9 resultados para TCV TOKAMAK

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<正> Tokamak中的一个重要问题是加热。中性束注入加热是加热的一个有效手段,它使美国PLT上的离子温度达到7.1KeV.但PLT上的中性束注入的不对称性引起等离子体的快速环向旋转,转速可达1×10~7厘米/秒。1979年5月Suckewer等在PLT上测量了速度分布。 在具有速度剪切进行旋转的等离子体中,会不会形成新的磁流体力学不稳定性?1980年


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Describes a series of experiments in the Joint European Torus (JET), culminating in the first tokamak discharges in deuterium-tritium fuelled mixture. The experiments were undertaken within limits imposed by restrictions on vessel activation and tritium usage. The objectives were: (i) to produce more than one megawatt of fusion power in a controlled way; (ii) to validate transport codes and provide a basis for accurately predicting the performance of deuterium-tritium plasmas from measurements made in deuterium plasmas; (iii) to determine tritium retention in the torus systems and to establish the effectiveness of discharge cleaning techniques for tritium removal; (iv) to demonstrate the technology related to tritium usage; and (v) to establish safe procedures for handling tritium in compliance with the regulatory requirements. A single-null X-point magnetic configuration, diverted onto the upper carbon target, with reversed toroidal magnetic field was chosen. Deuterium plasmas were heated by high power, long duration deuterium neutral beams from fourteen sources and fuelled also by up to two neutral beam sources injecting tritium. The results from three of these high performance hot ion H-mode discharges are described: a high performance pure deuterium discharge; a deuterium-tritium discharge with a 1% mixture of tritium fed to one neutral beam source; and a deuterium-tritium discharge with 100% tritium fed to two neutral beam sources. The TRANSP code was used to check the internal consistency of the measured data and to determine the origin of the measured neutron fluxes. In the best deuterium-tritium discharge, the tritium concentration was about 11% at the time of peak performance, when the total neutron emission rate was 6.0 × 1017 neutrons/s. The integrated total neutron yield over the high power phase, which lasted about 2 s, was 7.2 × 1017 neutrons, with an accuracy of ±7%. The actual fusion amplification factor, QDT was about 0.15


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Plasma equilibrium geometry has a great influence on the confinement and magnetohydrodynamic stability in tokamaks. The poloidal field (PF) system of a tokamak should be optimized to support the prescribed plasma equilibrium geometry. In this paper, a genetic algorithm-based method is applied to solve the optimization of the positions and currents of tokamak PF coils. To achieve this goal, we first describe the free-boundary code EQT Based on the EQT code, a genetic algorithm-based method is introduced to the optimization. We apply this new method to the PF system design of the fusion-driven subcritical system and plasma equilibrium geometry optimization of the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The results indicate that the optimization of the plasma equilibrium geometry can be improved by using this method.


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In 1990 JET operated with a number of technical improvements which led to advances in performance and permitted the carrying out of experiments specifically aimed at improving physics understanding of selected topics relevant to the "NEXT STEP". The new facilities include beryllium antenna screens, a prototype lower hybrid current drive system, and modification of the NI system to enable the injection of He-3 and He-4. Continued investigation of the hot-ion H-mode produced a value of n(D)(0)tau-E(T)(i)(0) = 9 x 10(20)m-3s keV, which is near conditions required for Q(DT) = 1, while a new peaked density profile H-mode was developed with only slightly lower performance. Progress towards steady state operation has been made by achieving ELMy H-modes under certain operating conditions, while maintaining good tau-E values. Experimental simulation of He ash transport indicates effective removal of alpha-particles from the plasma core for both L and H mode plasmas. Detailed analyses of particle and energy transport have helped establish a firmer link between particle and energy transport, and have suggested a connection between reduced energy transport and reversed shear. Numerical and analytic studies of divertor physics carried out for the pumped divertor phase of JET have helped clarify the key parameters governing impurity retention, and an intensive model validation effort has begun. Experimental simulation of alpha-particle effects with beta-fast up to 8% have shown that the slowing down processes are classical, and have given no evidence of deleterious collective effects.


