52 resultados para Phylogeographic Reconstruction, Lateral Gene Transfer, Burkholderia pseudomallei,

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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were employed to explore the gas-sensing mechanisms of zinc oxide (ZnO) with surface reconstruction taken into consideration. Mix-terminated (10 (1) over bar0) ZnO surfaces were examined. By simulating the adsorption process of various gases, i.e., H-2, NH3, CO, and ethanol (C2H5OH) gases, on the ZnO (10 (1) over bar0) surface, the changes of configuration and electronic structure were compared. Based on these calculations, two gas-sensing mechanisms were proposed and revealed that both surface reconstruction and charge transfer result in a change of electronic conductance of ZnO. Also, the calculations were compared with existing experiments.


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Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a unique tool for introducing random or targeted genetic alterations, because it is possible that the desired, but extremely rare recombinant genotypes can be screened by drug selection. ES cell-mediated transgenesis has so far been limited to the mouse. In the fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) several ES cell lines have been made available. Here we report the optimized conditions for gene transfer and drug selection in the medaka ES cell line MES1 as a prelude for gene targeting in fish. MES1 cells gave rise to a moderate to high transfection efficiency by the calcium phosphate co-precipitation (5%), commercial reagents Fugene (11%), GeneJuice (21%) and electroporation (>30%). Transient gene transfer and CAT reporter assay revealed that several enhancers/promoters and their combinations including CMV, RSV and ST (the SV40 virus early gene enhancer linked to the thymidine kinase promoter) were suitable regulatory sequences to drive transgene expression in the MES1 cells. We show that neo, hyg or pac conferred resistance to G418, hygromycin or puromycin for positive selection, while the HSV-tk generated sensitivity to ganciclovir for negative selection. The positive-negative selection procedure that is widely used for gene targeting in mouse ES cells was found to be effective also in MES1 cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that MES1 cells after gene transfer and long-term drug selection retained the developmental pluripotency, as they were able to undergo induced differentiation in vitro and to contribute to various tissues and organs during chimeric embryogenesis.


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Gloeobacter violaceus, a cyanobacterium lack of thylakoids, is refractory to genetic manipulations because its cells are enveloped by a thick gelatinous sheath and in colonial form. In this study, a large number of single cells were obtained by repeated pumping with a syringe with the gelatinous sheath removed. And an exogenous broad host range plasmid pKT210 was conjugatively transferred into G. violaceus. Analyses with dot-blot hybridization and restriction mapping showed that the exogenous plasmid pKT210 had been introduced into G. violaceus and stably maintained with no alteration in its structure. pKT210 extracted from G. violaceus exconjugants could be transformed into the mcr - mrr - E. coli strain DH10B but not the mcr(+) mrr(+) strain DH5alpha, which suggests that a methylase system may be present in G. violaceus.


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The first successful case of transgenic fish was achieved in 1984. It is in a model system that the integration and expression of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in host red common carp (Cyprinus carpio, red var.) have been thoroughly studied. Recently, the integration sites have been recovered and characterized. Compared with non-transgenic peers, hGH-transgenic fish are prior in dietary utilization and growth performance. In view of bio-safety and bio-ethics, an "all-fish" construct CAgcGH, grass carp growth hormone fused with common carp P-actin promoter, has been generated and transferred into Yellow River carp (C carpio, local strain in Yellow River) fertilized eggs. Under middle-scale trial, CAgcGH-transgenics show higher growth rate and food conversion efficiency than the controls, which is consistent to laboratory findings. To avoid the potential impact of transgenic fish on the environment, a sterile strain of transgenic triploid fish has been successfully produced. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp is also approved safe enough as daily food, according to a test based on the pathological principles of new medicines issued by the Ministry of Health of China. The "all-fish" transgenic common carp with growth enhancement is now ready for market, but looking for governmental authorization. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS and Ifremer/IRD/Inra/Cemagref. All rights reserved.


