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本文以我国目前主要栽培的甜樱桃早、中、晚熟品种“红灯”、“佐藤锦”、“那翁”、“拉宾斯”和“砂蜜豆”等为试材,系统地研究了甜樱桃果实在不同O2和CO2浓度气调贮藏条件下的生理特性、风味品质和贮藏性,提出了适合于甜樱桃果实生理特性的气调指标和贮藏时间;分析了甜樱桃在不同贮藏条件下果实中乙烯、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) 和丙二醛(MDA)的变化情况,揭示了它们与甜樱桃果实衰老、褐变及耐贮性的关系;分析了甜樱桃果实在不同贮藏条件下乙醇、色泽、硬度、可溶性固形物、酸和维生素C等物质成分的含量变化及与果实风味品质的关系;同时,还分析了不同甜樱桃品种果皮的结构特征及与耐藏性的关系,以及不同成熟度的甜樱桃果实在气调贮藏中的生理反应和品质变化。为形成甜樱桃果实采后商业化贮藏的系列配套技术提供了理论依据。 本文的主要研究内容包括:不同CO2浓度的气调贮藏对甜樱桃果实采后生理及品质的影响;高O2或高CO2浓度处理对甜樱桃果实褐变、衰老及风味品质的影响;动态气调贮藏和非动态气调贮藏对甜樱桃生理特性、风味品质和耐藏性的影响;不同成熟度及不同品种对甜樱桃耐藏性的影响;不同药剂配合包装处理对甜樱桃果实耐藏性及品质的影响。试验结果表明: 1. 甜樱桃果实适合于较高CO2浓度的CA贮藏:与自发性气调贮藏(MAP)相比,气调贮藏(CA)更能明显地延缓果实衰老,减少腐烂和褐变,保持风味品质和延长1.5~2倍的贮藏时间。其中以较高CO2浓度的(5% O2 + 10% CO2)气调贮藏效果最好,早熟品种“红灯”的贮藏期为60天,而中、晚熟品种“最上锦”、“佐藤锦”、“那翁”、“拉宾斯”和“砂蜜豆” 的贮藏期可达80-100天。果实在25℃下的货架存放时间为2-3天,在低温条件下(3-5℃)的货架时间是6天以上。 2. 高O2浓度气调对甜樱桃果实易造成伤害:用高O2浓度(70% O2 + 0% CO2)气调贮藏甜樱桃,在短期内可以抑制果实腐烂、减少果肉中挥发性代谢产物乙醇含量,但果实中的丙二醛含量上升迅速,褐变加剧,造成高氧伤害。 3. 动态气调贮藏更有利于延长甜樱桃果实的贮藏期:与非动态气调贮藏相比,贮藏前期用较高浓度CO2(20%)处理甜樱桃果实可有效控制维生素C含量的降低,丙二醛含量上升的速率较慢,可明显减少贮藏后期果实褐变和腐烂,保持风味品质。 4. 成熟度较高的甜樱桃果实适合于气调贮藏:成熟度较高(深红色时采收)的甜樱桃果实比成熟度低(鲜红色时采收)的果实耐藏性好。 5. 果实的耐藏性与果皮结构有关:耐藏性强的品种表皮细胞较小,排列紧密,细胞壁和外层蜡脂均较厚,果肉内部的维管束螺纹排列致密,果肉的薄壁细胞也排列得比较致密。 6. MAP与生物药剂配合有利于延长甜樱桃的贮藏期:生物1号药剂与加有TBZ的低密度塑料薄膜袋包装配合使用对控制甜樱桃果实腐烂、抑制果肉乙烯和乙醇生成、保持品质特性和延长贮藏时间都很有效。 7. 膜质过氧化是造成甜樱桃果实褐变的主要因素:甜樱桃果实褐变与PPO活性关系不大,但与膜质过氧化作用的产物—丙二醛(MAD)含量变化显著相关。


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本文以我国特有的冬枣果实为试材,系统地研究了冬枣果实在室温、低温和不同O2和CO2浓度气调贮藏条件下的生理特性、风味品质和贮藏性,提出了适合于冬枣果实生理特性的气调指标和贮藏时间;分析了冬枣在不同贮藏条件下果实硬度、颜色、叶绿素和花青素、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、Vc、乙醇和乙酸乙酯等物质成分的含量变化及与果实风味品质的关系;同时也分析了多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和脂氧合酶(LOX)的活性变化情况以及丙二醛(MDA)含量和膜透性的变化情况,揭示了它们与冬枣果实转红、酒化、褐变、软化、衰老、及耐贮性的关系。对冬枣果实在气调贮藏中的生理反应和品质变化的研究,为形成冬枣果实采后商业化贮藏的系列配套技术提供了理论依据。试验结果表明: 1、冬枣果实在不同贮藏环境下品质的变化:随着贮藏时间的延长,冬枣果实Vc含量呈明显下降的趋势,CA处理能有效地抑制果实Vc含量的下降;不同贮藏条件对冬枣果实SSC影响不大;冬枣果实花青素的含量随贮藏时间逐渐下降,高O2浓度(70%)动态气调与其它处理相比,能更有效保持冬枣果实果皮的颜色及花青素和叶绿素的含量,以及果实的亮度、颜色饱和度和色度;同时,还能降低贮藏前期冬枣果实乙醇释放量。 2、冬枣果实在不同贮藏环境下生理的变化:(1) PG 酶是影响冬枣果实软化的主要因素,冬枣果实中存在内切和外切两种PG 酶,在冬枣果实的成熟过程中,Exo-PG和Endo-PG迅速积累,并呈现较高的活性,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶活性与冬枣果实的软化密切相关。CA贮藏与普通冷藏相比,可有效地抑制冬枣果实多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的活性和延缓果实软化,其中以5% O2的CA贮藏的效果最好。(2)膜质过氧化是造成冬枣果实褐变的主要因素,在室温下冬枣果实细胞膜透性随贮藏时间逐渐上升,CA贮藏在贮藏前中期可有效控制MDA含量的上升和果实褐变的发生,有利于降低膜脂过氧化程度,保护细胞膜结构并延缓果实衰老。冬枣果实褐变与PPO活性关系不大,但与膜透性及膜质过氧化作用的产物—丙二醛(MAD)含量变化显著相关。(3)冬枣果实采收时的SOD活性很低,在25 C下,果实SOD活性急剧上升,低温贮藏条件下,果实SOD活性出现两次高峰,第一次高峰为果实后熟的标志,第二次高峰标志着果实的衰老。(4)在不同贮藏条件下,冬枣果实PAL活性均随贮藏期的延长而呈现下降趋势。 3、影响冬枣果实贮藏性的生理因素:冬枣果实的衰老与活性氧代谢失调和防御体系活力下降有关,随着果实衰老的出现,果实的POD、CAT等保护酶活性均呈现明显下降的趋势。气调贮藏在前期能显著提高冬枣果实POD的活性,而在后期又显著抑制了POD活性的上升,说明POD在果实贮藏初期表现为保护效应,而在后期则表现为伤害效应。 4、冬枣果实适宜的贮藏条件:与普通冷藏相比,气调贮藏(CA)能明显地延缓果实衰老,减少腐烂和褐变,保持风味品质和延长贮藏时间。其中以较高O2浓度的(10% O2 + 0% CO2)气调贮藏效果最好。气调贮藏与杀菌剂配合有利于延长冬枣的贮藏期,0.1%的施保克和0.1%戴挫霉处理能有效控制冬枣果实贮藏期间的腐烂,延长贮藏时间,施保克的防腐效果好于戴挫霉。 5、拮抗菌和病原菌处理对冬枣果实抗性相关酶的诱导:接种拮抗菌+病原菌或只接种病原菌能诱导冬枣果实蛋白含量的显著升高,说明拮抗菌和病原菌处理诱导了果实病原相关蛋白的积累。在常温条件下,拮抗菌和病原菌处理抑制了冬枣果实的CAT酶活性,诱导了SOD和POD活性的上升。同时果实的蛋白含量也显著升高。在低温条件下,CAT和SOD活性受抑制,POD、PPO和 PAL活性被诱导并显著高于正常果实。这说明拮抗菌处理的冬枣果实可能通过加强氧化酶活性的方式来达到抗病的效果。拮抗菌和病原菌处理后,该部分组织的氧化酶活性加强,它们可以分解毒素,促进伤口愈合,抑制病原菌水解酶活性,从而抵抗病害的扩展。PAL是催化莽草酸途径的关键酶,可合成酚、植保素和木质素,而这些物质均与植物抗性有关。


