107 resultados para Total-energy Calculations

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p-type doping is a great challenge for the full utilization of ZnO as short-wavelength optoelectronic material. Due to a large electronegative characteristic of oxygen, the ionization energy of acceptors in ZnO is usually too high. By analyzing the defect wave-function character, we propose several approaches to lower the acceptor ionization energy by codoping acceptors with donor or isovalent atoms. Using the first-principles band-structure method, we show that the acceptor transition energies of V-Zn-O-O can be reduced by introducing F-O next to V-Zn to reduce electronic potential, whereas the acceptor transition energy of N-O-nZn(Zn) (n=1-4) can be reduced if we replace Zn by isovalent Mg or Be to reduce the anion and cation kinetic p-d repulsion, as well as the electronic potential.


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Intervalley GAMMA - X deformation potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by first principle pseudopotential method for the III-V zincblende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb. As a prototype crystal we have also carried out calculations on Si. When comparing the calculated IVDP's of LA phonon for GaP, InP and InAs and LO phonon for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb and InSb with a previous calculation by EPM in rigid approximation, good agreements are found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results of LA phonon for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb and InSb and LO phonon for GaP, InP and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by EPM calculations, which indicate that the electron redistributions upon the phonon deformations may be important in affecting GAMMA - X intervalley shatterings for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the phonon modes of LA and LO at X point have been evaluated in frozen phonon approximation. We have obtained, at the same time, the LAX and LOX phonon frequencies for these materials from total energy calculations. The calculated phonon frequencies agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors.


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Intervalley GAMMA-X deformation-potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by use of a first-principles pseudopotential method for the III-V zinc-blende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. When the calculated IVDP's of LA phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs and of LO phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb are compared with results of a previous calculation that used the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) and a rigid-ion approximation, good agreement is found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results on IVDP's of LA phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb and of LO phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by use of EPM calculations, indicating that the electron redistribution accompanying crystal-lattice deformation has a significant effect on GAMMA-X intervalley scattering for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the LA- and LO-phonon modes at the X point have been evaluated in the frozen-phonon approximation. We have also obtained the LAX- and LOX-phonon frequencies for these materials from total-energy calculations, which agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors. We have also calculated GAMMA-X hole-phonon scattering matrix elements for the top valence bands in these nine semiconductors, from which the GAMMA-X IVDP's of the top valence bands for the longitudinal phonons and transverse phonons are evaluated, respectively.


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Longitudinal zone boundary X phonon frequencies have been calculated by a first principles pseudopotential method for III-V zincblende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb. The phonon frequencies have been evaluated from total energy calculations in the frozen phonon approximation. The calculated phonon frequencies agree very well with the experimental values.


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The energetics, lattice relaxation, and the defect-induced states of st single O vacancy in alpha-Al2O3 are studied by means of supercell total-energy calculations using a first-principles method based on density-functional theory. The supercell model with 120 atoms in a hexagonal lattice is sufficiently large to give realistic results for an isolated single vacancy (square). Self-consistent calculations are performed for each assumed configuration of lattice relaxation involving the nearest-neighbor Al atoms and the next-nearest-neighbor O atoms of the vacancy site. Total-energy data thus accumulated are used to construct an energy hypersurface. A theoretical zero-temperature vacancy formation energy of 5.83 eV is obtained. Our results show a large relaxation of Al (O) atoms away from the vacancy site by about 16% (8%) of the original Al-square (O-square) distances. The relaxation of the neighboring Al atoms has a much weaker energy dependence than the O atoms. The O vacancy introduces a deep and doubly occupied defect level, or an F center in the gap, and three unoccupied defect levels near the conduction band edge, the positions of the latter are sensitive to the degree of relaxation. The defect state wave functions are found to be not so localized, but extend up to the boundary of the supercell. Defect-induced levels are also found in the valence-band region below the O 2s and the O 2p bands. Also investigated is the case of a singly occupied defect level (an F+ center). This is done by reducing both the total number of electrons in the supercell and the background positive charge by one electron in the self-consistent electronic structure calculations. The optical transitions between the occupied and excited states of the: F and F+ centers are also investigated and found to be anisotropic in agreement with optical data.


