51 resultados para One-way water transport

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In this paper, a one-way NMOS analog switch featuring a low plug-in consumption is presented. The performances of analog switch, especially the performances of source follower are simulated under different conditions with PSPICE. Simulation results and factors affecting the deviation between input and output are analyzed, some advice on how to reduce the deviation between input and output is given. Ar the end of the paper, voltage relationship between input and output of the analog switch is obtained. Function of first degree, Vout = kVin + V0, is used to approximate the voltage relationship. The simulation results anti the value achieved from the approximation equation are given as well.


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Source levels of echolocating free-ranging Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) were calculated using a range estimated by measuring the time delays of the signals via the surface and bottom reflection paths to the hydrophone, relative to the direct signal. Peak-to-peak source levels for finless porpoise were from 163.7 to 185.6 dB re:1 mu Pa. The source levels are highly range dependent and varied approximately as a function of the one-way transmission loss for signals traveling from the animals to the hydrophone. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.


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We examined the responses of zooplankton community, water transparency, chlorophyll a and nutrients to manipulation of density of silver carp (Hypophthyalmichthys molitrix) in an one-way factorial experiment using enclosures placed in Donghu (East Lake, 30 degrees 33' N, 114 degrees 23' E), located in Wuhan, P. R. China. Enclosures (18.75 m(3)) were treated with four silver carp densities, 0, 81, 225, 485 g/m(2). Total zooplankton abundance (excluding nauplii and rotifers except for Asplanchna sp.) and the mean size of dominant cladoceran species were significantly greater in enclosures with 0 and 81 fish densities than those in enclosures with 225 and 485 fish densities. Water transparency also improved significantly when silver carp densities were 0 or 81 g/m(2). We did not find significant effects of silver carp density on chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, or total nitrogen concentrations. We conclude that by reducing planktivorous fish to below the current density (190 g/m(2)), the zooplankton community can be shifted from the dominance of small-bodied Moina sp. to dominance of large-bodied Daphnia sp. Further, the water clarity can be increased.


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A quasi-global high-resolution HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is used to investigate seasonal variations of water transports through the four main straits in the South China Sea. The results show that the annual transports through the four straits Luzon Strait, Taiwan Strait, Sunda Shelf and Mindoro Strait are -4.5, 2.3, 0.5 and 1.7 Sv (1 Sv=10(6) m(3)s(-1)), respectively. The Mindoro Strait has an important outflow that accounts for over one third of the total inflow through the Luzon Strait. Furthermore, it indicates that there are strong seasonal variations of water transport in the four straits. The water transport through the Luzon Strait (Taiwan Strait, Sunda Shelf, Mindoro Strait) has a maximum value of -7.6 Sv in December (3.1 Sv in July, 2.1S v in January, 4.5Sv in November), a minimum value of -2.1 Sv in June (1.5 Sv in October, -1.0 Sv in June, -0.2 Sv in May), respectively.


