181 resultados para Semiarid grassland ecosystem

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大气CO2 浓度和降水量增加有可能大幅提高中国北方部分草地生态系统净初级生产力,进而导致向土壤中输送的有机物相应增加。本研究以位于内蒙古自治区东乌珠穆沁旗内的半干旱草地生态系统为研究对象,通过向10−20 cm 土层添加不同质量和数量的植物凋枯物碎屑模拟有机物输入增加和喷灌模拟降水量提升,同时测定土壤微生物群落动态和植物生长指标,探讨在增加有机物输入和土壤水分的情况下土壤生物过程的变化及其对土壤碳排放和贮存的反馈作用。 研究结果表明,有机物添加可促进植物地上部分及根系的生长,并显著提高土壤中可溶性有机碳(能量)和氮(养分)的含量。土壤能量和养分水平的提高促进了土壤微生物的生长:在底物可利用性水平较高时,r−对策微生物(指具有生长迅速、C/N 值较低的微生物群组)在群落中占优势地位;随着底物水平的降低,土壤中K-对策微生物(指具有生长缓慢、C/N 值较高的微生物群组)在群落中逐渐占据优势地位。土壤微生物群落组成的改变进一步导致了微生物功能群代谢活性和特征的变化,具体表现为提高了有机物添加处理中土壤细菌群落的代谢潜能,并使细菌在群落水平上的生理剖面特征明显区别于未添加有机物的处理。 研究样地内土壤微生物主要受到底物中的能量(碳)限制,土壤活性有机质库作为可利用性较高的能量和养分的重要来源,对土壤微生物活性和土壤碳周转起着比水分因子更加重要的作用。土壤水分主要影响植物生长和根系活性,并增加了土壤微生物对底物响应的复杂性,但它对地下生物过程的作用程度以底物中能量和养分水平为前提。 利用稳定性13C 同位素示踪技术测量后发现,添加C4-植物凋枯物会加速C3 底物中碳的分解速度。结合有机物添加后土壤有机质库的变化,可以推测植物凋枯物(即能量物质)输入增加会导致土壤原生有机碳的正向激发效应。在此过程中,土壤微生物群落组成及功能群代谢活性的变化起着至关重要的作用。 不同光合途径(C3 和C4)的植物和同一植物不同器官组织(地上部分和根系)的凋枯物添加对地下生物过程,特别是土壤微生物群落代谢功能的影响是不同的。在添加C3-草本凋枯物的处理中,土壤细菌群落主要利用的碳源为氨基酸类化合物;而在添加C4-植物凋枯物的处理中,土壤细菌群落主要利用的碳源为羧酸类化合物。 本研究在野外自然条件下证明了在能量缺乏的中国北方草地生态系统中,土壤有机物输入增加不但不会提高土壤有机碳库的大小,而且可能导致土壤原生有机碳的激发效应。在利用土壤呼吸与环境因子(如温度)的关系进行模拟预测土壤碳排放时,需要考虑不同生态系统底物中的能量和养分水平,以及土壤微生物和植物根系等地下生物过程对底物水平的适应性。


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Through 2-3-year (2003-2005) continuous eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes, we examined the seasonal, inter-annual, and inter-ecosystem variations in the ecosystem-level water use efficiency (WUE, defined as the ratio of gross primary production, GPP, to evapotranspiration, ET) at four Chinese grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and North China. Representing the most prevalent grassland types in China, the four ecosystems are an alpine swamp meadow ecosystem, an alpine shrub-meadow ecosystem, an alpine meadow-steppe ecosystem, and a temperate steppe ecosystem, which illustrate a water availability gradient and thus provide us an opportunity to quantify environmental and biological controls on ecosystem WUE at different spatiotemporal scales. Seasonally, WUE tracked closely with GPP at the four ecosystems, being low at the beginning and the end of the growing seasons and high during the active periods of plant growth. Such consistent correspondence between WUE and GPP suggested that photosynthetic processes were the dominant regulator of the seasonal variations in WUE. Further investigation indicated that the regulations were mainly due to the effect of leaf area index (LAI) on carbon assimilation and on the ratio of transpiration to ET (T/ET). Besides, except for the swamp meadow, LAI also controlled the year-to-year and site-to-site variations in WUE in the same way, resulting in the years or sites with high productivity being accompanied by high WUE. The general good correlation between LAI and ecosystem WUE indicates that it may be possible to predict grassland ecosystem WUE simply with LAI. Our results also imply that climate change-induced shifts in vegetation structure, and consequently LAI may have a significant impact on the relationship between ecosystem carbon and water cycles in grasslands.


