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The isothermal crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) block in two poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)-PEO segmented copolymers was studied with differential scanning calorimetry. The Avrami equation failed to describe the overall crystallization process, but a modified Avrami equation, the Q equation, did. The crystallizability of the PET block and the different lengths of the PEO block exerted strong influences on the crystallization process, the crystallinity, and time final morphology of the PEO block. The mechanism of nucleation and the growth dimension of the PEG block were different because of the crystallizability of time PET block and the compositional heterogeneity. The crystallization of the PEO block was physically constrained by the microstructure of time PET crystalline phase, which resulted in a lower crystallization rate. However, this influence became weak with the increase in the soft-block length. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Catalysts consisting of heteropoly acids (HPAs) supported on different silica and mesoporous molecular sieves have been prepared by impregnation and the sol-gel method, respectively, and their catalytic behavior in fixed-bed alkylation of isobutane with butene has been investigated. The activity, selectivity and stability of the supported-HPA catalysts could be correlated with the surface acidity of the catalysts, the structure of supports as well as the time on stream (TOS). In the fixed-bed reactor, the acidity of the heteropoly acid is favorable to the formation of dimerization products (C-8(=)); especially, the pore size of supports was seen to have an important effect on activity and product distribution of the catalysts. Contrary to the traditional solid-acid catalysts, the supported-HPA catalysts own an excellent stability for alkylation, which makes it possible for these supported catalysts to replace the liquid-acid catalysts used in industry.


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In this paper, we report the findings of a comparative study of the elbow joints of five species of macaque that inhabit China: Macaca assamensis, M. arctoides, M. mulatta, M. thibetana and M. nemestrina. Results of multivariate analyses of size-related variables and indices of the elbow joint suggested that the breadths of the ventral aspect of the trochlea and of the medial epicondyle of the humerus as well as indices describing the head of the radius are important factors for discriminating these species. The elbow joint of M. arctoides was most similar to that of M. thibetana, no doubt reflecting recency of common ancestry and similarity in terrestrial locomotion. The structures of the elbow joints in M. nemestrina and assamensis seemed more adapted to arboreal quadrupedalism. The elbow joint of M. mulatta, however, appears intermediate between the most terrestrial and the most arboreal forms.


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The sequences of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) and 5.8S rDNA of three cultivated strains of Porphyra haitanensis thalli (NB, PT and ST) were amplified, sequenced and analyzed. In addition, the phylogenic relationships of the sequences identified in this study with those of other Porphyra retrieved from GenBank were evaluated. The results are as follows: the sequences of the ITS and 5.8S rDNA were essentially identical among the three strains. The sequences of ITS l were 331 by to 334 bp, while those of the 5.8S rDNA were 158 by and the sequences of ITS2 ranged from 673 by to 681 bp. The sequences of the ITS had a high level of homology (up to 99.5%) with that of P. haitanensis (DQ662228) retrieved from GenBank, but were only approximately 50% homologous with those of other species of Porphyra. The results obtained when a phylogenetic tree was constructed coincided with the results of the homology analysis. These results suggest that the three cultivated strains of P. haitanensis evolved conservatively and that the ITS showed evolutionary consistency. However, the sequences of the ITS and 5.8S rDNA of different Porphyra species showed great variations. Therefore, the relationship of Porphyra interspecies phyletic evolution could be judged, which provides the proof for Porphyra identification study. However, proper classifications of the subspecies and the populations of Porphyra should be determined through the use of other molecular techniques to determine the genetic variability and rational phylogenetic relationships.


