31 resultados para Rite of passage

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The effect of feeding 0, 4, 8 and 16% rapeseed oil from 12-42 days of age was studied in broiler chickens on performance, digestibility of nutrients, and development of gastrointestinal tract, protein and energy metabolism. Thirty six female chickens (Ross 208) with initial body weight average 246 g were allocated to the four groups and kept pair-wise in metabolism cages. The chickens were fed similar amounts of metabolisable energy (ME) per day and similar amounts of essential amino acids relative to ME by adjusting with crystalline amino acids. The chickens were subjected to four balance periods each of five days with two 24 h measurements of gas exchange in two open-air-circuit respiration chambers inserted on the second and third day of each period. The addition of rapeseed oil increased the amount of gutfill indicating a reduced rate of passage and causing a hypertrophy of the gastrointestinal tract. There was a positive effect on feed utilisation as well as on digestibility especially of dietary fat together with higher utilisation of protein with addition of rapeseed oil. The partial fat digestibility of rapeseed oil estimated by regression was 91.1% and the partial metabolisability (ME/GE) of the rapeseed oil was estimated to 85% yielding an apparent metabolisable energy value of 34.30 MJ/kg.


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The optimal bounded control of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band random excitation for minimizing their first-passage failure is investigated. First, a stochastic averaging method for multi-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF) strongly nonlinear quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with wide-band stationary random excitations using generalized harmonic functions is proposed. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizinig reliability and maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated based on the averaged It$\ddot{\rm o}$ equations by applying the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraints. The relationship between the dynamical programming equations and the backward Kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and the Pontryagin equation for the conditional mean first-passage time of optimally controlled system is discussed. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of first-passage time of an optimally controlled system are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. The application of the proposed procedure and effectiveness of control strategy are illustrated with an example.


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An n degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system with r (1¡r¡n) independent 0rst integrals which are in involution is calledpartially integrable Hamiltonian system. A partially integrable Hamiltonian system subject to light dampings andweak stochastic excitations is called quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian system. In the present paper, the procedures for studying the 0rst-passage failure and its feedback minimization of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems are proposed. First, the stochastic averaging methodfor quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems is brie4y reviewed. Then, basedon the averagedIt ˆo equations, a backwardKolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function, a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of 0rst-passage time and their boundary and initial conditions are established. After that, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and 0nal time conditions for the control problems of maximization of reliability andof maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are formulated. The relationship between the backwardKolmogorov equation andthe dynamical programming equation for reliability maximization, andthat between the Pontryagin equation andthe dynamical programming equation for maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are discussed. Finally, an example is worked out to illustrate the proposed procedures and the e9ectiveness of feedback control in reducing 0rst-passage failure.


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The first-passage failure of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian si-stems (multidegree-of-freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems subject to light dampings and weakly random excitations) is investigated. The motion equations of such a system are first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving these equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Two examples are given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results from digital simulation are obtained to verify the effectiveness of the procedure.


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The first-passage time of Duffing oscillator under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations is studied. The equation of motion of the system is first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and generalized Pontryagin equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Numerical results for two resonant cases with several sets of parameter values are obtained and the analytical results are verified by using those from digital simulation.


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A procedure for designing the optimal bounded control of strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations for minimizing their first-passage failure is proposed. First, a stochastic averaging method for strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations using generalized harmonic functions is introduced. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizing reliability and of maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated from the averaged Ito equations by using the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraint. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of the first-passage time of the optimally controlled system are obtained from solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. An example is given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results obtained are verified by using those from digital simulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a feedback control scheme that designs time-dependent laser-detuning frequency to suppress possible dynamical instability in coupled free-quasibound-bound atom-molecule condensate systems. The proposed adaptive frequency chirp with feedback is shown to be highly robust and very efficient in the passage from an atomic to a stable molecular Bose-Einstein condensate.


