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In one of our recent studies, two HCV genotype 6 variants were identified in patients from Hong Kong and Guangxi in southern China, with injection drug use and HIV-1 co-infection. We report the complete genomic sequences for these two variants: GX004 and


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The accurate recognition of cancer subtypes is very significant in clinic. Especially, the DNA microarray gene expression technology is applied to diagnosing and recognizing cancer types. This paper proposed a method of that recognized cancer subtypes based on geometrical learning. Firstly, the cancer genes expression profiles data was pretreated and selected feature genes by conventional method; then the expression data of feature genes in the training samples was construed each convex hull in the high-dimensional space using training algorithm of geometrical learning, while the independent test set was tested by the recognition algorithm of geometrical learning. The method was applied to the human acute leukemia gene expression data. The accuracy rate reached to 100%. The experiments have proved its efficiency and feasibility.


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A cluster of 11 interferon (IFN) genes were identified in the Atlantic salmon genome linked to the growth hormone I gene. The genes encode three different IFN subtypes; IFNa (two genes), IFNb (four genes) and IFNc (five genes), which show 22-32% amino acid sequence identity. Expression of the fish IFNs were studied in head kidney, leukocytes or To cells after stimulation with the dsRNA poly I:C or the imidazoquinoline S-27609. In mammals, poly I:C induces IFN-beta through the RIG-I/MDA5 or the TLR3 pathway, both of which are dependent on NF-kappa B. In contrast, S-27609 induces mammalian IFN-alpha in plasmacytoid dendritic cells through the TLR7 pathway independent of NF-kappa B. The presence of an NF-kappa B site in their promoters and their strong up-regulation by poly I:C, suggest that salmon IFNa1/IFNa2 are induced through similar pathways as IFN-beta. In contrast, the apparent lack of NF-kappa B motif in the promoter and the strong upregulation by S-27609 in head kidney and leukocytes, suggest that IFNb genes are induced through a pathway similar to mammalian IFN-alpha. IFNc genes showed expression patterns different from both IFNa and IFNb. Taken together, salmon IFNa and IFNb are not orthologs of mammalian IFN-beta and IFN-alpha, respectively, but appear to utilize similar induction pathways. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Here we report the codon bias and the mRNA secondary structural features of the hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site basic amino acid regions of avian influenza virus H5N1 subtypes. We have developed a dynamic extended folding strategy to predict RNA secondar


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Long term potentiation in hippocampus, evoked by high-frequency stimulation, is mediated by two major glutamate receptor subtypes, alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptors and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Receptor subunit compos


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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) which belongs to the secretin/glucagon/ VIP family has been originally isolated from the sheep hypothalamus on the basis of its ability to stimulate cAMP formation in culture rat anterior pituitary cells. Post-translational processing of the PACAP precursor generates two biologically active molecular forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27. The primary structure of PACAP has been remarkably conserved during evolution. The sequence of PACAP-27 exhibits substantial similarities with those of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucagon and secretin. The gene encoding the PACAP precursor is widely expressed in brain and various peripheral organs, notably in endocrine glands, gastro-intestinal, urogenital tracts and respiratory system. In vivo, and in vitro studies have shown that PACAP exhibits multiple activities especially a trophic activity during ontogenesis, notably in the adrenal medulla and the central nervous system. The biological effects of PACAP are mediated through three distinct receptor subtypes which exhibit differential affinities for PACAP and VIP. The PAC1 receptor, which shows high selectivity for PACAP, is coupled to several transduction systems. In contrast, VPAC1 and VPAC2, which bind with the same affinity for PACAP and VIP, are mainly coupled to the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In conclusion, PACAP is neuropeptide, and it functions as a hypothalamic hormone, neurohormone, neuromodulator, vasodilator, neurotransmitter or trophic factor in the brain and the various organs.


