8 resultados para TPC
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基于Monte Carlo方法对HIRFL CSRm上的TPC的性能进行了模拟.研究了磁场、读出电极几何尺寸、灵敏丝距以及读出电极平面与灵敏丝平面之间的距离等参数对TPC性能的影响,给出了TPC的一些最佳设计参数.
In laboratory studies, the allelopathic effects of 3 (Hydrocharitaceae family) submerged macrophytes (Elodea nuttallii (Planch) St. John, Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle and Vallisneria spiralis L.) were investigated on two strains of Microcystis aeruginosa. Both aqueous methanol extracts and exudates of three macrophytes inhibited the growth of both strains of Microcystis aeruginosa, After 3-days culture, E nuttallii, H. verticillata and V. spiralis excreted 0.8, 0.3 and 1.0% of total phenolic compounds (TPC), respectively, into the surrounding water. After removing phenolic compounds by polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP)), the plant exudates showed very weak activity. The inhibitory rates of exudates of E. nuttallii, H. verticillata and V. spiralis, against non-toxic M. aeruginosa were decreased by 35.7, 43.4 and 59.1% respectively. Thus 3 submerged macrophytes released the phenolic compounds into the surrounding water, to inhibit the growth of M. aeruginosa. This information may help us in understanding the mechanism of allelopathy in aquatic ecosystems and to control the algal bloom in eutrophic water bodies.
基于Java EE技术的Web容器已经成为面向Web计算环境的主流中间件平台,它为创建、部署、运行、集成和管理企业Web组件提供了基础设施支持。然而,企业用户规模的不断增长与企业Web应用程序的日趋复杂使得Web容器的性能面临严峻的威胁。 影响服务器性能的主要因素是服务器的资源与负载。在传统服务器设计领域,研究者已经取得了一系列的研究成果,如资源管理、准入控制、动态缓存、差分服务等。然而,上述传统服务器领域的研究成果难以满足开放、动态的Web计算环境需求。首先,Web容器无法预先获知企业Web应用程序的资源需求与负载特征,这使得它不得不采用一种“尽力而为”的服务策略。其次,传统资源管理技术难以解决不同资源之间的管理冲突,影响了资源的利用率。最后,传统的负载管理技术侧重于负载规模的变化,很少考虑负载的组成特征与行为特征。为解决上述问题,论文提出了一种面向资源的分阶段体系结构ROSA,并研究了基于ROSA的动态缓存技术与差分服务技术,具体研究内容如下: 论文首先提出了面向资源的分阶段体系结构ROSA,它将请求处理所需的处理资源(主要指线程)与共享资源加以区分,并且通过分阶段体系结构设计来有效解决处理资源阻塞。同时,论文扩展Petri网模型给出了ROSA体系结构的描述模型RDM与性能模型RPM,前者用于验证ROSA体系结构设计方案的结构性质与行为性质,后者用于定量的计算ROSA体系结构设计方案的平均响应时间、吞吐率等性能指标。最后,论文提出了相关设计模式用于ROSA体系结构的开发。 论文提出了一种访问模式驱动的动态缓存机制,消除了Web容器、Web组件与动态缓存机制的耦合,并能够利用客户访问模式提高Web容器的缓存效率。首先,论文设计了Web容器动态缓存框架来缓存Web组件动态生成的Web内容,减少Web组件的重复执行。然后,论文设计了模式图描述客户的访问行为,有效的消除了传统马尔可夫模型引入的无效访问行为。最后,论文在模式图基础上分别基于会话和缓存对象设计了两个预测概率函数以及访问模式驱动的缓存替换算法,有效的提高了动态缓存机制的效率。 论文提出了一种自适应差分服务机制以满足Web容器剧烈变化的负载,同时为企业Web应用程序的差分服务需求提供支持。首先,论文基于客户行为特征设计了动态的会话优先级,弥补了传统静态优先级定义(客户优先级、请求优先级)无法描述客户行为优先级的缺点。然后,通过扩展ROSA体系结构设计,提供了准入控制、优先级调度、资源预留等多种差分服务策略,从而适应Web容器的不同负载。最后,论文设计了自适应差分服务策略选择算法,根据Web容器负载状况自适应选择差分服务策略,消除了单一差分服务策略在某些情况下出现的资源浪费、请求“饿死”、不必要的请求丢失现象,保障了关键请求的性能指标。 最后,以上研究成果已经应用在一个高性能的Web容器系统Once Web容器中。在Java EE性能测试基准TPC-W的测试中取得了较好的效果。
电子商务是一种新兴的企业运作模式。随着Internet相关技术的高速发展,电子商务企业面临着前所未有的发展机遇。与此同时,电子商务企业竞争也日益激烈,电子商务应用的服务质量成为竞争的焦点所在。电子商务应用通常基于更为基础的运行平台来构建,如应用服务器等,这些运行平台对其服务质量的保障至关重要,如何评价这些运行平台的服务质量保障能力是特别需要关注的研究问题。 测试基准因为其设计的典型性以及评价的公正性,逐渐成为电子商务企业青睐的评价手段。然而目前主流的电子商务运行平台测试基准,主要关注以吞吐量为主的峰值性能度量,而没有考虑到电子商务应用具有较为独特的业务特征,如用户对服务质量敏感而引起的行为变化,以及难以使用孤立的性能指标描述的业务特征,如会话完成情况和商业利益等。这使得目前这些测试基准并不能准确评价运行平台的服务质量保障能力。 论文分析了现有的电子商务运行平台测试基准,指出了这些测试基准,如TPC-W在评价运行平台服务质量保障能力方面的不足,提出一种面向服务质量的电子商务运行平台测试基准——Bench4Q。相比于目前测试基准普遍采用的封闭式负载仿真模式,Bench4Q采用一种开放的负载生成方式,以用户会话为核心来组织负载生成,真实可控,可以模拟更加真实的Internet负载; Bench4Q还增加了用户对服务质量的反应,增加了用户容忍度的设计,模拟了更真实的用户行为,使得测试结果更真实有效;与此同时,Bench4Q重点衡量会话完成情况,体现业务收益,关注系统的服务质量保障能力,全面衡量电子商务系统的表现。 同时,本文给出了一种面向服务质量的电子商务运行平台的测试基准的设计方案,并按照设计方案实现了Bench4Q测试工具。通过使用该测试工具对一些典型场景的测试,说明与传统的性能测试基准相比,Bench4Q能够更加准确地评价运行平台对电子商务应用的服务质量保障能力。
在HIRFL-CSR上筹建的兰州强子谱仪(HPLUS)中,前角区径迹探测器(FTD)对于粒子鉴别以及系统的触发都是非常重要的部分之一。计划中的FTD是由五块平面型的多丝漂移室组成,主要用来测量在前角区出射的带电粒子的径迹 (和能损),实现粒子动量测量和粒子鉴别,而联合其它探测器(如TOF和TPC)则可能提高由于取样数限制的粒子鉴别。实现探测器构型的优化和对拟建装置上物理目标的可行性预研是模拟工作的重要目的。快模拟是对拟建装置进行快速优化的有效方法。在Geant4环境对拟建装置的细致模拟,是进一步优化探测器结构、充分的估计探测器整体性能的必要步骤,为将来的谱仪的制造和可能的物理实验提供可靠的参考。 本论文的主要工作包括以下两个方面。(1)在HPLUS概念设计的基础上,发展了局域化的多径迹查找和径迹重建算法,对产物在前角区分布的典型反应道pp→pp+φ(→K+K-)进行了可行性预研,得到FTD对φ的几何覆盖率为83.5%,由于漂移室空间分辨对的动量分辨的贡献为1.3%,并在考虑了本底道pp→pp+K+K-的影响下,重建了φ的不变质量谱,得到φ峰宽度和信噪比分别为1.51MeV和4.36。在考虑到前角区径迹探测器的占有空间和探测要求的情况下对HPLUS构型做出了一定的优化,为全模拟提供了一组FTD参数。(2)基于快模拟得到的参数和参考了PANDA探测器漂移室的情况下,完成了FTD的初步设计并对其中的物质分布进行了预算,通过经验公式得到FTD的空间分辨和多次散射对K+动量分辨的贡献为1.34%和0.34%。在HPLUS模拟平台上,用GDML语言完成了对前角区径迹探测器的构建
