140 resultados para Salt-tolerant variant
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The responses of stem segments of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) to 6-BA,NAA and 2,4-D were studied. MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 6-BA, 0.2 mg/L 2,4-D was used for callus initiation and maintenance. MS medium supplemented with 4.0 mg/L 6-BA was suitable for plant regeneration and MS medium without plant hormone supplement was used for rooting and plant propagation. For screening of salt tolerant calli, stem segments of watercress were plated onto callus initiation medium containing 1/3 natural seawater. Seventeen out of the 325 plated explants produced calli. The growth curves demonstrated that the growth rate of salt-tolerant calli on saline medium almost matched that of the control calli on normal medium. Some of the salt-tolerant calli were transferred to the normal regeneration medium or saline regeneration medium to induce plant regeneration. In the first case, buds and shoots were regenerated in the same way as those of control calli on normal regeneration medium. More than 1 000 regenerated shoots were obtained of which 83 regenerated shoots were cut and transferred to saline MS base medium. At first, all shoot growth was inhibited, but 40 days after the transfer, rapid-growing axillary shoots were observed on 16 of the original shoots but none on the control shoots on saline MS base medium. Moreover, green spots appeared on most calli 10 days after they were transferred to saline medium, however buds appeared only on 5 calli from the 30 transferred calli and at the end only 2 rapid-growing shoots were obtained from two calli. In total, 18 variant lines were obtained through. propagation of the salt-tolerant shoots on saline MS base medium. RAPD analysis was performed in 10 of the 18 salt-tolerant variant lines and DNA variation was detected in all the tested variant lines.
本文以芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体为材料,比较了两者在形态、生理生化以及分子生物学特性上的差异,对耐盐变异体抗盐能力提高的机理作了初步的探讨。为了适应推广芦苇耐盐变异体的需要,进行了耐盐变异体快速繁殖的研究,建立了两种诱导丛生芽的技术系统。对耐盐变异体芦苇在滩涂上的利用作了有益的尝试。结果总结如下: 1.通过对芦苇野生亲本和耐盐变异体的基因组DNA用随机引物扩增分析,发现两者的基因组DNA在序列上存在着一定的差异,并克隆测序了几个对变异体而言是特异的标记序列。 2.生化分析发现,在盐胁迫下,两者在可溶性蛋白上存在着差异,芦苇耐盐变异体在胁迫下分别在20~30 kD和43~66.2 kD之间各有一条特异的蛋白带表达。而且变异体盐胁迫下在同工酶的表达上也与野生亲本有着显著的区别。 3.生理测定发现,芦苇耐盐变异体在200 mmol/L NaCl盐胁迫下光合作用要比野生亲本强,叶绿素测定的结果与此相吻合,在此浓度的胁迫下,变异体叶绿素含量受影响较小,而野生亲本的叶绿素含量明显降低。对两者胁迫前后的离子含量测定发现,虽然K+含量最多,但是植株内离子含量变化最大且增加最多的离子是Na+,而且变异体内Na~+增加的量比野生亲本高得多。另一个变化较大的是游离脯氨酸的含量,其变化情况类似于Na~+,在胁迫后脯氨酸含量增加明显,而且变异体内的增加量比野生亲本高。对变异体进一步的胁迫反应证实了Na+和脯氨酸含量变化与胁迫反应的密切联系。推测它们的这些变化与变异体抗盐能力提高密切相关。 4.将芦苇耐盐变异体的种子苗切去种壳和种子根,以此作为外植体,通过筛选大量的激素组合,最终建立了两种快繁技术系统(MP-A和MP-B)进行丛生芽诱导。两个系统都包含预处理和诱导两个主要步骤,其中预处理培养基激素组合是相同的(NAA 2~5 mg/L + 2,4-D 0.05 ~ 0.1 mg + BA 1mg/L),而诱导处理的培养基激素组合不同,分别为:MP-A的诱导处理的激素组合是将预处理的激素组合中的2,4-D去除即可;MP-B诱导处理的激素组合为1mg/L NAA + 0.05 ~0.1mg/L 2,4-D + 2~5mg/L BA. 两个系统都获得显著的丛生芽诱导效果。 5.在滩涂水产养殖中引入芦苇种植、发现耐盐芦苇能有效地降低水体污染和病害,实验了两种模式的种养殖方式:围隔模式和混合模式,初步结果表明混合模式效果较好。这一初中初步验证了芦苇对海水养殖的价值,对开发滩涂具有很大的意义,具有创新性。