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Objectives: To investigate the molecular epidemiology of HIV in China's Yunnan Province, where the initial HIV-1 outbreak among injecting drug users (IDU) occurred in 1989, and to analyse the genesis and interrelationship of the epidemic with that in surrounding areas. Design: A molecular epidemiological investigation was conducted among IDU in three prefectures in Yunnan Province, including Wenshan (east), Honghe (southeast) and Dehong (west). Methods: Thirty-nine specimens were collected from consenting IDU in 2000-2001. The nucleotide sequences of 2.6 kb gag-RT and 340 base pair (bp) env (C2/V3) regions were determined. Phylogenetic tree and recombination breakpoint analyses were performed. Results: The circulating recombinant form (CRF), CRF08_BC, predominated in east Yunnan near Guangxi Province (89% in Wenshan and 81% in Honghe), whereas it was not detected in Dehong(0/14) in the west. In contrast, 71% (10/14) of the Dehong isolates were unique recombinant forms (URF), mostly between subtypes B' (Thailand variant of subtype B) and C, with distinct profiles of recombination breakpoints. The subtype B' accounts for the remaining 29% (4/14) of Dehong isolates. Interestingly, two Honghe isolates (2/16) shared some of the precise B'/C recombination breakpoints with CRF07_BC. Conclusion: New recombinant strains are arising continually in west Yunnan near the Myanmar border. Some appeared to be secondary recombinants derived from CRF07_BC that had further recombined with other strains. The uneven distribution of subtypes, CRF and URF, suggests the presence of independent transmission networks and clusters among IDU in Yunnan. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a rare and endangered species, and also an important resource for the sturgeon aquaculture industry. To understand molecular characterization of Chinese sturgeon gonadotropins (GTHs), we cloned the full-length cDNAs of gonadotropin subunits common alpha (GTH-alpha), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from a pituitary cDNA library of mature female. Two subtypes of GTH-alpha were identified. The nucleotide sequences of A. sinensis common alpha I (AsGTH-alpha I), common alpha II (AsGTH-alpha II), FSH beta (AsFSH beta) and LH beta (AsLH beta) subunit cDNAs are 345, 363, 387 and 414 bp in length, and encode mature peptides of 115, 121, 129 and 138 aa, respectively. Then, three polyclonal antibodies were prepared from the in vitro expressed AsGTH-alpha I, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta mature proteins, respectively. Significant expression differences were revealed between immature and mature sturgeon pituitaries. Western blot detection and immunofluoresence localization revealed the existence of three-gonadotropin subunits (AsGTH-alpha, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta) in mature sturgeon pituitaries, but only AsFSH beta was detected in immature individual pituitaries during early stages in the sturgeon life, and obvious difference was observed between males and females. In males, AsFSH beta was expressed in 4-year-old individuals, whereas in females, AsFSH beta was just expressed in 5-year-old individuals. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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通过秋水仙素诱导获得同源四倍体水稻10个株系,包括6个恢复系、3个保持系和1个不育系,这些株系具有加倍的染色体组。田间观察表明10个株系具有特殊的农艺性状:茎杆变粗壮、植株颜色加深、叶片变厚、叶宽适度增加、分蘖数减少、有效分蘖的比率下降等。根尖有丝分裂鉴定表明,同源四倍体水稻10个株系具有正常的有丝分裂,观察细胞的染色体数目皆为2n=48。