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Blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa frequently occur in many eutrophic lakes in China, however, there is very little experimental study on the relationship between Microcystis and rotifers from Chinese waters. The effects of different concentrations of toxic M. aeruginosa PCC7820 on two common freshwater rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus and B. rubens were investigated in laboratory experiments. B. calyciflorus was able to utilize this strain of M. aeruginosa as a food source. However, M. aeruginosa suppressed the survival and reproduction of B. calyciflorus at the highest concentration (10(6) cells/ml) probably due to the inadequate nutrition. B. rubens was inhibited by toxic M. aeruginosa PCC7820 and the inhibition increased with the increasing Microcystis concentration. Our study indicates that the two rotifers have different sensitivities to toxic M. aeruginosa and that toxic cyanobacteria may affect zooplankton community structure by differentially inhibiting the different zooplankton taxa.


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The maturation pattern of sexual reproduction in Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura (Sargassaceae, Phaeaophyta) was examined in 2003 at Yunao Bay, Nanao Island, Shantou, China. Maturation began in mid-April (seawater temperature 19-21 degrees C), reached the peak in mid-May (maturation rate ca. 70%, and seawater temperature 23.5-25 degrees C) and finished in late-June (seawater temperature 27.5-30 degrees C). The Hizikia plants continued to gain the length from the beginning of maturation season to reach a maximum mean length of 34.8 cm in mid-May, after which the mean length was reduced drastically due to the senescence and rupture of the larger plants in size. The major portion of the mature plants belonged to the larger plants between April and May, but to the smaller ones in June. It is suggested that the plant must achieve a critical size before reproductive maturation occurred. There was a positive relationship between the number of receptacles (NR), as well as the reproductive allocation (RA), and the plant size of Hizikia population, with the recorded maximum values of NR and RA being 1220 and 64.3% respectively, for a single plant.


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Toxicity of many waterborne organic contaminants to aquatic organisms is mediated through oxidative damages resulting from the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Using duroquinone as a model ROS inducer, we carried out in vitro and in vivo experiments to test the hypothesis that reproduction in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) can be impaired through oxidative damage of their spermatozoa. In vitro exposure of fish spermatozoa to 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mu M duroquinone for 2 h showed a significant increase in the level of ROS in a dose-dependant manner. Sperm motility was significantly reduced in all exposure groups, but lipid peroxidation (LPO) and DNA strand break (measured by comet assay) were only enhanced at 50 mu M and above. A significant decrease in subsequent hatching rate was recorded in all the exposure groups, despite fertilization rate was not affected. In the in vivo experiment, spermatozoa were collected 24 and 72 h after fish received intra-peritoneal injections of 1.0 and 10 mg kg(-1) body weight duroquinone. DNA damage was clearly evident in spermatozoa of all treatment groups after 72 h exposure, and ROS was significantly enhanced in the high concentration group. LPO however, remained unchanged in both treatment groups. The overall results of both our in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that duroquinone can induce ROS production in spermatozoa, which may impair sperm quality and subsequently reproductive success through oxidative stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Age, growth, and reproduction of the bitterling, Paracheilognathus imberbis (Gunther), in Niushan Lake were studied between 1998 and 1999. Annuli on the scales were clear and could be used as valid indicators of age. The population of the fish comprised only one age group. The growth rate of males was markedly greater than that of females. The fish were multiple spawners, reaching maturity in the second year. Minimum size for males at maturity was 32.9 mm in total length and 0.30 g in weight; for females, the minima were 41.0 mm and 0.73 g. During the breeding season, both sexes exhibited secondary sex characteristics, and the ratio of males to females was 1: 1.04 (n = 104). The size of mature eggs averaged 3.12 mm in length by 1.03 mm. in width. Fecundity per female for one age group ranged from 38 to 189 eggs, with an average of 93 eggs (n = 80).


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Population parameters of Daphnia rosea were studied at various concentrations of Chlorella sp. (0.25, 0.75 and 3.0 mg C l(-1)) at several temperatures (20, 25, 28, and 30 degrees C) in the laboratory. Although there were some differences in the degrees of the effects of the various temperature-food combinations, both food and temperature exerted influences on almost all of the main population parameters of D. rosea. At a water temperature of 28 degrees C, growth and reproduction were reduced, and at the lowest food level (0.25 mgC l(-1)), reproduction failed. D, rosea did not survive at 30 degrees C in spite of abundant food supply, indicating that 30 degrees C is a physiological limit. A positive relationship between body length and brood size was recognized at high and medium food levels. The slope of the regression was the highest at the highest food level and at the lowest temperature (20 degrees C). The low food level exerted a negative influence on the net reproductive rate by lowering the size of egg-bearing females, by decreasing the brood size of each size class, by decreasing the brood number per female, and by increasing the period of empty brood chamber. High water temperature (28 degrees C) also exerted a negative influence on the net reproductive rate in a similar way. For the better understanding of the key factors driving the midsummer dynamics of daphnids in the field, it may be of crucial importance to compare the population parameters of the field populations with experimentally derived values under controlled conditions of food concentration and temperature.


