88 resultados para RNA viruses

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The complete genome of spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) strain A-1 isolated from cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in China was sequenced and characterized. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) derived clones were constructed and the DNA was sequenced. It showed that the entire genome of SVCV A-1 consists of 11,100 nucleotide base pairs, the predicted size of the viral RNA of rhabdoviruses. However, the additional insertions in bp 4633-4676 and bp 4684-4724 of SVCV A-1 were different from the other two published SVCV complete genomes. Five open reading frames (ORFs) of SVCV A-1 were identified and further confirmed by RT-PCR and DNA sequencing of their respective RT-PCR products. The 5 structural proteins encoded by the viral RNA were ordered 3'-N-P-M-G-L-5'. This is the first report of a complete genome sequence of SVCV isolated from cultured carp in China. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that SVCV A-1 is closely related to the members of the genus Vesiculovirus, family Rhabdoviridae.


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Background: The DExD/H domain containing RNA helicases such as retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) are key cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) for detecting nucleotide pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of invading viruses. The RIG-I and MDA5 proteins differentially recognise conserved PAMPs in double stranded or single stranded viral RNA molecules, leading to activation of the interferon system in vertebrates. They share three core protein domains including a RNA helicase domain near the C terminus (HELICc), one or more caspase activation and recruitment domains (CARDs) and an ATP dependent DExD/H domain. The RIG-I/MDA5 directed interferon response is negatively regulated by laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) and is believed to be controlled by the mitochondria antiviral signalling protein (MAVS), a CARD containing protein associated with mitochondria. Results: The DExD/H containing RNA helicases including RIG-I, MDA5 and LGP2 were analysed in silico in a wide spectrum of invertebrate and vertebrate genomes. The gene synteny of MDA5 and LGP2 is well conserved among vertebrates whilst conservation of the gene synteny of RIG-I is less apparent. Invertebrate homologues had a closer phylogenetic relationship with the vertebrate RIG-Is than the MDA5/LGP2 molecules, suggesting the RIG-I homologues may have emerged earlier in evolution, possibly prior to the appearance of vertebrates. Our data suggest that the RIG-I like helicases possibly originated from three distinct genes coding for the core domains including the HELICc, CARD and ATP dependent DExD/H domains through gene fusion and gene/domain duplication. Furthermore, presence of domains similar to a prokaryotic DNA restriction enzyme III domain (Res III), and a zinc finger domain of transcription factor (TF) IIS have been detected by bioinformatic analysis. Conclusion: The RIG-I/MDA5 viral surveillance system is conserved in vertebrates. The RIG-I like helicase family appears to have evolved from a common ancestor that originated from genes encoding different core functional domains. Diversification of core functional domains might be fundamental to their functional divergence in terms of recognition of different viral PAMPs.


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Co-infection of two viruses has been observed in mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi), but the two viruses have not been characterized. In this study, a rhabdovirus has been isolated from the co-infected two viruses extracted from the diseased mandarin fish, and its morphological structure and partial biochemical and biophysical characteristics have been observed and analyzed. The isolated rhabdovirus has a typical bullet shape, and is therefore called S. chttatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV). And, the isolated rhabdovirus produced a higher titer (10(8.5) TCID50 ml(-1)) than did the co-infecting viruses (10(6.5) TCID50 ml(-1)). Subsequently, the viral genome RNA was extracted, and used as template to clone the complete nucleoprotein (N) gene by RT-PCR amplification. Cloning and sequencing of the SCRV N protein revealed 42%-31% amino acid identities to that of trout rhabdovirus 903/87 and the rhabdoviruses in genus Vesiculovirus. SDS-PAGE separation of the isolated SCRV and other two rhabdoviruses also revealed obvious polypeptide profile difference. Moreover, the anti-SCRV N protein antibody was prepared, and the anti-SCRV N protein antibody only could recognize the SCRV N protein, whereas no antigenicity was detected in other two rhabdoviruses. The data suggested that the SCRV should be a rhabdovirus member related to the genus Vesiculovirus in the Rhabdoviridae. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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对于某些一年生或二年生高等植物,春化作用是诱导其成花的一个重要的环境因子。冬小麦春化进程中存在着一个核酸代谢的关键期,利用分子生物学技术分离特异表达的基因是研究春化诱导成花机理的一个突破口。 利用TRIzol试剂快速提取冬小麦燕大1817(Triticum aestivum L. cv Yanda 1817)未春化、春化4d、春化20d、5d脱春化的胚芽中的总RNA,去除污染的DNA后,将引物P_1(5'TTTTTTTTTTTCA3')、P_2(5'TTTTTTTTTTCC3')与10个碱基的随机引物OPF_1-OPF_(20)、OPG_1-OPG_(20)组成80个引物对,对不同来源的RNA进行差别显示,共显示了大约10,000种mRNA,结果发现了两个仅在春化20d这一关键期表达而在未春化、春化4d、5d脱春化时不表达的春化相关基因(VRG)VRG49与VRG54。Northern分析进一步表明这两个基因仅与春化20d的冬小麦RNA有杂交信号。将VRG49与VRG54亚克隆于pGEM-4Z载体上,利用T_7测序系统获得了VRG49和VRG54的DNA序列,它们的长度分别为307bp与169bp。 春化21d的冬小麦京冬1号(T. aestivum L. cv Jingdong No. 1)胚芽的mRNA在逆转酶作用下反转录成sscDNA杂交,将过量的未春化、脱春化的mRNA与sscDNA杂交,运用磁珠法分离出未杂交上的sscDNA,以特异的sscDNA为模板,用DNA聚合酷I合成了dscDNA。通过对dscDNA内部EcoRI位点的甲基化、末端补平、EcoRI接头的安装、连接进入λgt10载体的EcoRI位置,以及运用包装系统进行体外包装,建立了库容为4 * 10~6pfu的富集低温诱导的冬小麦cDNA噬菌体文库。用来源于未春化、春化21d、脱春化的冬小麦mRNA合成3种cDNA探针,对噬菌斑进行原位杂交,结果筛选出了3个春化相关基因(VRG)VRG79、VRG111和VRG231。Dot blotting与Northern分析表明VRG79仅在冬小麦春化关键期21d表达。运用PCR方法从λgt10DNA中扩增出VRG79片断并亚克隆于PUC18载体上,通过T_7测序系统获得了VGR79的序列,其包括349个碱基。 通过Internet将VRG49、VRG54、VRG79与GenBank、EMBL、DDBJ、PBD中的序列进行同源性分析,结果发现这些基因至少是在植物中新发现的基因,对这些基因推测的一些功能也进行了讨论。