花粉母细胞减数分裂鉴定表明10个株系具有比较理想的减数分裂行为,后期I染色体滞后、末期I微核生成和末期II异常小孢子比率较低,能较好的完成减数分裂过程,其中后期I染色体滞后比率约为10%-20%,末期I微核生成比率约为1%-6%,末期II异常小孢子比率约为1%-8%。这提示,染色体联合和分离不规则导致三价体、单价体 和落后染色体等产生,并进一步导致在后期和末期不均横分离产生异常小孢子,这可能是同源四倍体株系结实率不高的原因之一。 同源四倍体水稻正常胚囊为蓼型,变异胚囊具有多种类型,其比率显著高于二倍体对照,变化范围为39.62%-69.85%。按变异胚囊的结构特点和形成方式,分为四种类型:退化型,结构变异型,无融合生殖型和反足细胞增殖型。退化型胚囊的平均比率为29.17%,包括小胚囊(15.04%)和完全退化胚囊(14.13%),前者仍有较小胚囊腔而后者胚囊腔缺失。结构变异胚囊包括结构缺失、结构重复和位置异常,反映了蓼型胚囊八核七细胞结构的变异,其在各株系的平均比率为18.96%。无融合生殖胚囊发生比率极低,平均比率为1.77%,类型包括反足胚和卵细胞胚。反足细胞增殖胚囊是反足细胞团频繁增殖形成,伴随上述三种变异发生使异常胚囊的多样性进一步增加,其在各株系的平均比率为10.62%。相关分析表明,同源四倍体水稻结实可能主要来自三部分:正常胚囊、正常型小胚囊和反足细胞增殖型胚囊。这三种胚囊具有相对完整的蓼型结构,可能具有较好的育性,其对结实率的贡献程度估计值分别为72.44%、15.12%、12.44%。此外,完全退化型胚囊和位置异常型胚囊对结实率分别表现出显著(-0.66)和极显著(-0.92)的负相关,这表明二者可能是结实性的抑制因素。 Ten autotetraploid strains, which include six restoring lines, three maintaining lines and a sterile line, are derived from artificial induction by colchicine treatments. Variations of agronomical traits are observed which include large organs, sturdy plants, long panicle length and deep leaf color and so on. It has been confirmed that autotetraploid strains exhibit normal chromosome behaviors in mitosis and the chromosome numbers are all 48. Moreover, abnormal chromosome behaviors are investigated in meiosis including univalent, trivalent, quatrivalent, chromosome lagging and microkernel and so on. It evaluates that the percentage of chromosome lagging in anaphase I is about 10%-20%, the percentage of microkernel in telophase I is about 1%-6% and the percentage of abnormal microspore in telophase II is about 1%-8%. In all, abnormal behaviors of chromosomes could induce univalent, trivalent and et al. and subsequently induce infertile microspore. That may be one of the causes of low seed sets in autotetraploid strains. Embryo sacs of autotetraploid strains are formed according to the Polygonum type. However, these strains exhibit variations of abnormal embryo sacs at high frequencies (39.62% - 69.85%). The variations are frequently involved in the spikelets of the main panicles and the first tillers, leading to obvious decreases of the percentages of normal embryo sacs among the strains. Four types of abnormal embryo sacs are classified basing on their different structures and origins: degenerated embryo sac (DES), structure variation (SV), apomixis (Apo) and antipodal cell proliferation (ACP). Embryo sacs of DES (29.17%) exhibit small embryo sacs (15.04%) or no embryo sac (14.13%), the former showing embryo sacs with decreased size and the latter showing no sac. Embryo sacs of AS (18.96%) include three subtypes: structure deletion, structure duplication and location variation, which suggests abnormalities of the eight nuclei, seven celled pattern of the Polygonum type. Embryo sacs of Apo (only 1.77%) include two origins of apomictic embryos: antipodal embryo and egg embryo. Embryo sacs of ACP are observed frequently (10.62%) in autotetraploid strains which subsequently increase the variations of abnormal embryo sacs. It evaluates by the Pearson’s correlation analysis that seed set is probably contributed by three origins of embryo sacs: normal embryo sacs, small embryo sacs (normal pattern) and embryo sacs of ACP. These three origins exhibit comparatively good structure of the Polygonum type and could account for seed set at a percentage of 72.44%, 15.12%, 12.44%, respectively. Moreover, the subtype of no embryo sac (NES) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.01 level (-0.92) and the subtype of location variation (LV) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.05 level (-0.66). Which suggest the two subtypes may have strong stress on seed set.