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Effect of temperature and irradiance on growth and reproduction of Enteromorpha prolifera that bloomed offshore along the Qingdao coast in summer 2008, was studied. It was showed that E. prolifera propagated mainly asexually with specific growth rate (SGR) of 10.47 at 25A degrees C/40 mu mol m(-2)s(-1). Under this condition, gametes with two flagellate formed and released in 5 days. At the beginning of the development, the unicell gamete divided into two cells with heteropolarity, and then the apical cell developed into thalli primordial cells, whereas the basal cell developed into rhizoid primordial cells. In 8-day culture, the monoplast gamete developed into juvenile germling of 240 mu m in length. Unreleased gametes can develop directly within the alga body. E. prolifera could either reproduce through lateral branching or fragmenting except apomixis revealed by Microscopic observation. On aged tissue of E. prolifera, although the degraded pigments partially remained in faded algal filaments, numerous vegetative cells could still divide actively in the algal tissues.


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Circadian growth rhythm of the juvenile sporophyte of the brown alga Undaria pirznatifida was measured with the computer-aided image analysis system in constant florescent white light under constant temperature (10 degrees C). The growth rhythm persisted for 4 d in constant light with a free-running period of 25. 6 h. Egg release from filamentous gametophytes pre-cultured in the light - dark regime was evaluated for six consecutive days at fixed time intervals in constant white light and 12 h light per day. Egg release rhythm persisted for 3 d in both regimes, indicating the endogenous nature. Temporal scale of egg release and gametogenesis in 18, 16, 12 and 8 h light per day were evaluated respectively using vegetatively propagated filamentous gametophytes. Egg release occurred 2 h after the onset of dark phase and peaked at midnight. Evaluation of the rates of oogonium formation, egg release or fertilization revealed no significant differences in four light-dark regimes, indicating; the great plasticity of sexual reproduction. No photoperiodic effect in gametogenesis in terms of oogonium formation and egg release was found, but fertilization in short days was significantly higher than in long days. Results of this investigation further confirmed the general occurrence of circadian rhythms in inter-tidal seaweed species.


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Under laboratory conditions, the potential influence of diatom diets on reproduction of zoo-plankton Calanus sinicus was studied. Four diatom diet ingredients: Skeletonema costatum (SC), Chaetoceros muelleri (CM), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PT), diatom mixture (MIX) and a control diet: the flagellate Platymonas subordiformis (PS), were used at the same carbon concentrations of 2.0 mu g mL(-1) C. In a period of 17-day laboratory experiment, the effects of these algae diets on egg production and hatching success of the copepod Calanus sinicus were examined. The diets were analyzed for fatty acid content as an indicator of food quality. The results showed that the female survival of all treatments reached more than 80% except PT. Comparing to the initial value, egg production of Calanus sinicus was reduced in diatom diets (PT, CM), but remained in normal level in SC and MIX, indicating that some single diatom diets had a negative effect on the egg production of Calanus sinicus. Feeding with mixed food however can eliminate this negative effect. Among all the treatments, hatching success in filtered seawater was significantly higher than in algal exudates, indicating that not only diatoms but also other phytoplankton in certain concentration can release extracelluar substance that may inhibit eggs from hatching. Fatty acid analysis showed that both egg production rate and hatching success were negatively correlated to the ratio of 20:5 omega 3 and 14:0 in fatty acid composition.


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We have observed that Calanus sinicus retreated from neritic areas in the Yellow Sea and concentrated in the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water (YSCBW) area in summer. To investigate the summer reproductive strategy of C. sinicus in this situation, effects of high temperature on reproduction and hatching, as well as geographical variation of in situ egg production rate, were studied by onboard incubation in August 2001. Diel vertical migration (DVM) of females was investigated within and outside the YSCBW, respectively. Onboard incubation at 27 degrees C (i.e. surface temperature) resulted in lower fecundities than that at 9.8 and 12 degrees C (i.e. bottom temperature inside and outside the YSCBW) together with decreased hatching rates and increased naupliar malformation. Egg production was more active at stations outside the YSCBW than inside, where chlorophyll-a concentration was also relatively low. Females inside the YSCBW underwent DVM although they rarely entered the surface layer, but DVM was not observed outside the YSCBW. We conclude that surface temperature in summer has deleterious effects on C. sinicus egg production and hatching, and that it cannot reproduce successfully over the whole area. Inside the YSCBW, egg production is depressed by low food availability, while females outside suffer from high temperatures because of strong vertical mixing.


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The fecundity, hatching success and naupliar survival of Calanus sinicus were studied in the Yellow Sea during research cruises in April and October 2006, with emphasis on the regulation of reproduction. During both cruises, the egg production rate (EPR) showed large spatial variations (0 to 25.4 eggs female(-1) d(-1)), generally coinciding with the food availability. In April, the abundant phytoplankton and ciliates in the study area supported active reproduction, which would probably initiate the annual population development. In October, females remained immature in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, likely due to the unfavorable environment (poor food and low temperature). However, reproduction and recruitment were high in the neritic region, which may explain the local population recovery in late autumn. Hatching success varied markedly among stations in April (4 to 85%), whereas it was high overall in the neritic region during October (> 90%). Based on the potential recruitment rates, the spring recruitment would be more important for the annual population dynamics, Female gonad maturity, body size and lipid reserve were examined in relation to fecundity. Regression analyses suggested that the reproductive index (defined as the proportion of females with mature gonads) could be an indicator for the EPR of C. sinicus. Among the regulating factors, external food (ciliates and phytoplankton) seems essential for reproduction, whereas inner lipid reserve may mainly serve metabolic needs. Moreover, fecundity is positively related to body size but independent of temperature, which might exert indirect influences on reproduction.


