells in vagina, horn of uterus, uterus and rectum (P <0.05). Progesterone treatment increased the RDIs of PA4 cells in vagina and rectum (P <0.05). The treatment with testosterone significantly increased the RDIs of SG2 and PA4 cells in epididymis and accessory sex glands (P <0.05). These results demonstrate that the female genital tract is the preferable site for the migration of circulating hybridoma cells to the male genital tract, and sex hormones play an important role in regulation of the migration of circulating ISC to genital tracts.


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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) which belongs to the secretin/glucagon/ VIP family has been originally isolated from the sheep hypothalamus on the basis of its ability to stimulate cAMP formation in culture rat anterior pituitary cells. Post-translational processing of the PACAP precursor generates two biologically active molecular forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27. The primary structure of PACAP has been remarkably conserved during evolution. The sequence of PACAP-27 exhibits substantial similarities with those of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucagon and secretin. The gene encoding the PACAP precursor is widely expressed in brain and various peripheral organs, notably in endocrine glands, gastro-intestinal, urogenital tracts and respiratory system. In vivo, and in vitro studies have shown that PACAP exhibits multiple activities especially a trophic activity during ontogenesis, notably in the adrenal medulla and the central nervous system. The biological effects of PACAP are mediated through three distinct receptor subtypes which exhibit differential affinities for PACAP and VIP. The PAC1 receptor, which shows high selectivity for PACAP, is coupled to several transduction systems. In contrast, VPAC1 and VPAC2, which bind with the same affinity for PACAP and VIP, are mainly coupled to the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In conclusion, PACAP is neuropeptide, and it functions as a hypothalamic hormone, neurohormone, neuromodulator, vasodilator, neurotransmitter or trophic factor in the brain and the various organs.


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To understand better the molecular mechanisms of differential migration of antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) into mouse genital tracts, and regulation by sex hormones, surface markers, hormone receptors and adhesion molecules in mouse SG2 and PA4 hybridoma cells, respectively, secreting IgG2b and polymeric IgA antibody were detected by flow cytometry or RT-PCR. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was also used for measuring mRNA expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines (VCAM-1, ICAM-1, P-selectin, JAM-1 and CXCL12) in genital tracts of various adult mouse groups. The mRNAs of androgen receptor, estrogen receptor beta and CXCR4 were expressed in the ASCs. Sex hormones had no effect on expression of these molecules in ASCs. Except for VCAM-1, mRNA of all examined genes was expressed in normal mouse genital tracts. The mean of relative amounts of ICAM-1 and CXCL12 mRNA in all examined organs of females were higher (2.1- and 1.9-fold) than those in males. After orchiectomy or ovariectomy, the expression of ICAM-1, CXCL12 and P-selectin mRNA in the examined organs increased, except JAM-1 in male and CXCL12 in female. Sex hormone treatment recovered the changes to normal levels of mRNA expression in many examined genital tissues. In combination with our previous work, preferential migration of ASCs into female genital tract and regulation of migration by sex hormones are associated with expression patterns of adhesion molecules and chemokines in genital tract rather than in ASCs. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tissue distributions and seasonal dynamics of the hepatotoxic microcystins-LR and -RR in a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) were studied monthly in a large shallow, eutrophic lake of the subtropical China during June-November, 2003. Microcystins (MCs) were quantitatively determined by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a qualitative analysis by a Finnigan LC-MS system. On the average of the study period, hepatopancreas was the highest in MC contents (mean 4.14 and range 1.06-7.42 mug g(-1) DW), followed by digestive tracts (mean 1.69 and range 0.8-4.54 mug g(-1) DW) and gonad (mean 0.715 and range 0-2.62 mug g(-1) DW), whereas foot was the least (mean 0.01 and range 0-0.06 mug g(-1) DW). There was a positive correlation in MC contents between digestive tracts and hepatopancreas. A constantly higher MC content in hepatopancreas than in digestive tracts indicates a substantial bioaccumulation of MCs in the hepatopancreas of the snail. The average ratio of MC-LR/MC-RR showed a steady increase from digestive tracts (0.44) to hepatopancreas (0.63) and to gonad (0.96), suggesting that MC-LR was more resistant to degradation in the snail. Since most MCs were present in the hepatopancreas, digestive tracts and gonad with only a very small amount in the edible foot, the risk to human health may not be significant if these toxic parts are removed prior to snail consumption. However, the possible transference of toxins along food chains should not be a negligible concern. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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Neutral red (NR) is used as a probe to study the temperature and concentration dependent interaction of a cationic dye with nucleic acid. A temperature-dependent interaction of NR with calf thymus DNA (CT DNA) has been studied by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), UV-Visible absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The experimental results of increasing peak current, changes in the UV-Visible absorption and fluorescence spectra of NR and decreasing the induced circular dichroism (ICD) intensity show that (i) the binding mode of NR molecules is changed from intercalating into DNA base pairs to aggregating along the DNA double helix and (ii) the orientation of NR chromophore in DNA double helix is also changed with the temperature.