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Duobuza copper deposit, newly discovered typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit with superlarge potential, is located in the Tiegelong Mesozoic tectonic -magmatic arc of the southern edge of Qiangtang block and the northern margin of Bangonghu-Nujiang suture. Quartz diorite porphyrite and grandiorite porphyry, occurred in stock, are the main ore-bearing porphyries. As the emplacement of porphyry stock, a wide range of hydrothermal alteration has developed. Within the framework of the ore district, abundant hydrothermal magnetite developed, and the relationship between precipitation of copper and gold and hydrothermal magnetite seems much close. Correspondingly, a series of veinlets and network veinlets occurred in all alteration zones. Therefore, systematic research on such a superlarge high-grade Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit can fully revealed the metallogenic characteristics of gold-rich porphyry copper deposits in this region, establish metallogenetic model and prospecting criteria, and has important practical significance on the promotion of regional exploration. In addition, this research on it can enrich metallogenic theory of strong oxidation magma-fluid to gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, and will be helpful to understand the metallogenic characteristics in early of subduction of Gangdese arc stages and its entire evolution history of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the temporal and spatial distribution of ore deposits and their geodynamics settings. Northern ore body of Duobuza copper deposit have been controlled with width (north-south) about 100 ~ 400 m, length (east-west) about 1400 m, dip of 200 °, angle of dip 65 °~ 80 °. And controlled resource amount is of 2.7 million tons Cu with grade 0.94% and 13 tons Au with 0.21g/tAu. Overall features of ore body are large scale, higher grade copper, gold-rich. Ore occurred in the body of granodiotite porphyry and quartz diorite porphyrite and its contact zone with wall rock. Through the detailed mapping and field work studies, some typies of alteration are identificated as follows: albitization, biotititation, sericitization, silication, epidotization, chloritization, carbonatization, illitization, kaolinization and so on. The range of alteration is more than 10km2. Wall alteration zone can be divided into potassic alteration, moderate argillization alteration, argillization, illite-hydromuscovite or propylitization from ore-bearing porphyry center outwards, but phyllic alteration has not well developed and only sericite-quartz veins occurred in local area. Moreover, micro-fracture is development in ore district , and correspondingly a series of veinlets are development as follows: biotite vein (EB type), K-feldspar-biotite-chalcopyrite-quartz vein, magnetite-antinolite-K-feldspar vein, quartz-chalcopyrite-magnetite veins (A-type), quartz-magnetite-biotite-K-feldspar vein, chalcopyrite veinlets in potassic alteration zone; (2) chalcopyrite occurring in the center vein–quartz vein (B type), chalcopyrite veinlets, chalcopyrite-gypsum vein in intermediate argillization alteration; (3) chalcopyrite- pyrite-quartz vein, pyrite-quartz vein, chalcopyrite-gypsum veins, quartz-gypsum- molybdenite-chalcopyrite vein in argillization alteration; (4) gypsum veins, quartz-(molybdenite)-chalcopyrite vein, quartz-pyrite vein, gypsum- chalcopyrite vein, potassium feldspar veinlets, Carbonate veins, quartz-magnetite veins in the wall rock. In short, various veins are very abundant within the framework of the ore district. The results of electronic probe microscopy analysis (EMPA) indicate that Albite (Ab 91.5~99.7%) occurred along the rim of plagioclase phenocryst and fracture, and respresents the earliest stages of alteration. K-feldspar (Or 75.1~96.9%) altered plagioclase phenocryst and matrix or formed secondary potassium feldspar veinlets. Secondary biotite occurred mainly in phenocryst, matrix and veinlets, belong to magnesium-rich biotite formed under the conditions of high-oxidation magma- hydrothermal. Chloritization developed in all alteration zones and alterd iron- magnesium minerals such as biotite and hornblende and then formed chlorite veinlets. As the temperature rises, Si in the tetrahedral site of chlorite decreased, and chlorite component evolved from diabantite to ripiolite. The consistent 280℃~360℃ of formation temperature hinted that chlorite formed on the same temperature range in all alteration zones. However, formation temperature range of chlorite from the gypsum-carbonate-chlorite vein was 190℃~220℃, and it may be the product of the latest stage of hydrothermal activity. The closely relationship between biotite and rutile indicate that most of rutiles are precipitated in the process of biotite alteration and recrystallization. In addition, the V2O3 concentration of rutile from ore body in Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit is >0.4%, indicate that V concentration in rutile has important significance on marking main ore body of porphyry copper deposit. Apatites from Duobuza deposit all are F-rich. And apatite in the wall rock contained low MnO content and relatively high FeO content, which may due to the basaltic composition of the wall rocks. The MnO in apatite from altered porphyry show a strong positive correlation with FeO. In addition, Cl/F ratio of apatite from wall rock was highest, followed by the potassic alteration zone and potassic alteration zone overprinted by moderate argillization alteration was the lowest. SO2 in Apatite are in the scope of 0 to 0.66%, biotite in the apatite has the highest SO2, followed by the potassic alteration zone, potassic alteration zone overprinted by moderate argillization alteration, and the lowest in the