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Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global regulator involved in multiple aspects of bacterial life. The gene encoding the Vibrio harveyi Fur (Fur(vh)) was cloned from a pathogenic V. harveyi strain isolated from diseased fish. Furvh shares 77% overall sequence identity with the Escherichia coli Fur (Fur(Ec)) and could complement a mutant of Fur(Ec). Like Fur(Ec), Fur(Vh), possesses two cysteine residues at positions 92 and 95, yet unlike Fur(Ec), in which these cysteine residues constitute part of the metal ion coordination site and hence are vital to the repressor activity, C92 and C95 of Fur(Vh) proved to be functionally inessential. Further study identified a Vibrio Fur signature sequence, which is preserved in all the ten Vibrio Fur proteins that have been discovered to date but in none of the non-vibrio Fur proteins. Site-directed and random mutation analyses of the signature residues, the cysteine residues, and seven highly charged amino acid residues indicated that D9, H32, C137, and K138 of Fur(vh) are functionally important but D9, C137, and K138 can be replaced by more than one functional substitutes. Systematic deletion analysis demonstrated that the C-terminal 12 residues of Fur(Vh) are functionally inessential. These results (i) indicated that the activation mechanism, or certain aspects of which, of Fur(Vh) is possibly different from that of Fur(Ec); and (ii) suggested that it is not very likely that the C-terminal 12 residues play any significant role in the activation or stability of Fur(Vh); and (iii) provided insights into the potential function of the local structure involving C137 and K138.


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When materials processing is conducted in air surroundings by use of an impinging plasma jet, the ambient air will be entrained into the materials processing region, resulting in unfavorable oxidation of the feedstock metal particles injected into the plasma jet and of metallic substrate material. Using a cylindrical solid shield may avoid the air entrainment if the shield length is suitably selected and this approach has the merit that expensive vacuum chamber and its pumping system are not needed. Modeling study is thus conducted to reveal how the length of the cylindrical solid shield affects the ambient air entrainment when materials processing (spraying, remelting, hardening, etc.) is conducted by use of a turbulent or laminar argon plasma jet impinging normally upon a flat substrate in atmospheric air. It is shown that the mass flow rate of the ambient air entrained into the impinging plasma jet cannot be appreciably reduced unless the cylindrical shield is long enough. In order to completely avoid the air entrainment, the gap between the downstream-end section of the cylindrical solid shield and the substrate surface must be carefully selected, and the suitable size of the gap for the turbulent plasma jet is appreciably larger than that for the laminar one. The overheating of the solid shield or the substrate could become a problem for the turbulent case, and thus additional cooling measure may be needed when the entrainment of ambient air into the turbulent impinging plasma jet is to be completely avoided.


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The influence of the momentum addition, which may be associated with the average or fluctuation transverse component of the magnetic field or others, on the acceleration the solar wind or stellar wind is studied in a local streamtube. The results show that the larger the momentum addition the stronger the acceleration of the wind. For example, if the typical transverse magnetic field is about 0.1 of the longitudinal field, the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU may be increased by 40%. The coronal hole may be considered as a streamtube, the presence of a high stream from the coronal hole may be explained by the existence of an average or fluctuation transverse magnetic field in the streamtube. A similar conclusion may be applied to the polar region, where the velocity of the solar wind will be larger than elsewhere as if there is a transverse component of magnetic field, as well as to the stellar wind. The influence of other parameters on the acceleration of the solar wind is also discussed. From the viewpoint of the solar wind mechanism, the present paper shows that the momentum addition in the subsonic flow region can increase the velocity of the solar wind at 1 AU.


