34 resultados para Seedling bank.

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物种共存是植物群落生态学的一个重要问题。对物种共存的研究可以促进人们对生态系统结构与功能的认识,并为生物多样性保护及恢复提供理论指导。在本论文中,通过对辽东栎-棘皮桦林主要树种空间格局及空间关系、竞争作用和繁殖策略的研究,初步确定本地区辽东栎林主要树种共存的机制。 空间点格局分析表明辽东栎、棘皮桦和五角枫的幼苗、幼树和大树均呈聚集分布。辽东栎幼苗和幼树的分布与同种大树个体正相关,与棘皮桦的大树个体负相关,而与死树个体无显著的相关关系。这些结果说明种子散播和萌生繁殖过程影响辽东栎树木个体的空间格局。棘皮桦幼苗和幼树的分布在小的空间尺度上与同种活树和死树个体正相关,而与其它树种的活树及死树个体的分布呈负相关,说明萌生是该物种繁殖的一个重要途径。五角枫的幼苗和幼树呈聚集分布,并与同种大树个体的分布有关,说明其种子有限的散播范围影响其分布。辽东栎大树个体的分布与棘皮桦大树个体在小尺度上呈负相关,表明这两个树种之间可能存在竞争关系。 离散模型(the diffusion model)和生长动态模型(the growth dynamics model)分析表明在一些树种之间存在单向的种间竞争,例如,黄花柳对白桦和棘皮桦的竞争作用,棘皮桦对辽东栎,辽东栎对五角枫,和五角枫对山杨的竞争作用。这些单向竞争主要是林冠层的大树个体对林下层小个体的竞争。在这些树种中没有发现种内竞争。但是,各树种的生长率(G (t, x))与生长率方差( )呈直线相关,而且样地中树木的死亡率较低,说明树种间的竞争强度很小。因此我们推测非对称的种间竞争在塑造该森林群落结构和物种共存过程中的作用不大。 五角枫、辽东栎、糠椴和山杨的幼苗和幼树在森林的林下层占优势,密度和出现频率均较高,可以形成稳定的幼苗库。五角枫、辽东栎和糠椴的幼苗大小级结构呈倒J形,山杨幼苗的大小结构呈单峰形。棘皮桦幼苗很少,但幼树相对较多,说明该树种可以形成幼树库。辽东栎幼苗在林窗中密度较大,而幼树的密度与林窗的出现与否无明显的相关关系,说明林窗的形成对新更新苗有显著影响,而林窗内的幼树可能是由林窗形成前已经建立的幼苗发展而来。林冠下的辽东栎幼苗多数为萌生起源,寿命较长,一旦上层大树死亡,可以迅速生长,进入林冠层。因此,林冠层下的幼苗库和林窗更新对辽东栎种群动态至关重要。五角枫幼苗和幼树的耐荫性或避荫性较强,可以形成巨大的长期存在的幼苗库和幼树库,以维持其种群的更新。糠椴和山杨的幼苗,主要起源于根的萌蘖。由于母树提供营养,幼苗生长速度较其它三个树种快。但它们对土壤湿度和营养的要求较高,这限制了它们很难占据其它生境。 虽然,在所研究的处于不同演替阶段的群落中,树种的组成有所不同,但辽东栎、大叶白腊和五角枫的幼苗均非常丰富,可以形成幼苗库。辽东栎的幼苗库大部分为萌生苗,而大叶白腊的幼苗库主要由实生苗构成。大叶白腊的幼苗种群中小个体丰富,它们生长速度很慢,在林下采取一种“坐-等”(sit-and-wait)的策略。在三个树种中,五角枫幼苗主枝的伸长生长率最高,而且生长率与幼苗的基径和生境的光照强度正相关。 通过以上研究,我们初步得出结论:竞争作用在研究的辽东栎-棘皮桦林主要树种共存中起的作用很小;形成稳定长久的幼苗库是这些树种的主要繁殖策略。因此,理解这些树种共存机制的关键在于这些树种幼苗库或幼树库的不同起源,及幼苗和幼树对生境因子的不同生态响应所创造的丰富的更新生态位。


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岷江上游地区高山/亚高山植被分布的坡向性分异显著,阴阳坡高山林线不仅物种组成差异明显,并且分布海拔呈现出阴坡高阳坡低的格局.阳坡林线树种主要是圆柏属乔木,林线类型多为渐变型,海拔高度大约在3 400m~3 800m;阴坡林线树种主要是冷杉,林线类型多为骤变型,海拔高度约在3 800m~4 400m.本研究采用土壤种子库物理筛选、室内萌发实验及野外群落调查等方法,对岷江上游地区阴坡岷江冷杉和阳坡祁连圆柏两类林线树种不同海拔梯度上土壤种子库以及幼苗库特征进行了调查,从土壤种子库和幼苗更新特征的角度对林线乔木树种种群更新特征进行了分析,进而对该地区高山林线在阴阳坡分布差异的原因进行了探讨,结果显示: 1.土壤种子库 阴坡:阴坡高山林线附近岷江冷杉土壤种子的平均密度大约为50.96粒/m2,其中树线以上10m处土壤种子密度为1.00粒/m2,树线处大约19.33粒/m2,林线交错带内土壤种子密度最高为136.83粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有30.50粒/m2,种子平均空壳率为52%,霉变率达34%,完好种子只有6%.土壤种子库垂直分布特征为地被物层含种子比重最大,大约在67.50%左右;其次为0~2cm层,约18.84%左右;2~5cm层所占种子比例最小,约13.66%左右.霉变种子数量与土壤深度呈负相关. 阳坡:阳坡祁连圆柏土壤种子的平均密度为60.16粒/m2.树线以上10m处密度为1.92粒/m2,树线位置大约108.16粒/m2,林线交错带内平均为75.80粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有20.00粒/m2.种子平均空壳率为36%,完好种子占49%,霉变率较低,大约为10%.阴阳坡林线树种土壤种子库垂直分布特征为:地被物层含种子最多,其次为0~4cm层,4~10cm层所占种子比例最小,霉变种子数量与土壤深度也呈负相关. 2. 幼苗库调查 阳坡:在树线以上区域没有发现幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达3 250株/hm2,郁闭林内仅2 750株/ hm2.整个样地内1~2a幼苗很少甚至没有出现,3~10a的幼苗相对较多.空间分布上,祁连圆柏幼苗在林线交错带内接近随机分布,郁闭林内则介于随机分布和均匀分布之间. 阴坡:在树线以上幼苗密度为1 250株/ hm2,全部为1~2a幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达7 000株/ hm2,郁闭林内达6 250株/ hm2.林线附近岷江冷杉幼苗丰富度以及幼苗的出现频率明显高于祁连圆柏,年龄结构也较祁连圆柏完整.岷江冷杉幼苗空间分布除了树线处幼苗的分布为随机分布,其他海拔则为集群分布. 3.从不同土壤深度的种子总量和幼苗数量的相关性检验发现,当年生幼苗数量跟表层种子总量相关性极显著, 但是两年生幼苗的数量与底层种子数量相关性显著.土壤种子在土壤中的垂直分布格局从一定程度上可以反映种子库的年际特征.岷江冷杉土壤种子库较丰富,种子散布后的存活力随着时间的变化逐渐下降,属于季节性瞬时种子库;祁连圆柏土壤种子散布格局为集群型分布,成熟种子大部分散布在母株冠幅内,属于永久性土壤种子库. 4.在阴坡林线交错带及以上区域还存在较为丰富的乔木土壤种子,并且在树线以上区域还发现了少量的岷江冷杉幼苗.