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Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), namely the snub-nosed monkey, is a well-known endangered primate, which distributes only in the central part of mainland China. As an effort to understand the current genetic status as well as population history of this species, we collected a sample of 32 individuals from four different regions, which cover the major habitat of this species. Forty-four allozyme loci were surveyed in our study by allozyme electrophoresis, none of which was found to be polymorphic. The void of polymorphism compared with that of other nonhuman primates is surprising particularly considering that the current population size is many times larger than that of some other endangered species. Since many independent loci are surveyed in this Study, the most plausible explanation for our observation is that the population has experienced a recent bottleneck. We used a coalescent approach to explore various scenarios of population bottleneck and concluded that the most recent bottleneck could have happened within the last 15,000 years. Moreover, the proposed simulation approach could be useful to researchers who need to analyze the non- or low-polymorphism data.


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In an earlier study on intersonic crack propagation, Gao et al. (J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49: 2113-2132, 2001) described molecular dynamics simulations and continuum analysis of the dynamic behaviors of a mode II dominated crack moving along a weak plane under a constant loading rate. The crack was observed to initiate its motion at a critical time after the onset of loading, at which it is rapidly accelerated to the Rayleigh wave speed and propagates at this speed for a finite time interval until an intersonic daughter crack is nucleated at a peak stress at a finite distance ahead of the original crack tip. The present article aims to analyze this behavior for a mode III crack moving along a bi-material interface subject to a constant loading rate. We begin with a crack in an initially stress-free bi-material subject to a steadily increasing stress. The crack initiates its motion at a critical time governed by the Griffith criterion. After crack initiation, two scenarios of crack propagation are investigated: the first one is that the crack moves at a constant subsonic velocity; the second one is that the crack moves at the lower shear wave speed of the two materials. In the first scenario, the shear stress ahead of the crack tip is singular with exponent -1/2, as expected; in the second scenario, the stress singularity vanishes but a peak stress is found to emerge at a distance ahead of the moving crack tip. In the latter case, a daughter crack supersonic with respect to the softer medium can be expected to emerge ahead of the initial crack once the peak stress reaches the cohesive strength of the interface.


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When a BPEL process is executed,it is necessary to dynamically monitor the process.BPEL is a executable language,which is not suitable for visual monitoring.On the other hand,BPMN is designed to visually describe business process and is more intuitive for monitoring.To visually monitor a BPEL process, transformation from BPEL to BPMN is necessary.However,current study of transformation from BPEL to BPMN does not support the transformation of"link"activity.Besides,no work has been done to add supplementary information into BPMN during transformation.In this paper,we transform nested BPEL process into a flat BPMN process graph without hierarchy through applying a flattening strategy.Especially, we analyze various scenarios of the transformation of link activity,and provide a method to deal with it. Besides,we analyze the mapping between BPEL activities and BPMN graph,through which we found out that some supplementary information cannot automatically obtained from BPEL process.These supplementary information need to be added during transformation.At the end of this paper,we present the structure of our monitoring tool which is based on our transformation algorithm.


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Locked-to-sliding phase transition has been studied in the driven two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model with the square symmetric substrate potential. It is found that as the driving force increases, the system transfers from the locked state to the sliding state where the motion of particles is in the direction different from that of driving force. With the further increase in driving force, at some critical value, the particles start to move in the direction of driving force. These two critical forces, the static friction or depinning force, and the kinetic friction force for which particles move in the direction of driving force have been analyzed for different system parameters. Different scenarios of phase transitions have been examined and dynamical phases are classified. In the case of zero misfit angle, the analytical expressions for static and kinetic friction force have been obtained.


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This study attempts to model alpine tundra vegetation dynamics in a tundra region in the Qinghai Province of China in response to global warming. We used Raster-based cellular automata and a Geographic Information System to study the spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. The cellular automata model is implemented with IDRISI's Multi-Criteria Evaluation functionality to simulate the spatial patterns of vegetation change assuming certain scenarios of global mean temperature increase over time. The Vegetation Dynamic Simulation Model calculates a probability surface for each vegetation type, and then combines all vegetation types into a composite map, determined by the maximum likelihood that each vegetation type should distribute to each raster unit. With scenarios of global temperature increase of I to 3 degrees C, the vegetation types such as Dry Kobresia Meadow and Dry Potentilla Shrub that are adapted to warm and dry conditions tend to become more dominant in the study area.