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The sexual ratio of Gobiocypris rarus exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 17 beta -estradiol from embryo to sexually mature revealed feminization and overdevelopment of connective tissue in male fish gonad in 2-30 pg/L TCDD concentration range. Daphnia magna was not sensitive to the high dose of TCDD (0.1-1000 ng/ml), but the reproduction of D. magna treated with TCDD decreased after the 8th day. 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities in newly fertilized eggs of G. rarus exposed to TCDD dosage groups (1000-100,000 pg/L) were significantly induced and increased with TCDD concentrations at the early life stage, while no difference was found between low TCDD dosage groups (<100 pg/L), but a good relationship between the EROD activity and the TCDD concentration was observed during a long-term developmental stage. There was a pericardial edema formed in a 2-week yolk-sac at the concentration of 1000 pg/L TCDD. But in the exposure group (2 pg/L TCDD for 120 days), the cell nuclei of hepatocytes was far from the center and packed toward the cell membrane; the cristae of most mitochondria in the cell dropped and collapsed; the rough endoplasmic reticulum broke into fragments; and numerous lipid droplets formed in the cell. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The natural reproduction of grass carp, black carp, silver carp, and bighead will be affected adversely by the Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River. One of the methods to save the fish is to regulate the water levels, keeping them suited for the species to spawn. Nine factors associated with the scale of larvae-flood of the four species are classified into five levels, and the ranges of these factors producing larvae-floods are given by using the "factor-criteria system reconstruction analysis" method. Moderate beginning water levels and flow, with high daily increases in the rate of water level and flow, and a long duration of water level rising are important for the production of a large larvae-flood.


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As a large conspicuous intertidal brown alga, individuals of Sargassum horneri can reach a length of more than 7 m with a fresh weight of 3 kg along the coasts of the Eastern China Sea. The biomass of this alga as a vital component in coastal water ecology has been well documented. In recent years, a steady disappearance of the algal biomass along the once densely populated coastal areas of the Eastern China Sea has drawn attention in China. Efforts have been made to reconstruct the subtidal algal flora or even to grow the alga by use of long-lines. As part of the efforts to establish an efficient technique for producing seedlings of S. horneri, in this investigation a series of culture experiments were carried out in indoor raceway and rectangular tanks under reduced solar irradiance at ambient temperature in 2007-2008. The investigation demonstrated that: (1) sexual reproduction of S. horneri could be accelerated in elevated temperature and light climates, at least 3 months earlier than in the wild; (2) eggs of S. horneri had the potential to be fertilized up to 48 h, much longer than that of known related species; (3) suspension and fixed culture methods were both effective in growing the seedlings to the long-line cultivation stage; and (4) the life cycle of S. horneri in culture could be shortened to 4.5 months, thus establishing this alga as an appropriate model for investigating sexual reproduction in dieocious species of this genus.


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The mixture of the feces and urine of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus) was used to increase the perception of predation risk of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson) in the field. The influence of the predation risk on the reproduction and behavior of plateau pikas was examined through comparing reproductive characteristics and five different kinds of behavior between treatment and control plots. The results showed that 1) the body weight of the pikas was not significantly different between treatment and control plots. 2) The reproductive period of the pikas extended from March to later August in both treatment and control plots. The pregnant ratio, developed testes ratio, reproductive success and sex ratio of the pikas were not significantly different between the treatment and control plots. 3) The pikas increased their observing and calling frequencies and decreased their moving and feeding frequencies when exposed to red fox's feces and urine. 4) The increased red fox's feces and urine had no influence on the behavior of the pikas when the number of their natural enemies increased; the pikas obviously increased the observing frequencies and sharply decreased the calling frequency so as to decrease the direct predation risk. 5) There were no significantly behavioral differences between males and females as well as between adults and young. 6) The results reject the hypothesis 1 that the red fox's feces and urine as indirect predation risk suppresses the reproduction of the pikas and support the hypothesis 2 that the pikas can make decision by changing behavior to avoid the predation risk they encountered whenever.


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Material potential energy is well approximated by '' pair-functional '' potentials. During calculating potential energy, the orientational and volumetric components have been derived from pair potentials and embedding energy, respectively. Slip results in plastic deformation, and slip component has been proposed accordingly. Material is treated as a component assembly, and its elastic, plastic and damage properties are reflected by different components respectively. Material constitutive relations are formed by means of assembling these three kinds of components. Anisotropy has been incorporated intrinsically via the concept of component. Theoretical and numerical results indicate that this method has the capacity of reproducing some results satisfactorily, with the advantages of physical explicitness, etc. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.