96 resultados para Riesz, Fractional Diffusion, Equation, Explicit Difference, Scheme, Stability, Convergence

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A perturbational h4 compact exponential finite difference scheme with diagonally dominant coefficient matrix and upwind effect is developed for the convective diffusion equation. Perturbations of second order are exerted on the convective coefficients and source term of an h2 exponential finite difference scheme proposed in this paper based on a transformation to eliminate the upwind effect of the convective diffusion equation. Four numerical examples including one- to three-dimensional model equations of fluid flow and a problem of natural convective heat transfer are given to illustrate the excellent behavior of the present exponential schemes, the h4 accuracy of the perturbational scheme is verified using double precision arithmetic.


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Perturbations are applied to the convective coefficients and source term of a convection-diffusion equation so that second-order corrections may be applied to a second-order exponential scheme. The basic Structure of the equations in the resulting fourth-order scheme is identical to that for the second order. Furthermore, the calculations are quite simple as the second-order corrections may be obtained in a single pass using a second-order scheme. For one to three dimensions, the fourth-order exponential scheme is unconditionally stable. As examples, the method is applied to Burgers' and other fluid mechanics problems. Compared with schemes normally used, the accuracies are found to be good and the method is applicable to regions with large gradients.


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A new finite difference method for the discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The scheme is constructed on a staggered-mesh grid system. The convection terms are discretized with a fifth-order-accurate upwind compact difference approximation, the viscous terms are discretized with a sixth-order symmetrical compact difference approximation, the continuity equation and the pressure gradient in the momentum equations are discretized with a fourth-order difference approximation on a cell-centered mesh. Time advancement uses a three-stage Runge-Kutta method. The Poisson equation for computing the pressure is solved with preconditioning. Accuracy analysis shows that the new method has high resolving efficiency. Validation of the method by computation of Taylor's vortex array is presented.


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A high order accurate finite difference method for direct numerical simulation of coherent structure in the mixing layers is presented. The reason for oscillation production in numerical solutions is analyzed, It is caused by a nonuniform group velocity of wavepackets. A method of group velocity control for the improvement of the shock resolution is presented. In numerical simulation the fifth-order accurate upwind compact difference relation is used to approximate the derivatives in the convection terms of the compressible N-S equations, a sixth-order accurate symmetric compact difference relation is used to approximate the viscous terms, and a three-stage R-K method is used to advance in time. In order to improve the shock resolution the scheme is reconstructed with the method of diffusion analogy which is used to control the group velocity of wavepackets. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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A new finite-difference scheme is presented for the second derivative of a semivectorial field in a step-index optical waveguide with tilt interfaces. The present scheme provides an accurate description of the tilt interface of the nonrectangular structure. Comparison with previously presented formulas shows the effectiveness of the present scheme.


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The convective--diffusion equation is of primary importance in such fields as fluid dynamics and heat transfer hi the numerical methods solving the convective-diffusion equation, the finite volume method can use conveniently diversified grids (structured and unstructured grids) and is suitable for very complex geometry The disadvantage of FV methods compared to the finite difference method is that FV-methods of order higher than second are more difficult to develop in three-dimensional cases. The second-order central scheme (2cs) offers a good compromise among accuracy, simplicity and efficiency, however, it will produce oscillatory solutions when the grid Reynolds numbers are large and then very fine grids are required to obtain accurate solution. The simplest first-order upwind (IUW) scheme satisfies the convective boundedness criteria, however. Its numerical diffusion is large. The power-law scheme, QMCK and second-order upwind (2UW) schemes are also often used in some commercial codes. Their numerical accurate are roughly consistent with that of ZCS. Therefore, it is meaningful to offer higher-accurate three point FV scheme. In this paper, the numerical-value perturbational method suggested by Zhi Gao is used to develop an upwind and mixed FV scheme using any higher-order interpolation and second-order integration approximations, which is called perturbational finite volume (PFV) scheme. The PFV scheme uses the least nodes similar to the standard three-point schemes, namely, the number of the nodes needed equals to unity plus the face-number of the control volume. For instanc6, in the two-dimensional (2-D) case, only four nodes for the triangle grids and five nodes for the Cartesian grids are utilized, respectively. The PFV scheme is applied on a number of 1-D problems, 2~Dand 3-D flow model equations. Comparing with other standard three-point schemes, The PFV scheme has much smaller numerical diffusion than the first-order upwind (IUW) scheme, its numerical accuracy are also higher than the second-order central scheme (2CS), the power-law scheme (PLS), the QUICK scheme and the second-order upwind(ZUW) scheme.