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The latest two extreme scenarios of last glacial maximum and Holocene climatic optimum marked extreme situations in China. This paper aims to reconstruct the fossil extensions and paleoclimate of deserts in eastern China during this typical period. Aeolian sequence responds the climate change by virtue of alternation of aeolian sand layer and sandy soil layer, which correspond aridity and humidity, respectively. There is a set of contrastive deposits made up of loose sand layer and overlying dark sandy soil below land surface. This developed soil and underlying deep aeolian sand respond to H.O. and late last glacial, i.e. LGM. The typical bottom sand layers of about 50 profiles of Hulun Buir Desert, Horqin Desert and Otindag Desert were dated using OSL to confirm that they did deposid in LGM. Based on the locations of these LGM sand, distrution of gobi-desert-loess and landform control, the distribution in LGM of the three deserts were reconstructed. For the block of eastern mountain, the extreme eastern boundary of Hulun Buir Desert and Otindag Desert are not just functioned by climate background. The east of Horqin Desert is plain, hence eastern boundary of this desert is maily controlled by climate. It is considered that quite a lot of aeolian sand of LGM origined from fluvial deposit by observing regional distribution of river and SEM of sand grains. The environment alternation of of LGM-H.O. is featured by extensive expanse of active dune in LGM and grassland in H.O. Combined grain-size, susceptibility, TOC, colour and SEM measurement, the OSL chronology of relatively continued profiles since LGM of the three deserts are divided into four periods: eolian sand (15-10ka)- sandy soil (10-5ka)- alternation of black sand and yellow sand- reworking of LGM sand as destroy of soil.


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Liquid segregation phenomena have been found and explained in the F(Li)-rich granites in south China by Wang Linakui et al. (1979; 1983). A number of experimental investigations into the liquid immiscibilities in the granites systems have been carried out (Anfilogov et al., 1983; Glyuk et al., 1971; Glyuk et al., 1973a; 1973b; kovalenko, 1978; Wang Liangkui et al., 1987). Nevertheless, the detailed scenarios of the liquid immiscibilities in the granitic magmas are much less understood. This experimental study is amide to get access to this problem. Starting materials are biotite granite +LiF(3-10%)+NaF(3-10%)+H_2O(30%). The experimental results have shown that the liquid immiscibilities of melts of different compositions occur at 1 kbar and 840 ℃ when 5wt% (LiF + NaF) are added to the granite samples. three kinds of glasses indicating of three types of coexisting immiscible melts have been observed: light blue matrix glass, melanocratic glass balls and leucocratic glass balls. It is interesting that we have observed various kinds of textures as follows: spherulitic texture, droplets, flow bands, swirls. All these textures can be comparable to those in the natural granitic bodies. Electron microprobe data suggest that these different kinds of glasses are of different chemical compositions respectively; matrix glasses are F-poor silicate melts; melanocratic balls correspond to F-rich silicate melts; and leucocratic balls are the melts consisting mainly of fluorides. Raman spectrometric data have indicated that different glasses have different melt structures. TFM Diagrams at 1000 * 10~5 Pa have been plotted, in which two miscible gaps are found. One of the two gaps corresponds to the immiscibility between F - poor silicate melt and F-rich silicate melt, another to that between the silicate melt and fluoride melt. The experiments at different pressures have suggested that the decreases in pressures are favorable to the liquid immiscibility. Several reversal experiments have indicated that the equilibria in different runs have been achieved. We have applied the experimental results to explain the field evidence of immiscibilities in some of granites associated with W-Sn-Nb-Ta mineralization. These field phenomena include flow structure, globular structures,mineralized globular patche and glass inclusions in topaz. We believe that the liquid immiscibility (liquid segregation) is a possible way of generation of F(Li)-rich granites. During the evolution of the granitic magmas, the contents of Li, F, H_2O and ore-forming elements in the magmas become higher and higher. The granites formed in the extensional tectonic settings commonly bear higher abundences of the above-mentioned elements. the pressures of the granitic magmas are relatively lower during the processes of their emplacements and cooling. The late-staged magmas will produce liquid immiscibilities, leading to the production of several coexisting immiscible melts with different chemical compositions. The flow of immiscible consisting magmas will produce F(Li)-rich granites. It is also considered that liquid immiscibilities are of great significance in the production of rare metal granites. The ore-forming processes and magmatic crystallization and metasomatic processes can be occur at the same time. The mineralisations of rare metals are related to both magmatic and hydrothermal processes.


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While many researchers appear to accept this relationship between risk and trust, the relationship between the risk propensity of the truster and trusting behavior has not been explicitly studied. This study uses both expect value questions and the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to measure subjects’ risk propensity and uses various scenarios to investigate subjects’ general trust. And by these results we discuss about the relationship between risk propensity and general trust. The results show (1) there is significant correlation between explicit risk propensity and general trust in the scenarios of borrowing money (Eckel &Wilson,2003) and PD/R game (Yamagishi, 2005), (2) there is significant correlation between implicit risk propensity and general trust in the scenario of borrowing money, (3) there are significant differences between the rating of different trust scenarios regarding to trust and risk. The resulting findings support following conclusion: the relationship between risk propensity and general trust depends on scenarios and measurements. In sum, this study analyzes different views in this field at present, and investigates the relationship between risk propensity and general trust through two investigation and experiment, and explores some new ways for future study of this topic.