12 resultados para PROMINENCE

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There are several examples of horizontal ringlike prominences in the observations of Ha monochromatic image of the sun. In the present paper the statie equilibrium of the plasma loop is discussed. The analytic solutions to magnetic field and density are obtained for the axisymmetrie case under the closed boundary condition. Results show the great influence of the gravity and different force-free factors on the configurations of magnetic surfaces and the distributions of thermodynamical quantities for the prominence.


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In 1980 the Beijing Observatory had successively observed sevesal rare completely closed ring prominences whose ring plane was approximately parallel to the solar surface with a characteristic life about 1—2 days. In this paper we discuss the static equilibrium of this kind of horizontal ring plasma under the simultaneous actions of magnetic force, gravity and pressure gradients. Assuming ring plasma with axisymmetry and rectangular plasma cross-section and adopting closed magnetic field boundary condition from the basic equations we obtain the exact zero order general solutions for magnetic field (force-free field) and density (pressure). We further obtain an eigen-solution for the zero order magnetic field and density as well as the first order magnetic field, thus giving a kind of the possible distribution of magnetic field and density for the horizontal closed ring prominence. The closed magnetic structure of ring prominence as presented in this paper, has no link with the force lines of the outside corona magnetic field. This is helpful to explain the great temperature difference between prominenee and corona.


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The statistical correlation between an eruptive prominence and the coronal transient associated with this prominence implies that there should be a relationship between these two kinds of dynamical processes. This paper analyzes the dynamical effect of a plasma


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.


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Two local solutions, one perpendicular and one parallel to the direction of solar gravitational field, are discussed. The influence of gravity on the gas-dynamical process driven by the piston is discussed in terms of characteristic theory, and the flow field is given quantitatively. For a typical piston trajectory similar to the one for an eruptive prominence, the velocity of the shock front which locates ahead the transient front is nearly constant or slightly accelerated, and the width of the compressed flow region may be kept nearly constant or increased linearly, depending on the velocity distribution of the piston. Based on these results, the major features of the transient may be explained. Some of the fine structure of the transient is also shown, which may be compared in detail with observations.


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An investigation of a commercial oxide dispersion-strengthened steel (MA9561) irradiated with high energy Ne-ions to high doses at elevated temperatures is presented. Specimens of MA956 oxide dispersion strengthened steel together with a 9% Cr ferritic/martensitic steel, e.g., Grade 92 steel were irradiated simultaneously with 20Ne-ions (with 122 MeV) to successively increasing damage levels of 1, 5 and 10 dpa at the damage peak at 440 C and 570 C, respectively. Cross-sectional microstructures of the specimens were investigated with transmission electron microscopy. MA956 oxide dispersion strengthened steel showed a higher resistance to void swelling especially to void growth at the grain boundaries than the ferritic/martensitic steel, e.g., Grade 92 steel did, and thus exhibited a prominence for an application in the situation of a high He production at high temperatures. The suppression of the growth of voids especially at the grain boundaries in MA956 is ascribed to an enhanced recombination of the point defects and a trapping of Ne atoms at the interfaces of the yttrium–aluminum oxide particles and the matrix.


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In this paper, an investigation on the micro-structure of an Fe-base oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloy irradiated with high-energy Ne-20 ions to different doses at a temperature around 0.5T(m) (T-m is the melting point of the alloy) is presented. Investigation with the transmission electron microscopy found that the accelerated growth of voids at grain-boundaries, which is usually a concern in conventional Fe-base alloys under conditions of inert-gas implantation, was not observed in the ODS alloy irradiated even to the highest dose (12000 at.ppm Ne). The reason is ascribed to the enhanced recombination of point defects and strong trapping of Ne atoms at the interfaces of the nano-scale oxide particles in grains. The study showed that ODS alloys have good resistance to the high-temperature inter-granular embrittlement due to inert-gas accumulation, exhibiting prominence of application in harsh situations of considerable helium production at elevated temperatures like in a fusion reactor.