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从2006 年10 月24 日至2007 年4 月9 日,采用固定样线法和瞬时扫描法, 对在大山包国家级自然保护区(N27°18′38″~27°29′15″,E103°14′55″~103°23′49″) 内越冬的黑颈鹤种群进行了越冬行为、日间活动节律和越冬栖息地利用的详细调 查,同时对黑颈鹤的春季迁徙行为和冬季黑颈鹤的死亡现象进行了观察和分析。 这些研究有助于我们了解黑颈鹤是采取何种行为模式和栖息地利用模式来适应高 海拔、低温度的环境,同时对如何有效地保护越冬黑颈鹤和合理规划保护区功能 区域有重要的指导作用。 将黑颈鹤的越冬行为分为:取食(Feeding)、搜寻(Searching)、警戒(Vigilance)、 争斗(Fight)、行走(Walk)、飞行(Flight)、休整(Maintenance)和其它(Others) 八种,越冬期间最主要的行为是取食(53.05±4.93)%,其它行为依次为:搜寻 (10.38±1.34)%、警戒(18.75±2.65)%、休整(10.32±4.93)%、行走(4.90±1.59) %、飞行(1.70±0.38)%、争斗(0.36±0.25)%、其它(0.55±0.41)%。单因素 方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)分析表明越冬期间黑颈鹤日间各时间段(1h)和各 月份间行为差异极显著(P<0.05),并呈现出规律的变化。黑颈鹤的取食、警戒、 搜寻行为具明显的早(10:00-11:00)、晚(17:00-18:00)两个活动高峰,中午 13:00~14:00 最低;而休整行为正好相反,呈现出中午高峰、上午和下午低谷的趋 势;另外几种行为节律性表现不明显。黑颈鹤越冬期主要行为的节律变化是受环 境温度变化影响的,温度高时黑颈鹤增加了修整时间减少了取食时间,而温度低 时则减少了修整时间增加了取食时间以维持能量需求,湿度是通过温度对黑颈鹤 产生影响的。每天黑颈鹤都随着太阳的升起开始觉醒,于07:18±0:15 飞离夜栖地, 大雾的天气影响了黑颈鹤的外出觅食,与之相适应的是黑颈鹤相应的推迟了出飞 时间。黑颈鹤所采取的所有行为都表现出了对大山包特殊环境的适应。 在大山包黑颈鹤所利用的栖息共有耕地(farmland)、草地(grassland)、沼泽 (marsh)和浅水水域(water area)四类。选择指数分析表明黑颈鹤对水域有极大 的偏好,其次为沼泽湿地,再次为耕地,而对草地表现为负选择,并且在越冬期 间的各月份之间,对不同栖息利用比率保持一致。这提示我们在进行保护区规划 的时候应该适当增加前三种栖息地的面积以满足黑颈鹤的越冬需求。主成份因子 分析表明黑颈鹤倾向于选择距夜栖地和水源较近、人流较少、干扰较小、无坡或缓坡的低海拔栖息地。处于不同越冬地的越冬黑颈鹤根据当地的实际情况采取不 同的栖息地利用,说明黑颈鹤具有较强的环境适应能力。 调查期间记录到了三只带有彩环的黑颈鹤个体,其中有两只佩戴有卫星发射 器,发射器编号分别为64309 和64311。大山包黑颈鹤种群数量变动的春季和秋季 高峰是由于处于不同越冬地的黑颈鹤迁徙造成的,同时也说明了大山包是在滇东 北和黔西北越冬的黑颈鹤的集散地。黑颈鹤的春季迁徙一般集中在3 月下旬至4 月上旬,在晴朗、微风的上午10:00-11:00 迁徙的黑颈鹤数量最多,说明了天气条 件对黑颈鹤迁徙的重要性。 大山包保护区内的高压输电电线和通信电缆对越冬黑颈鹤构成了极大的威 胁。观察期间共有7 只黑颈鹤因撞上输电电线而死亡,除去一只没有外伤的成体 之外,成幼比例为1:1,大都发生在天气较为恶劣的12 月-2 月之间。发生撞死黑 颈鹤的时候保护区内都有不同程度的大雾笼罩,由于大雾的影响造成可视条件下 降,加之黑颈鹤飞行的机动性差(翼载量大、展弦比不大),造成了黑颈鹤的伤亡.


