37 resultados para SMALL MAMMALS

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2005年9月利用铗日法辅以陷阱法对位于秦岭山脉南坡东段的平河梁自然保护区及牛背梁自然保护区小型兽类进行了调查,共设置采集点10个;2 460铗日中共捕获小型兽类689只,隶属于3目6科19属27种(另有两种鼢鼠和一种鼯鼠系其他手段捕获),平均捕获率28.01%.对捕获的27种小型兽类生态和垂直分布进行分析结果表明:平河梁保护区3个群落的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数在2.9288-3.3639之间,Pielou均匀性指数在0.7669-0.8602之间.在上述调查的基础上,结合前人对邻近地区的调查,据一些物种的分布特点,订出平河梁自然保护区小型兽类的名录,计48种,结果显示秦岭南坡东段小型兽类的物种多样性和丰富度要高于秦岭其他地区.另在考察中采集到白尾鼹(Parascaptor leucura)、小纹背鼩鼱(Sorex bedfordiae)、斯氏鼢鼠(Myospalax smithⅡ)、川西白腹鼠(Niviventer excelsior),在秦岭山区尚属首次记录.还整理了秦岭南坡小型兽类名录,认为秦岭南坡有小型兽类55种,在动物地理区划上应属于西南区.


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We measured the stable carbon isotope ratios for muscle of the upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius), plateau pika (Ochotoma curzoniae), root vole (Microtus oeconomus), plateau zokor (Myospalax fontanierii) and passerine bird species at the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station (HAMERS), and provided diet information of upland buzzards with the measurement of stable carbon isotopes in tissues of these consumers. The results showed that δ~(13)C values of small mammals and passerine bird species ranged from -25.57‰ to -25.78‰ (n = 12), and from -24.81‰ to -22.51% (n = 43), respectively, δ~(13)C values of the upland buzzards ranged from -22.60‰ to -23.10‰ when food was not available. The difference in δ~(13)C values (2.88‰±0.31‰) between upland buzzards and small mammals was much larger than the differences reported previously, 1‰-2‰, and showed significant difference, while 1.31‰±0.34‰ between upland buzzard and passerine bird species did not differ from the previously reported trophic fractionation difference of 1‰-2‰. Estimation of trophic position indicated that upland buzzards stand at trophic position 4.23, far from that of small mammals, i.e., upland buzzards scarcely captured small mammals as food at the duration of food shortage. According to isotope mass balance model, small mammals contributed 7.89% to 35.04% of carbon to the food source of the upland buzzards, while passerine bird species contributed 64.96% to 92.11%. Upland buzzards turned to passerine bird species as food during times of shortage of small mammals. δ~(13)C value, a useful indicator of diet, indicates that the upland buzzards feed mainly on passerine bird species rather than small mammals due to "you are what you eat" when small mammal preys are becoming scarce.


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On the Qinghai-Tibet plateau increased livestock numbers have resulted in degradation of the grasslands with potential impacts on native biodiversity. Concurrently, perceived increases in populations of native small mammals such as plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) have led to poisoning programs, with uncertain impacts on species such as ground-nesting birds. We explored the relationships between the local seasonal abundance of small birds and (1) the density of pika burrows; (2) livestock grazing practices; and (3) local poisoning of pikas. Around Naqu prefecture, central Tibet, we used a nested experimental design to collect data from areas rested from grazing over summer, nearby areas with year-round grazing and areas subjected to pika poisoning. Additional data were collected from a site where grazing had not occurred for at least 4 years prior to the study. Poisoning pikas in spring had no detectable effect on the local abundance of birds the following autumn. However, two ground-nesting species, white-rumped and rufous-necked snowfinches, showed positive associations with the density of pika burrows, indicating that long-term 'pika poisoning could reduce the density of these species by reducing the density of pika burrows. Rufous-necked snowfinches and non ground-nesting species including horned larks and common hoopoes showed positive responses to reduced grazing pressure from livestock, particularly in the long-rested site, indicating current grazing levels could be having a negative impact on these species. Conservation of small passerine biodiversity in this system will require changed management practices for livestock and pikas that consider the complex three-way interaction between livestock grazing, pikas and small birds. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper provides information about the distribution, structure, and ecology of the world's largest alpine ecosystem, the Kobresia pygmaea pastures in the southeastern Tibetan plateau. The environmental importance of these Cyperaceae mats derives from the extremely firm turf, which protects large surfaces against erosion, including the headwaters of the Huang He, Yangtze, Mekong, Salween, and Brahmaputra. The emphasis of the present article is on the climate-driven evolution and recent dynamics of these mats under the grazing impact of small mammals and livestock. Considering pedological analyses, radiocarbon datings, and results from exclosure experiments, we hypothesize that the majority of K. pygmaea mats are human-induced and replace forests, scrub, and taller grasslands. At present, the carrying capacity is increasingly exceeded, and reinforced settlement of nomads threatens this ecosystem especially in its drier part, where small mammals become strong competitors with livestock and the removal of the turf is irreversible. Examples of rehabilitation measures are given.