surrounding rocks, which may be caused by the decrease of oxygen fugacity of hydrothermal fluid and S exhaust by sulfide precipitation in potassic alteration. Magnetite in the wall rock have higher Cr2O3 and lower Al2O3 features compared with altered porphyry, this may be due to basalt wall rock generally has high Cr content. And magnetites have higher TiO2 content in potassic alteration than moderate argillization alteration overprinted by potassic alteration, argillization and wall rock, suggested that its formation temperature in potassic alteration was the highest among them. The ore minerals mainly are chalcopyrite and bornite, and Au contents of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite are similar with chalcopyrite slightly higher. The Eu* negative anomaly of disseminated chalcopyrite was relatively lower than chalcopyrite in veinlets. Within a drill hole, the Eu* negative anomaly of disseminated chalcopyrite was gradually larger from bottom to top. Magnetite has the same distribution model, with obvious negative Eu* abnormal, and ΣREE in great changes. The gypsum has the highest ΣREE content and the obvious negative anomaly, and biotite obviously has the Eu* abnormal. Based on the petrographic and geochemical characteristics, five series of magmatic rocks can be broadly classified; they are volcanic rocks of the normal island arc, high-Nb basaltic rocks, adakites, altered porphyry and diorite. The Sr, Nd, Hf isotopes and geochemistry of various series of magmatic rock show that they may be the result of mixing between basic magma and various degrees of acid magma coming from lower crust melted by high temperature basic underplating from partial melting of the subduction sediment melt metasomatic mantle wedge. Furthermore S isotope and Pb isotope of the sulfide, ore-bearing porphyries and volcanic rocks indicated ore-forming source is the mantle wedge metasomatied by subduction sediment melt. Oxygen fugacity of magma estimated by Fe2O3/FeO of whole rock and zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ indicated that the oxidation of basalt-andesitic rocks is higher than ore-forming porphyry, and might imply high-oxidation characteristics of underplated basic magma. Its high oxidative mechanism is likely mantle sources metasomatied by subduction sediment magma, including water and Fe3+. And such high oxidation of basaltic magma is conducive to the mantle of sulfides in the effective access to melt. And the An component of dark part within plagioclase phenocryst zoning belong to bytownite (An 74%), and its may be a result of magma composition changes refreshment by basaltic magma injection. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology study showed that the intrusions and volcanic rocks from Duobuza porphyry copper deposit belong to early Cretaceous magma series (126~105Ma). The magma evolution series are as follows: the earliest diorite and diorite porphyrite → ore-bearing porphyry and barren grandiorite porphyry →basaltic andesite → diorite porphyrite → andesite → basaltic andesite, and magma component shows a evolution trend from intermediate to intermediate-acid to basic. Based on the field evidences, the formation age of high-Nb basalt may be the latest. The Ar-Ar geochronology of altered secondary biotite, K-feldspar and sericite shows that the main mineralization lasting a interval of about 4 Ma, the duration limit of whole magma-hydrothermal evolution of about 6 Ma, and possibly such a long duration limit may result in the formation of Duobuza super-large copper deposit. Moreover, tectonic diagram and trace element geochemistry of volcanic rocks and diorite from Duobuza porphyry copper deposit confirm that it formed in a continental margin arc environment. Zircon U-Pb age of volcanic rocks and porphyry fall in the range of 105~121Ma, and Duobuza porphyry copper deposit locating in the north of the Bangonghu- Nujiang suture zone, suggested that Neo-Tethys ocean still subducted northward at least early Cretaceous, and its closure time should be later than 105 Ma. Three major inclusion types and ten subtypes are distinguished from quartz phenocrysts and various quartz veins. Vapor generally coexisting with brine inclusions, suggest that fluid boiling may be the main ore-forming mechanism. Raman spectrums of fluid inclusions display that the content of vapor and liquid inclusion mainly contain water, and vapor occasionally contain a little CO2. In addition, the component of liquid inclusions mainly include Cl-, SO42-, Na+, K+, a small amount of Ca2+, F-; and Cl- and Na+ show good correlation. Vapor mainly contains water, a small amount of CO2, CH4 and C2H6 and so on. The daughter minerals identified by Laman spectroscopy and SEM include gypsum, chalcopyrite, halite, sylvite, rutile, potassium feldspar, Fe-Mn-chloride and other minerals, and ore-forming fluid belong to a complex hydrothermal system containing H2O-NaCl-KClFeCl2CaCl2. H and O isotopic analysis of quartz phenocryst, vein quartz, magnetite, chlorite and gypsum from all alteration zones show that the ore-forming fluid of Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit consisted mainly of magmatic water, without addition of meteric water. Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit formed by the primary magmatic fluid (600-950C), which has high oxidation, ultra-high salinity and metallogenic element-rich, exsolution direct from the magma, and it is representative of the typical orthomagmatic end member of the porphyry continuum. Moreover, the fluid evolution model of Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit has been established. Furthermore, two key factors for formation of large Au-rich porphyry copper deposit have been summed up, which are ore-forming fluids earlier separated from magma and high oxidation magma-mineralization fluid system.