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Using first-principles band structure methods, we investigate the interactions between different donors in In2O3. Through the formation energy and transition energy level calculations, we find that an oxygen-vacancy creates a deep donor level, while an indium-interstitial or a tin-dopant induces a shallow donor level. The coupling between these donor levels gives rise to even shallower donor levels and leads to a significant reduction in their formation energies. Based on the analysis of the PBE0-corrected band structure and the molecular-orbital bonding diagram, we demonstrate these effects of donor-donor binding. In addition, total energy calculations show that these defect pairs tend to be more stable with respect to the isolated defects due to their negative binding energies. Thus, we may design shallow donor levels to enhance the electrical conductivity via the donor donor binding.


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InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well blue (461 +/- 4 nm) light emitting diodes with higher electroluminescence intensity are obtained by postgrowth thermal annealing at 720 C in O-2-ambient. Based on our first-principle total-energy calculations, we conclude that besides dissociating the Mg-H complex by forming H2O, annealing in O-2 has another positive effect on the activation of acceptor Mg in GaN. Mg can be further activated by the formation of an impurity band above the valence band maximum of host GaN from the passivated Mg-Ga-O-N complex. Our calculated ionization energy for acceptor Mg in the passivated system is about 30 meV shallower than that in pure GaN, in good agreement with previous experimental measurement. Our model can explain that the enhanced electroluminescence intensity of InGaN/GaN MQWs based on Mg-doped p-type GaN is due to a decrease in the ionization energy of Mg acceptor with the presence of oxygen. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the electronic structures and magnetic properties of the anatase TiO2 doped with 3d transition metals (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), using first-principles total energy calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Using a molecular-orbital bonding model, the electronic structures of the doped anatase TiO2 are well understood. A band coupling model based on d-d level repulsions between the dopant ions is proposed to understand the chemical trend of the magnetic ordering. Ferromagnetism is found to be stabilized in the V-, Cr-, and Co-doped samples if there are no other carrier native defects or dopants. The ferromagnetism in the Cr- and Co-doped samples may be weakened by the donor defects. In the Mn-, and Fe-doped samples, the ferromagnetism can be enhanced by the acceptor and donor defects, respectively.


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By employing first-principle total-energy calculations, a systematic study of the dopability of ZnS to be both n- and p-types compared with that of ZnO is carried out. We find that all the attempted acceptor dopants, group V substituting on the S lattice site and group I and IB on the Zn sites in ZnS, have lower ionization energies than the corresponding ones in ZnO. This can be accounted for by the fact that ZnS has relative higher valence band maximum than ZnO. Native ZnS is weak p-type under S-rich condition, as the abundant acceptor V-Zn has rather large ionization energy. Self-compensations by the formation of interstitial donors in group I and IB-doped p-type ZnS can be avoided when sample is prepared under S-rich condition. In terms of ionization energies, Li-Zn and N-S are the preferred acceptors in ZnS. Native n- type doping of ZnS is limited by the spontaneous formation of intrinsic V-Zn(2-); high efficient n-type doping with dopants is harder to achieve than in ZnO because of the readiness of forming native compensating centers and higher ionization energy of donors in ZnS. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3103585]


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High Curie temperature of 900 K has been reported in Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors prepared by various methods, which is exciting for spintronic applications. It is believed that N defects play important roles in achieving the high-temperature ferromagnetism in good samples. Motivated by these experimental advances, we use a full-potential density-functional-theory method and supercell approach to investigate N defects and their effects on ferromagnetism of (Al,Cr)N with N vacancies (V-N). We investigate the structural and electronic properties of V-N, single Cr atom, Cr-Cr atom pairs, Cr-V-N pairs, and so on. In each case, the most stable structure is obtained by comparing different atomic configurations optimized in terms of the total energy and the force on every atom, and then it is used to calculate the defect formation energy and study the electronic structures. Our total-energy calculations show that the nearest substitutional Cr-Cr pair with the two spins in parallel is the most favorable and the nearest Cr-V-N pair makes a stable complex. Our formation energies indicate that V-N regions can be formed spontaneously under N-poor condition because the minimal V-N formation energy equals -0.23 eV or Cr-doped regions with high enough concentrations can be formed under N-rich condition because the Cr formation energy equals 0.04 eV, and hence real Cr-doped AlN samples are formed by forming some Cr-doped regions and separated V-N regions and through subsequent atomic relaxation during annealing. Both of the single Cr atom and the N vacancy create filled electronic states in the semiconductor gap of AlN. N vacancies enhance the ferromagnetism by adding mu(B) to the Cr moment each but reduce the ferromagnetic exchange constants between the spins in the nearest Cr-Cr pairs. These calculated results are in agreement with experimental observations and facts of real Cr-doped AlN samples and their synthesis. Our first-principles results are useful to elucidate the mechanism for the ferromagnetism and to explore high-performance Cr-doped AlN diluted magnetic semiconductors.