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Our analysis of approximately 40,000 km of multichannel 2-D seismic data, reef oil-field seismic data, and data from several boreholes led to the identification of two areas of reef carbonate reservoirs in deepwater areas (water depth >= 500 in) of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed that the transgressive and highstand system tracts of the mid-Miocene Meishan Formation in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions developed reef carbonates. The seismic features of the reef carbonates in these two areas include chaotic bedding, intermittent internal reflections, chaotic or blank reflections, mounded reflections, and apparent amplitude anomalies, similar to the seismic characteristics of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the Dongsha Uplift and Island Reef of the Salawati Basin, Indonesia, which house large oil fields. The impedance values of reefs in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions are 8000-9000 g/cc x m/s. Impedance sections reveal that the impedance of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the northern South China Sea is 800010000 g/cc x m/s, whereas that of pure limestone in BD23-1-1 is > 10000 g/cc x m/s. The mid-Miocene paleogeography of the Beijiao Depression was dominated by offshore and neritic environments, with only part of the southern Beijiao uplift emergent at that time. The input of terrigenous sediments was relatively minor in this area, meaning that terrigenous source areas were insignificant in terms of the Beijiao Depression: reef carbonates were probably widely distributed throughout the depression, as with the Ledong-Lingshui Depression. The combined geological and geophysical data indicate that shelf margin atolls were well developed in the Beijiao Depression, as in the Ledong-Lingshui Depression where small-scale patch or pinnacle reefs developed. These reef carbonates are promising reservoirs, representing important targets for deepwater hydrocarbon exploration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on the theories of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology, as well as comprehensive studies of seismic data, drilling data, core interpretation and setting of this area, the thesis presents an analysis for Mesozoic formation in Dinan uplift. By means of recognizing the boundary of the sequence, dividing and correlating the systems tract, Mesozoic of Dinan uplift is divided into ten sequences and twenty-five systems tracts during the establishment of the sequence framework. In the framework, some sequences are featured by mature systems of lowstand, water-transgression and highstand, while some undeveloped systems of lowstand or highstand. The main sedimentary facies in Mesozoic of Dinan uplift are braided river, meandering river, delta and lake. The braided river was divided into sandy river and rudaceous river by the lithology of the river channel and was divided into dry climate and wet climate condition by the color of the flood plain. Additionally, The concept of “wetland” is put forward for the first time and regarded as the consequence of wet climate. The analysis includes the classification of six types of traps: (1) stratigraphic overlap trap, (2) lithologic trap with updip pinchout, (3) stratigraphic unconformity trap, (4) fault-lithology trap, (5) fault trap, (6) anticlinal trap, and combining with the research of the characteristics and distribution rules for the known reservoir, it draws out that “fault control” is the petroleum accumulation pattern in this area, in which fault is the key element of the transporting system. Finally the thesis concludes the distribution characteristics and optimized some targets for the potential exploration zone.


