30 resultados para Pervasive computing

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随着计算能力和通信能力的增强,计算设备所占用的体积也越来越小,各种新形态的传感器、移动设备及无线网络设备日趋普及。这极大地促进了以无线、移动和嵌入式设备为基础的普适计算模式的形成和发展。普适环境下的服务发现机制可使得用户能够使用各种移动设备无缝的、随时随地的共享和访问各种服务信息。 普适环境中的网络异构性和动态性,以及服务的多样性和异构性,均对服务发现提出了新的挑战。目前学术界和工业界在服务发现方面进行了不少的探索和研究,当前的一些服务发现协议或系统比如SLP、UPnP、INS等,一般基于语法的方法描述服务,主要关注服务的功能性需求,但基于关键字来匹配请求和服务描述,在普适环境下常常会导致较差的匹配结果。 针对服务发现在普适环境中的新需求,本文基于XML定义了一种轻量级的服务语义建模语言SML,SML定义了丰富的数据类型,以模板和属性的方式定义各领域的实体,可以表达丰富的语义知识;同时,本文以轻量级的推理引擎Jess为依托,将用服务建模语言定义的各应用领域的服务模板和语义知识自动转换成Jess的推理规则和事实。本文定义了一种类似XPath的服务查询语言规范,并在支持精确匹配的基础上,提出了服务的近似匹配策略,提供了各种的近似计算规则。鉴于不同用户对服务的各属性有不同的偏好程度,还提出了基于用户偏好的服务匹配策略。动态的上下文信息是服务匹配过程的重要考虑因素。本文以Jess规则来匹配服务和用户的上下文,选择适合于用户当前情况的服务。对服务各种QoS的描述支持也是服务语义建模语言提供的功能之一,为此,本文还提出了一种基于Pareto最优的服务选择策略,根据服务的QoS以及服务与请求的匹配程度来选择Pareto最优的服务。本文的上述工作已实现到服务发现系统Service CatalogNet Extended中。


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普适计算(Pervasive Computing)的出现改变了传统的以计算机为中心的资源和信息获取模式,提出一种以人为本的计算方式,为人们提供随时随地、适应环境变化的资源和信息的获取方法,成为下一代网络的主流发展方向之一。普适计算具有环境异构并且动态变化的特点,在这种网络环境中信息的开发和集成打破了传统的模式,软件变服务的观点被普遍接受,并且得到了广泛的应用。因此,面向服务的计算(Service-oriented Computing)和普适计算的结合,是未来信息技术的下一阶段,也成为目前研究的热点问题。 一方面针对普适计算的特点,研究其动态变化、移动性和用户相关性等;一方面针对面向服务的计算,研究其体系结构、服务的描述、查询、组合、部署等问题。普适计算的特点决定了在该环境下的服务组合需要适应环境的动态变化;服务部署需要满足资源约束条件,提高网络资源利用率。基于研究背景以及对目前存在问题的分析,本文进行普适计算环境下服务组合及部署的研究,主要工作包括以下四个方面: (1)提出了一种规则驱动上下文相关的服务组合方法 服务组合是面向服务的计算中经典问题,研究成果包括组合模型、语言、方法和系统等,根据需求提出基于工作流、基于形式化方法、基于语义以及基于服务非功能属性等多种服务组合方法,但这些方法难以解决普适计算中的服务组合问题。因为在普适计算环境下,服务组合不仅需要满足功能性要求,而且要适应环境的异构和动态变化,能够根据环境变化自动的构建组合路径并动态的绑定服务。本文使用上下文刻画普适计算的动态变化性,提出一种基于本体的上下文模型和描述语言,并扩展服务描述,将上下文引入服务组合,提出服务组合算法,实现了规则驱动上下文相关的服务组合路径的建立。 (2)提出一种基于上下文协商的动态服务选取方法 服务组合路径建立了服务执行的先后顺序,在服务的执行期间需要动态的绑定实例,绑定服务实例过程称为动态的服务选取。考虑到普适计算中设备资源有限性以及提高网络资源利用率,本文提出一种基于上下文协商的服务选取方法。首先从已有的上下文本体中获取与动态服务选取相关的上下文,并根据其内容的不同分为用户上下文、设备上下文和服务上下文;然后给出上下文协商的约束条件,基于约束条件提出了上下文的协商算法,进行服务的选取绑定,实现动态服务组合。最后通过实验验证了算法的效率和有效性,分析了上下文数目和服务数目的变化,对服务组合成功率、资源利用率、服务选择冲突率等的影响。 (3)提出普适计算环境下的服务动态部署问题及算法 某些特定的应用(如数字家庭等)需要将服务部署在一个普适计算环境中,部署时需要考虑网络中负载均衡,提高资源利用率。本文针对普适计算中设备异构、资源有限的特点,给出组合服务动态部署问题的描述,并说明该问题是一个NP问题,提出一个启发式算法,能够在多项式时间内找到近似最优解,最后通过算法模拟和实验验证了算法的有效性以及时间性能,说明该方法适用于设备或者原子服务数目较多的普适计算环境。 (4)实现了一个服务组合原型系统 本文在国家八六三项目和国家科技攻关项目研究的基础上,实现了一个服务组合原型系统,该系统是“Web服务计算平台”的一部分,并以分布式文档管理系统为例,给出了服务组合的实现效果。