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In recent years, chimney structure has been proved one of important indicators and a useful guide to major petroleum fields exploration through their exploration history both at home and abroad. Chimney structure, which has been called "gas chimney" or "seismic chimney", is the special fluid-filled fracture swarm, which results from the boiling of active thermal fluid caused by abruptly decreasing of high pressure and high temperature in sedimentary layers of upper lithosphere. Chimney structure is well developed in continental shelf basin of East China Sea, which indicates the great perspectives of petroleum resources there. However, the chimney structure also complicated the petroleum accumulation. So the study of chimney structure on its formation, its effect on occurrence and distribution of petroleum fields is very important not only on theoretical, but also on its applied research. It is for the first time to make a clear definition of chimney structure in this paper, and the existence and practical meaning of chimney structure are illustrated. Firstly, on the viewpoint of exploration, this will amplify exploration area or field, not only in marine, but also on continent. Secondly, this is very important to step-by-step exploration and development of petroleum fields with overpressure. Thirdly, this will provide reference for the study on complex petroleum system with multi-sources, commingled sources and accumulation, multi-stage accumulations, and multi-suits petroleum system in the overlay basin. Fourthly, when the thermal fluid enters the oceanic shallow layer, it can help form gas hydrate under favorable low-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Meanwhile, the thermal fluid with its particular component and thermal content will affect the physical, chemical and ecological environments, which will help solving the problem of global resources and environment. Beginning from the regional tectonic evolution characteristics, this paper discussed the tectonic evolution history of the Taibei depression, then made an dynamical analysis of the tectonic-sedimentary evolution during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic for the East China Sea basin. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried. The Taibei depression contains a huge thick clastic sedimentary rock of marine facies, transitional facies and continental facies on the complex basement of ante-Jurassic. It is a part of the back-arc rifting basins occurred during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The author analyzed the diagenesis and thermal fluid evolution of this area via the observation of cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope and thin section, taking advantage of the evidences of magma activities, paleo-geothermics and structural movement, the author concluded that there were at least three tectonic-thermal events and three epochs of thermal-fluid activities; and the three epochs of thermal-fluid activities were directly relative to the first two tectonic-thermal events and were controlled by the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock simultaneously. Based on these, this paper established the corresponding model between the tectonic-thermal events and the thermal-fluid evolution of the Taibei Depression, which becomes the base for the study on the chimney structures. According to the analyses of the gas-isotope, LAM spectrum component of fluid inclusion, geneses of CO_2 components and geneses of hydrocarbon gases, the author preliminarily verified four sources of the thermal fluid in the Taibei Depression: ① dehydration of mud shale compaction, ② expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock; ③ CO_2 gas hydro-thermal decomposition of carbonatite; ④magma-derived thermal fluid including the mantle magma water and volatile components (such as H_2O, CO_2, H_2S, SO_2, N_2 and He etc.). On the basis of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro), homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion, interval transit time of major well-logging, mud density of the wells, measured pressure data and the results of previous studies, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the geothermal fields and geo-pressure fields for the various