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Based on outcrop, borehole, seismic and regional geological data, the sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary facies of the Triassic in the western margin of the Zhugaer basin was studied, and favorable exploration target was forecasted. The major achievements include: (1) the Triassic in the western margin of the Zhugaer basin can be divided into 1 second-order sequence and 5 third-order sequences, which are, in ascending order, TSQ1, TSQ2, TSQ3, TSQ4, and TSQ5. TSQ1 is equivolent to Baikouquan formation, TSQ2 is equivolent to lower Kelamayi formation, TSQ3 is equivolent to upper Kelamai formation, TSQ4 is equivolent to lower and middle Baijiantan formation, and TSQ5 is equivolent to upper Baijiantan formation. Each sequence is divided into transgressive and regressive system tracts. Thus the sequence correlation framework is established. (2) The factors controlling development of sequences are analyzed, and it is believed that tectonic is the major controlling factor. Model of sequence development is summarized. (3)Through study on sedimentary facies, 6 types of facies are recognized: alluvial fan, fan delta, braided river, braided delta, delta and lake. Their microfacies are also recognized. In this study, it is proposed that the upper and lower Kelamayi formation(TSQ2、 TSQ3)is deposited by braided river instead of alluvial fan. This conclusion is of important theoretical and practical significance.(4) The sedimentary facies map of each sequence is compiled, and the sedimentary facies developed in each sequence is determined. In TSQ1, the sedimentary facies developed is alluvial fan and fan delta. In TSQ2, the sedimentary facies developed is mainly alluvial fan and fan delta in the north, and braided river and braided delta in the south. In TSQ3, the sedimentary facies developed is mainly braided river and braided delta. In TSQ4, the sedimentary facies developed is mainly braided delta in the north, and meandering delta in the south. In TSQ5, the sedimentary facies developed is mainly braided river and braided delta. (5) In the framework of sequence stratigrahpy, favorable areas for concealed traps are forecasted, and different types of traps are developed in different system tracts. (6) Favorable areas for future exploration are predicted.


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Through the detailed analyses of Mesozoic tectono-stratigraphy and basin formation dynamic mechanism and the styles of different units in the western margin of Ordos Basin(Abbreviated to "the western margin"), while some issues of the pre-Mesozoic in the western margin and central part of Ordos Basin also be discussed, the main views and conclusion as follows: 1. There are three types of depositional systems which are related with syndepositional tectonic actions and different tectonic prototype basins, including: alluvial fan systems, river system (braided river system and sinuosity river system), lacustrine-river delta system and fan delta system. They have complex constitutions of genetic facies. For the tectonic sequence VI, the fan sediments finning upper in the north-western margin and coarse upper in the south-western margin respectively. 2. In order to light the relationship between basin basement subsidence rate and sediment supply and the superposed styles, five categories of depositional systems tracts in different prototype basins were defined: aggrading and transgressive systems tracts during early subsidence stage, regressive and aggrading systems tracts during rapid subsidence, upper transgessive systems tracts during later subsidence stage. Different filling characteristics and related tectonic actions in different stages in Mesozoic period were discussed. 3. In order to determined the tectonic events of the provenance zones and provenance strata corresponding to basins sediments, according the clastics dispersal style and chemical analyses results of sediments in different areas, the provenance characteristics have been described. The collision stage between the "Mongolia block" and the north-China block may be the late permian; The sediments of Mesozoic strata in the north-western margin is mainly from the Alex blocks and north-Qilian Paleozoic orogeny, while the south-western margin from Qinling orogeny. The volcanic debris in the Yan'an Formation may be from the arc of the north margin of north-China block, although more study needed for the origin of the debris. The provenance of the Cretaceous may be from the early orogeny and the metamorphic basement of Longshan group. 4. The subsidence curve and subsidence rate and sedimentary rate in different units have been analyzed. For different prototype basin, the form of the subsidence curves are different. The subsidence of the basins are related with the orogeny of the basins.The beginning age of the foreland basin may be the middle Triassic. The change of basement subsidence show the migration of the foredeep and forebulge into the basin. The present appearance of the Ordos basin may be formed at the late stage of Cretaceous, not formed at the late Jurassic. 