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Rates of respiration and excretion of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, were measured seasonally from June 2002 to July 2003 under ambient conditions of food, water temperature, pH, and salinity in Sanggou Bay, an important mariculture coast in north China. The aim of this study is to obtain fundamental data for further establishing an energy budget model and assessing the carrying capacity for cultivation of C. gigas in north China. Oysters were collected monthly or bimonthly from the integrated culture areas of bivalve and kelp in the bay. Oxygen consumption and ammonium and phosphorus excretion rates were measured, and ratios of O/N and NIP were calculated. One-way ANOVA was applied to determine differences among these parameters that act as a function of seasonal variation. All the physiological parameters yielded highly significant variations with season (P<0.01) The rate of respiration varied seasonally, with the highest oxygen consumption rate in July and the lowest rate in January, ranging from 0.07 to 2.13 mg O-2 h(-1) g(-1) dry tissue weight (DW). Maximum and minimum ammonium excretion rates were recorded in August and January, respectively, ranging from 0.51 to 5.40 mu mol NH4-N h(-1) g(-1) DW. Rates of phosphorus excretion varied from 0.11 (in January) to 0.64 (in July) mu mol PO4-P h(-1) g(-1) DW. The O/N and N/P ratios changed from 9.2 (in January) to 59.8 (in July) and from 4.6 (in January) to 10.9 (in August), respectively. For each season, the allometric relationship between the physiological response (e.g., rate of oxygen consumption, ammonium and phosphorus excretion) and DW of the animal was estimated using the formula: Y=a x DWb. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis is one of the contributions to NSFC project, “The Changbaishan Volcanism and its Links to the Northeast Asia Tectonic System”. The thesis presents our most recent works on Changbaishan Volcanism, on two aspects as (1) the chemical evolution of the Cenozoic volcanism and the physical links of magma genesis, (2) the Holocene activity of the Tianchi Volcano and risks of potential eruption. 1. Chemical evolution and physical links to the Changbaishan Volcanism Physical links to the Chanbaishan Volcanism, just like origins of most of the volcanisms in eastern China, has long been an enigma. A large scale of volcanic activity has dominated many places of eastern China in Meso-Cenozoic. Activity of these volcanisms in eastern China covers several quite different blocks, covers variety of tectonics, and covers a period of time over 200 million years. Such a large-scale and long-lived volcanism in a continental area challenges our knowledge on dynamics of the Earth’s interior. Some works on “Diwa” hypothesis and “lithospheric thinning” hypothesis present possible links between volcanisms and dynamic evolutions of the earth’s interior, but still cannot interpret where are the sources of the heat and fluid, which are essential to the volcanisms. Based on the study of this thesis, we suggest that dynamics of the deep subduction of western Pacific Plate is the critical factor to the Changbaishan Volcanism and volcanisms in NE China, and maybe even essential to most of the Meso-Cenozoic volcanisms in eastern China. In NE China, stagnant slabs flatted in the mantle transition zone (MTZ, ca. 660 km deep) transport and release significant hydrous fluid to the upper mantle. Metamorphism of the deep-subducted slabs and hence a series of mineral phases play an important role in the water transport, exchange, restore, and release. Dehydrated fluid of the wet slab ascending from the MTZ fertile the upper mantle, and also provide upward heat flow which is essential to the magma genesis. Then magma and volcanism occur with the deep subduction from Mesozoic to mordern time in eastern China. To discribe the exact chemical characteristics of the deep subduction releated volcanics is very difficult, because few researches has contributed to the chemical behaviors of fluid and trace elments in the very deep interior of the Earth, such 660 km deep, 410km or 350km where the fluid may ascend and react. However we can still find some chemical characteristics of oceanic subduction. Basalts of the Changbaishan Volcanism have siginficant characteristics of potassium rich, and even can be called a potassic igneous province. If there are only two possible ways, recycled continentical crust or oceanic crust, to fertile the mantle potossium element as we know now, it’s easy to attribute this to the deep-subducted of the west Pacific Plate. To the eastern China, fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths from the Cenozic basalts also reveal potassium-rich characteristics. This reveals that the same potassium feritle agents may occur in the mantle sources of eastern China. 2. Holocene activiy of the Tianchi Volcano As one of the large volcanic center and complex volcanic cone, the Tianchi Volcano is a dangerous active volcano, with several Holocene eruptions. Among these eruptions, the Millennium Eruption is regardede as one of the biggist eruptions in the world in the last 2000 years. To estimate the potential danger of volcanic eruption, we discuss two essential factors, as (i) volcanic history of Holocene eruptions, including volcanic geolgy, chronnology and chemistry, (ii) state, evolution and relationship of the magma chambers in mantle and crust beneath the Tianchi Volcano.


