26 resultados para Trace Element Geochemistry

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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The whole rock K-Ar ages of basalts from the South China Sea basin vary from 3.8 to 7.9 Ma, which suggest that intra-plate volcanism after the cessation of spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) is comparable to that in adjacent regions around the SCS, i.e., Leiqiong Peninsula, northern margin of the SCS, Indochina block, and so on. Based on detailed petrographic studies, we selected many fresh basaltic rocks and measured their major element, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions. Geochemical characteristics of major element and trace element show that these basaltic rocks belong to alkali basalt magma series, and are similar to OIB-type basalt. The extent of partial melting of mantle rock in source region is very low, and magma may experience crystallization differentiation and cumulation during the ascent to or storing in the high-level magma chamber. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of these basaltic rocks imply an inhomogeneous mantle below the South China Sea. The nature of magma origin has a two end-member mixing model, one is EM2 (Enriched Mantle 2) which may be originated from mantle plume, the other is DMM (Depleted MORB Mantle). Pb isotopic characteristics show the Dupal anomaly in the South China Sea, and combined with newly found Dupal anomaly at Gakkel ridge in Arctic Ocean, this implies that Dupal anomaly is not only limited to South Hemisphere. In variation diagrams among Sr, Nd and Pb, the origin nature of mantle below the SCS is similar to those below Leiqiong peninsula, northern margin of the SCS and Indochina peninsula, and is different from those below north and northeast China. This study provides geochemical constraints on Hainan mantle plume.


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Concentration of trace elements measured by dry weight basis has become more commonly used in recent studies on cetaceans than wet weight basis, which was used more in earlier studies. Because few authors present moisture content data in their papers, it is difficult to compare the concentrations of trace elements between various studies. Therefore, we felt that it would be useful if a reference conversion factor (CF) for tissue types could be found to convert between wet weight and dry weight data on trace element concentrations. We determined the moisture contents of 14 tissues of Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli), and then, calculated the CF values for those tissues. Because the moisture content of each tissue differs from other tissues, it is necessary to use a specific CIF for each tissue rather than a general CF for several tissues. We have also found that CIF values for Dall's porpoise tissues are similar to the same tissues in other cetaceans. Therefore CF values from Dall's porpoise can be reliably used to convert between wet and dry weight concentrations for other cetacean tissues as reference data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc were sampled on the landward trench slope of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) subduction zone by dredging. These mantle wedge peridotites underwent hydration by fluid derived from a dehydrated descending slab, and later interacted with seawater after emplacement at or near the seafloor. This study investigates how these two different rock-fluid interaction processes influenced trace element distribution in the southern Mariana forearc peridotites. We measured trace element concentrations of peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc. The southern Mariana forearc peridotites are characterized by a distinct seawater-like REE pattern with an obvious negative Ce anomaly, and La shows good correlation with other REEs (except Ce). In addition, there is a great enrichment of U, Pb, Sr and Li elements, which show a distinct positive anomaly relative to adjacent elements in the multi-element diagram. For the seawater-like REE pattern, we infer that REEs are mainly influenced by seawater during peridotite-seawater interactions after their emplacement at or near the seafloor, by serpentinization or by marine weathering. Furthermore, the anomalous behavior of Ce, compared with other rare earth elements in these samples, may indicate that they have undergone reactions involving Ce (IV) when the peridotites interacted with seawater. Positive U, Pb, Sr and Li anomalies are inferred to be related to seawater and/or fluids released during dehydration of the subducting slab.


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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (> 7%) and lower Mg-#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg-#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.


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Based on Th-230-U-238 disequilibrium and major element data from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs), this study calculates mantle melting parameters, and thereby investigates the origin of Th-230 excess. (Th-230/U-238) in global MORBs shows a positive correlation with Fe-8, P (o), Na-8, and F-melt (Fe-8 and Na-8 are FeO and Na2O contents respectively after correction for crustal fractionation relative to MgO = 8 wt%, P (o)=pressure of initial melting and F (melt)=degree of melt), while Th-230 excess in OIBs has no obvious correlation with either initial mantle melting depth or the average degree of mantle melting. Furthermore, compared with the MORBs, higher (Th-230/U-238) in OIBs actually corresponds to a lower melting degree. This suggests that the Th-230 excess in MORBs is controlled by mantle melting conditions, while the Th-230 excess in OIBs is more likely related to the deep garnet control. The vast majority of calculated initial melting pressures of MORBs with excess Th-230 are between 1.0 and 2.5 GPa, which is consistent with the conclusion from experiments in recent years that D (U)> D (Th) for Al-clinopyroxene at pressures of > 1.0 GPa. The initial melting pressure of OIBs is 2.2-3.5 GPa (around the spinel-garnet transition zone), with their low excess Ra-226 compared to MORBs also suggesting a deeper mantle source. Accordingly, excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs may be formed respectively in the spinel and garnet stability field. In addition, there is no obvious correlation of K2O/TiO2 with (Th-230/U-238) and initial melting pressure (P (o)) of MORBs, so it is proposed that the melting depth producing excess Th-230 does not tap the spinel-garnet transition zone. OIBs and MORBs in both (Th-230/U-238) vs. K2O/TiO2 and (Th-230/U-238) vs. P (o) plots fall in two distinct areas, indicating that the mineral phases which dominate their excess Th-230 are different. Ce/Yb-Ce curves of fast and slow ridge MORBs are similar, while, in comparison, the Ce/Yb-Ce curve for OIBs shows more influence from garnet. The mechanisms generating excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs are significantly different, with formation of excess Th-230 in the garnet zone only being suitable for OIBs.