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The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system, derived from teleost fish sequences, is extremely effective at delivering DNA to vertebrate genomes, including those of humans. We have examined several parameters of the SB system to improve it as a potential, nonviral vector for gene therapy. Our investigation centered on three features: the carrying capacity of the transposon for efficient integration into chromosomes of HeLa cells, the effects of overexpression of the SB transposase gene on transposition rates, and improvements in the activity of SB transposase to increase insertion rates of transgenes into cellular chromosomes. We found that SB transposons of about 6 kb retained 50% of the maximal efficiency of transposition, which is sufficient to deliver 70-80% of identified human cDNAs with appropriate transcriptional regulatory sequences. Overexpression inhibition studies revealed that there are optimal ratios of SB transposase to transposon for maximal rates of transposition, suggesting that conditions of delivery of the two-part transposon system are important for the best gene-transfer efficiencies. We further refined the SB transposase to incorporate several amino acid substitutions, the result of which led to an improved transposase called SB11. With SB11 we are able to achieve transposition rates that are about 100-fold above those achieved with plasmids that insert into chromosomes by random recombination. With the recently described improvements to the transposon itself, the SB system appears to be a potential gene-transfer tool for human gene therapy.


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We have studied the lateral carrier transfer in a specially designed quantum dot chain structure by means of time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) and polarization PL. The PL decay time increases with temperature, following the T-1/2 law for the typical one-dimensional quantum system. The decay time depends strongly on the emission energy: it decreases as the photon energy increases. Moreover, a strong polarization anisotropy is observed. These results are attributed to the efficient lateral transfer of carriers along the chain direction. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether adenovirus-mediated p53 transfer could sensitize hepatocellular carcinoma to heavy-ion irradiation. Methods. HepG2 cells were preexposed to a C-12(6+) beam, and then infected with replication-deficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 (AdCMV-p53) (C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection). The survival fraction was determined by clonogenic assay. The cell cycle, cell apoptosis, and p53 expression were monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Results. p53 expression in C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups was markedly higher than that in C-12(6+) irradiation only groups (P < 0.05), suggesting that the preexposure to the C-12(6+) beam promoted the expression of exogenous p53 in HepG2 cells infected with AdCMV-p53 only. The G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis in the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups were significantly more than those in the C-12(6+) irradiated groups (P < 0.05). The survival fractions of the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased by 30%-49% compared with those of the C-12(6+) beam-irradiated only groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer can promote G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis, thus sensitizing hepatocellular carcinoma cells to heavy-ion irradiation.


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Genetic transformation by electroporation of protoplasts is a standard procedure for many plants. However, for the genus Porphyra, the method is not effective because of low viability of protoplasts and is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. Based on the life history of Porphyra, a spore-targeted strategy of genetic transformation was developed, that is, using fresh conchospores of Porphyra haitanensis Chang & Zheng transformed by agitation with glass beads. A SV40 promoter-driven lacZ reporter gene was expressed in conchospores 48 h after the agitation. More transformants were obtained by increasing the agitation time from 10 to 25 s. The maximum number of transformants was more than six out of 1 million agitated conchospores. Transfer of a SV40 promoter-driven egfp gene into conchospores resulted in significant green GFP fluorescence. The expression of lacZ and egfp revealed that this strategy of spore-targeted transformation using glass bead agitation is feasible in P. haitanensis and that the SV40 promoter is effective for monitoring expression of foreign genes in this red algal species.


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Plasmids pG DNA-RZ1 with a GFP (green fluorescent protein) reporter gene and a ribozyme gene incising penaeid white spot baculovirus (WSBV) were first introduced into the fertilized eggs of Chinese shrimps by gene gun. The treated and control samples of different development stages were observed with a fluorescent microscope. The transient expression of GFP gene was high in nauplius and zoea larvae. Results from RT-PCR and PCR for adults showed that the foreign genes had been transferred into the shrimps and had expressed the corresponding proteins. This work has established a transgenic method for penaeid shrimps, which will set base for the application of genetic engineering breeding into industry.