The extracts obtained from 28 species of marine algae were evaluated for their antioxidant activity (AA) versus the positive controls butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), gallic acid (GA), and ascorbic acid (AscA). Most of the tested samples displayed antioxidant activity to various degrees. Among them, the extract of Symphyocladia latiuscula exhibited the strongest AA, which was comparable to BHT, GA, and AscA in radical scavenging activity, as shown in the DPPH (alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl) assay, and higher than those of the positive controls in beta-carotene-linoleate assay system. In addition, the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction isolated from the crude extract of S. latiuscula exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in both assay systems. This fraction was further fractionated into seven subfractions (F1-F7) by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). F1 and F4 were found to be the most effective subfractions in scavenging DPPH radical assay and in the beta-carotene-linoleate assay, respectively. The total phenolic content (TPC) and reducing power (RP) for all of the extracts, fractions, and subfractions (F1-F7) were also determined. The TPC of the 28 extracts ranged from 0.10 to 8.00 gallic acid equivalents (mg/g seaweed dry weight) while the RP ranged from 0.07 to 11.60 ascorbic acid equivalents (mg center dot g(-1) seaweed dry weight). Highly positive relationships between AA and TPC as well as between AA and RP were found for the extracts and fractions, while for the subfractions F1-F7 only weak or no such relations were found. The results obtained from this study indicate that further analysis is needed of those marine algal species that contain the most antioxidant activity in order to identify the active principles.
This study investigated the major characteristics of creative thinking development for the school children in Beijing with paper/pencil tests. The “Creative Thinking Test” was executed. The representative samples were two groups of students who came from the classes in 3rd-grade to 12th-grade of normal schools in Beijing. The classes were selected at random, one grade one class. One group is composed of 387 students (218 males, 169 females) in 1993, the other is composed of 420 students (181 males, 239 females) in 2006. According to the data analysis, the major characteristics and the changes over the 13 years of the development of creative thinking for student were explored and discussed. 1) The development trends of three types of creative thinking were all flexuous increase with grade moving up. The mean score of elementary school students was the lowest. And scores of junior high school students and senior high school students were significant higher than elementary school students’. 2) The most rapid increase occurred from the 5th grade to 6th grade. 3) Slumps occurred in the 7th grade in PNE curve and also in the 9th and 12th grades in TPC curves. There was no slump in FGA curve. 4) The girl’s scores in PNE and TPC tests were significant better than boys’. No obvious gender difference was found in FGA test. 5) The scores of three creative thinking tests in 2006 were all better than those in 1993. Separately, the scores of FGA and TPC tests in 2006 were significant higher than the corresponding scores in 1993, and no significant difference was found in two PNE tests. 6) There was no significant difference in the maximum scores of the three creative thinking tests between 2006 and 1993. 7) The most rapid developing period of three types of creative thinking in 2006 were the 5th grade and the 6th grade. The same period in 1993 was from the 7th grade to 9th grade. 8) In 1993, there is no significant gender difference for each creative thinking test. In 2006, PNE and TPC results had remarkable gender difference that girls were higher than boys. No significant gender difference was found in FGA tests.