parts in this area, and discussed the transversal distribution of fluid pressure. The Taibei depression on the whole underwent a temperature-loss process from hot basin to cold basin; and locally high thermal anomalies occurred on the regional background of moderate thermal structure. The seal was primarily formed during the middle and late Paleocene. The overpressured system was formed during the middle and late Eocene. The formation of overpressured system in Lishui Sag underwent such an evolutionary process as "form-weaken-strengthen-weaken". Namely, it was formed during the middle and late Eocene, then was weakened in the Oligocene, even partly broken, then strengthened after the Miocene, and finally weakened. The existence of the thermal fluid rich in volatile gas is a physical foundation for the boiling of the fluid, and sharply pressure depletion was the major cause for the boiling of the fluid, which suggests that there exists the condition for thermal fluid to boil. According to the results of the photoelastic simulation and similarity physical experiments, the geological condition and the formation mechanism of chimnestructures are summarized: well compartment is the prerequisite for chimney formation; the boiling of active thermal fluid is the original physical condition for chimney formation; The local place with low stress by tension fault is easy for chimney formation; The way that thermal fluid migrates is one of the important factors which control the types of chimney structures. Based on where the thermal fluid come from and geometrical characteristics of the chimney structures, this paper classified the genetic types of chimney structures, and concluded that there existed three types and six subtypes chimney structures: organic chimney structures generated by the hydrocarbon-bearing thermal fluid in middle-shallow layers, inorganic and commingling-genetic chimney structures generated by thermal fluid in middle-deep layers. According to the seismic profiles interpretations, well logging response analysis and mineralogical and petrological characteristics in the study area, the author summarized the comprehensive identification marks for chimney structures. Especially the horizon velocity analysis method that is established in this paper and takes advantage of interval velocity anomaly is a semi-quantitative and reliable method of chimney structure s identification. It was pointed out in this paper that the occurrence of the chimney structures in the Taibei depression made the mechanism of accumulation complicated. The author provided proof of episodic accumulation of hydrocarbon in this area: The organic component in the boiling inclusion is the trail of petroleum migration, showing the causality between the boiling of thermal fluid and the chimney structures, meanwhile showing the paroxysmal accumulation is an important petroleum accumulation model. Based on the evolutionary characteristics of various types of chimney structures, this paper discussed their relationships with the migration-accumulation of petroleum respectively. At the same time, the author summarized the accumulating-dynamical models associated with chimney structures. The author analyzed such accumulation mechanisms as the facies state, direction, power of petroleum migration, the conditions of trap, the accumulation, leakage and reservation of petroleum, and the distribution rule of petroleum. The author also provides explanation for such practical problems the existence of a lot of mantle-derived CO_2, and its heterogeneous distribution on plane. By study on and recognition for chimney structure, the existence and distribution of much mantle-derived CO_2 found in this area are explained. Caused by tectonic thermal activities, the deep magma with much CO_2-bearing thermal fluid migrate upward along deep fault and chimney structures, which makes two wells within relatively short distance different gas composition, such as in well LF-1 and well LS36-1-1. Meanwhile, the author predicted the distribution of petroleum accumulation belt in middle-shallow layer for this area, pointed out the three favorable exploration areas in future, and provided the scientific and deciding references for future study on the commingling-genetic accumulation of petroleum in middle-deep layer and the new energy-gas hydrate.