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The LURR theory is a new approach for earthquake prediction, which achieves good results in earthquake prediction within the China mainland and regions in America, Japan and Australia. However, the expansion of the prediction region leads to the refinement of its longitude and latitude, and the increase of the time period. This requires increasingly more computations, and the volume of data reaches the order of GB, which will be very difficult for a single CPU. In this paper, a new method was introduced to solve this problem. Adopting the technology of domain decomposition and parallelizing using MPI, we developed a new parallel tempo-spatial scanning program.


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Negabinary is a component of the positional number system. A complete set of negabinary arithmetic operations are presented, including the basic addition/subtraction logic, the two-step carry-free addition/subtraction algorithm based on negabinary signed-digit (NSD) representation, parallel multiplication, and the fast conversion from NSD to the normal negabinary in the carry-look-ahead mode. All the arithmetic operations can be performed with binary logic. By programming the binary reference bits, addition and subtraction can be realized in parallel with the same binary logic functions. This offers a technique to perform space-variant arithmetic-logic functions with space-invariant instructions. Multiplication can be performed in the tree structure and it is simpler than the modified signed-digit (MSD) counterpart. The parallelism of the algorithms is very suitable for optical implementation. Correspondingly, a general-purpose optical logic system using an electron trapping device is suggested. Various complex logic functions can be performed by programming the illumination of the data arrays without additional temporal latency of the intermediate results. The system can be compact. These properties make the proposed negabinary arithmetic-logic system a strong candidate for future applications in digital optical computing with the development of smart pixel arrays. (C) 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(99)00803-X].


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High dimensional biomimetic informatics (HDBI) is a novel theory of informatics developed in recent years. Its primary object of research is points in high dimensional Euclidean space, and its exploratory and resolving procedures are based on simple geometric computations. However, the mathematical descriptions and computing of geometric objects are inconvenient because of the characters of geometry. With the increase of the dimension and the multiformity of geometric objects, these descriptions are more complicated and prolix especially in high dimensional space. In this paper, we give some definitions and mathematical symbols, and discuss some symbolic computing methods in high dimensional space systematically from the viewpoint of HDBI. With these methods, some multi-variables problems in high dimensional space can be solved easily. Three detailed algorithms are presented as examples to show the efficiency of our symbolic computing methods: the algorithm for judging the center of a circle given three points on this circle, the algorithm for judging whether two points are on the same side of a hyperplane, and the algorithm for judging whether a point is in a simplex constructed by points in high dimensional space. Two experiments in blurred image restoration and uneven lighting image correction are presented for all these algorithms to show their good behaviors.


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Quantum computing is a quickly growing research field. This article introduces the basic concepts of quantum computing, recent developments in quantum searching, and decoherence in a possible quantum dot realization.


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The Double Synapse Weighted Neuron (DSWN) is a kind of general-purpose neuron model, which with the ability of configuring Hyper-sausage neuron (HSN). After introducing the design method of hardware DSWN synapse, this paper proposed a DSWN-based specific purpose neural computing device-CASSANN-IIspr. As its application, a rigid body recognition system was developed on CASSANN-IIspr, which achieved better performance than RIBF-SVMs system.


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