从样地乔木的年龄结构发现,在林线交错带内上部到树线位置主要以幼龄林为主,且年龄结构完整,基本符合入侵性林线特征;阳坡林线交错带内幼苗出现频率很低,树线以上区域虽然存在种子库,但是没有幼苗出现,在林线交错带内乔木径级差距很大,年龄结构异常不完整,这种特征的林线将会面临两个可能结果:一种是维持现有状态,保持平衡;另外一种就是退化,但阳坡林线的实际动态趋势还有待长期定点研究. Treelines on the upper region of Minjiang River differ between the north aspect and the south aspect in their appearances, altitudes and tree species. On the north aspect, trees of Abies form a sharp and abrupt treeline ranging from 3800m to 4400m, while on the south the treeline is generally lower(3 400~3 800m), more open and gradual and mostly composed of Sabina. In this study, we examined the altitudinal gradients of soil seed banks and seedling recruitments at the treeline ecotones of a N-aspect and a S-aspect by using soil sieving, germination experiment and field investigations, analyzed the characteristics of population regeneration of tree species at the transitional zone and presented a analysis of the causes to the aspect-related difference in treeline patterns in the study area. Major results of our study include: 1. Soil seed bank N-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 50.96/m2, in which well-formed seeds account for 6%, empty seeds 52%, parasitized seeds34%, and seeds damaged by animals 8%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, being 1.00 seeds /m2 at the 10m above the treeline and ca.19.33 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline. The highest density (136.83 seeds/m2) occurs at the treeline ecotone. By contrast, the density of soil seed for the closed forest is only 30.50 seeds/m2. In terms of vertical strata, 67.50% of the total seeds are at the surface layer, 18.84% at the middle layer (0~2cm) and 13.66% at deeper layer (2~5cm). The number of parasitized seeds is negatively correlated to soil depth. S-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 60.16 seeds/m2, and the well-formed seeds account for 49%, empty seeds 36%, parasitized seeds10%, and seeds damaged by animals 1%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, with 1.92 seeds/m2 recorded at the10m above the treeline,108.16 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline, and 75.80 seeds/m2 at the treeline ecotone, while that for the closed forest is 20.00 seeds/m2. The number of seeds decreases with the depth of soil. As is on the N-aspect, the size of soil bank, from large to small, follows the order of the surface layer, the middle layer (0~4cm) and the bottom layer (4~10cm). The number of parasitized seeds is also negatively correlated to the depth of the soil. 2. Seedling bank N-aspect: A mean maximum seedling abundance of 31 000 seedlings/hm2 was recorded near alpine treeline at growing season. The density of seedlings is 1 250 seedlings/ha (all being 1 or 2 years old) at the alpine meadow 10m away above treeline, 7 000 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 6 250 seedlings/ha for closed forest.The spatial distribution of Abies faxoniana seedlings is random at the upper limit of the treeline but clumped at other altitudes. S-aspect: No seedlings were found at the alpine meadow 10m away from the treeline. The density of seedlings was 3 250 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 2 750 seedlings/ha for the closed forest.Hardly any 1 year current and 2 year-old seedlings appeared at the plots. The spatial distribution of Sabina przewalskii seedlings is random at treeline ecotone and between “random” and “even” forest closed forest. 