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Improving the resolution of the shock is one of the most important subjects in computational aerodynamics. In this paper the behaviour of the solutions near the shock is discussed and the reason of the oscillation production is investigated heuristically. According to the differential approximation of the difference scheme the so-called diffusion analogy equation and the diffusion analogy coefficient are defined. Four methods for improving the resolution of the shock are presented using the concept of diffusion analogy.


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A finite compact (FC) difference scheme requiring only bi-diagonal matrix inversion is proposed by using the known high-resolution flux. Introducing TVD or ENO limiters in the numerical flux, several high-resolution FC-schemes of hyperbolic conservation law are developed, including the FC-TVD, third-order FC-ENO and fifth-order FC-ENO schemes. Boundary conditions formulated need only one unknown variable for third-order FC-ENO scheme and two unknown variables for fifth-order FC-ENO scheme. Numerical test results of the proposed FC-scheme were compared with traditional TVD, ENO and WENO schemes to demonstrate its high-order accuracy and high-resolution.


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To overcome the difficulty in the DNS of compressible turbulence at high turbulent Mach number, a new difference scheme called GVC8 is developed. We have succeeded in the direct numerical simulation of decaying compressible turbulence up to turbulent Mach number 0.95. The statistical quantities thus obtained at lower turbulent Mach number agree well with those from previous authors with the same initial conditions, but they are limited to simulate at lower turbulent Mach numbers due to the so-called start-up problem. The energy spectrum and coherent structure of compressible turbulent flow are analysed. The scaling law of compressible turbulence is studied. The computed results indicate that the extended self-similarity holds in decaying compressible turbulence despite the occurrence of shocklets, and compressibility has little effects on relative scaling exponents when turbulent Mach number is not very high.


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A high order difference scheme is used to simulate the spatially developing compressible axisymmetric jet. The results show that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability appears first when the jet loses its stability, and then with development of jet the increase in nonlinear effects leads to the secondary instability and the formation of the streamwise vortices. The evolution of the three-dimensional coherent structure is presented. The computed results verify that in axisymmetric jet the secondary instability and formation of the streamwise vortices are the important physical mechanism of enhancing the flow mixing and transition occurring.


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Direct numerical simulation of transition How over a blunt cone with a freestream Mach number of 6, Reynolds number of 10,000 based on the nose radius, and a 1-deg angle of attack is performed by using a seventh-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme for the convection terms of the Navier-Stokes equations, together with an eighth-order central finite difference scheme for the viscous terms. The wall blow-and-suction perturbations, including random perturbation and multifrequency perturbation, are used to trigger the transition. The maximum amplitude of the wall-normal velocity disturbance is set to 1% of the freestream velocity. The obtained transition locations on the cone surface agree well with each other far both cases. Transition onset is located at about 500 times the nose radius in the leeward section and 750 times the nose radius in the windward section. The frequency spectrum of velocity and pressure fluctuations at different streamwise locations are analyzed and compared with the linear stability theory. The second-mode disturbance wave is deemed to be the dominating disturbance because the growth rate of the second mode is much higher than the first mode. The reason why transition in the leeward section occurs earlier than that in the windward section is analyzed. It is not because of higher local growth rate of disturbance waves in the leeward section, but because the growth start location of the dominating second-mode wave in the leeward section is much earlier than that in the windward section.


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Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent boundary layer over a sharp cone with 20 degrees cone angle (or 10 degrees half-cone angle) is performed by using the mixed seventh-order up-wind biased finite difference scheme and sixth-order central difference scheme. The free stream Mach number is 0.7 and free stream unit Reynolds number is 250000/inch. The characteristics of transition and turbulence of the sharp cone boundary layer are compared with those of the flat plate boundary layer. Statistics of fully developed turbulent flow agree well with the experimental and theoretical data for the turbulent flat-plate boundary layer flow. The near wall streak-like structure is shown and the average space between streaks (normalized by the local wall unit) keeps approximately invariable at different streamwise locations. The turbulent energy equation in the cylindrical coordinate is given and turbulent energy budget is studied. The computed results show that the effect of circumferential curvature on turbulence characteristics is not obvious.