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Reducing uncertainties in the estimation of land surface evapotranspiration (ET) from remote-sensing data is essential to better understand earth-atmosphere interactions. This paper demonstrates the applicability of temperature-vegetation index triangle (T-s-VI) method in estimating regional ET and evaporative fraction (EF, defined as the ratio of latent heat flux to surface available energy) from MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua products in a semiarid region. We have compared the satellite-based estimates of ET and EF with eddy covariance measurements made over 4 years at two semiarid grassland sites: Audubon Ranch (AR) and Kendall Grassland (KG). The lack of closure in the eddy covariance measured surface energy components is shown to be more serious at MODIS/Aqua overpass time than that at MODIS/Terra overpass time for both AR and KG sites. The T-s-VI-derived EF could reproduce in situ EF reasonably well with BIAS and root-mean-square difference (RMSD) of less than 0.07 and 0.13, respectively. Surface net radiation has been shown to be systematically overestimated by as large as about 60 W/m(2). Satisfactory validation results of the T-s-VI-derived sensible and latent heat fluxes have been obtained with RMSD within 54 W/m(2). The simplicity and yet easy use of the T-s-VI triangle method show a great potential in estimating regional ET with highly acceptable accuracy that is of critical significance in better understanding water and energy budgets on the Earth. Nevertheless, more validation work should be carried out over various climatic regions and under other different land use/land cover conditions in the future.


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Thus far, grassland ecosystem research has mainly been focused on low-lying grassland areas, whereas research on high-altitude grassland areas, especially on the carbon budget of remote areas like the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is insufficient. To address this issue, flux of CO2 were measured over an alpine shrubland ecosystem (37 degrees 36'N, 101 degrees 18'E; 325 above sea level [a. s. l.]) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, for 2 years (2003 and 2004) with the eddy covariance method. The vegetation is dominated by formation Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. To interpret the biotic and abiotic factors that modulate CO2 flux over the course of a year we decomposed net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its constituent components, and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Results showed that seasonal trends of annual total biomass and NEE followed closely the change in leaf area index. Integrated NEE were -58.5 and -75.5 g C m(-2), respectively, for the 2003 and 2004 years. Carbon uptake was mainly attributed from June, July, August, and September of the growing season. In July, NEE reached seasonal peaks of similar magnitude (4-5 g C m(-2) day(-1)) each of the 2 years. Also, the integrated night-time NEE reached comparable peak values (1.5-2 g C m(-2) day(-1)) in the 2 years of study. Despite the large difference in time between carbon uptake and release (carbon uptake time < release time), the alpine shrubland was carbon sink. This is probably because the ecosystem respiration at our site was confined significantly by low temperature and small biomass and large day/night temperature difference and usually soil moisture was not limiting factor for carbon uptake. In general, R-eco was an exponential function of soil temperature, but with season-dependent values of Q(10). The temperature-dependent respiration model failed immediately after rain events, when large pulses of R-eco were observed. Thus, for this alpine shrubland in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, the timing of rain events had more impact than the total amount of precipitation on ecosystem R-eco and NEE.


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羊草草原、大针茅草原和草甸草原是内蒙古温带典型草原地区的三种主要植被类型,本文以此为研究对象,应用时空替代、温室、网室、自然降水接移、养分添加等多种方法模拟未来可能发生的气候变化,研究了这些变化对上述草原植物群落和生态系统过程的直接和间接影响。主要研究结果如下: 1. 气候变暖及其诱导的土壤养分释放速率增加对植物群落有明显的影响,表现在种种植物群落在高度、盖度、密度和生物量等都有不同程度的变化。说明我国温带草原生态系统对气候变化反应敏感。 2. 在群落说平上,气候变暖直接或间接使地上生物量提高17%~90%,但在种群水平,不同种群对模拟气候变化的响应具有很强的个性,而不具普遍性,不同种群反应的大小、方向不同。因此由在不同群落进行研究得出的推论只有部分是可能的,并且即使观测到相类似的反应,它们内在的机制也很可能是不同的。 3. 气候变化显著地影响着凋落物的分解特征。但不同的气候变化情景下,凋落物分解过程的响应不同。在温度升高降水变化不大或升高的情景下,凋落物的分解速率将加快;在气温上升,降水明显下降的情景下,凋落物的分解速率将降低。 4. 草甸草原土壤碳素释放过程和氮素矿化过程对气候变暖有明显的响应。气候变暖将促进土壤有机碳的释放,使草甸草原土壤成为碳源,同时加速氮素矿化速率,在一定程度上提高土壤有效养分的浓度。 5. 在中小尺度上,海拔样带所是应用时空替代原理,研究陆地生态系统与气候变化的理想平台,生物量是综合反应气候变化对土壤-植物系统影响的敏感指标。 6. 草原土壤有机碳和氮在2m~3m的小尺度上存在空间自相关性,其空间自相关尺度受人类活动的影响。


