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刺五加系人参同科属植物,具有类似人参的功效。近年来研究表明:刺五加叶也具有较好的药理活性,对心血管系统疾病疗效显著。总皂苷为其主要药理活性成分,已发现有近20种。由于分离刺五加皂苷标准品的困难,刺五加总皂芽含量测定目前尚无药典方法,文献报道的也仅有薄层扫描等方法。但薄层扫描法操作较繁琐且线性范围窄。本文用分光光度法测定了不同提取方法提取的刺五加叶总皂苷,得到较好的结果,并观察到用超声法提取刺五加叶总皂苷并与常规提取方法相比,总皂苷提取率有显著提高。2 实验部分二.1 仪胃与材料S8r'tod。BP ZLLD精密电子天平(北京塞多利斯天平有限公司);bolo紫外-可见分光光度计(安捷伦上海分析仪器有限公司);CSF-IA超声波发生器(上海超声波仪器厂)。刺五加叶(白山正茂药业有限公司提供);齐墩果酸标准品(中国药品生物制品检定所);香兰素、浓硫酸、甲醇、乙醇均为分析纯。水为去离子水。二.2 实骏方法 标准溶泣及试剂的配制 精密称取齐墩果酸14.7lug置于10InL容量瓶中,加甲醇定容,则标准溶液浓度为 1.47IL;香兰素配成8%乙醇溶液;硫酸配成 72%(VIV)溶液。


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The typology and flux of settling particulate matter (SPM) were investigated based on sediment trap sampling at six typical stations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The settling particulate matter in the neritic seas was sorted into three categories, lithogenic particles, living organisms, and particle aggregates. The mass of individual organisms is an important portion of particulate matter in the neritic waters. The aggregates contain six types, mucus aggregates, fecal pellets, diatom aggregates, silicoflagellate aggregates, tintinnids, and miscellaneous aggregates, of which the silicoflagellate aggregates and tintinnids are the most abundant in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. High particle fluxes, such as 215 to 874 g m(-2). day(-1) SPM in the bottom layer, were found at three stations where the water was well mixed, and the maximum flux was detected in the boundary area between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, where a wide nepheloid layer was present. Hence, particle flux in neritic waters can be easily shifted by water turbulence. The net vertical flux (123 to 961 mg C day(-1)), the contribution of lateral advection to resuspension flux (5 to 76%), and the particulate organic carbon export ratio (18 to 60%) were estimated for the other three stations where the water was stratified. The highest values were all found in the upwelling area off the Zhejiang coast, suggesting that the area of high productivity provides a high net vertical flux of SPM. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.