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Survival of small mammals in winter requires proper adjustments in physiology, behavior and morphology. The present study was designed to examine the changes in serum leptin concentration and the molecular basis of thermogenesis in seasonally acclimatized root voles (Microtus oeconomus) from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. In January root voles had lower body mass and body fat mass coupled with higher nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) capacity. Consistently, cytochrome c oxidase activity and mitochondrial uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) protein contents in brown adipose tissues were higher in January as compared to that in July. Circulating level of serum leptin was significantly lower in winter and higher in July. Correlation analysis showed that serum leptin levels were positively related with body mass and body fat mass while negatively correlated with UCP1 protein contents. Together, these data provided further evidence for our previous findings that root voles from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau mainly depend on higher NST coupled with lower body mass to enhance winter survival. Further, fat deposition was significantly mobilized in cold winter and leptin was potentially involved in the regulation of body mass and thermogenesis in root voles. Serum leptin might act as a starvation signal in winter and satiety signal in summer.


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We measured the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios for muscles of the upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius) and their potential food sources, plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae), Qinghai voles (Lasiopodomys fuscus), plateau zokors (Myospalax fontanierii), and several passerine bird species at the alpine meadow in Maduo county, Guoluo prefecture of Qinghai province, People's Republic of China, to provide diet information of upland buzzards, highlighting different diet composition of upland buzzards exposed to different locations. The results demonstrated that stable carbon isotope ratios of upland buzzards, passerine birds, plateau pikas, plateau zokors, and Qinghai voles were -24.42 +/- 0.25parts per thousand, -22.89 +/- 1.48parts per thousand, -25.30 +/- 1.47parts per thousand, -25.78 +/- 0.22parts per thousand, and -25.41 +/- 0.01parts per thousand, respectively, and stable nitrogen isotope ratios were 7.89 +/- 0.38parts per thousand, 8.37 +/- 2.05parts per thousand, 5.83 +/- 1.10parts per thousand, 5.23 +/- 0.34parts per thousand, and 8.86 +/- 0.06parts per thousand, respectively. Fractionation of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios between upland buzzards and their food were 1.03parts per thousand and 2.11parts per thousand, respectively. Based on mass balance principle of stable isotopes and the Euclidean distance mixing model, upland buzzards depended mainly on plateau pikas as food (74.56%). Plateau zokors, Qinghai voles, and passerine birds only contributed a small proportion (25.44%) to diets of upland buzzards. The results were closely accordant with analyses of stomach contents and food pellets, which firmly supported the feasibility of using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios to investigate diet information of upland buzzards. Another study based on stable carbon isotopes showed that upland buzzards living in the Haibei prefecture (another prefecture located in the southeast Qinghai province) mainly preyed on passerine birds (64.96% or more) as food supply. We were alarmed by the preliminary results that widespread poisoning activities of small mammals could reshape the food composition of upland buzzards, influencing the stability and sustainability of the alpine meadow. Bio-control on rodent pests should be carried out rather than the chemical measures.


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Muscle samples were collected from small herbivorous mammals (Ochotona curzoniae, Microtus oecnomus, Myospalax fontanierii and Lepus oiostolus) at the alpine meadow ecosystem at the Tibetan Plateau in order to address variability in stable carbon isotope composition. Stable carbon isotope values of muscles remain steady and show no significant variations (-25.72 to -27.04 parts per thousand) among the four small mammal species. Based on the mass balance theory of stable isotopes, it is proposed that small herbivorous mammals mainly (or totally) rely on C3 grasses as food supply, and there is few or no distribution of C4 grasses at the ecosystem. The results reflect our previous study on the isotope patterns of plant species. Thus, stable carbon isotope analysis of muscles provides a method to address dietary selection and dietary variability in herbivores. In addition, stable carbon isotopic analyses can be used to address changes in vegetation distributions in ecosystem and paleovegetaion and paleoclimate.


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For brittle solids containing numerous small cracks, a micromechanical damage theory is presented which accounts for the interactions between different small cracks and the effect of the boundary of a finite solid, and includes growth of the pre-existing small cracks. The analysis is based on a superposition scheme and series expansions of the complex potentials. The small crack evolution process is simulated through the use of fracture mechanics incorporating appropriate failure criteria. The stress-strain relations are obtained from the micromechanics analysis. Typical examples are given to illustrate the potential capability of the proposed theory. These results show that the present method provides a direct and efficient approach to deal with brittle finite solids containing multiple small cracks. The stress-strain relation curves are evaluated for a rectangular plate containing small cracks.


