6 resultados para Seals (Nmismatics)

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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斑海豹,西北太平洋广泛分布的冷水性海洋哺乳动物,为我国的二类保护野生动物,属于濒危物种,也是唯一能在我国海域自然繁殖的鳍脚类动物。辽东湾结冰区是斑海豹在世界上8个繁殖区中最南端的一个。为了能够更好地保护斑海豹资源,对渤海海域斑海豹的栖息地、种群动态及分布时间、重金属体内积累、以及斑海豹的分子遗传特性进行了研究。结果如下: 斑海豹在渤海海域的栖息地有辽宁双台子河口水域、大连虎平岛和山东庙岛群岛海域三处,其中的上岸点分别为河口泥沙滩、海里的浅石滩和海岛周围的小岛礁三种类型。斑海豹出现在三个栖息地的时间为每年的3~5月,2002~2008年间各栖息地的斑海豹的数量变化不明显。 对斑海豹肌肉、肝和肾脏组织重金属元素含量的分析结果显示,汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)和砷(As)等有毒元素在斑海豹体内的积累远未达到致死浓度。 对斑海豹的部分mtDNA 序列分析发现,辽东湾斑海豹群体的遗传距离、控制区DNA的单元型多样度和核苷酸多样度均远小于日本群体,辽东湾群体的遗传多样性水平较低。 微卫星引物标记对辽东湾斑海豹群体的遗传多样性研究显示,平均有效等位基因数(2~4个)和期望杂合度(0.24~0.72)等指标均较低,表明辽东湾斑海豹群体遗传多样性水平下降,可能曾出现过一定程度的瓶颈效应。 对斑海豹的41个MHC-I基因的序列分析,得到40个等位基因。斑海豹MHC-I基因多态性水平高,说明辽东湾斑海豹种群MHC-I基因的丰富性。 以上研究结果对于我国辽东湾斑海豹种群的保护和管理具有一定意义。


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Shijiawan –Lijiacha area, lying on the northeastern part of the Shanbei Slope of Ordos Basin, was selected as studying area. The previous explorations proved that the 2nd segment and 6th segment of the Yanchang Formation are the most important oil-bearing formations. It is indicated that the sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics restricted the hydrocarbon accumulation regularity. Therefore, with petrology methodologies, such as outcrop observation, core description, geophysical logging interpretation, thin section determination, scanning electron microscope, as well as rock property analysis, the reservoirs was were systematically studied and characterized. The sedimentary micro-facies, seals, reservoir-seal combines, migration pathways and entrapping modes were taken into account. The author tempted to establish a base for further studies on reservoirs and on petroleum geology, and to provide some reliably geological evidences for later prospect activities. It was found that the sediments in the 2nd and 3rd segments of the Yanchang Formation in Shijiawan –Lijiacha area were deposited in braided rivers, and most sandy-bodies were identified as channel sandbars. The 4+5th and 6th segments were principally deposited in deltaic-plain environment, consisting of corresponding sub-facies such as distributary channels, natural levee, crevasse-splay and marsh. The skeleton sandy-bodies were identified as sandy sediments of distributary channels. The sand grains in reservoir in studied area possess generally low mineralogical maturity and moderate structural maturity, and the form of pores may be classified into intergranular types and dissolved types. Most reservoirs of Yanchang Formation in Shijiawan –Lijiacha area belong to extreme low-porosity low-permeability ones (type III), and the 2nd sediments belongs to low permeability one (type II) and the 6th segment belong to super low-permeability one(type Ⅳ). The reservoirs in the 2nd segment behave more heterogeneous than those in the 6th segment. The statistic analysis results show that, for 6th and 4+5th segments, the high quality reservoir-seal combines may be found everywhere in the studied area except in the northwest and the southwest parts; and for 1st and 2nd segments, in the northeast, central and southwest parts Petroleum migration happened in the duration of the Early Cretaceous period in both lateral and vertical directions. The migration paths were mainly constructed by permeable sandy-bodies. The superimposed channel sandy-bodies consist of the principal part of the system of carriers. the vertical fractures, that may travel through the seals between reservoirs, offered the vertical paths for migrating oil. It may be synthesized that oil coming from south kitchens migrated first laterally in carriers in the 6th segment. When arrived at the studied area, oil will migration laterally or/and vertical within both the sandy-bodies and fractures, in a climbing-stair way. The results demonstrate that the oil was entrapped in traps structure-lithology and/or lithology traps. In some cases, the hydrodynamic force may help to trap oil. Accumulation of oil in the area was mainly controlled by sedimentary facies, seals, structure, and heterogeneity of reservoir in the 2nd, 4+5th and 6th segments. Especially, the oil distributions in both the 2nd and 6th segments were obviously influenced by seals in the 4+5th segment. The existence of seals in 1st segment seems important for accumulation in the 2nd segment.


