154 resultados para PR mRNA
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Two bifurcation transitions of the floating half zone convection in a fat liquid bridge of larger Pr
The transient process of the thermocapillary convection was obtained for the large Pu floating half zone by using the method of three-dimensional and unsteady numerical simulation. The convection transits directly from steady and axisymmetric state to oscillatory flow for slender liquid bridge, and transits first from steady and axisymmetric convection to the steady and non-axisymmetric convection, then, secondly to the oscillatory convection for the fatter liquid bridge. This result implies that the volume of liquid bridge is not only a sensitive critical parameter for the onset of oscillation, but also relates to the new mechanism for the onset of instability in the floating half zone convection even in case of large Prandtl number fluid.
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) using method of snapshots was performed on three different types of oscillatory Marangoni flows in half-zone liquid bridges of low-Pr fluid (Pr = 0.01). For each oscillation type, a series of characteristic modes (eigenfunctions) have been extracted from the velocity and temperature disturbances, and the POD provided spatial structures of the eigenfunctions, their oscillation frequencies, amplitudes, and phase shifts between them. The present analyses revealed the common features of the characteristic modes for different oscillation modes: four major velocity eigenfunctions captured more than 99% of the velocity fluctuation energy form two pairs, one of which is the most energetic. Different from the velocity disturbance, one of the major temperature eigenfunctions makes the dominant contribution to the temperature fluctuation energy. On the other hand, within the most energetic velocity eigenfuction pair, the two eigenfunctions have similar spatial structures and were tightly coupled to oscillate with the same frequency, and it was determined that the spatial structures and phase shifts of the eigenfunctions produced the different oscillatory disturbances. The interaction of other major modes only enriches the secondary spatio-temporal structures of the oscillatory disturbances. Moreover, the present analyses imply that the oscillatory disturbance, which is hydrodynamic in nature, primarily originates from the interior of the liquid bridge. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Near-infrared to ultraviolet upconversion luminescence was observed in the Pr3+ :Y2SiO5 crystal with 120 fs, 800 mn infrared laser irradiation. The observed emissions at around 270 nm and 305 nm could be assigned to 5d -> 4f transitions of Pr3+ ions. The relationship between the upconversion luminescence intensity and the pump power of the femtosecond laser reveals that the UV emission belongs to simultaneous three-photon absorption induced upconversion luminescence. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An efficient near-infrared (NIR) quantum cutting (QC) in GdAl3(BO3)(4):RE3+,Yb3+ (RE=Pr, Tb, and Tm) phosphors has been demonstrated, which involves the conversion of the visible photon into the NIR emission with an optimal quantum efficiency approaching 200%, by exploring the cooperative downconversion mechanism from RE3+ (RE=Pr, Tb, and Tm) excitons to the two activator ions, Yb3+. The development of NIR QC phosphors could open up a new approach in achieving high efficiency silicon-based solar cells by means of downconversion in the visible part of the solar spectrum to similar to 1000 nm photons with a twofold increase in the photon number. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