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The quantum confinement effect, electronic properties, and optical properties of TiO2 nanowires in rutile structure are investigated via first-principles calculations. We calculate the size- and shape-dependent band gap of the nanowires and fit the results with the function E-g = E-g(bulk) + beta/d(alpha). We find that the quantum confinement effect becomes significant for d < 25 angstrom, and a notable anisotropy exists that arises from the anisotropy of the effective masses. We also evaluate the imaginary part of the frequency-dependent dielectric function [epsilon(2)(omega)] within the electric-dipole approximation, for both the polarization parallel [epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega)] and the perpendicular [epsilon 1/2(omega)] to the axial (c) direction. The band structure of the nanowires is calculated, with which the fine structure of epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega) has been analyzed.


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The structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of TaN were investigated by use of the density functional theory (DFT). Eight structures were considered, i.e.. hexagonal WC TaN, NiAs, wurtzite, and CoSn structures. cubic NaCl. zinc-blende and CsCl structures. The results indicate that TaN in TaN-type structure is the most stable at ambient conditions among the considered structures. Above 5 GPa, TaN in WC-type structure becomes energetically the most stable phase. They are also stable both thermodynamically and mechanically. TaN in WC-type has the largest shear Modulus 243 GPa and large bulk modulus 337 GPa among the considered structures. The Volume compressibility is slightly larger than diamond, but smaller than c-BN at pressures from 0 to 100 GPa. The compressibility along the c axis is smaller than the linear compressibility of both diamond and c-BN.


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We investigate the cohesive energy, heat of formation, elastic constant and electronic band structure of transition metal diborides TMB2 (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os and Ir, Pt) in the Pmmn space group using the ab initio pseudopotential total energy method. Our calculations indicate that there is a relationship between elastic constant and valence electron concentration (VEC): the bulk modulus and shear modulus achieve their maximum when the VEC is in the range of 6.8-7.2. In addition, trends in the elastic constant are well explained in terms of electronic band structure analysis, e.g., occupation of valence electrons in states near the Fermi level, which determines the cohesive energy and elastic properties. The maximum in bulk modulus and shear modulus is attributed to the nearly complete filling of TM d-B p bonding states without filling the antibonding states. On the basis of the observed relationship, we predict that alloying W and Re in the orthorhombic structure OsB2 might be harder than alloying the Ir element. Indeed, the further calculations confirmed this expectation.


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Many physical experiments have shown that the domain switching in a ferroelectric material is a complicated evolution process of the domain wall with the variation of stress and electric field. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of ferroelectric ceramic and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u (i) , electric displacement D (i) and volume fraction rho (I) of the domain switching for the variant I. Mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion. On the basis of the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for the volume fraction rho (I) of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. Then a single domain mechanical model is proposed in this paper. The poled ferroelectric specimen is considered as a transversely isotropic single domain. By using the partial experimental results, the hardening relation between the driving force of domain switching and the volume fraction of domain switching can be calibrated. Then the electromechanical response can be calculated on the basis of the calibrated hardening relation. The results involve the electric butterfly shaped curves of axial strain versus axial electric field, the hysteresis loops of electric displacement versus electric filed and the evolution process of the domain switching in the ferroelectric specimens under uniaxial coupled stress and electric field loading. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results given by Lynch.


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The interaction effect, i.e., the contribution of each component to the total energy absorption of an axially crushed foam-filled hat section was investigated quantitatively via numerical simulation. The FE results were first verified by experimental work of aluminum foam-filled top-hat and double-hat sections, then the contribution of foam-fillers and that of hat sections to the overall energy absorption were quantitatively obtained, respectively. When foam-filled, increase in energy absorption was found both in hat section component and foam-filler component, whereas the latter contributes predominantly to the interaction effect.