以药蒲公英(Taraxacum officinale Weber)叶片外植体为材料诱导愈伤组织。以NaCl作为选择因子,从愈伤组织直接筛选。在选择培养基上,大部分愈伤组织褐化死亡,在一些褐化死亡的愈伤组织周围有少量新的细胞团生长,挑选生长存活状况好的细胞团转接到新鲜培养基上,每3周继代一次,经3个月继代筛选获得了耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英细胞团。以普通愈伤为对照,发现随着NaCl浓度的升高,耐盐愈伤的相对生长率下降但显著高于对照;且随着盐胁迫处理时间的延长持续升高,而普通愈伤对照几乎停止生长,说明耐盐愈伤具有相对稳定的耐盐性。在蛋白水平上,耐盐愈伤与对照愈伤差异明显,SDS-PAGE分析显示:耐盐愈伤比对照多出一条34 KD大小的蛋白带,且30 KD,18 KD左右的蛋白带明显上调。相同处理条件下耐盐愈伤脯氨酸的增加幅度高于对照。盐胁迫条件下,耐盐愈伤的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性明显高于对照,且随着处理时间的延长和盐浓度的增加呈现升高的趋势,而对照则呈现先升高后下降的趋势。1.5% NaCl处理前后,耐盐愈伤的总黄酮含量显著高于对照。结果说明耐盐愈伤一方面通过积累蛋白和其他小分子有机溶质的方式调节其渗透平衡,另一方面还可通过提高抗氧化能力降低盐分造成的次级伤害。 将耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英愈伤组织接种在分化培养基上分化出芽,之后将再生芽转接到生根培养基中进行生根培养,经4个月得到了12株耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生植株。与野生型相比,耐盐植株叶片宽大、叶柄粗短、叶表面覆盖白色细毛,根粗壮较短,花茎中部具有2 cm左右的苞叶。RAPD和SDS-PAGE检测表明,耐盐植株与对照植株在DNA及蛋白水平上均存在明显差异。1.5% NaCl处理后,与普通再生植株相比,耐盐株系的抗氧化酶活性明显提高,脯氨酸含量上升幅度更为显著,而丙二醛含量降低,其主要药用成分黄酮的含量显著增加。这些结果说明耐盐植株的抗氧化防御能力明显增强。以上结果表明耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生植株为耐1.5% NaCl药蒲公英变异体,这些耐盐变异体有望成为抗盐耐海水蔬菜家族的新成员。同时,这些耐盐变异体植株比普通植株具有更高的医用商业价值。耐1.5% NaCl的药蒲公英再生变异体遗传稳定性的研究正在进行中。
本研究是以植物起源于海洋的系统进化理论和植物细胞的全能性理论为依据的。 对芹菜(Apium graveolensL.)、油菜(B. rapa, chinese group)、叶用甜菜(Beta vulgaris(L.)Koch, Cicla group)、甘蓝(B. oleraceae, acephala group)、豆瓣菜(A'asturtiumofficinale R.Br*.)、番杏(Tetragonla expansa Ait.)、菠菜(Spinacia oleracea L.)等蔬菜种类进行大规模种质资源筛选和鉴定, 从芹菜、油菜、叶用甜菜等植物中筛选出20多种能够耐受l%NaCI或1/3海水盐度的蔬菜品系。在耐盐蔬菜品种资源筛选的基础上,为了证明用生物技术提高盐敏感蔬菜耐盐性的可行性,本研究以植物体外培养细胞体系为操作平台,对盐敏感的蔬菜一一豆瓣菜进行了生物技术改造。一方面,筛选豆瓣菜的耐盐细胞变异体并使得耐盐细胞再生植株,获得了耐1/3海水的豆瓣菜变异体;另一方面,通过将盐生植物山菠菜(Atriplex hortensisL)的耐盐相关基因,甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)基因转入豆瓣菜,使得BADH基因在豆瓣菜中过量表达和积累甜菜碱,提高了豆瓣菜的渗透调节能力,从而提高了豆瓣菜的耐盐性。同时,本研究还将所获得的多种抗盐、耐海水蔬菜材料以海水无土栽培的方式进行生产和应用, 取得了很好的效果。 本文的结果证明了在陆地淡水栽培的蔬菜和野生蔬菜资源中,存在着部分耐盐性较强的蔬菜种质;通过生物技术改造能够提高盐敏感蔬菜的耐盐性,并获得抗盐、耐海水的蔬菜新品系。对这些抗盐、耐海水蔬菜材料进行1/3海水无土栽培应用的成功结果表明,某些陆地蔬菜具有重新适应海洋生境的潜能。
本研究利用酵母功能互补方法和RACE的方法从具有较强抗逆能力的绊根草中克隆了9个与重金属抗性相关的克隆,并对部分基因的表达调控及功能进行了初步研究。同时还利用细胞工程技术筛选到了具有较强的耐受火箭推进齐-偏二甲肼(UDMH)的芦苇的变异株系,为以后用人工湿地系统处理受偏二甲肼污染的废水奠定了基础。 本研究通过酵母功能互补法克隆到了五个基因,分别为CdSRP、CdTETH、 CdASP、CdMT2和CdTER1。CdSRP可能是一种衰老相关基因;CdTETH编码的产物可能是组成TRAPP复合体的一个亚基;CdASP是一个功能未知的基因;CdMT2是一个编码Type Ⅱ型金属硫蛋白基因;CdTER1可能是编码一个TERl-like家族蛋白成员的基因。用这五个基因分别转化因Acr基因缺失而对As敏感的酵母菌株FD236-6A,所获得的转化子对As的抗性均有提高,其中以CdMT2、CdTER1和CdASP的作用最为明显。这些基因的表达调控方式以及与其它重金属抗性的关系正在研究中。 本研究还利用RACE的方法克隆了一个谷胱甘肽S-转移酶基因,CdGSTFl;两个植物络合素合酶基因,CdPCSI和CdPCSⅡ,和一个TypeⅠ型金属硫蛋白基因CdMT1。CdGSTF1属于phi类GST基因,Northern-blotting分析表明,CdGSTF1在绊根草根部的表达受Cd2+的诱导,暗示其可能具有解除氧自由基或氢过氧化物的毒性的作用。CdPCSI和CdPCSⅡ的同源性较高,表明绊根草含有两个以上的PCs合酶的基因。参照前人的方法对CdPCSI和CdPCSII的氨基酸序列进行分析,发现它们含有六个非常相近的Cd2+结合位点,这两个基因的功能及其调控方式有何差异尚需进一步的研究。cdMT1与用酵母功能互补法克隆到的CdMT2属于不同类型的MT基因,对它们之间很可能存在的功能、组织特异性等方面的差异性进行了讨论。 四氧化二氮/偏二甲肼是常用的航天器双组元液体推进剂。偏二甲肼易挥发,有致癌、致畸、致突变的毒性。在推进剂贮存、运输、转注、火箭发动机试车、火箭发射、管道及设备冲洗中产生的含有偏二甲肼的废水能够对卫星发射基地的地下水源和空气造成污染。因此迫切需要培育能够净化偏二甲肼污水的植物。 本研究利用生长在卫星发射基地的野生芦苇的种子诱导愈伤组织,进而通过逐步提高偏二甲肼筛选压力的方式从中筛选出具有较强抗性的愈伤组织,然后诱导其分化。目前已经得到能够在含有1.63 mmol/L和3.26 mmol/L偏二甲肼的分化培养基中生长良好的芦苇再生苗,并已成功转移至温室中。抗性分化苗对污水的处理效果和耐受偏二甲肼的机理正在研究中。