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A self-assembled monolayer of octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) was prepared on a single-crystal silicon wafer (111) and its tribological properties were examined with a one-way reciprocating tribometer. The worn surfaces and transfer film on the counterface were analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that, due to the wear of the OTS monolayer and the formation of the transfer film on the counterpart ball, the friction coefficient gradually increases from 0.06 to 0.13 with increasing sliding cycles and then keeps stable at a normal load of 0.5N. The transfer film is characterized by deposition, accumulation, and spalling at extended test duration. Though low friction coefficients of the monolayer in sliding against steel or ceramic counterfaces are recorded, poor load-carrying capacity and antiwear ability are also shown. Moreover, the monolayer itself or the corresponding transfer film on the counterface fails to lubricate even at a normal load of 1.0 N. Thus, the self-assembled monolayer of octadecyltrichlorosilane can be a potential boundary lubricant only at very low loads.


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In the present paper, we endeavor to accomplish a diagram, which demarcates the validity ranges for interfacial wave theories in a two-layer system, to meet the needs of design in ocean engineering. On the basis of the available solutions of periodic and solitary waves, we propose a guideline as principle to identify the validity regions of the interfacial wave theories in terms of wave period T, wave height H, upper layer thickness d(1), and lower layer thickness d(2), instead of only one parameter-water depth d as in the water surface wave circumstance. The diagram proposed here happens to be Le Mehautes plot for free surface waves if water depth ratio r = d(1)/d(2) approaches to infinity and the upper layer water density rho(1) to zero. On the contrary, the diagram for water surface waves can be used for two-layer interfacial waves if gravity acceleration g in it is replaced by the reduced gravity defined in this study under the condition of sigma = (rho(2) - rho(1))/rho(2) -> 1.0 and r > 1.0. In the end, several figures of the validity ranges for various interfacial wave theories in the two-layer fluid are given and compared with the results for surface waves.


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Capillary forces are dominant in adhesive forces measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in ambient air, which are thought to be dependent on water film thickness, relative humidity and the free energy of the water film. In this paper, besides these factors, we study the nature of the 'pull-off' force on a variety of atmospheres as a function of the contact time. It is found that capillary forces strongly depend on the contact time. In lower relative humidity atmosphere, the adhesion force is almost independent of the contact time. However, in higher relative humidity, the adhesion force increases with the contact time. Based on the experiment and a model that we present in this paper, the growth of the liquid bridge can be seen as undergoing two processes: one is water vapour condensation; the other is the motion of the thin liquid film that is absorbed on the substrate. The experiment and the growth model presented in this paper have direct relevance to the working mechanism of AFM in ambient air.