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Integrins alpha(M)beta(2) plays important role on leukocytes, such as adhesion, migration, phagocytosis, and apoptosis. It was hypothesized that homomeric associations of integrin subunits provide a driving force for integrins activation, and simultaneously inducing the formation of integrins clusters. However, experimental reports on homomeric associations between integrin subunits are still controversial. Here, we proved the homomeric associations of the isolated Mac-1 subunits in living cells using three-channel fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy and FRET spectra methods. We found that the extent of homomeric associations between beta(2) subunits is higher than alpha(M) subunits. Furthermore, FRET imaging indicated that the extent of homomeric associations of the Mac-1 subunits is higher along the plasma membrane than in the cytoplasm. Finally, we suggested that homomeric associations of the transmernbrane domains or/and cytoplasmic domains may provide the driving force for the formation of constitutive homomeric associations between alpha(M) or beta(2) subunits. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) is currently limited to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from Yichang to Shanghai, China, and the adjoining Poyang and Dongting Lakes. Its population size has decreased remarkably during the last several decades due to the heavy impact of human activities, including overfishing of prey species, water development projects that cause attendant habitat loss and degradation, water pollution, and accidental deaths caused by harmful fishing gear and collisions with motorized vessels. It was estimated that the number of remaining individuals was down to approximately 1800 in 2006, a number that is decreasing at a rate as high as 5% per year. Three conservation measures - in situ and ex situ conservation and captive breeding have been applied to the protection of this unique porpoise since the early 1990s. Seven natural and two "semi-natural" reserves have so far been established. Since 1996, a small group of finless porpoises has been successfully reared in a facility at the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; three babies were born in captivity on July 5, 2005, June 2, 2007 and July 5, 2008. These are the first freshwater cetaceans ever born in captivity in the world. Several groups of these porpoises caught in the main stream of the Yangtze River, or rescued, have been introduced into the Tian'e-Zhou Semi-natural Reserve since 1990. These efforts have proven that, not only can these animals survive in the area, they are also to reproduce naturally and successfully. More than 30 calves had been born in the reserve since then, with one to three born each year. Taking deaths and transfers into account, there were approximately 30 individuals living in the reserve as of the end of 2007. Among eight mature females captured in April 2008, five were confirmed pregnant. This effort represents the first successful attempt at off-site protection of a cetacean species in the world, and establishes a solid base for conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise. A lesson must be drawn from the tragedy of Chinese River Dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), which has already been declared likely extinct. Strong, effective and appropriate protective measures must be carried out quickly to prevent the Yangtze finless porpoise from becoming a second Chinese River Dolphin, and save the biodiversity of the Yangtze River as a whole.


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Three causes involved in the instability of the ISFET are proposed in this study. First, it is ascertained that hydroxyl group resident at the surface of the Si3N4 film or in the electrolyte solution is most active and subject to gain or loss of electrons. This is one of the main causes for ISFET structural instability. Secondly, the stability of the pH-sensitive FET varies with deposition conditions in the fabrication process of the ISFET. This proves to be another cause of ISFET instability. Thirdly, the pH of the measured solution varies with the measuring process and time, contributing to the instability, but is not a cause of the instability of the pH-ISFET itself. We utilized the technique of readjusting and controlling the ratio of hydroxyl groups to amine groups to enhance the stability of the ISFET. Our techniques to improve stability characteristics proved to be effective in practice.


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During the Last Glacial Maximum, ice sheets covered large areas in northern latitudes, and global temperatures were significantly lower than today. But few direct estimates exist of the volume of the ice sheets, or the timing and rates of change during their advance and retreat. Here we analyze four distinct sediment facies in the shallow, tectonically stable Bonaparte Gulf, Australia - each of which is characteristic of a distinct range in sea level - to estimate the maximum volume of land-based ice during the last glaciation and the timing of the initial melting phase. We use faunal assemblages and preservation status of the sediments to distinguish open marine, shallow marine, marginal marine and brackish conditions, and estimate the timing and the mass of the ice sheets using radiocarbon dating and glacio-hydroisostatic modelling. Our results indicate that from at least 22,000 to 19,000 (calendar) years before present, land-based ice volume was at its maximum, exceeding today's grounded ice sheets by 52.5 x 10 exp 6 cu km. A rapid decrease in ice volume by about 10 percent within a few hundred years terminated the Last Glacial Maximum at 19,000 +/- 250 years.


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The photoreduction current response on a polyaniline modified electrode is interpreted as photo-assisted reduction of oxygen dissolved in the electrolyte solution but not due to the excited species PAn* and PAn* dagger. The effect of light is just the same as that of the electrode rotating or of stirring of the electrolyte which accelerates the oxygen dissolved in the electrolyte solution to react with leucoemeraldine (reduced polyaniline). The potentiostat is set to reduce the oxidized polyaniline at constant potential, thus producing a reduction current.


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Diverse nifH and nifH-like gene sequences were obtained from the deep-sea surface sediments of the methane hydrate-bearing Okhotsk Sea. Some sequences formed novel families of the NifH or NifH-like proteins, of currently unresolved bacterial or archaeal origin. Comparison with other marine environments indicates environmental specificity of some of the sequences, either unique to the methane seep sediments of the Okhotsk Sea or to the general deep-sea methane seep sedimentary environments.


