21 resultados para Sexual fin-hooks

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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An experimental study was conducted on shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions caused by a blunt swept fin-plate configuration at Mach numbers of 5.0, 7.8, 9.9 for a Reynolds number range of (1.0.similar to 4.7) x 10(7)/m. Detailed heat transfer and pressure distributions were measured at fin deflection angles of up to 30 degrees for a sweepback angle of 67.6 degrees. Surface oil flow patterns and liquid crystal thermograms as well as schlieren pictures of fin shock shape were taken. The study shows that the flow was separated at deflection of 10 degrees and secondary separation were detected at deflection of theta greater than or equal to 20 degrees. The heat transfer and pressure distributions on flat plate showed an extensive plateau region followed by a distinct dip and local peak close to the fin foot. Measurements of the plateau pressure and heat transfer were in good agreement with existing prediction methods, but pressure and heating peak measurements at M greater than or equal to 6 were significantly lower than predicted by the simple prediction techniques at lower Mach numbers.


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An experimental study of the interaction between shock wave and turbulent boundary layer induced by blunt fin has been carried out at M-infinity = 7.8 using oil flow visualization and simultaneous measurements of fluctuating wall pressure and heat transfer. This paper presents the effects of Mach number on turbulent separation behaviours induced by blunt fin.


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Traumatic events always lead to aversive emotional memory, i.e., fear memory. In contrast, positive events in daily life such as sex experiences seem to reduce aversive memory after aversive events. Thus, we hypothesized that post-traumatic pleasurable ex


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Schistura cryptofasciata is distinguished from its congeners by following combination characters: lateral line complete; 8(1)/(2) branched dorsal-fin rays; 9+8 branched caudal-fin rays; no sexual dimorphism; 8-11 indistinct bars, wider than interspaces; caudal-peduncle length 44.1-16.5% standard length, 68.1-90.4% dorsal head length; anterior portion of body scaleless; air bladder entirely embedded in bony capsule; lateral head length 104-122% dorsal head length; lower jaw with a notch at symphysis; lower lip completely interrupted; interorbital width 1.9-2.2 times eye diameter; pelvic-fin origin ventral to dorsal-fin origin; anus 1.0-1.5 eye diameters in front of anal-fin origin; the widest part of black basal caudal bar is the midlateral, and then the upper and lower ends.


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In July 2001, 15 grotesque cyprinid specimens were collected in the Lancangjiang River (of the upper reaches of the Mekong River) in Menglun Town, Xishuanbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province, PR China. These specimens are characterized by surprising characte


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Data on sexual behavior were collected in six groups of semi-commensal Macaca thibetana along the trail on the slope habitat between 1987 and 1989. Ignoring the common items such as mounting, presenting etc., 20 categories of sexual behavior were described. Most of the descriptions were likely to have enlarged the behavior repertoire reported in macaques, showing a great complexity of sociosexual interactions under the principally natural condition. A great diversity of grouping appeared in the mating season. The copulatory pattern was found to be the serial type contrary to previous speculation, and the mount-to-ejaculation ratio was higher in the central subgroup, as compared with the far-peripheral adult subgroup (FAS) with less male and female rivals. An age-class subdivision of sexually active males made it possible to show that the young adult male immigrants were the most active class in sexual activity. Subgrouping form FAS was a ''space-segregation'' tactic of mating for the losers of both sexes in the competition. Some parameters of copulation were also documented.


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Sexual dimorphism in the dentition and skeleton of the four extant species of snub-nosed langurs, Rhinopithecus (R.) bieti, R. (R.) brelichi, R. (R.) roxellana and R. (Presbytiscus) avunculus, was studied. The species shared a similar general pattern of sexual dimorphism, but were found to differ in respects that appear to reflect the influence of disparate socioecological and environmental factors. All the species showed marked canine dimorphism, but the very high degree of canine dimorphism in R. bieti appeared to be due to the intensity of intermale competition for mates during a temporally restricted breeding season, and possibly also to the intensity of competition between males for other resources during other times of the year. Sexual dimorphism in the postcranial skeleton of Rhinopithecus species was also most pronounced in R. bieti and may be related to the relatively higher frequency of terrestrial locomotion in males of the species. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The effect of distance between members of pairs of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) during vigilance behavior was studied during winter at Lijiang Lashihai Lake Reserve, southwest China. The distance between the paired birds while feeding was grouped into three categories: <1 m, 1-3 to and >3 m. Nearly 90% of the distances recorded between paired males and females were within three meters. The degree of vigilance increased with distance apart for females, but not for males. The scanning rate of males was significantly, higher than that of females at <1 m and at 1-3 m respectively, but no significant difference occurred when the distance between them was >3 m. These results are discussed in relation to mate competition and wintering strategy; it is suggested that staving close together is the optimal strategy for members of Ruddy Shelduck pairs.


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Data regarding the sexual behavior of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were collected in 1998 in a one-male unit in captivity by all-occurrences sampling during the mating season. Before the present study, little was known about the sexual behavior of this species. This study showed that female solicitation is mainly expressed as "prostration plus glancing laterally" (PG) or "sitting plus head moving up and down" (HM), and male solicitation is exhibited by the "grunt bared-teeth display." The mount-to-ejaculation ratio was 5.2 on average, and single-mount ejaculations (SMEs) were observed in only 4.4% of mounts on days with at least one ejaculation. Therefore, the main copulatory pattern of this species is multiple-mount ejaculation (MME). Females initiated 72% of 18 ejaculatory mounts. Females initiated more ejaculatory mounts than non-ejaculatory ones. In general, the patterns of sexual behavior in this species are similar to those reported for other Colobines. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis, a cartilaginous ganoid, is a 'living fossil' on a deeply isolated evolutionary branch. A cell line was established from Chinese sturgeon tail-fin tissue (CSTF) . These epithelial CSTF cells grew well in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium at 25 degrees C. Karyotypic analysis revealed a normal diploid karyotype with 2n = 264 and large numbers of punctate chromosomes. A strain of frog iridoviruses [Rana grylio virus (RGV)] was used to test the susceptibility of this cell line to infection. Infection was confirmed by cytopathic effect, immunofluorescence and electron-microscope observations, which detected the viral antigens or particles in the cytoplasm of RGV-infected cells. Molecular analysis further suggested that c. 550 bp DNA fragment could be cloned from the RGV-infected CSTF cells' DNA with major capsid protein gene polymerase chain reaction primers. Furthermore, after transfection with pEGFP vector DNA, the CSTF cell line produced significant fluorescent signals indicating its utility in exogenous studies.