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The modeling formula based on seismic wavelet can well simulate zero - phase wavelet and hybrid-phase wavelet, and approximate maximal - phase and minimal - phase wavelet in a certain sense. The modeling wavelet can be used as wavelet function after suitable modification item added to meet some conditions. On the basis of the modified Morlet wavelet, the derivative wavelet function has been derived. As a basic wavelet, it can be sued for high resolution frequency - division processing and instantaneous feature extraction, in acoordance with the signal expanding characters in time and scale domains by each wavelet structured. Finally, an application example proves the effectiveness and reasonability of the method. Based on the analysis of SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) filter, by taking wavelet as basic wavelet and combining SVD filter and wavelet transform, a new de - noising method, which is Based on multi - dimension and multi-space de - noising method, is proposed. The implementation of this method is discussed the detail. Theoretical analysis and modeling show that the method has strong capacity of de - noising and keeping attributes of effective wave. It is a good tool for de - noising when the S/N ratio is poor. To give prominence to high frequency information of reflection event of important layer and to take account of other frequency information under processing seismic data, it is difficult for deconvolution filter to realize this goal. A filter from Fourier Transform has some problems for realizing the goal. In this paper, a new method is put forward, that is a method of processing seismic data in frequency division from wavelet transform and reconstruction. In ordinary seismic processing methods for resolution improvement, deconvolution operator has poor part characteristics, thus influencing the operator frequency. In wavelet transform, wavelet function has very good part characteristics. Frequency - division data processing in wavelet transform also brings quite good high resolution data, but it needs more time than deconvolution method does. On the basis of frequency - division processing method in wavelet domain, a new technique is put forward, which involves 1) designing filter operators equivalent to deconvolution operator in time and frequency domains in wavelet transform, 2) obtaining derivative wavelet function that is suitable to high - resolution seismic data processing, and 3) processing high resolution seismic data by deconvolution method in time domain. In the method of producing some instantaneous characteristic signals by using Hilbert transform, Hilbert transform is very sensitive to high - frequency random noise. As a result, even though there exist weak high - frequency noises in seismic signals, the obtained instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals may be still submerged by the noises. One method for having instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals in wavelet domain is put forward, which obtains directly the instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals by taking the characteristics of both the real part (real signals, namely seismic signals) and the imaginary part (the Hilbert transfom of real signals) of wavelet transform. The method has the functions of frequency division and noise removal. What is more, the weak wave whose frequency is lower than that of high - frequency random noise is retained in the obtained instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals, and the weak wave may be seen in instantaneous characteristic sections (such as instantaneous frequency, instantaneous phase and instantaneous amplitude). Impedance inversion is one of tools in the description of oil reservoir. one of methods in impedance inversion is Generalized Linear Inversion. This method has higher precision of inversion. But, this method is sensitive to noise of seismic data, so that error results are got. The description of oil reservoir in researching important geological layer, in order to give prominence to geological characteristics of the important layer, not only high frequency impedance to research thin sand layer, but other frequency impedance are needed. It is difficult for some impedance inversion method to realize the goal. Wavelet transform is very good in denoising and processing in frequency division. Therefore, in the paper, a method of impedance inversion is put forward based on wavelet transform, that is impedance inversion in frequency division from wavelet transform and reconstruction. in this paper, based on wavelet transform, methods of time - frequency analysis is given. Fanally, methods above are in application on real oil field - Sansan oil field.