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角质层是果实抵御外界环境胁迫的一个屏障,既能调节果实自身的生理活动,也能增加对病原菌入侵的抵抗力,在果实贮藏保鲜中具有重要的作用。本文利用傅里叶变换红外光谱检测(Fourier-transform-infrared-spectroscopy)法,重点研究了不同贮藏条件下果实角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化,及对果实品质和贮藏性的影响,为进一步阐明角质层在果实贮藏保鲜中的作用提供依据。研究内容包括:(1)壶瓶枣果实在冷藏和气调下软化率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(2)即时冷藏和延迟冷藏下,桃果实好果率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(3)采前喷施氯化钙或油菜素内酯对甜樱桃单果重、品质、果肉细胞壁结构以及耐贮性的影响。 试验结果表明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)能够显著降低壶瓶枣软化率,更好地保持果实的硬度、可溶性固形物(SSC)和可滴定酸(TA)含量以及较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和较低含量的角质层物质。(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏使“八月脆”桃果实能保持较高的果实硬度和好果率,显著减慢TA含量下降,能保持较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和角质层物质,但对SSC和Vc含量没有显著的影响。(3)与对照相比,采前喷施CaCl2(1%,m/v)能够增加“红灯”(6.94%)的单果重,对甜樱桃果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)和细胞壁结构没有明显的影响。(4)与对照相比,采前喷施0.15 mg•L-1油菜素内酯能增加“红灯”(3.68%)和“大紫”(8.61%)的单果重,降低“红灯”果实的自然腐烂率,并不影响果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)。 这些研究结果说明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)更利于壶瓶枣果实贮藏保鲜;(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏(0 ºC)更利于“八月脆”桃果实贮藏保鲜;(3)气调贮藏和即时冷藏通过调节果实角质层和细胞壁代谢等途径发挥作用。气调贮藏会降低壶瓶枣果实角质层物质含量,增强其透气性,减少壶瓶枣酒软发生;但即时冷藏会延缓“八月脆”桃果实角质层降解,维持角质层物质较高的含量以及结构完整性,以充分发挥角质层的保护作用,减缓果实的软化进程,维持果实硬度和品质;(4)采前适当浓度的钙或油菜素内酯处理对增加甜樱桃单果重,降低自然腐烂率有一定的作用,但在不同品种中的作用效果有差异。


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The Stack Spontaneous Potential (SSP) is a direct hydrocarbon location technology and a new hydrocarbon detection method with independent intellectual property. A subsurface hydrocarbon accumulation associated with the upward hydrocarbon micro seepage induces a relatively strong negative potential abnormal zone, of which the anomaly can be measured on the surface with specially designed instruments through careful field measuring procedures. With special software programmed according to a unique geochemical and geophysical model, the original data are analyzed, processed and interpreted on the computer, and then on a series of resulting anomaly distribution maps and/or profiles, the favorable surface locations of the hydrocarbon accumulations can be easily identified. The study of the SSP has been started since 1989, and especially from 1996 to 1997, both profile and area tests were conducted in the Daqing Oilfield. On the testing line of 15kms, there are 6 wells in total, among which some are oil-producing wells, and some are water-producing wells. The final matching ratio of the favorable oil well locations and the possible water well locations predicted by the SSP to those of known wells was up to 83 percent. In the area test, of which the acreage is 800 km2, the matching ratio compared with the existing wells was 87 percent; furthermore, regarding to wells subsequently drilled after the test, the matching ratio was 85 percent. The matching ratio in the development area is more about 