药蒲公英(Taraxacum officinale Weber)是菊科蒲公英属的模式种,主要分布于欧洲和北美,在我国新疆也有少量分布。与Taraxacum mongolicum Hand-Mazz(我国中药市场的主流种和主要自然分布种)相比,药蒲公英的生物量更大,作为营养保健蔬菜具有更大的市场价值。药蒲公英的组织培养工作是开展基础研究的有力工具,本工作中,药蒲公英叶片外植体在含0.2mg/L IAA和1.0mg/L TDZ的MS培养基中培养2周后便产生大量的丛生芽,在含有0.5mg/L 2,4-D和2mg/L6-BA的MS培养基中培养30天后,形成明显的愈伤组织,愈伤组织块在含1.0mg/L 6-BA的MS培养基中成功再生。 体细胞无性系变异是植物愈伤组织培养中的普遍现象,我们将继代6次的愈伤组织接种于含盐培养基,得到了能够耐受1.0%NaCl的细胞系。耐盐细胞系在含盐培养基中的相对生长率和细胞活力明显高于对照(非耐盐细胞系接种于含盐培养基),由耐盐细胞系在含盐培养基中获得再生植株的工作正在进行。 直接不定芽再生途径对遗传物质具有高度保真性,是遗传转化的理想体系。我们利用此再生系统,将来源于耐盐植物山菠菜(Atriplex hortensis L.)BADH基因通过农杆菌介导的叶盘转化法导入药蒲公英,获得了PCR检测成阳性的转基因植株5株,从而建立了药蒲公英的转化体系。转基因植株的其他分子检测和耐盐性鉴定工作正在进行。
A new fermentative hydrogen-producing bacterium was isolated from mangrove sludge and identified as Pantoea agglomerans using light microscopic examination, Biolog test and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The isolated bacterium, designated as P. agglomerans BH-18, is a new strain that has never been optimized as a potential hydrogen-producing bacterium. In this study, the culture conditions and the hydrogen-producing ability of P. agglomerans BH-18 were examined. The strain was a salt-tolerant facultative anaerobe with the initial optimum pH value at 8.0-9.0 and temperature at 30 degrees C on cell growth. During fermentation, hydrogen started to evolve when cell growth entered late-exponential phase and was mainly produced in the stationary phase. The strain was able to produce hydrogen over a wide range of initial pH from 5 to 10, with an optimum initial pH of 6. The level of hydrogen production was affected by the initial glucose concentration, and the optimum value was found to be 10 g glucose/l. The maximum hydrogen-producing yield (2246 ml/l) and overall hydrogen production rate (160 ml/l/h) were obtained at an initial glucose concentration of 10 g/l and an initial pH value of 7.2 in marine culture conditions. In particular, the level of hydrogen production was also affected by the salt concentration. Hydrogen production reached a higher level in fresh culture conditions than in marine ones. In marine conditions, hydrogen productivity was 108 ml/l/h at an initial glucose concentration of 20 g/l and pH value of 7.2, whereas, it increased by 27% in fresh conditions. In addition, this strain could produce hydrogen using glucose and many other carbon sources such as fructose, sucrose, sorbitol and so on. As a result, it is possible that P. agglomerans BH-18 is used for biohydrogen production and biological treatment of mariculture wastewater and marine organic waste. (C) 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hypoxia-inducible factor I is a transcription factor composed of HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta. It plays an important role in the signal transduction of cell response to hypoxia. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a high hypoxia-tolerant and cold adaptation species livin only at 3000-5000m above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this study, HIF-1alpha cDNA of plateau pika was cloned and its expression in various tissues was studied. The results indicated that plateau pika HIF-1alpha cDNA was highly identical to those of the human (82%), bovine (89%), mouse (82%), and Norway rat (77%). The deduced amino acid sequence (822 bp) showed 90%, 92%, 86%, and 86% identities with those of the human, bovine, house mouse, and Norway rat, respectively. Northern blot analyses detected two isoforms named pLHIF-1alpha and pSHIF-1alpha. The HIF-1alpha mRNA was highly expressed in the brain and kidney, and much less in the heart, lung, liver, muscle, and spleen, which was quite different from the expression pattern of mouse mRNA. Meanwhile, a new variant of plateau pika HIF-1alpha mRNA was identified by RT-PCR and characterized. The deduced protein, composed of 536 amino acids, lacks a part of the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD), both transactivation domains (TADs), and the nuclear localization signal motif (NLS). Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha may play an important role in the pika's adaptation to hypoxia, especially in brain and kidney, and pika HIF-1alpha function pattern may be different from that of mouse HIF-1alpha. Further-more, for the high ratio of HIF-1alpha homology among the animals, the HIF-1alpha gene may be a good phylogenetic performer in recovering the true phylogenetic relationships among taxa. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a new technology for solonchak soil reclamation in which surface flood irrigation of fresh water and pumped wells drainage of salty groundwater are combined. The comprehensive investigation of water and salt movement has been conducted through field test, laboratory simulation and numerical calculation. The dependence of desalination on irrigation water quantity, drainage quantity, leaching time and other parameters is obtained based on the field tests. The entire desalination process under the flood-irrigation and well-drainage operations was experimentally simulated in a vertical soil column. The water and salt movement has been numerically analysed for both the field and laboratory conditions. The present work indicates that this new technology can greatly improve the effects of desalination.
We introduce a four-pass laser pulse compressor design based on two grating apertures with two gratings per aperture that is tolerant to some alignment errors and, importantly, to grating-to-grating period variations. Each half-beam samples each grating in a diamond-shaped compressor that is symmetric about a central bisecting plane. For any given grating, the two half-beams impinge on opposite sides of its surface normal. It is shown that the two split beams have no pointing difference from paired gratings with different periods. Furthermore, no phase shift between half-beams is incurred as long as the planes containing a grating line and the surface normal for each grating of the pair are parallel. For grating pairs satisfying this condition, gratings surfaces need not be on the same plane, as changes in the gap between the two can compensate to bring the beams back in phase. © 2008 Optical Society of America.