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With the development of oil and gas exploration, the exploration of the continental oil and gas turns into the exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs from the structural oil and gas reservoirs in China. The reserves of the found subtle oil and gas reservoirs account for more than 60 percent of the in the discovered oil and gas reserves. Exploration of the subtle oil and gas reservoirs is becoming more and more important and can be taken as the main orientation for the increase of the oil and gas reserves. The characteristics of the continental sedimentary facies determine the complexities of the lithological exploration. Most of the continental rift basins in East China have entered exploration stages of medium and high maturity. Although the quality of the seismic data is relatively good, this areas have the characteristics of the thin sand thickness, small faults, small range of the stratum. It requests that the seismic data have high resolution. It is a important task how to improve the signal/noise ratio of the high frequency of seismic data. In West China, there are the complex landforms, the deep embedding the targets of the prospecting, the complex geological constructs, many ruptures, small range of the traps, the low rock properties, many high pressure stratums and difficulties of boring well. Those represent low signal/noise ratio and complex kinds of noise in the seismic records. This needs to develop the method and technique of the noise attenuation in the data acquisition and processing. So that, oil and gas explorations need the high resolution technique of the geophysics in order to solve the implementation of the oil resources strategy for keep oil production and reserves stable in Ease China and developing the crude production and reserves in West China. High signal/noise ratio of seismic data is the basis. It is impossible to realize for the high resolution and high fidelity without the high signal/noise ratio. We play emphasis on many researches based on the structure analysis for improving signal/noise ratio of the complex areas. Several methods are put forward for noise attenuation to truly reflect the geological features. Those can reflect the geological structures, keep the edges of geological construction and improve the identifications of the oil and gas traps. The ideas of emphasize the foundation, give prominence to innovate, and pay attention to application runs through the paper. The dip-scanning method as the center of the scanned point inevitably blurs the edges of geological features, such as fault and fractures. We develop the new dip scanning method in the shap of end with two sides scanning to solve this problem. We bring forward the methods of signal estimation with the coherence, seismic wave characteristc with coherence, the most homogeneous dip-sanning for the noise attenuation using the new dip-scanning method. They can keep the geological characters, suppress the random noise and improve the s/n ratio and resolution. The rutine dip-scanning is in the time-space domain. Anew method of dip-scanning in the frequency-wavenumber domain for the noise attenuation is put forward. It use the quality of distinguishing between different dip events of the reflection in f-k domain. It can reduce the noise and gain the dip information. We describe a methodology for studying and developing filtering methods based on differential equations. It transforms the filtering equations in the frequency domain or the f-k domain into time or time-space domains, and uses a finite-difference algorithm to solve these equations. This method does not require that seismic data be stationary, so their parameters can vary at every temporal and spatial point. That enhances the adaptability of the filter. It is computationally efficient. We put forward a method of matching pursuits for the noise suppression. This method decomposes any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms that are selected from a redundant dictionary of functions. These waveforms are chosen in order to best match the signal structures. It can extract the effective signal from the noisy signal and reduce the noise. We introduce the beamforming filtering method for the noise elimination. Real seismic data processing shows that it is effective in attenuating multiples and internal multiples. The s/n ratio and resolution are improved. The effective signals have the high fidelity. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the real seismic data processing, it is proved that the methods in this paper can effectively suppress the random noise, eliminate the cohence noise, and improve the resolution of the seismic data. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.


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This research, mainly by using perceptual experiment and relating its results to the acoustic correlates, investigated the acoustic correlates of mandarin prominences of prosodic word、prosodic phrase、sentence and their mutual influences. The results are as follow: (1) for the prominence of prosodic word, according the order of the extents to which these acoustic correlates contribute to the perception of the prominence, its acoustic correlates are duration、pitch、spectral tilt、energy and pitch-change, the results also have showed that the perception of the prominence is influenced by some non-acoustic factors; (2) for the prominence of prosodic phrase, baseing on the experimental results, the existing of prosodic phrase prominence in mandarian has been proposed, and the experiments proved that the prosodic phrase prominence fall on the semantic focus of the phrase typically; (3) for the prominence of sentence, the experimental results show that, the lengthening of duration, similar with the pitch-change, mainly localised on the prosodic head of the domain on which the sentence prominence emphisize, and this lengthening would, in different levels, spread on other syllables in the phonetic constituents which contain the prosodic head, and this pattern of lengthening of duration does not vary with changing of domain of sentence prominence, that means, in mandarin sentence, there is generally no acoustic cues which can been used in the perception of the domain of sentnece prominence; (4) for the acoustic cues of mutual influences of the prominences of different levels, the experiment have proved that, not only the pitch-change but also the lengthening of duration are subjective to melodic grid law. In the last part of the dissertation, I have tried to given an explantion about the above experimental results from psylogical view point.