5. The structure mode of the west margin is very complex. Structure transfer in different fold-thrust units has been divided into three types: transfer faults, transition structures and intersected form. The theoretic explanations also have been given for the origin and the forming mechanism. The unique structure form of Hengshanpu is vergent west different from the east vergence of most thrust faults, the mechanism of which has been explained. 6. In Triassic period, the He1anshan basin is extensional basin while the Hengshanbu is "forland", and the possible mechanism of the seemingly incompatible structures has been explained. First time, the thesis integrate the Jurassic—early Cretaceous basins of west margin with the Hexi corridor basins and explain the unitive forming mechanism. The model thinks the lateral extrusion is the main mechanism of the Hexi corridor and west margin basins, meanwhile, the deep elements and basement characters of the basins. Also, for the first time, we determine the age of the basalt in Helanshan area as the Cretaceous period, the age matching with the forming of the Cretaceous basins and as the main factor of the coal metamorphism in the Helanshan area. 7. The Neoprotterozoic aulacogen is not the continuation of the Mesozoic aulacogen, while it is another new rift stage. In the Paleozoic, the Liupanshan—southern Helanshan area is part of the back-arc basins of north Qilian ocean. 8. The Helanshan "alacogen" is connected with the north margin of north China block, not end at the north of Zhouzishan area like "appendices". Also, I think the upper Devonian basin as the beginning stage of the extensional early Carboniferous basins, not as a part of the foreland basins of Silurian period, not the collision rift. 9. The controlling factor of the difference of the deformation styles of the north-west margin and the south-west margin is the difference of the basements and adjacent tectonic units of the two parts.


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The Dongying depression, located in the northern part of the jiyang Sag in the Buohaiwan Basin, comprises one of the major oil-producing bases of the Shengli oil-field. The prediction and exploration of subtle or litho1ogical oil traps in the oil-field has become the major confronted target. This is also one of the frontier study areas in the highly-explored oil-bearing basins in East China and abroad. Based on the integrated analysis of the geological, seismic and logging data and the theories of sequence stratigraphy, tectono-stratigraphy and petroleum system, the paper has attempted to document the characteristics of the sequence stratigraphic and structural frameworks of the low Tertiary, the syndepositional faults and their control on deposition, and then to investigate the forming conditions and distribution of the tithological oil traps in the depression. The study has set up a set of analysis methods, which can be used to effectively analysis the sequence stratigraphy of inland basins and predict the distribution of sandstone reservoirs in the basins. The major achievements of the study are as follows: 1. The low Tertiary can be divided into 4 second-order sequences and 13 third-order sequences, and the systems tracts in the third-order sequences have been also identified based on the examination and correction of well logging data and seismic profiles. At the same time, the parasequences and their stacking pattern in the deltaic systems of the third member of the Shahejie Formation have been recognized in the key study area. It has been documented that the genetic relation of different order sequences to tectonic, climatic and sediment supply changes. The study suggested that the formation of the second-order sequences was related to multiple rifting, while the activity of the syndepositional faults controlled the stacking pattern of parasequences of the axial deltaic system in the depression. 2. A number of depositional facies have been recognized in the low Tertiary on the basis of seismic facies and well logging analysis. They include alluvial fan, fan delta or braided delta, axial delta, lowstand fan, lacustrine and gravity flow deposits. The lacustrine lowstand fan deposits are firstly recognized in the depression, and their facies architecture and distribution have been investigated. The study has shown that the lowstand fan deposits are the important sandstone reservoirs as lithological oil traps in the depression. 3. The mapping of depositional systems within sequences has revealed the time and special distrbution of depositional systems developed in the basin. It is pointed out that major elastic systems comprise the northern marginal depositional systems consisting of alluvial fan, fan delta and offshore lowstand fan deposits, the southern gentle slope elastic deposits composed of shallow lacustrine, braided delta and lowstand fan deposits and the axial deltaic systems including those from eastern and western ends of the depression. 