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The ordinary differential magnetic field line equations are solved numerically; the tokamak magnetic structure is studied on Hefei Tokamak-7 Upgrade (HT-7U) when the equilibrium field with a monotonic q-profile is perturbed by a helical magnetic field. We find that a single mode (m, n) helical perturbation can cause the formation of islands on rational surfaces with q = m/n and q = (m +/- 1, +/- 2, +/- 3,...)/n due to the toroidicity and plasma shape (i.e. elongation and triangularity), while there are many undestroyed magnetic surfaces called Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) barriers on irrational surfaces. The islands on the same rational surface do not have the same size. When the ratio between the perturbing magnetic field B-r(r) and the toroidal magnetic field amplitude B(phi)0 is large enough, the magnetic island chains on different rational surfaces will overlap and chaotic orbits appear in the overlapping area, and the magnetic field becomes stochastic. It is remarkable that the stochastic layer appears first in the plasma edge region.


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本工作对聚丁二烯(PBD)进行了光谱微结构分析,主要考察了三个问题。1、PBD分子链构象对PBD红外光谱的影响本工作对高顺式(c)PBD样品进行了室温和低温(25℃和-150℃)红外光谱测定,发现高顺式PBD在低温下整个光谱吸收峰大部分峰宽变窄,峰强增加,特别是738cm~(-1)峰,在低温下位移至748cm~(-1),峰强增加一倍多。另外还观察到低温结晶态出现802和598cm~(-1)两个吸收峰,在以前文献中未曾有过报导,我们将它们归属为顺式结构结晶峰。通过计算分峰,原来738cm~(-1)峰分成两个位于742和727cm~(-1)的子峰,在低温下,两个子峰分别位移至748和735cm~(-1),与室温时比较,两个子峰半宽都明显变小。748cm~(-1)子峰峰强也大大增加。结构分析表明,顺式结构特征振动CH=CH面外变角与分子链的构象有密切联系,而仅式(T)和1.2(v)结构却不存在这种情况,因而967cm~(-1)(T)和911cm~(-1)(v)两特征峰低温下变化都很小。本工作认为顺式结构738cm~(-1)峰这一变化是由于顺式结构不同分子链构象所造成的。低温和室温下分峰所得的左子峰对应于最稳定构象产生的吸收,右子峰则对应于相对不稳定构象产生的吸收。同时本工作肯定了米晋瑁等人提出的红外光谱定量分析方法在高顺式样品中的适用性。2、PBD分子链序列结构对红外光谱的影响由于在非高顺式样品中存在CCC、CCT、CCV、TCV、TCT、VCV等多种序列形式,通过不同组成的PBD红外光谱分析,发现在乙烯基含量中、高的样品中,原来738cm~(-1)峰已不再存在,峰值出现在733cm~(-1)附近,而且受1.2结构部分吸收的严重影响,顺式结构CH=CH面外变角吸收已不再是顺式结构的特征峰。通过对850至650cm~(-1)光谱区的光谱解析,本工作认为朱晋瑁等人的红外光谱定量分析方法在乙烯含量中、高的样品中已不再适用。3、PBD拉曼光谱的微结构分析本工作对PBD拉曼光谱1600-1700cm~(-1)区进行了光谱测定,选择了1666、1652和1639.5cm~(-1)吸收峰作为T、C和V构型的特征峰,借助于景遐斌老师的计算分峰方法,对PBD样品进行微结构分析,结果表明,各吸收带拟合良好,特征峰峰位稳定,分别在1666±1、1652±1.5和1639.5±1 cm~(-1),半峰宽变化不大,峰与峰之间相互影响很小,也就是说,我们选用的特征峰是合理的。用分峰所得的相对面积,结合~1H-NMR测得的值,建立了拉曼光谱PBD定量分析方法。用这一方法对27个不同微结构组成的PBD样品进行分析,所得结果与~1HNMR(高顺式样品与~(13)C-NMR、IR)比较,绝大部分样品一致性很好,最大偏差小于2%。本工作认为,用1666、1652和1639.5cm~(-1)碳双键伸缩振动吸收峰作为T、C和V构型特征峰进行定量分析,在理论上是合理的,在实际上是可行的。而且本方法直接使用固体样品,不经任何溶解和处理,所有计算处理在微机上即可实现,操作和计算都很方便。