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植物源挥发性有机碳化合物(Volitale organic compounds, VOC)是大气VOC的主要来源,与对流层大气质量、大气化学密切相关。鉴于温带草地的分布范围很广,草地植物VOC释放潜力某种程度上影响植物源VOC的总释放量。另外,植物源VOC也是光合作用固定碳素的损失方式之一,可能在特定区域或生态系统中具有重要意义。基于上述想法,本文设计了四个方面的实验作为研究内容:1) 温带草地物种水平VOC释放潜力、及其与植物功能群的关系?2) 沙地植物物种水平VOC释放潜力、及其与植物功能群的关系?3) 沙地植物-草地植物VOC释放潜力存在显著性差异吗?4) 温带典型草地和退化草地的VOC释放速率如何?在生态系统水平,植物源VOC对温带草地碳循环的贡献多大? 在所测定的175种温带草地植物中,不同植物间异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力差异很大;除少数物种外,大多数植物的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力都较低,尤其是典型草地的优势物种。在此基础上,作者探讨了分类学赋值方法对温带草地植被的可行性,并初步建立了锡林河流域温带草地植物的VOC释放目录(共277种植物)。另外,温带草地植物的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力与植物功能群(植物生活型和水分功能群)具有一定的联系,尤其是植物生活型。总的来说,温带草原的优势生活型(物种),即多年生根茎禾草(或多年生丛生禾草),具有较低的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力。各水分功能群间差异不显著,但中旱生植物、旱中生植物 (温带草原的优势功能群),具有较低的异戊二烯、单萜释放潜力。因此,温带草原退化过程中,那些具有较高VOC释放潜力的植物,重要性将会增加。 沙地植物种类组成非常丰富,不同物种间的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力变异也很大。另外,沙地植物的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力与其功能群间关系较密切,不同植物生活型间差异显著;其中也以多年生根茎禾草、多年生从生禾草的释放潜力最低,而乔木的释放潜力相对最高;该结论基本与草地的研究结论一致。然而,沙地植物的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力与其水分功能群的关系比较模糊,中生植物具有更高的释放潜力,湿生植物的释放潜力较小。 通过对比沙地植物和草地植物的释放潜力,发现沙地植物的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力比草地植物高,且这种差异整体上显著。另外,这种显著性差异,在不同植物生活型、水分功能群间也同样存在。沙地植物比对应的草地植物具有更高的异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力,最可能的原因:沙地正午的温度明显比草地温度高,前者实测温度可超过 45 ℃,这种经常性、周期性高温,促使沙地植物采用与草地植物不同的适应策略,即沙地植物通过释放更多的异戊二烯或单萜来减少其可能遭的热胁迫或热伤害,这种长期适应策略,使沙地植物具有更高的萜类化合物释放潜力。 本文还调查了温带典型草地生态系统和退化草地生态系统的异戊二烯和单萜释放速率,结果表明典型草地的标准异戊二烯和单萜释放速率分别为0.50 μgC g-1 h-1和0.69 μgC g-1 h-1;退化草地的标准异戊二烯和单萜释放潜力分别为0.32 μgC g-1 h-1和1.59 μgC g-1 h-1。总的来说,温带草地的异戊二烯和单萜释放速率都比较低,尤其是典型草地。整个生长季,典型草地释放的异戊二烯和单萜分别为31.6 mgC•m-2 和 70.4 mgC•m-2;退化草地的异戊二烯和单萜释放量分别为20.8 mgC•m-2 和 168.8 mgC•m-2。退化草地萜类化合物总释放速率远高于典型草地,尤其是单萜释放能力。过度放牧引起的草地退化,通过改变植被种类组成,对温带草地的异戊二烯和单萜释放速率产生显著影响;总体而言,温带草地退化将会使草地释放更多萜类化合物。 在温带草地生态系统中,Clost as VOC相对其NPP而言很小,在环境PAR和温度高时,它的贡献率相对较大;Clost as VOC约占典型草地生态系统NEP的5.32 %,退化草地生态系统NEP的0.23 %。植物源VOC释放所损失的碳素相对草地生态系统NPP而言几乎可以忽略不计;但是,相对其NEP,Clost as VOC还是具有一定的相关性。虽然,草地生态系统Clost as VOC对NPP或NEP的贡献率较小,但考虑到全球尺度植物源VOC的巨大释放速率,它在碳循环中的贡献率仍然不容忽视;在某些特殊的生态系统中,仍可能扮演重要角色。