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A perturbation method is used to examine the linear instability of thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge of floating half-zone filled with a small Prandtl number fluid. The influence of liquid bridge volume on critical Marangoni number and flow features is analyzed. The neutral modes show that the instability is mainly caused by the bulk flow that is driven by the nonuniform thermocapillary forces acting on the free surface. The hydrodynamic instability is dominant in the case of small Prandtl number fluid and the first instability mode is a stationary bifurcation. The azimuthal wave number for the most dangerous mode depends on the liquid bridge volume, and is not always two as in the case of a cylindrical liquid bridge with aspect ratio near 0.6. Its value may be equal to unity when the liquid bridge is relatively slender.


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用去离子水及有机液体在内径约为25μm的石英圆管内进行了流量特性实验.液体分子量范围为18~160,动力黏性系数的范围为0.5~1 mPa.s.实验雷诺数范围为Re<8.所用有机液体为:四氯化碳、乙基苯及环己烷都是非极性液体,其分子结构尺度小于1 nm.实验结果表明,在定常层流条件下,圆管内的液体流量与两端压力差成正比,其压力-流量关系仍符合经典的Hagen-Poiseuille流动.这说明非极性小分子有机液体在本实验所用微米尺度管道中其流动规律仍符合连续介质假设.鉴于微尺度流动实验的特殊性,文中还介绍了微流动实验装置,分析了微尺度流动测量误差来源及提高测量精度的措施.


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Squeeze-film effects of perforated plates for small amplitude vibration are analyzed through modified Reynolds equation (MRE). The analytical analysis reckons in most important influential factors: compressibility of the air, border effects, and the resistance caused by vertical air flow passing through perforated holes. It is found that consideration of air compressibility is necessary for high operating frequency and small ratio of the plate width to the attenuation length. The analytical results presented in this paper agree with ANSYS simulation results better than that under the air incompressibility assumption. The analytical analysis can be used to estimate the squeeze-film effects causing damping and stiffness added to the system. Since the value of Reynolds number involved in this paper is low (< 1), inertial effects are neglected.


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Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The mechanical properties of film-substrate systems have been investigated through nano-indentation experiments in our former paper (Chen, S.H., Liu, L., Wang, T.C., 2005. Investigation of the mechanical properties of thin films by nano-indentation, considering the effects of thickness and different coating-substrate combinations. Surf. Coat. Technol., 191, 25-32), in which Al-Glass with three different film thicknesses are adopted and it is found that the relation between the hardness H and normalized indentation depth h/t, where t denotes the film thickness, exhibits three different regimes: (i) the hardness decreases obviously with increasing indentation depth; (ii) then, the hardness keeps an almost constant value in the range of 0.1-0.7 of the normalized indentation depth h/t; (iii) after that, the hardness increases with increasing indentation depth. In this paper, the indentation image is further investigated and finite element method is used to analyze the nano-indentation phenomena with both classical plasticity and strain gradient plasticity theories. Not only the case with an ideal sharp indenter tip but also that with a round one is considered in both theories. Finally, we find that the classical plasticity theory can not predict the experimental results, even considering the indenter tip curvature. However, the strain gradient plasticity theory can describe the experimental data very well not only at a shallow indentation depth but also at a deep depth. Strain gradient and substrate effects are proved to coexist in film-substrate nano-indentation experiments. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) that operates without primary buffer gas has become a new way of facilitating the compact integration of laser systems. To clarify the properties of spatial gain distribution, three-dimensional (3-D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology was used to study the mixing and reactive flow in a COIL nozzle with an interleaving jet configuration in the supersonic section. The results show that the molecular iodine fraction in the secondary flow has a notable effect on the spatial distribution of the small signal gain. The rich iodine condition produces some negative gain regions along the jet trajectory, while the lean iodine condition slows down the development of the gain in the streamwise direction. It is also found that the new configuration of an interleaving jet helps form a reasonable gain field under appropriate operation conditions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The motion of a single spherical small bubble due to buoyancy in the ideal fluid with waves is investigated theoretically and experimentally in this article. Assuming that the bubble has no effect on the wave field, equations of a bubble motion are obtained and solved. It is found that the nonlinear effect increases with the increase of the bubble radius and the rising time. The rising time and the motion orbit are given by calculations and experiments. When the radius of a bubble is smaller than 0.5mm and the distance from the free surface is greater than the wave height, the results of the present theory are in close agreement with measurements.