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Large-eddy simulation (LES) has emerged as a promising tool for simulating turbulent flows in general and, in recent years,has also been applied to the particle-laden turbulence with some success (Kassinos et al., 2007). The motion of inertial particles is much more complicated than fluid elements, and therefore, LES of turbulent flow laden with inertial particles encounters new challenges. In the conventional LES, only large-scale eddies are explicitly resolved and the effects of unresolved, small or subgrid scale (SGS) eddies on the large-scale eddies are modeled. The SGS turbulent flow field is not available. The effects of SGS turbulent velocity field on particle motion have been studied by Wang and Squires (1996), Armenio et al. (1999), Yamamoto et al. (2001), Shotorban and Mashayek (2006a,b), Fede and Simonin (2006), Berrouk et al. (2007), Bini and Jones (2008), and Pozorski and Apte (2009), amongst others. One contemporary method to include the effects of SGS eddies on inertial particle motions is to introduce a stochastic differential equation (SDE), that is, a Langevin stochastic equation to model the SGS fluid velocity seen by inertial particles (Fede et al., 2006; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006a; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006b; Berrouk et al., 2007; Bini and Jones, 2008; Pozorski and Apte, 2009).However, the accuracy of such a Langevin equation model depends primarily on the prescription of the SGS fluid velocity autocorrelation time seen by an inertial particle or the inertial particle–SGS eddy interaction timescale (denoted by $\delt T_{Lp}$ and a second model constant in the diffusion term which controls the intensity of the random force received by an inertial particle (denoted by C_0, see Eq. (7)). From the theoretical point of view, dTLp differs significantly from the Lagrangian fluid velocity correlation time (Reeks, 1977; Wang and Stock, 1993), and this carries the essential nonlinearity in the statistical modeling of particle motion. dTLp and C0 may depend on the filter width and particle Stokes number even for a given turbulent flow. In previous studies, dTLp is modeled either by the fluid SGS Lagrangian timescale (Fede et al., 2006; Shotorban and Mashayek, 2006b; Pozorski and Apte, 2009; Bini and Jones, 2008) or by a simple extension of the timescale obtained from the full flow field (Berrouk et al., 2007). In this work, we shall study the subtle and on-monotonic dependence of $\delt T_{Lp}$ on the filter width and particle Stokes number using a flow field obtained from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). We then propose an empirical closure model for $\delta T_{Lp}$. Finally, the model is validated against LES of particle-laden turbulence in predicting single-particle statistics such as particle kinetic energy. As a first step, we consider the particle motion under the one-way coupling assumption in isotropic turbulent flow and neglect the gravitational settling effect. The one-way coupling assumption is only valid for low particle mass loading.


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本文的研究是中国科学院院重大项目“暖温带森林生态系统结构、功能及生产力持续发展”的主要内容之一。作者以详实的第一手资料,从森林小气候及环境特征、森林降水的水文学效应及降水化学、森林的热量平衡及蒸发散、树木个体的水分生理生态学几个方面阐述、分析了暖温带山地森林生态系统主要林分的水分及其相关生态学问题。 在森林小气候及环境特征一章,作者从不同季节的日变化和生长季的月际变化两个视角,以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,考察了林冠上和林下四个不同梯度的风速、气温、湿度、地温的时空动态。 在森林降水的水文学效应和降水化学一章,笔者以1993、1994年试验年度的83次降雨观测资料为基础,分析了暖温带落叶阔叶混交林、辽东栎林、油松林、落叶松林、次生灌丛降水总量与各降水分量的关系,建立了单次降雨与各降雨分量的经验模型,并给出了生长季林冠作用层和林地作用层的水量分配的月际动态。在探讨上述水量关系的同时,作者还分析了前四类林分大气降水及各降水分量中N、K、Ca、S、Mg、P、Al七种元素的浓度及含量变化,就不同树种对上述元素的选择性交换作了探讨,比较了不同林分的降水化学效应差异。 在第四章,作者以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,分析了两类林分在94试验年度生长季辐射平衡、显热通量、潜热通量、蒸发散以及土壤热通量的季节变化和日变化特征。 在树木个体的水分生理生态部分,作者应用压力室一容积技术测定了暖温带落叶阔叶林、油松林和次生灌丛10种主要树种的水分生理指标:日最低水势值、最大膨压时的渗透势、膨压为零时的渗透势、初始质壁分离时渗透水的相对含量、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量、质外体水的相对含量、细胞最大弹性模量,并比较了不同树种间上述指标与抗旱性的关系。此外,作者还应用Li-1600稳态气孔计测定了上述林分中主要树种的日均蒸腾强度的季节动态,并比较了上下两面叶片蒸腾特性的差异。最后,作者采用九种水分生理指标对10种主要树种的抗旱性作了主分量分析,给出了综合性抗旱指标。 在第六章,作者应用热脉冲技术系统地研究了暖温带山地森林主要乔木树种的树干液流的时空变化特征,并应用时序分析方法对上述树种的树液流量变化建立了自回归模型,在此基础上提出了生理惯性指标,给予了生理学解释。