3.Correlation tests of seedling population and seed bank at different soil layers indicated that the emergents were strongly correlated to seed bank at surface layer while the number of two-year seedlings was significantly correlated to the seed bank at the bottom of soil layer, indicating that germination mainly occurs at the soil surface while the middle or bottom layer was the reserve for non-germination or dead seeds. It can thus be postulated that Abies faxoniana soil seed bank is of seasonal transient type. By contrast, the soil seed bank of Sabina przewalskii is of persistent type and the soil seeds and seedlings of this species occurred more frequently near the islands of adult trees. 4.A good many soil seeds of both tree species were found near the treeline ecotone and above at N- and S-aspects. A few young seedlings were found above the Abies treeline. Investigation of five altitudinal transects respectively on N- and S-aspects indicated that Abies faxoniana has a more complete age structure than the stands of Sabina przewalskii. The age of firs decreased from closed forest to the upper limit of treeline, which suggests that the Abies treeline is advancing to higher altitude. While on the south aspect, only few Sabina przewalskii soil seeds and nearly no seedlings were found above the treeline ecotone. The stands exhibit extremely great difference in diameter classes with significantly incomplete age structure. This would lead to two possible results for the treelines: maintaining an equilibrium state at the current position or degenerating. But more studies should be carried out at longer time scales or larger spatial scales to understand whether the Sabina treeline is degenerating.


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Flowering and seed-bank development of annual Zostera marina L. and perennial Z. noltii hornem. were studied in the Zandkreek (S.W. Netherlands). Flowering of Z. noltii started at the end of June and continued until the end of September. A maximum of ca. 1000 flowering shoots (11% of the total amount of shoots per square metre) occurred in early August. Flowering of Z. marina started at the end of July and continued throughout October. Seed banks of both species appeared to be annual. Actual seed densities of Z. noltii were much lower than predicted on the basis of the amount of inflorescences.Germination was studied in the laboratory in relation to temperature (10, 20 and 30°C), salinity (1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0 and 40.0‰) and stratification (at 4°C). Both species showed a maximal germination at 30°C and 1.0‰ salinity, decreasing with higher salinities and lower temperatures. Stratification stimulated germination only at salinities 20.0‰. Desiccation and anaerobia were lethal to Z. marina seeds. Seedlings of Z. marina survived best at 10°C and 10.0–20.0‰ salinity and those of Z. noltii survived best at 10°C and 1.0‰ salinity. Overall, seedlings of Z. marina survived better than those of Z. noltii.