21 resultados para Parker Morris

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Repeated low-dose morphine treatment facilitates delayed-escape behaviour of hippocampus-dependent Morris water maze and morphine withdrawal influences hippocampal NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity. Here, we examined whether and how morphine wit


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Separate groups of rats with bilateral or unilateral lesions in septum were tested for acquisition and retention of the Morris water maze spatial cognitive task. Some of the animals in each lesion group received preoperative training in the task. Other animals in each group received no preoperative training. The results indicate that although both lesions lead to a spatial cognitive impairment in both the acquisition and retention of the task, the animals with bilateral lesions were more severely impaired than were the animals with unilateral, as indicated by quantitative measure. Searching strategies were used as an index to eximine the qualitative difference in the animals swim be havior, we found that the unilateral damaged animals still tend to use "mapping" strategies to solve the task as in the case of control groups but the accuracy is lower. The searching strategies used by the bilateral damaged animals showed complex patterns. The acquisition group with bilateral tend to use random and paratic strategies, however, the retention group with bilateral had a tendacy to use paratic and taxic strategies. The difference between searching strategies and its dynamic, change possibly suggest that other cognitive processing systems play an role in the processing of information about the task.


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<正> 近年来的大量观测发现,太阳磁场在光球层倾向于集中在小尺度的磁通量管中。根据目前磁象仪的分辨率,磁通量管的直径可以小至100km,或者更小。这就要求从理论上建立磁通量管的模型(有关论述可见Parker和Spruit的综评)。Deinzer曾经用一类相似解去描


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刺叶栎( Quercus ilex L.)是地中海的常绿树种,属于古老的第三纪植物区系成份。本文根据苏黎世——蒙特利尔学派的植被学基本原理,全面地研究了分布在整个威尼托(Veneto)大区的剌叶栎林,详细研究刺叶栎林的群落组成、结构及类型划分。同时,对威尼托的刺叶栎林同北京山区的栎林进行了比较研究。最后,着重研究了威尼托刺叶栎林的生物多样性。 威尼托的刺叶栎林主要分布在亚得里亚海沿岸(包括Foci del Tagtiamento和Bosco Nordio e Rosolina Mare两地)、Lago di Garda和Colli Euganei。 在气候上,亚得里亚海沿岸属于半地中海气候。加尔达湖区域(Laqo di Garda)则是接近欧洲中部的大陆性气候,且维持半地中海的气候特点。Co t l i Euganei是这两地气候的过渡类型,且更接近亚得里亚海沿岸的类型。 在亚得里亚海沿岸的刺叶栎林可以分为三类,第一类(I)是一些矮树丛,这是Fraxinus ornus和Quercus ilex混交林的前身,较干旱。第二类群落(II)缺少乔木层,灌木层是由一些盖度不大的刺叶栎代替,更干旱。第三类群落(Ⅲ)是一群在外貌上相同的成熟群落.Fraxinus ornus和Quercus ilex得到充分发展,较中生。 在加尔达湖区的刺叶栎林可划分为三类。第一类群落(I)代表一组耐旱、开敞的矮树丛,含有Sesterio Variae-Ostryelum群丛的特征种,这一类可划分为SesLerio Variae-Ostryetum群 丛,土壤贫脊和干旱。第二类群落(Ⅱ)代表一类较郁闭的矮树丛,含有较多的Prunetalia群落目的成份,土壤较贫脊。第三类群(Ⅲ)代表一类郁闭的群落,乔木具有很大的密度因而林下灌木不能充分发展。SesLerio Variae-Ostryetum群丛和Prunetalia群落目的成份均不多。 在Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林可划分为二类。第一类群落(I)是一些不郁闲的矮树林组成。大体上分为地中海旱生栎林和地中海假灌丛。第二类群落(II)代表了较中生状态的植被,刺叶标种群绝对郁闭。 北京地处华北大平原的西北部。北京山地的气候为温带陆地性季风气候,其地带性的落叶阔叶林是以栎林为典型。虽然这些栎林同意大利威尼托刺叶栎林是两种不同的森林类型,但两者之间是存在着一定的联系。其共有的科有20个,共有属有11个。他们在植物组成中,以禾本科,蔷薇科和豆科的植物种类为最多。在乔木层中,他们都是以壳斗科的栎属(Quercus)为优势,其中木犀科的白蜡属(Fraxinus)和槭树属(Acer)较多。 本文对威尼托大区刺叶栎林的物种多度分布格局进行了全面探讨,计算出刺叶栎林的几何分布模型、Broken-stick分布模型、Log分布模型、Log-normat分布模型等四种物种多度分布的理论模型,并将这些理论分布模型用“序列/多度”图解和“多度/频度”图解表示出来。其中,几何分布模型.Broken-stick1分布模型用“序列/多度”图解表示。Broken-stick2分布模型、Log分布模型、Log-normal分布模型用“多度/频度”图解表示。 对上述四个物种多度的理论分布同实际现察的物种多度分布进行X2分析,在5%的显著性水平上,对整个威托大区的刺叶 栎林,几何分布模型最能代表其物种多度分布,显著性最大;Log-normal分布模型也可以用来代表威尼托刺叶标妹的物种多度分布,其显著性次于几何分布模型的显著性。这表明威尼托的刺叶栎林尚处于演替的早期阶段,这些刺叶栎林曾受到严重破坏,现正在恢复。 通过比较Foci del Tagtiamento和Bosco Nordio加尔达湖区、Colli Euganei四个地方刺叶栎林的物种多度的几何分布模型和Log-normal分布模型,显示出Lago di Garda(加尔达湖区)的刺叶栎林生物多样性最好、Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性较好.Bosco Nordio的剌叶栎林生物多样性较差.Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林生物多样性最差。 再利用多样性指数计算全部威尼托大区剌叶栎林的生物多样性。计算的多样性指数有丰富度指数(包括Margalef指数、Men-hinick指数、Monk指数)、多样性指数(Shannon信息指数、Bri llouin个息指数、Gini指数、PIE指数、Mcintosh指数)、优势度指数(Berger-Parker指数、Simpson指数)、均一度指数(Pielou均一度指数、Brillouin均一度指数,PIE的V’均一度指数.PIE的V均一度指数,N2的V’均一度指数,N2的V均一度指数,Mclntosh均一度指数,Hill的F10均一度指数,Hill的E21均一度指数,Hill的F21的一度指数)。通过比较丰富度指数,多样性指数、均一度指数与优势度之间的关系,结果,Simpson优势度指数同Men-hinick物种丰富度指数、Shannon信息指数、Bril-louin信息指数、Pielou均一度指数,Brillouin均一度指数,Mcintosh均一度指数、PIE的V’均一度指数呈负相关关系,因此,上述生物多样性指数可以较好地反映威尼托大区刺叶栎林的生物多样性。反映出的结果是:加尔达湖区刺叶栎林生物多样性最好,Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性较好,Bosco Nordio的剌叶栎林生物多样性较差.Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林生物多样性最差。 生物多样性的研究显示出生物多样性同生境状况的密切联系。往往受人为干扰严重的群落生物多样性低、如Coli Euganei和亚得里亚海岸刺叶栋林;而受人为破坏较轻的群落其生物多样性高,如加尔达湖区刺叶栎。 生物多样性的研究还显示出生物多样性同群落演替的发展阶段密切相关,在群落演替初期,由于缺乏优势种,而又有大量物种侵入,物多样性相对较高。在群落演替中期,由于形成了一个或几个优势种,优势度的增加导致了生物多样性相对减低。如Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性高于Bosco Nordio刺叶栎林的生物多样性。到演替后期,随着更多物种的侵入,群落结构的复杂化、生物多样性又将逐步提高。