4. The genetic relationship between the syndepositional faults and the distribution of sandstones has been studied in the paper, upper on the analysis of structural framework and syndepositional fault systems in the depression. The concept of structural slope-break has been firstly introduced into the study and the role of syndepositional faults controlling the development of sequence architecture and distribution of sandstones along the hinged and faulted margins have been widely investigated. It is suggested that structural styles of the structural slope-break controlled the distribution of lowstand fan deposits and formed a favorable zone for the formation of lithological or structure-lithological oil traps in the basin. 5. The paper has made a deep investigation into the forming condition and processes of the lithological traps in the depression, based the analysis of composition of reservoir, seal and resource rocks. It is pointed out that there were two major oil pool-forming periods, namely the end of the Dongying and Guangtao periods, and the later one is the most important. 6. The study has finally predicted a number of favorable targets for exploration of lithologieal traps in the depression. Most of them have been drilled and made great succeed with new discovered thousands tons of raw oil reserves.


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The north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression has great potential in oil resource and as the usage of 3-d seismic data in the last decade, the exploration of oil and gas has get into the stage of sandy glavel body lithological oil-gas pool exploration. In this thesis, writer take the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression as target area and take Sha-III and Sha-[V Menber as purpose stratum, study on sequence stratigraphy, depositional system, reservoir description, emphasesing on analyzing of forming of lithological oil-gas pool, especially the dynamics principle of oil and gas preliminary movement from the source rock to the reservoir form lithological oil-gas pools. The aim of this work is to give some quantitatively explanation for the mechanism of lithological oil-gas pool forming, and set up the theory of pool form with characteristic terrestrial faulted basin. There are main conclusions and views as follow. 1. Applying with principle of sequence stratigrapgy, according to the depositional cycles of Dongying Depression, the sequence stratigraphical partition of Tertiary was finished, stressing on dismembering Sha-III and Sha-IV Menber as 5system tracts. 2. The structure of Dongying Depression especially of the north steep slope zone has accomplished, including the analyzing the structural cortroling to depositional condition of the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression, discussed relationship between the structure of the north steep slope zone and the pool-forming. 3. The horizontal and vertical exchanges of ancient climates and ancient physiognomy of the all stratum units and studies on characteristic of depositional system distribution have been finished, found that there are five depositional systems in the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression as fluvial, delta (tan-delta), sub-water fluvial fan lacustrine, gravitive flow, and seven formations of sandy glavel body, and forecasting of all kinds of sandy glavel body has been made. 4. Seismic stratigraphy and log stratigraphy have been made, described and forecasted all kinds of reservoir of objective stratum by means of physical geography method, setup a series means of sandy glavel body description suit to target area. 5. The pool-forming system has been studied, analyzing all the elements in petroleum sub-system of Sha-III and Sha-IV Menber of Dongying Depression with view of source controlling, estimated the petroleum system applying source rock potential index combining with distribution ofreservior. 6.Through studying types of pool, the controlling factors of pool-forming of sandy glavel body were discussed by deposition stages, formation types, structure ect. as a conclusion that the characteristics of pool forming in the north steep slope zone of Dongying Depression are, the controlling factor of the pools is mainly lithology, petrophysics of oil sands vary greatly, with a large heterogeneity, all kind of reservoir with different formation has different pool-forming conditions, and as a result, formed various pools of sandy glavel body along the steep slope with regular combination, distribution and constituted the multiple petroleum accumulative pattern. 7. It's the first time to cauculate and estimate the fluid pressure in source rock of Dongying Depression, set up the stratum fluid pressure in Dongying Depression, and firstly use equivalent charging pressure and reservoir forming index to quantitatively evaluate the pool-forming condition of lithological pool.8. Above all studies, follow up the scent of the exploration combined with practice a lot of explorative targets were found, and got geat economic and social benefit.