10 percent than those of in exploration area. The reason is that, comparing the exploration area, the development area acreage is less and the container rocks are more simplex. In development area there is not so much interference of SSP also. Since 1997 the SSP has been tested and applied all over China to a number of hydrocarbon bearing basins and known oil fields, including the Daqing, Jiangsu, Changqing, Shengli, Nanyang, Jianghan and Zhongyuan Oilfields, only to name a few. The SSP surveys in total areas of over 10,000km2 in more than 30 regions in China so far have been completed in various exploration and development stages, the satisfactory outcomes of which have further evidenced that the dependence between the SP anomaly and abundance of hydrocarbon. Up to date, a substantial amount of successful tests and actual surveys finished in exploration and development practices have evidenced that the SSP is significantly more reliable in comparison with any other similar direct hydrocarbon indication technique generally known to the oil industry, such as the Redox. The SSP can be applied to search for almost all kinds of hydrocarbon accumulations, regardless of the type of traps, such as structural, stratigraphic, buried hill traps, and so on; however, it is interesting to be noted that the SSP seems to be particularly effective in detecting the stratigraphic oil traps according to our practices. On the other hand, there is virtually no surface geographical constrains in terms of field data acquisition, except for those water covered areas, because of the inherent characteristics of the technology itself. Furthermore, utilizing the SSP requires no special considerations to subsurface geological conditions in regard to formation resistivity, since the SSP measurements will not be influenced by either overly high or overly low resistivity of formations lying above the hydrocarbon accumulations. There are two kind of theory, of which, as we know one is called hypbyssal theory such as "Redox"[61 the other is call plutonic theory such as cracking of hydrocarbon [8][9] and natural polarization [3], to describe the mechanism of SP anomaly of oil reservoir and to indicate that the dependence between the SP abnormality and abundance of hydrocarbon has be existed theoretically/The quantitative dependence, which has not been founded due to the complicity of container rocks, be discovered during the exploration and development practices is the crux to the quantitative analysis of SP Anomaly processing. Based on the thorough study of the complex of collector rocks, every kind of thickness of collector rock can be conversed to be a standard effective thickness; the thickness is called apparent effective thickness (AET). The conversation coefficient (ai, 1=1,2,3) could be determined by the variety of every collector rock storability (CRS). The discoveration of quantitative: dependence between AET and the amplitude of SSP, in the practices of exploration and development, is a promotion for the SSP supplied in the oil exploration, and make the data analysis forward to the quantitative stage.