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In this paper, we presents HyperSausage Neuron based on the High-Dimension Space(HDS), and proposes a new algorithm for speaker independent continuous digit speech recognition. At last, compared to HMM-based method, the recognition rate of HyperSausage Neuron method is higher than that of in HMM-based method.
In this paper, we presents HyperSausage Neuron based on the High-Dimension Space(HDS), and proposes a new algorithm for speaker independent continuous digit speech recognition. At last, compared to HMM-based method, the recognition rate of HyperSausage Neuron method is higher than that of in HMM-based method.
基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统提供了进行网络控制系统(NCS和多媒体通信等学科交叉领域研究的良好平台和契机。服务质量(QoS)的概念起源于多媒体和远程通信领域,大量的文献表明,将NCS和QOS结合起来的研究和应用还很少。本文分析、研究了基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统作为NCS, Internet上的多媒体应用和实时系统等多学科的交叉领域所具有的特点,对该系统同步和协调问题及具有QOS意识的网络机器人遥操作系统体系结构进行了深入、广泛的研究和探讨。就现有的基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统存在的缺乏对网络可用带宽的适应、缺乏多数据流协调等问题,提出了一种针对网络机器人遥操作系统的端到端QOS自适应体系结构AeQTA o在Internet QoS整体工程尚未完全启动的情况下,AeQTA的目的是将QOS的方法和策略尽量移植到端系统上,在端系统上提供QOS配置接口,实施QOS驱动的控制和管理策略,实现最大的网络效率、最可能好的应用性能和合理的业务流间资源分配的和谐统一。从时钟同步、速率控制、拥塞控制、多传感器信息同步和端到端的调度等几个方面剖析了基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统的协调和同步问题。针对NC S系统的同步容限的量化问题,提出了NCS多传感器反馈中的同步距离的概念和定义。然后,根据基于公式的、TCP-友好的速率控制的基本思路,结合使用应用需求QOS和网络QOS两种尺度调节的基于主媒体流的表象同步方法,将多传感器信息同步和速率控制统一起来,提出了一种速率控制方法TTFRC,提高了系统的实时性和TCP-友好性。为了给基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统研究提供一个真实的实验环境,为相关的策略和算法提供验证平台,我们建立了一个开放的、灵活的、可移植的、可裁减的且成本低的MOMR原型系统。目前,该原型系统已经为基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统深入的理论研究和实际经验积累做出了很大贡献。并且,在此基础上,由中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所和香港中文大学合作,己于2402年1月通过Internet实现了沈阳—香港—密西根三地的MONM远程协作。力求控制工程和计算机网络工程等多学科的结合是本论文工作的努力方向。
This research uses a multitask, multimodel approach to probe teh problem of risk perception. It consists of three parts. First, the research of risk perception in general social circumstances, the aim is to collect information about the risk perceived by popular; Secondly, the research of risk perception under working circumstances, in the form of questionaire on enterprises; Thirdly, an experimental test of risk cognitive strategies by computer simulation, that is 2x2x3 design of laboratory research based on questionaire.
Dislocation models with considering the mismatch of elastic modulus between matrix and reinforcing particles are used to determine the effective strain gradient \ita for particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp) in the present research. Based on Taylor relation and the kinetics of dislocation multiplication, glide and annihilation, a strain gradient dependent constitutive equation is developed. By using this strain gradient-dependent constitutive equation, size-dependent deformation strengthening behavior is characterized. The results demonstrate that the smaller the particle size, the more excellent in the reinforcing effect. Some comparisons with the available experimental results demonstrate that the present approach is satisfactory.
黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室土壤侵蚀模拟实验大厅自 1 992年竣工以来运转正常 ,在降雨面积之大、降雨强度调节范围之宽、降雨特性与天然降雨之接近程度、以及自动化控制程度等方面 ,目前均为全国之最。在土壤侵蚀实验研究中发挥了重要作用。在论述土壤侵蚀模拟实验重要意义的基础上 ,简要介绍了有关模拟降雨装置 (包括降雨喷头、供水管网等 )的设计依据、选型和布设安装等情况 ,并介绍了模拟降雨的基本特征。
本文在对现有网格资源发现方法进行分析的基础上,进一步结合了集中式与非集中式网格资源发现方法的优点,给出了一种具有较高资源发现性能的非集中式网格资源发现方发—树型网格资源发现方法(Tree-Type Grid Discovery, TTGD),并对其进行了仿真验证,主要内容如下:根据树型网格资源发现的基本思想,分析了资源路由表的构建过程。从资源的查找、资源加入和退出几个方面设计了树型网格资源发现方法的具体工作。并结合现有的技术给出了结点覆盖拓扑的构造与维护、资源发现请求的转发等底层支撑技术。从查询消息的路由跳数方面分析了树型网格资源发现方法的复杂度。设计了相应的仿真环境,对树型网格资源发现方法与社区方法进行了仿真对比。仿真结果表明,树型网格资源发现方法的平均查找跳数少于社区方法,但其系统构建的时空开销要略大一些。这种牺牲开销换取资源发现效率的做法是有其现实意义的。介绍了负载均衡的概况及实施过程,从局部负载均衡和全局负载均衡两个方面分析了现有的负载均衡技术特点。并把基于流言的负载均衡机制应用到树型网格资源发现系统中,既增大了热点资源被访问的概率,减轻了原结点的负载压力,又缩短了消息路由的跳数,提高了资源发现效率。
在过去的几十年间,利用线粒体基因组序列探讨后生动物深层次的系统发育关系已取得初步进展。这主要得益于,线粒体基因组与其它分子标记相比具备诸多优势。迄今为止,超过1,200个后生动物的线粒体基因组已被测定,然而所获得的数据分布极不均衡。 软甲纲历来是甲壳动物分类学和系统发育学研究的重要类群,在形态学特征和分子生物学各方面取得广泛的发展。尽管软甲纲本身作为单系群已得到大多数甲壳动物学家认可,但是软甲纲内部各个类群之间的系统发育关系迄今仍颇有争议。本文报道了凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei、中国明对虾Fenneropenaeus chinensis、脊尾白虾Exopalaemon carinicauda、太平洋磷虾Euphausia pacifica和采自南极普里兹湾南极磷虾Euphausia superba的线粒体基因组,其长度分别为15,989 bp、16,004 bp、15,730 bp、16,898 bp和15,498 bp以上(部分非编码区没有测定)。 本研究发现凡纳滨对虾、中国明对虾、脊尾白虾和太平洋磷虾的线粒体基因组包含后生动物线粒体基因组典型的基因组成(13个蛋白质编码基因、22个转运RNA、2个核糖体RNA和一个非编码的AT富含区);然而,南极磷虾与后生动物线粒体基因组典型的基因组成相比,存在1个trnN基因的重复。与泛甲壳动物线粒体基因组的原始排列相比,凡纳滨对虾和中国明对虾线粒体基因组的基因排列完全一致;脊尾白虾的线粒体基因组发生罕见的trnP和trnH易位,从而说明在真虾下目中线粒体基因组的基因排列并不保守;太平洋磷虾线粒体基因组的基因排列出现3个转运RNA的重排 (trnL1、trnL2和trnW);南极磷虾线粒体基因组的基因排列除了出现太平洋磷虾具有的这3个转运RNA重排之外,还有1个trnN的重复和1个trnI基因的重排。另外,在太平洋磷虾线粒体基因组最大的非编码区中存在一个154 bp×4.7的串连重复区域,如此大片段的串联重复区域(>150 bp)在软甲纲动物线粒体基因组中是首次报道。 目前所获得的线粒体基因组数据强有力地支持口足目、对虾科、真虾下目和短尾下目为单系群。通过比较基因排列及蛋白质编码基因核苷酸和氨基酸序列的系统发育分析得知真虾类和龙虾类为腹胚亚目的原始类群,并支持“((Penaeus+Fenneropenaeus)+Litopenaeus)+Marsupenaeus”的系统发育关系。此外,线粒体基因组的数据也强有力地支持磷虾目为单系群。但对于磷虾目在软甲纲中的分类地位及与其它类群的系统发育关系存在一些分歧:基于蛋白质编码基因核苷酸和氨基酸数据的贝叶斯分析强有力地支持磷虾目和十足目近缘,这个结果和传统的分类系统完全一致;然而,基于核苷酸序列的邻接法、氨基酸序列的邻接法和最大似然法均强有力地支持磷虾类和对虾类亲缘关系较近,从而破坏了十足目的单系性,与传统的认识并不一致,但由于自展值的支持率非常高,所以深层次的分析需要进一步加强。 星虫动物属于海洋生物中的一个小门类,自1555年被记载以来,其在后生动物中的分类地位就备受争议。本研究测定了星虫动物门的第一条线粒体基因组:革囊星虫Phascolosoma esculenta的线粒体基因组,全长为15,494 bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个转运RNA、2个核糖体RNA和1个非编码的AT富含区,所有37个基因在同一条链上编码。与后生动物线粒体基因组的典型组成相比,存在一个trnR基因的缺失和一个trnM基因的重复。比较星虫动物和其它后生动物的线粒体基因组,可以得到以下结论:1)星虫动物和环节动物(包括螠虫动物)的线粒体基因组有相近的基因排列,而且所有基因都在同一链上编码;2)基于蛋白质编码基因的系统发育分析强有力地支持星虫动物和环节动物(包括螠虫动物)组成一个单系群,而将软体动物排除在外。因此,本研究认为以前许多星虫动物和软体动物“共享”的特征,包括发育特征和缺乏分节等,需要重新考虑。
设计并实现了基于Pocket PC的互联网遥操作机器人足球比赛系统,按照需求分析、系统设计与实现,以及实验结果的思路描述了整个过程,建立了无线网络环境下遥操作理论研究的实验平台,并以此为基础对遥操作机器人足球背景下的操作者策略与自主智能的融合作了一些探索。
In research field of oil geophysical prospecting, reservoir prediction is refers to forecasting physical properties of petroleum reservoir by using data of seismic and well logging, it is a research which can guide oil field development. Singularities of seismic and logging data are caused by the heterogeneity of reservoir physical property. It's one of important methods that using singularity characteristics of seismic and logging data to study the reservoir physical property in recently. Among them, realization of reservoir quantitative prediction by analyzing singularity of the data and enhancing transition description of data is difficulty in method research. Based on wavelet transform and the fractal theory, the paper studied the singularity judgment criterion for seismic and logging data, not only analyzed quantitative relation between singularity data and reservoir physical property, but also applied it in practical reservoir prediction. The main achievements are: 1. A new method which provides singular points and their strength information estimation at only one single scale is proposed by Herrmann (1999). Based on that, the dissertation proposed modified algorithm which realized singularity polarity detection. 