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The digestibility of algae by stomachless filter-feeding fish has been debated for decades. Results from gut contents and digestive enzyme analysis suggest poor utilization, while the measurement of food assimilation using radiolabeled isotope techniques indicate reasonable assimilation efficiency. Phytoplankton in the gut contents of the planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp were studied during March-May. The fish were cultured in a large net cage in a shallow, hypertrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. In terms of biomass, the dominant phytoplankton in the fore-gut contents were Cyclotella (average 77.8%, range 69.7-93.5%) and Cryptomonas (average 9.57%, range 0-20.4%). The Ivlev's electivity index E of silver carp was much higher for Cyclotella (1.54) than for Cryptomonas (0.56). The majority of the phytoplankton found in the intestines of silver carp were 8-20 mu m, but they were also able to collect particles as small as 4.5-10 mu m, smaller than their filtering net meshes, suggesting that the secretion of mucus may play an important role in collecting such small particles. We conclude that disruption of cell walls is principally by the pharyngeal teeth, explaining previous contradictory conclusions. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the kinetics of protein folding via statistical energy landscape theory. We concentrate on the local-connectivity case, where the configurational changes can only occur among neighboring states, with the folding progress described in terms of an order parameter given by the fraction of native conformations. The non-Markovian diffusion dynamics is analyzed in detail and an expression for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) from non-native unfolded states to native folded state is obtained. It was found that the MFPT has a V-shaped dependence on the temperature. We also find that the MFPT is shortened as one increases the gap between the energy of the native and average non-native folded states relative to the fluctuations of the energy landscape. The second- and higher-order moments are studied to infer the first-passage time distribution. At high temperature, the distribution becomes close to a Poisson distribution, while at low temperatures the distribution becomes a Levy-type distribution with power-law tails, indicating a nonself-averaging intermittent behavior of folding dynamics. We note the likely relevance of this result to single-molecule dynamics experiments, where a power law (Levy) distribution of the relaxation time of the underlined protein energy landscape is observed.


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We study the dynamics of protein folding via statistical energy-landscape theory. In particular, we concentrate on the local-connectivity case with the folding progress described by the fraction of native conformations. We found that the first passage-time (FPT) distribution undergoes a dynamic transition at a temperature below which the FPT distribution develops a power-law tail, a signature of the intermittent nonexponential kinetic phenomena for the folding dynamics. Possible applications to single-molecule dynamics experiments are discussed.


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More than 22 000 folding kinetic simulations were performed to study the temperature dependence of the distribution of first passage time (FPT) for the folding of an all-atom Go-like model of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G. We find that the mean FPT (MFPT) for folding has a U (or V)-shaped dependence on the temperature with a minimum at a characteristic optimal folding temperature T-opt*. The optimal folding temperature T-opt* is located between the thermodynamic folding transition temperature and the solidification temperature based on the Lindemann criterion for the solid. Both the T-opt* and the MFPT decrease when the energy bias gap against nonnative contacts increases. The high-order moments are nearly constant when the temperature is higher than T-opt* and start to diverge when the temperature is lower than T-opt*. The distribution of FPT is close to a log-normal-like distribution at T* greater than or equal to T-opt*. At even lower temperatures, the distribution starts to develop long power-law-like tails, indicating the non-self-averaging intermittent behavior of the folding dynamics. It is demonstrated that the distribution of FPT can also be calculated reliably from the derivative of the fraction not folded (or fraction folded), a measurable quantity by routine ensemble-averaged experimental techniques at dilute protein concentrations.


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Several schemes for coherent quantum control of atomic and molecular processes have been proposed and investigated by using the techniques of adiabatic passage and ultrashort pulses, respectively. Some interesting results have been found.


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Using the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, we propose schemes for creating arbi- trary coherent superposition states of atoms in four-level systems: a A-type system with twofold final states and a four-level ladder system. With the use of a control field, arbitrary coherent superposition states are created without the condition of multiphoton resonance. Suitable manipulation of detunings and the control field can create either a single state or any superposition states desired. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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We propose a universal quantum computation scheme for trapped ions in thermal motion via the technique of adiabatic passage, which incorporates the advantages of both the adiabatic passage and the model of trapped ions in thermal motion. Our scheme is immune from the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from excited states as the system in our scheme evolves along a dark state. In our scheme the vibrational degrees of freedom are not required to be cooled to their ground states because they are only virtually excited. It is shown that the fidelity of the resultant gate operation is still high even when the magnitude of the effective Rabi frequency moderately deviates from the desired value.


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Scutellarin was purified from the plant Erigeron breuiscapus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz. The activity against 3 strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was determined in vitro in this study. These were laboratory-derived virus (HIV-I-IIIB), drug-resistant virus (HIV-I-74V), and low-passage clinical isolated virus (HIV-1(KM018)). From syncytia inhibition study, the EC50 of scutellarin against HIV-I-IIB direct infection in C8166 cells was 26 mu M with a therapeutic index of 36. When the mode of infection changed from acute infection to cell-to-cell infection, this compound became even more potent and the EC50 reduced to 15 mu M. This suggested that cell fusion might be affected by this compound. By comparing the inhibitory effects on p24 antigen, scutellarin was also found to be active against HIV-1(74V) (EC50 253 mu M) and HIV-1(KM018) (EC50 136 mu M) infection with significant difference in potency. The mechanism of its action was also explored in this study. At a concentration of 433 mu M, scutellarin inhibited 48% of the cell free recombinant HIV-1 RT activity. It also caused 82% inhibition of HIV-1 particle attachment and 45% inhibition of fusion at the concentrations of 54 mu M. In summary, scutellarin was found to inhibit several strains of HIV-1 replication with different potencies. It appeared to inhibit HIV-1 RT activity, HIV-1 particle attachment and cell fusion. These are essential activities for viral transmission and replication. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.