4 resultados para SUGARCANE CUTTER
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水稻是我国重要的粮食作物之一,它是一种典型的C3植物。与其它C3作物不一样的是,水稻的生长需要相对较高的温度和充足的阳光照射。然而高温和高光强的生长环境更加适合于C4植物的生长,更加有利于发挥C4植物高光合效率的特点。因此本论文希望将C4植物中固定CO2的酶磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因导入水稻,获得一种更加适合高温和高光强生活环境的“C4型”水稻,这对于提高水稻的产量,满足人口增长对粮食需求具有重大意义。 本论文从C4植物谷子和甘蔗中克隆了其C4型磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶cDNA基因,获得了具有自主知识产权的基因克隆,并将它们导入粳稻品种中花8号,进而对转基因材料的光合生理特性进行了研究。结果如下: 首次从谷子中得到了ppc基因两个cDNA克隆,分别命名为Mppc1和Mppc2。前者是一个C3型的ppc基因,它可能属于在根中特异表达的C3-2型ppc基因;后者是在绿色叶片中大量表达的C4型ppc基因。它们所编码的蛋白的氨基酸残基数分别为961和964,序列同源性为82.5%。C4型PEPC多出的3个氨基酸位于N末端。利用RACE的方法我们得到了谷子C4型ppc基因完整的cDNA序列,包括63bp的5'非编码区,2895bp的编码区和256bp的3'非编码区。 首次获得了甘蔗C4型ppc基因完整的cDNA序列的克隆,命名为Sppc。它包括95bp的5'非编码区、2886bp的编码区,和224bp的3'非编码区。 利用所克隆的基因,分别连上强组成型启动子Ubiquitin启动子和强光调控启动子Rubisco小亚基启动子后,再插入两个标记基因不同的表达载体pCB和pPCB的多克隆位点中,构建了八个含有外源ppc基因的植物表达载体pCB-Pubi-Mppc、pCB-Pubi-Sppc、pCB-PrbcS-Mppc、pCB-PrbcS-Sppc、pPCB-Pubi-Mppc、pPCB-Pubi-Sppc、pPCB-PrbcS-Mppc和pPCB-PrbcS-Sppc。再加上含有玉米完整的C4型ppc 核基因的载体pCB-ZMppc,共有9个载体。利用农杆菌介导法进行了水稻的转化,各个载体都获得了大量的转基因植株。对标记基因潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因hpt和磷酸甘露糖异构酶基因pmi以及导入的目的ppc基因的PCR扩增检测,结果显示绝大多数转基因植株都能扩增出目的片段,而未转化的植株则没有扩增产物。对部分转基因水稻的Southern和Western杂交以及RT-PCR分析都表明,无论从DNA水平、mRNA水平,还是从蛋白质水平上都证明外源ppc基因都成功地导入了水稻,并获得了正确的表达。 对各载体转基因植株PEPC活性大规模的测定表明,转入玉米完整C4型PEPC核基因(有内含子)的水稻表现出极大的表达效率,大多数转基因材料的PEPC活性为对照的10-20倍,其活性最高可达到对照的44倍。转入谷子和甘蔗PEPC基因cDNA的水稻,表达的效率很低,多数材料活性增加仅为对照的2-5倍,但也有极少数材料活性增加了10倍以上。用Rubisco小亚基启动子控制的ppc基因在水稻的表达活性要略高于Ubiquitin启动子控制的ppc基因。以上结果说明ppc基因的内含子在其转录或mRNA的稳定上起着重要作用。 对部分转基因材料气体交换特征的研究发现,随着转基因水稻PEPC活性的增加,净光合速率也有逐渐增加的趋势。其中PEPC活性最大的ZM24株系的三个单株净光合速率比对照增加了39.8%、13.7%和28.6%,而它们的PEPC活性比对照分别增加了21.2、21.9和23.6倍。 转PEPC水稻的净光合速率与气孔导度具有显著的相关性。这说明表达的外源ppc 基因产物PEPC参与了转基因水稻的气孔运动,使气孔开放程度增加。更有意义的是过表达PEPC的水稻具有更高的水分利用效率,这就增加了其耐旱能力。在光抑制条件下转基因水稻也具有更高的光合能力。这些特征表明转ppc基因的水稻比对照更加适合于水稻高温高光强和干旱的原生环境。
Using the popular CERCHAR testing to measure the abrasiveness of rock which is CERCHAR abrasiveness index(CAI). The digital imagine processing program IPP is used to quantify the rock texture such as the grain size, the shape of grain and the index of grain homogeneity. And the rock mechanical testing machine are used to measure the strength, hardness and elastic modulus. Basic on these three experiments, this paper finds the relationship between the CAI and physical and mechanical properties of rock. They are both the mesostructure and macroscopical properties of rock. According to the theory of tribology and wear, this paper finds the disc cutter wear mechanism during the machine and rock interaction process. The detail research results are as follows: (1) The size and form of the mineral grains constituting the rocks affect the abrasiveness of the rock. The rock abrasiveness CAI is a function of the product of the texture coefficient(TC) multiplying equivalent quarts content(Q%). (2) There is no obvious relationship between the rock abrasiveness CAI and the single macroscopical property of rock such as hardness, unconfined compressive strength, tensile strength and elastic modulus. But when taking the texture coefficient(TC) and the mineral composition in consideration, it shows that the rock abrasiveness CAI is relative to the combination of the rock mechanical property, the texture coefficient(TC) and the mineral composition. That is to say various factors which are from the mesostructure feature to the macroscopical property of rock control the rock abrasiveness. (3) The disc cutter penetrating into rock is a machine/rock interaction process. During this interaction, the wear of disc cutter is mainly coming from the abrasive of abrasiveness matters. First, the surface of the cutter ring is hunched, and then the material of the cutter ring is being wiped off during the iterative interaction. Second, the hard mineral in the rock and the muck will microcosmic cutting the surface material of cutter ring. (4) The disc cutters consumption is determined by the machine parameters and the geology condition. The machine parameters include the thrust and the revolution rate of the cutterhead. The geology condition include two aspects: the macroscopical properties which are the strength and/or hardness of rock, the presence of discontinuities in rock mass, the hardness, sharp, edge and size of the muck and so on. And the mesostructure features which are the hard mineral composition, the sharp and size of the grain of the rock.