We report on cooperative downconversion in Yb3+-RE3+ (RE = Tm or Pr) codoped lanthanum borogermanate glasses (LBG), which are capable of splitting a visible photon absorbed by Tm3+ or Pr3+ ions into two near-infrared photons. The results indicate that Pr3+-Yb3+ is a more efficient ion couple than Tm3+-Yb3+ in terms of cooperative downconversion. We have obtained a highest quantum yield of 165% and 138% for Pr3+-Yb3+ and Tm3+-Yb3+ codoped LBG glasses under 468 nm excitation, respectively. However, ultraviolet light excitation to the charge transfer band of Yb3+ does not result in quantum splitting as rapid relaxation from the charge transfer band to 4f(13) levels of Yb3+ dominates. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
本实验以冬小麦“农大139”(T. aestivum L. cv. Nongda 139)为材料对春化作用诱导开花的分子机制作了一些探讨,主要结果如下: 1. 应用SDS-PAGE及高分辨双向电泳技术,比较了冬小麦给予春化、脱春化及超期春化处理后的电泳图谱,并结合对春小麦对照样品的分析,结果发现有一些蛋白质和春化作用紧密相关,它们随春化而出现、随脱春化而消失,并在不经低温处理即可以开花的春小麦对照中存在。也就是说,这些开花特异的蛋白质(FSPs)的存在或在诱导下的合成和小麦抽穗开花能力的获得存在一种正相关,因此推测它们在冬小麦由营养生长状态向生殖生长状态转变的过程中起了关键性的作用。 2. 从不同处理的及对照样品中提取mRNA进行体外翻译的结果表明:春化作用过程中低温诱导了mRNA组分的变化,其中一些新产生的mRNA种类与春化诱导的开花能力的获得呈高度相关,即它们是开花特异的(Flower Specific),它们中有的只在春化的特定时期存在并起作用。 3.比较体内分析及体外翻译的结果发现,一些开花特异蛋白质(FSPs)可以同时在体内提取物及体外翻译产物中检测到,因此,春化作用中开花特异蛋白质诱导合成的调节很可能发生在转录水平上。 4.基于以上结果的分析可以推测春化诱导开花是低温导致了开花特异基因表达的结果,超期春化的效应不能被脱春化所逆转则系编码这些开花特异蛋白质的基因在长期低温条件下转变成了组成性表达所致。 有关低温诱导产生的开花特异蛋白质的性质与功能及编码这些蛋白质的基因尚需进一步研究。
本文以光敏色素A (phyA)的特异性基因片段RPA3为探针,利用RNA斑点杂交的方法对光敏核不育水稻农垦58S及对照农垦58叶片中phyA mRNA的丰度进行了分析。结果显示:在育性转换敏感期,光周期处理O天时,农垦58S (NK 58S) phyA mR-NA的丰度比农垦58 (NK 58) phyA mRNA的高。光周期处理5天(雌雄蕊原基形成期)及10天(花粉母细胞形成期)时,短日照条件下(SD),NK 58S phyA mRNA的丰度均比NK58高。进一步比较3天龄NK58S及NK58黄化苗中phyA基因表达的差异,发现NK58S phyA mRNA的丰度比NK58高,并且两品种均符合黄化苗中phyA对其mRNA丰度的负调控作用。这一结果进一步证实:甲基化水平低的NK58S phyA基因比NK58 phyA基因更活跃地表达,进而导致转录水平与翻译水平上的差异,最终参与调节NK 58S的育性转换。 另外,通过持续远红光和红光照射黄化水稻幼苗诱导叶绿素合成的实验,分析了NK58S与NK58之间光敏色素生物功能的差异。持续远红光高辐照度反应(FR-HIR)由phyA负责调节,持续红光高辐照度反应(R-HIR)由phyB负责调节。实验结果显示:持续FR使NK58S与NK58合成叶绿素的含量在12 h时达到最高,并且NK58中叶绿素合成的相对效应比NK585高。持续R使NK58S及NK58中叶绿素的含量在24小时连续处理下持续增加,而且在此时间进程中,NK58中叶绿素合成的相对效应也都比NK58S高。这些结果说明在NK58S和NK58中phyA和phyB均参与了叶绿素合成的调节,并且phyA,phyB在NK58S和NK58黄化苗转绿过程中的作用存在差异。
细胞分裂素是一类重要的植物激素,它参与调节许多植物的生命活动过程。本文从几个方面研究了细胞分裂素的作用。 在细胞分裂素的活性测定中,通过改进尾穗蔸苋红素合成法建立了一种简便、准确的生物试法,同时还建立了根据物理化学和免疫学原理而测定细胞分裂素的HPLC和ELISA方法,使得细胞分裂素的定量更加准确。经过对上述三种方法的相互验证实验表明,同时采用二种方法可以保证细胞分裂素分析的准确和可靠。 细胞分裂素可以促进黄瓜子叶的扩张。利用离体黄瓜子叶,分析BA诱发其扩张与子叶内源细胞分裂素之间的关系,实验证明,BA能促进玉米素及其核苷的迅速积累,进而诱发子叶的扩张。上述结果还表明,黄瓜子叶可能具有合成细胞分裂素的能力。 荸荠球茎是一种贮藏器官,但实验测定发现其中含有细胞分裂素的生理活性形式——异戊烯基腺嘌呤核苷(iPA),而且合成它的前体腺嘌呤的含量也十分丰富,考虑到球茎与种子的类似之处,推测它可能做为合成细胞分裂素的一个源,而且其合成途径可能有别于植物其它组织。 农杆菌中的异戊烯基转移酶(ipt)基因是负责细胞分裂素生物合成的关键基因。将ipt基因克隆后对其启动子进行了改造,分别构建了如下三种基因:(1) ipt启动子+ipt编码区和3,区(ipt),(2)磷酸核酮糖羧化酶小亚基启动子SSU 301+ipt编码区和3,区(SSU -ipt),(3)豌豆种子特异性启动子viciln+ipt编码区和3,区(vic-ipt)。上述三种基因经农杆菌介导转化烟草,获得了16株再生植株,经Southern杂交证明其中15株的基因组上含有正常整合的ipt基因。Northern杂交表明有13株转基因烟草中的ipt基因能转录出大小正常的ipt mRNA并促进了细胞分裂素的生物合成。 实验表明,转基因烟草中ipt基因的表达受到多种因素的调控。首先启动子决定了ipt基因的表达模式,SSU -ipt基因的表达受光的诱导,黑暗中这种基因的转录完全停止,而vic-ipt基因的表达是种子特异性的,它不在烟草营养生长器官如根、茎、叶和愈伤组织中表达。第二,生长素能降低ipt基因的表达活性。第三,在整体植物的根中,存在某些反式因子,能够控制ipt基因的过量表达,这其中可能涉及到细胞内的蛋白因子、基因的甲基化作用及细胞分裂素的反馈调节等。 vic-ipt基因在烟草种子中的特异性表达导致种子内形成了一个细胞分裂素合成的源(source)。对种子中营养物质积累的研究表明,ipt基因的表达促进了种子干物质的积累,其中作用最明显的是增加种子内蛋白质的合成。转入vic-ipt基因后的烟草种子其萌发率没有显著变化,但幼苗的生长速率明显加快,这表明细胞分裂素能调节植株的生长。 通过Northern杂交检测转基因烟草中基因表达的调控,实验证明,ipt基因的表达明显抑制一组植物病理相关蛋白(PR)基因的转录活性,这组基因编码:几丁质酶,β-1,3一葡萄糖苷酶,伸展蛋白和渗调蛋白。对这些调控作用的生理学意义还有待进一步探索。 上述结果表明,在高等植物中,除了传统上认为根是合成细胞分裂素的部位之外,其它组织和器官也具有合成细胞分裂素的能力,其中合成能力最强的是一些离体组织和贮藏器官。农杆菌中的细胞分裂素生物合成基因(ipt)能够在高等植物的基因组中正常的整合和表达,并受到植物体内生理、发育等多种因素的调控,而与整体植物的正常生理过程协调一致。ipt基因的表达还能够调节植物体的生长和发育,包括种子发育时营养物质的积累、幼苗的生长和某些相关基因的表达。对上述问题的深入研究,必将促进细胞分裂素及其相关生理学和发育学研究的进展。