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Advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication(1,2). To understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. Here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the Middle East, indicating that they are a dominant source of genetic diversity for dogs rather than wolves from east Asia, as suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data(3). Furthermore, we find a surprising correspondence between genetic and phenotypic/functional breed groupings but there are exceptions that suggest phenotypic diversification depended in part on the repeated crossing of individuals with novel phenotypes. Our results show that Middle Eastern wolves were a critical source of genome diversity, although interbreeding with local wolf populations clearly occurred elsewhere in the early history of specific lineages. More recently, the evolution of modern dog breeds seems to have been an iterative process that drew on a limited genetic toolkit to create remarkable phenotypic diversity.


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1 Stress is a risk factor in psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different circulating levels of the adrenal steroid corticosterone (CORT) on locomotor hyperactivity and prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle, two behavioural animal models of aspects of schizophrenia. 2 Male C57BL/6J mice (n = 10 per group) were anaesthetised with isoflurane and sham-operated or adrenalectomised (ADX). ADX mice were implanted with 50 mg pellets consisting of 100% cholesterol, or 2, 10 or 50 mg of CORT mixed with cholesterol. CORT pellet implantation dose dependently increased plasma CORT levels 3 weeks after surgery. Starting 1 week after surgery, mice were tested for prepulse inhibition after injection of saline or 5 mg kg(-1) of haloperidol. 3 In intact mice and in mice implanted with 10 mg of CORT, haloperidol treatment significantly increased prepulse inhibition (average values from 38 - 42 to 52%). Similar results were observed when testing the mice for amphetamine-induced locomotor hyperactivity (5 mg kg(-1)). In contrast, there was no significant effect of haloperidol in mice implanted either with cholesterol or 2 or 50 mg of CORT. 4 These results in behavioural animal models of schizophrenia suggest an important role of the stress hormone CORT in modulating dopaminergic activity in this illness.


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Learning and memory play an important role in morphine addiction. Status epilepticus (SE) can impair the spatial and emotional learning and memory. However, little is known about the effects of SE on morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Th