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The success of some phylogenetic markers in cyanobacteria owes to the design of cyanobacteria-specific primers, but a few studies have directly investigated the evolution "behavior" of the loci. In this study, we performed a case study in Nostoc to evaluate rpoC1, hetR, rbcLX, and 16S rRNA-tRNA(Ile)-tRNA(Ala)-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) as phylogenetic markers. The results indicated that the gene trees of these loci are not congruent with the phylogeny based on 16S rRNA gene. The mechanisms contributing to the incongruence include randomized variation and recombination. As the results suggested, one should be careful to choose the molecular markers for phylogenetic reconstruction at the intrageneric level in cyanobacteria.


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With current gene-transfer techniques in fish, insertion of DNA into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. Associated position effects, copy number differences, and multiple gene interactions make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and fish phenotype less predictable. To meet different fish engineering needs, we describe here a gene targeting model in zebrafish. At first, four target zebrafish lines, each harboring a single genomic lox71 target site, were generated by zebrafish transgenesis. The zygotes of transgenic zebrafish lines were coinjected with capped Cre mRNA and a knockin vector pZklox66RFP. Site-specific integration event happened from one target zebrafish line. In this line two integrant zebrafish were obtained from more than 80,000 targeted embryos (integrating efficiency about 10(-4) to 10(-5)) and confirmed to have a sole copy of the integrating DNA at the target genome site. Genomic polymerase chain reaction analysis and DNA sequencing verified the correct gene target events where lox71 and lox66 have accurately recombined into double mutant lox72 and wild-type loxP. Each integrant zebrafish chosen for analysis harbored the transgene rfp at the designated egfp concatenates. Although the Cre-mediated recombination is site specific, it is dependent on a randomly placed target site. That is, a genomic target cannot be preselected for integration based solely on its sequence. Conclusively, an rfp reporter gene was successfully inserted into the egfp target locus of zebrafish genome by Cre-lox-mediated recombination. This site-directed knockin system using the lox71/lox66 combination should be a promising gene-targeting platform serving various purposes in fish genetic engineering.


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A major problem in gene therapy is the determination of the rates at which gene transfer has occurred. Our work has focused on applications of the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system as a non-viral vector for gene therapy. Excision of a transposon from a donor molecule and its integration into a cellular chromosome are catalyzed by SB transposase. In this study, we used a plasmid-based excision assay to study the excision step of transposition. We used the excision assay to evaluate the importance of various sequences that border the sites of excision inside and outside the transposon in order to determine the most active sequences for transposition from a donor plasmid. These findings together with our previous results in transposase binding to the terminal repeats suggest that the sequences in the transposon-junction of SB are involved in steps subsequent to DNA binding but before excision, and that they may have a role in transposase-transposon interaction. We found that SB transposons leave characteristically different footprints at excision sites in different cell types, suggesting that alternative repair machineries operate in concert with transposition. Most importantly, we found that the rates of excision correlate with the rates of transposition. We used this finding to assess transposition in livers of mice that were injected with the SB transposon and transposase. The excision assay appears to be a relatively quick and easy method to optimize protocols for delivery of genes in SB transposons to mammalian chromosomes in living animals. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Haemorrhage can be an epidemic and fatal condition in grass carp. It is known now that the Grass Carp Haemorrhage Virus (GCHV) triggers haemorrhage. Human lactoferrin (hLF) plays an important role in the non-specific immune system, making some organisms more resistant to some viruses. Sperm of grass carp was mixed with linearized pCAhLFc, which is a DNA construct containing an hLF cDNA and the promoter of common carp beta-actin gene, and then electroporated. Then, mature eggs were fertilized in vitro with the treated sperm cells. The fry were sampled and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results indicated that the foreign gene had been transferred successfully into the cells of some fry. Under optimal electroporation conditions, the efficiency of gene transfer was as high as 46.8%. About 35.7% of treated 5-month-old grass carp contained foreign genes. Most transgenic fry demonstrated significant delays in onset of symptoms of haemerrhage after injection of GCHV, suggesting a significant positive relationship between hLF cDNA and levels of disease resistance (P < 0.01). Results suggest that transgenic grass carp could be bred for increased resistance to haemorrhage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.