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Jiyang depression is one of the most important petroleum production basins in China. The petroleum pools, found easier, have been densely explored and developed. At present, the subtle traps are becoming the main exploring aims. A lot of Tertiary sand-conglomerate body petroleum pools, as one of the important subtle pools, have been discovered recently. It is necessary and urgent to study deeply the developing characteristics and petroleum pool distribution of Tertiary sand-conglomerate bodies in Jiyang Depression. The present dissertation has concluded the main developing characteristics of the Tertiary sand-conglomerate bodies in Jiyang Depression, and studied the sand-conglomerate bodies in Chengnan Fault Zone in detail. Depending on the synthesized studies of geology, geophysics and logging data, the following conclusions have been arrived at. Four criterion layers in Member 3 of Shahejie Formation, according to the depositional cycle analyses, have been established for the subdivision of different layers of sand-conglomerate bodies and the correlation of different sand-conglomerate bodies. It indicated that the alluvial delta, delta-fan, alluvial fan, shallow water fan , deep water turbidite , fan-front turbidite are the six kinds of sand-conglomerate bodies, which have been distinguished in Jiyang Depression with the study of genetic types, characteristics and distribution of sand-conglomerate bodies. The shallow water fan, steep slope deep water turbidite and fan-front turbidite were the main types of sand-conglomerate bodies developed in Chengnan steep slope. Their identification and distribution have been described in detail. The development and distribution of sand-conglomerate bodies were resulted by fault depressing, palco-climate change and channel or trough on the uplift. The fault depressing is the most important-factor to the episodic developing of sand-conglomerate bodies. An episodic developing genetic mode has been established by the contrast analyses between episodic fault depressing and climate change cycles. The hydrocarbon accumulation in the sand-conglomerate bodies in the steep slope was correlated with fan types, depositional phases, fault depressing and diagenesis. Sand-conglomerate wedge out (include up-oblique and onlap), lithological wedge out, mud screen (for anticline), fault plugging (by mud opposite sand, mud daubing) are the 5 possible mechanisms of oil accumulation. Lithological pool, stratigraphic pool and tectonic pool and lithologic-tectonic complex pool, and 9 subtypes of petroleum pools have been detected. It is easy for different pools to be combined as a complex reservoir, which was distributed along the syn-depositional fault slopes. The sand-conglomerate bodies in deep sag were usually evaluated as pore zone for hydrocarbon accumulation before. In fact, they are potential. Because of fan-front turbidite sands were especially developed in these zones, the sands have a close connection with the oil mud, and lithological pools can be expected to find in these zones. Chengnan fault slope was main channel of oil migration, and mud screen is the principle key for the oil accumulation in the sand-conglomerate bodies. If there was no mud between the sand-conglomerate bodies or on the top of sand-conglomerate bodies, the sand-conglomerate bodies would connect each other and there would be no dense material to hold up the oil migration along the slope. As the sand-conglomerate bodies could not been taken as a screen, the mud screen is the key for developing pool in this slope. According to this principle, about 6 potential traps, such as C915 block, C913 block, C916 block, south of Y109 well block, Y104 block and Y153 block, were selected for exploration and development.


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The conceptualization of “depression” as a heterogenous disease has been widely accepted by most researchers. However, controlled experiments are rather sparse. To date, most studies demonstrated that animals with helplessness, a widely recognized behavioral index of “depression” also show varied comobidity expressions of other emotional behaviors, such as hightened or lightened anxiety level compared with controls. This means that distinct subtypes of “depression” may exist, in which different neural mechanisms may play roles. The present study aims to explore the possibility of behaviorally categorizing two depressive subtypes, referred as anxious helplessness and non-anxious helplessness, respectively. Then, by using RT-PCR, the dopamine D1, D2, D3 receptors mRNA expressions in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accubems (NAc) were quantified. The main findings are described as belows: 1. Uncontrollable shock could readily induce helpless behavior in shocked animals as a whole but with salient individual differences. Prior inescaoable shock induces subsuquent helplessness in approximately 40% shocked animals, while the other animals showed no sign of helpless expression, and were classified as non-helplessness. 2. Among helpless animals, the “subtype” of anxious helpless and non-anxious helpless could be identified according to the anxiety level evaluated by elevated plus maze. 3. D3 receptors mRNA expressions in the mPFC and NAc were increased in stressed animals after uncontrollable shock treatment. At the meanwhile, significant lower expressions of D2 receptors in the mPFC and NAc, and much lower expressions of D1 receptors in the mPFC were found in rats that did not become helpless after stress. In contrast, no significant difference between helpless and control animals was found in D1/D2 receptors mRNA expressions. 4. Based on above mentioned results, the up-regulation of D3 receptors in the mPFC and NAc may reflect a generalized effect of exposure to uncontrollalbe shock. While the down-regulation of D1\D2 receptors in the mPFC and decreased expression of D2 receptors in the NAc may be associated with adaptive or protective mechnisms which protecting animals from helplessness after uncontrollable shock treatment. 5. Futhermore, a significant negative relationship was found between anxiety level and D1 receptors expressions in the mPFC in helpless animals. Compared to the non-anxious helpless and control rats, the D1 receptors mRNA of anxious helpless rats were down-regulation in the mPFC. The present study indicated that the D1 dopamine receptor gene is associated with co-morbid depression and anxiety.