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The petroleum migration, happening in the geologic past, is the very important and complex dynamic processes in the petroleum systems. It plays a linking role among all static factors in a system. The accumulation is in fact the result of the petroleum migration. For the petroleum geology, the dynamics research of the petroleum migration refers to the mechanism and process research, as well as the use of the quantitative methods. In this thesis, combining with the qualitative analysis and quantitative modeling, the author manages to discuss theoretically some key problems dealing with migration processes, which have not been solved yet, and to apply the studied results in petroleum system analysis in actual basins. The basin analysis offers the base of the numerical modeling for geological phenomena occurring in sedimentary basins, that consists of the sedimentary facies analysis, the section reconstructing technique, eroded thickness estimating, etc. The methods to construct the geologic model, which is needed in the research of oil and gas migration and accumulation, are discussed. The basin analysis offers also the possibility for the latter modeling works to get and select the parameters, such as stratum's thickness, age, stratigraphy etc. Modeling works were done by using two basin modeling softwares: Basin_Mod and TPC_Mod. The role of compaction during the secondary migration and the heterogeneity of migrating paths within the clastic carrier are modeled. And the conclusions were applied in the migration studies in the Jungaer Basin, lying on the Northwest part of the China. To construct a reliable migration model, the author studied the characteristics of the sedimentation, the pore fluid pressure evolution, as well as the distribution and the evolution of fluid potential, following the tectonic evolution of the Jungaer Basin. The geochemical prospecting results were used to evidence and to calibrate the migration processes: the oil-source correlation, the distribution of the properties of oil, gas and water. Finally, two important petroleum systems, Permian one and Jurassic one were studied and identified, according, principally, to the studies on the petroleum migration within the Jungaer Basin. Since the oil, as well as the gas, moves mainly in separate phase during the secondary migration, their migrating behaviors would be determined by the dynamics conditions of migration, including the driving forces and pathways. Based on such a consideration, the further understandings may be acquired: the roles played by permeable carriers and low-permeable source rock would be very different in compaction, overpressure generation, petroleum migration, and so on. With the numerical method, the effect of the compaction on the secondary migration was analyzed and the results show that the pressure gradient and the flux resulted from compaction are so small that could be neglected by comparing to the buoyancy of oil. The main secondary migration driving forces are therefore buoyancy and capillary within a hydrostatic system. Modeling with the commercial software-Basin_Mod, the migration pathways of petroleum in clastic carriers seem to be inhomogeneous, controlled by heterogeneity of the driving force, which in turn resulted from the topography of seals, the fabrics and the capillary pressure of the clastic carriers. Furthermore, the direct and indirect methods to study fault-sealing properties in the course of migration were systemically summarized. They may be characterized directly by lithological juxtaposition, clay smear and diagenesis, and indirectly the comparing the pressures and fluid properties in the walls at two apartments of a fault. In Jungaer Basin, the abnormal pressures are found in the formations beneath Badaowan or Baijantan Formation. The occurrence of the overpressure seems controlled by the stratigraphy. The rapid sedimentation, tectonic pressuring, clay sealing, chemical diagensis were considered as the principal pressuring mechanisms. The evolution of fluid pressure is influenced differently at different parts of the basin by the tectonic stresses. So the basin appears different pressure evolution cycles from each part to another during the geological history. By coupling the results of thermal evolution, pressure evolution and organic matter maturation, the area and the period of primary migration were acquired and used to determine the secondary migration time and range. The primary migration in Fengcheng Formation happened from latter Triassic to early Jurassic in the main depressions. The main period of lower-Wuerhe Formation was at latter Jurassic in Changji, Shawan and Pen-1-jing-xi Depression, and at the end of early Cretaceous in Mahu Depression. The primary migration in Badaowan and Sangonghe Formation is at the end of early-Cretaceous in Changji Depression. After then, the fluid potential of oil is calculated at the key time determined from area and time of the primary migration. Generally, fluid potential of oil is high in the depressions and low at the uplifts. Synthetically, it is recognized that the petroleum migration in the Jungaer Basin is very complex, that leads us to classify the evolution of petroleum systems in Northwestern China as a primary stage and a reformed one. The remigration of accumulated petroleum, caused by the reformation of the basin, results in the generation of multiple petroleum systems. The faults and unconformities are usually the linkers among the original petroleum systems. The Permian petroleum system in Jungaer Basin is such a multiple petroleum system. However, the Jurassic petroleum system stays still in its primary stage, thought the strong influences of the new tectonic activities.