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With the development of petroleum exploration, subtle reservoir has become the main exploration object in Dongying Depression, which requires some new technologies and methods to further reveal the geological characteristics in step with the mature exploration stage. In this paper, on the references to the studies of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belt with flexible maneuverability, and the application of systematic theory, the concept of reservoir assemblage is initially defined as "the association of active source rock(s) and hydrocarbon reservoir(s) that are genetically related, with the bridge of pathway system in an oil and gas bearing basin". Compared with the theories of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belts, it emphasizes on the processes of petroleum migration and accumulation and the correlation among active source rock, trapped hydrocarbon and migration pathway, and has been confirmed to be more suitably applied to high maturely explored basin. In the first study of this paper, sequence stratigraphy and subtle analytical technology of source rock have been employed to find that two categories of source rock with their characteristic types of organic matter and substantial states occurred in Dongying Depression. The first category, consisting of the oil shales within the third-order sequences of lacustrine expanding system tracts in the upper interval of the fourth Member of Shahejie Formation and both in the middle and lower intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, is featured with the highest abundance of total organic matter (TOC) and the strongest abilities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, which is classified into the standard of good hydrocarbon source rock. Exploration assessment confirmed that about 70-80% of hydrocarbon in Dongying Depression came from this set of source rock for which the low sedimentary rate and strong oxygen-free environment would play the key role during its generation. The second category, composed of organic matter of dark mudstone in high stand system tracts in the upper and middle intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, has been characterized by low content of total organic matter which mostly dispersedly distributes, and formed in the pre-delta to delta front environments. In classification, it belongs to the ordinary standard of source rocks. In the second research part, through the studies of high frequency sequence stratigraphy, fault geometry and active history combining with geochemistry of fluid inclusion and nitrogen compound and simulation test of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, the faults have been thought to be the principal conduits, and the sandy bodies and unconformities might played the complementary pathways for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Dongying Depression of the continental faulted basin. Therefore, the fault activities may mainly constrain on the development of hydrocarbon pathways in space and time. Even more, using homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion in digenetic minerals, three critical moments for hydrocarbon accumulation have been determined as well in Dongying Depression, which happened during the late stage of Dongying Formation (Ed), the early stage of Guantao Formation (Nig) and the early stage of Minghuazhen Formation (Nim), respectively. Comparatively, the last stage is looked as the main forming-reservoir period, which has also been supported by the results of geochemical analysis and simulation experiments of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. Clearly, the times of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are consistent with those of the fault activities in Dongying Depression, which indicate that tectonic activities would control the forming-reservoir. A conceptual model of faulting-episodic expulsion coupled with episodic forming-reservoir has then been established in this study. In the third part of this paper, some focusing areas were selected for the fine descriptions of pathway distribution and forming-reservoir, which has given four types of reservoir assemblage in terms of the main pathway and its correlation with the reservoir and trap: (1) mainly consisted of sandy bodies; (2) mainly consisted of faults; (3) mainly consisted of unconformities; and (4) their complex with two or three types of pathways. This classified criteria has also been applied to access the risk of some prospected traps in Dongying Depression. Finally, through the application of reservoir assemblage integrated with pathway distribution to all the prospective targets in Dongying Depression, the new favorably hydrocarbon accumulated belts have been figured out, and more subtle reservoirs have also been found. For examples, during 2000 and 2002, in the mature exploration areas, such as Liangjialou and Shengtuo structural closures etc., newly proved reserves were 2274 * 104t, and forecasted oil reserves 5660-5860xl04t; and in the predicted favorable areas, newly additional controlled oil reserves was 3355xl04t. Besides those, many other favorable exploration areas need to be further appraised.