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Benthic foraminiferal analysis of 29 samples in surface sediments from the southern Okinawa Trough is carried out. The results indicate that benthic foraminiferal abundance decreases rapidly with increasing water depth. Percentage frequencies of agglutinated foraminifera further confirm the modem shallow carbonate lysocline in the southern Okinawa Trough. From continental shelf edge to the bottom of Okinawa Trough, benthic foraminiferal fauna in the surface sediments can be divided into 5 assemblages: (1) Continental shelf break assemblage, dominated by Cibicides pseudoungerianus, corresponds to subsurface water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (2) upper continental slope assemblage, dominated by Cassidulina carinata, Globocassidulina subglobosa, corresponds to intermediate water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (3) intermediate continental slope assemblage, dominated by Uvigerina hispida, corresponds to the Okinawa Trough deep water mass above the carbonate lysocline; (4), lower continental slope - trough bottom assemblage, dominated by Pullenia bulloides, Epistominella exigua and Cibicidoides hyalinus, corresponds to deep water mass of the Okinawa Trough; and (5) trough bottom agglutinated assemblage, dominated by Rhabdammina spp., Bathysiphon flavidus, corresponds to I strongly dissolved environment of the trough bottom. The benthic foraminiferal fauna in the southern Okinawa Trough are controlled jointly by water masses and food supply. Water temperature, oxygen concentration and carbonate dissolution of the water masses are important controlling factors especially for the continental shelf break and trough bottom assemblages. The food supply also plays an important role in these benthic foraminiferal assemblages along the western slope. of the Okinawa Trough. Both the abundance and the 5 assemblages of benthic foraminifera correspond well to the organic matter supply along the continental slope and a lateral transport of TSM (total suspended matter) and POC (particulate organic carbon) from the shelf break to the deep water is also an important food supply for benthic fauna in this region.


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A series of experiments were conducted to identify the factors that affected the growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae Paralichthys olivaceus. Settling larvae 24 days after hatching (DAH) were reared in 10-l experimental tanks up to 40 DAH, and two of the following factors were changed as controlled factors in each experiment: light regime (24L:0D or 12L:12D), prey density (1500, 3000, or 5000 Artemia l(-1)), shelter (sand or no sand) and stocking density (5, 10, or 15 fish l(-1)). Early settling larvae (24-35 DAH) experienced little mortality (less than 10% of the overall mortality) that was not significantly affected by above factors. In contrast, late settling larvae (36-40 DAH) suffered high cannibalistic mortality which was significantly influenced by each of the above factors. Larvae experienced significantly lower mortality at 10 fish l(-1) level than at other densities. Larvae at 15 fish l(-1) level had higher mortality than at 5 fish l(-1) when all other factors were identical. Larvae at 3000 and 5000 Artemia l(-1) treatments survived significantly better than at 1500 Artemia l(-1), but no significant differences in larval mortality were found between the two higher densities. Larvae suffered higher mortality at low prey density or at the absence of sand when they were exposed to longer photoperiod. Low stocking density significantly improved the growth of the settling larvae. The average daily instantaneous growth rate (G) at 5 and 15 fish l(-1) treatments were 0.050 and 0.034, with the coefficient of variation (CV) in final length at 16.4 and 23.5, respectively. Daily instantaneous growth rate increased significantly from 0.033 in the 1500 Artemia l(-1) to 0.041 and 0.045 in the 3000 and 5000 Artennia l(-1), respectively, but no significant difference in larval growth existed between the two higher prey densities. These findings suggested that the optimal prey density for growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae at a stocking density of 5 - 15 fish l(-1) was around 3000 Artemia l(-1) . Larvae that were exposed to 24L showed 20% increase in growth ( G = 0.046, CV = 18.7) than those exposed to 12L ( G = 0.037, CV = 20.5). Longer exposure to light significantly improved larval growth, provided sufficient food was available. Sand substrate did not show significant effects on larval growth, possibly because the larvae spent most of the time swimming or feeding in the water column during this stage. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.