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Lukeqin arc belt is a compound structure generated by multi-movements and composed of 6 sub-structural zones, which are connected by Huoyanshan Mountain. General characteristics of the arc belt are multi-patterns of structure, multi-phases for petroleum, multi-types of trap and multi-layers for reservoirs. As a part of the eastern Lukeqin arc belt located on the south of Taibei depression, Lukeqin structural zone behaves as a complex faulted-fold zone, in which the formation and distribution of hydrocarbons are controlled by structures. As the dominant source of dynamics for the second migration of hydrocarbon, structure stress field is closely related with the potentials of hydrodynamics. Results derived from the simulations of stress field by finite element method indicate that the northwest tending faults prefer seal to the northeast tending ones. The reason is that the northwest tending faults were squeezed more strongly than the northeast tending ones. Therefor, the northeast tending faults become always the paths for oil to migrate southeastward. Lukeqin structural zone is the main site for oil to concentration because it is surrounded by high stress. Situated on the front of the foreland basin of Turpan-Hami, Lukeqing arc belt is a dam to hold back the southward migrating oil from Shengbei depression. The axis line of Shenquan-Shengnan-Yanmuxi, Lukeqin and Yubei controls the migrating paths and concentrating process of oil and gas. Results derived from stress simulation and structure analyses indicate consistently that both Yubei and Lukeqin structural zones are the favorite areas for oil to migrate. The generally southward paths for oil to migrate out of Taibei depression can be two ways. One of them is from Taibei depression to Yubei structural zone and the other is from Taibei depression to Lukeqin structural zone. By the both ways, oil migrated upward along the faults and southeastward along the structural axis to concentrate in either Permian or Triassic system. The newly ascertained path for oil migration, which is accurately southeastward instead of coarsely southward, indicates the directions for further explorations on the compound Lukeqin block zone. Five kinds of seal models of fault are all found in Lukeqin block zone by studying the seal features of faults occurred in the zone. Having studied the fault seal and their controlling factors by fuzzy set method, the paper deems that the northwest tended faults are better than the northeast tended ones for oil to concentrate. The most important factors to decide the seal extent of faults in this zone are the characteristics of main stress and fluids instead of capillary pressure differences between the two sides of fault and smear mud factors. There exist seal differences not only between the faults of different time but also between the sections within a fault due to the variation of depths, strata and positions. The general distribution rules of reservoirs were dominated by the seal characteristics of a fault during the time reservoirs formed. While the current features of fault seal decide the conservation of reservoirs and heights of oil accumulations. Seal or not of a fault is not absolute because the essential for fault to seal is the distribution of permeability of fault zone. Therefor, the multi cyclical activities of faults create the space-time variation of seal features of the fault. Totally, the seal extent of the faults within the area is not as perfect as to accumulate ordinary crude. Crude oil can only be sealed when it becomes viscous. Process for crude oil to become viscous and viscous happened strongly because of the fault-fold movements. Shallowly burying and even revealing of the objective layers of the reservoirs made the crude oil to be thickened by water washing biologically degradation and oxidation degradation. The northwestward deepening during or after the reservoir formation of the structural zone provided the power for oil to migrate one or more times. The main reason for oil accumulation is the formation of Lukeqin block zone during Xishanyao stage, middle Jurassic Period, Early Yanshanian Movement. While the main reason for reservoir conservation is the placidity of Triassic blocks after the formation of reservoirs. Contrasting to former opinions, it is concluded that the reservoirs in Lukeqin zone, including viscous reservoirs, were formed by one time but not more times. So the author proposes the opinion that the reservoirs of viscous oil were formed by viscous oil migration under the conditions of aptitude sets of fault seals controlled by fluid and other factors. To grope the distribution rules outside Taibei depression and discuss the formation mechanism of Anjurassic reservoirs, it is necessary to study the dominate factors for the formation of reservoirs in Lukeqin structural zone such as structural stress, fault seals and thickening mechanism of crude oil. Also, the necessary studies are the key to break through the Taibei depression and Anjurassic systems. Therefor, they are significant for the future exploration and reserve increasing of hydrocarbon within the Turpan-Hami basin. The paper studied the distribution rules of block reservoirs and forecasted the favorable zones for further exploration in Turpan-Hami basin. Conclusions can be useful for not only the exploration in the area but also the theory consult in the adjacent areas.