2. The dissertation introduced onset function to generalize the traditional geologic boundaries variations model which used singularity characteristics to represent the abruptness of the lithologic velocity transition. We show that singularity analysis reveals generic singularity information conducted from velocity or acoustic impedance to seismogram based on the convolution seismic-model theory. Theory and applications indicated that singularity information calculated from seismic data was a natural attribute for delineating stratigraphy boundaries due to its excellent ability in detecting detailed geologic features. We demonstrated that singularity analysis was a powerful tool to delineate stratigraphy boundaries and inverse acoustic impedance and velocity. 3. The geologic significances of logging data singularity information were also presented. According to our analysis, the positions of singularities indicate the sequence stratigraphic boundary, and there is subtle relationship between the singularity strength and sedimentary environment, meanwhile the singularity polarity used to recognize stratigraphic base-level cycle. Based on all those above, a new method which provided sedimentary cycle analysis based on the singularity information of logging data in multiple scales was proposed in this dissertation. This method provided a quantitative tool for judging interface of stratum sequence and achieved good results in the actual application.
Although the research into coworker relationship quality has been recognized one of key factors related to organization performance, and has been thought a new trend in organization behavior research with the flatting of organization structure and complication of task assignment, there is relatively little empirical research on the mechanism between coworkers’ interaction, contraring to the fruitful results on member exchange research based on social network theory, say nothing of the influence of cultural differences such as GUANXI. This research developed the scale for the assessment of Coworker Relationship Quality by literature review, deep interview, and questionnaires, compared the predictable ability of Coworker Relationship Quality (CRQ) scale and Coworker Exchange (CWX) scale on employees’ work attitudes and behaviors. Finally, the mediating effect of Coworker Relationship Quality between employees’ similarities on personality and their work attitudes and behaviors was investigated. Following are main results. Firstly, we found that the interpersonal communication, trust, and mutual support are the key factors of coworker relationship quality, which is similar to the result getting from western samples. But Chinese people are more GUANXI ORIENTATION, means they want to build longtime relationship with others, not only when they are coworkers, but also when one of them left the organization. Secondly, though the core meaning of CRQ and CWX are same, their predictable ability on organization outcomes is different. CRQ is more powerful than CWX, especially on turnover intention. The result showed that after controlling the effect of demographic variables and CRQ, CWX cannot predict turnover intention significantly, but CRQ can still predict turnover intention significantly after controlling demographic variables and CWX. Thirdly, the partial mediating effect of CRQ between positive affectivity similarity and organizational citizenship behavior, coworker satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention are validated, but we did not find the mediating effect of CRQ between demographic variable similarity and workers’ attitudes and behaviors. The Similarity Attraction Paradigm, Social Identity Theory, and Self Category Theory were supported.